Damning testimony in Trump Hush Money Trial

What's the felony?
if that is a legitimate question, I am sure that the sexual abuser/business fraud's defense counsel will raise it in the proper venue, and a jury of his peers will provide the answer.

Please explain where I have indicated acceptance of whatever it is that you call "political LAWFARE."
if that is a legitimate question, I am sure that the sexual abuser/business fraud's defense counsel will raise it in the proper venue, and a jury of his peers will provide the answer.

Please explain where I have indicated acceptance of whatever it is that you call "political LAWFARE."
You answered your own question, stupid.
This whole fiasco should not be a thing in the United States of America.
The longer the trial goes on, the more public opinion turns against Trump. That's what the polls show.

Solid evidence of a crime has that effect.

Of course, polls be damned, the rule of law demands that Trump be prosecuted for all of his crimes.
The longer the trial goes on, the more public opinion turns against Trump. That's what the polls show.

Solid evidence of a crime has that effect.

Of course, polls be damned, the rule of law demands that Trump be prosecuted for all of his crimes.
The gaslight is with you, always.
Laundering campaign funds through his company.
It's amazing the amount of projection from the demented LEFT never occurs to these lack of self-awareness zombies.
They ALWAYS accuse their "oppressors" of doing EXACTLY what their "team" actually does.
Useful IDIOTS indeed.
The hush-money trial is over, all done, not guilty.

There is no connection that Trump had anything to do with that expired bookkeeping misdemeanor.
"Deciding whether the charges are an actual crime isn't their job"
We know.
The Grand Jury beat them to that.
They decided.
Bragg heeded the Grand Jury' decision.....and brought charges.
As American jurisprudence is intended to work.
USA! USA! God Bless America!
"In what amounted to incredibly damning testimony, Pecker laid out the 2015 deal he reached with Trump “to help the campaign.” Pecker called the arrangement to publish stories to make Trump look good — and to smear his political rivals — “highly, highly confidential.”

Neat, call me shocked, we already knew Trump team fucked up. Big deal, MAGA got a hard-on, and a cool blond put out. Not fond of his open marriage, but fuck it, I like the upside. Cost benefit.

Wow, this Pecker (irony) guy even provided testimony his media built stories to sell Trump. I can't believe an outfit would print BS to help candidates. MAGA.

It's a big game, you try overcoming the left leaning on education, nearly all media, TV, Hollywood, music, unions, govt. work. Even Taylor Swift is coming after the orange-man, the TDS is strong. That's the easy part, because the worst part is the weaponization of justice for monetary and political gain, weakening the system, including that of our rights a citizens, spelled out by our kick-ass founding fathers, with big-ass brains, and God.

This shit OP may not be aging very well.
We know.
The Grand Jury beat them to that.
They decided.
Bragg heeded the Grand Jury' decision.....and brought charges.
As American jurisprudence is intended to work.
USA! USA! God Bless America!
What horseshit.

Clearly, our boi chili doesn’t understand how grand juries work.
Oh, so the grand jury didn't pass down a true bill finding probable cause of a crime?

Who knew!
You’re a dolt.

Of course the grand jury handed UP an indictment.

That wasn’t in dispute. It’s why there’s a trial.

Well, that and the fact that “judge” Merchan was too ignorant and conflicted to properly dismiss it upon inspection. Political hackery lives!
You answered your own question, stupid.
This whole fiasco should not be a thing in the United States of America.
You are probably upset because the sexual abuser/business fraud is not above the law, and when a grand jury recommends prosecution based upon substantive evidence and sworn testimony, indictments are issued. That how it works in the United States of America.

Some worshipers of the sexual abuser/business fraud show contempt for America's certified, democratic elections, as well as our justice system when such American institutions treat their sexual abuser/business fraud like everyone else.

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