Do Decent Black Americans Wonder What's Wrong with White Liberals?

Why do Decent White People not speak up when other White People make them look stupid???
This manipulation and lies to black people has been going on a long time. When education continues to be dumbed down as it has been since at least the '60s and probably long before that. The '60s radicals used blacks. Yet, on the other hand, or maybe because of the swill they're constantly fed, blacks do themselves no favors by calling blacks who have succeeded "Uncle Toms" living in the white man's world. I wonder if they ever considered that many of these "Uncle Toms" are building good futures for blacks?

Neither socialism nor communism has ever helped "the people" they proclaim to help. The poorest get even poorer, the middle class gets poorer, and only the very few at the top of the financial structure have power ... and what happens to them when their standing starts slowly disappearing? Or when they are suspected of "undermining" people of their own status?
I'm pretty sure I've noted my opinion that 99% of the population is stupid, on many occasions.
5 Muslims killed in a foreign country and that's all liberal whites talk about.

Yet 300 blacks gunned down in Chicago in the first 30 days of 2017 and not a peep from your plantation masters.

I can't speak for you, but if I were black, I'd be wondering why my liberal masters don't give a damn about the lives of "my" people.

Chicago: 2017 shootings near 300
Why are people like you so fixated on a bunch of nigga's nobody in their right mind gives a rat fucks about? Let em kill each other, who gives a shit?
It touches my heart to see so many conservatives this concerned about the plight of poor blacks

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