Do Democrat voters REALLY want Stacey Abrams?

It's way more likely to be Kamala Harris. She has been auditioning for quite awhile now.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I'm not Democrat but my take on her qualification and experience is that she graduated with a masters in public affairs from University of Texas in 98 and Juris Doctor from Yale Law in 1999 (I had no idea Yale law was a 1 year Doctorate, but I'm no lawyer) other than that she was a Deputy city attorney in Atlanta and had 6 years in the Georgia State House of Representatives and that's it, to my knowledge. Do I think Joe needs her to be Vice President and take over for him is something should happen? NO. Nothing political or racial about it, but she doesn't have the experience and judgement needed.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I'm not Democrat but my take on her qualification and experience is that she graduated with a masters in public affairs from University of Texas in 98 and Juris Doctor from Yale Law in 1999 (I had no idea Yale law was a 1 year Doctorate, but I'm no lawyer) other than that she was a Deputy city attorney in Atlanta and had 6 years in the Georgia State House of Representatives and that's it, to my knowledge. Do I think Joe needs her to be Vice President and take over for him is something should happen? NO. Nothing political or racial about it, but she doesn't have the experience and judgement needed.
I don't think he's going to pick Abrams and it will be probably for those reasons. She might have the judgement but she doesn't have the experience. However she has better judgement and more experience than trump.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
we already got trump and pence, I would hope that things cannot get any worse,
Abrams would be an improvement over what we have now.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
Although she is smart, articulate and wise and will be a huge mistake having her on the ticket because she's black......and poor stupid stuck in the basement big dentures can't talk Joe is too afraid to piss off black people.
But here's the deal, two things....voter turn out is the key to this election this year, no matter who's on the ticket. you are either with Trump or with Joe...there is no third party, no third option......I do not see anybody at this point, hedging, undecided or just not interested......what I do see is that the white voter this year is the defining key in all this and I BELIEVE SECRETLY WHITE PEOPLE WILL OVERWHELM THE POLLS VOTING FOR TRUMP.....NOBODY IN THEIR WHITE MIND IS GONNA GIVE UP A PRESIDENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVELY THEIRS, I JUST DON'T SEE IT.....NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHIT THEY TALK ABOUT HATING THE GUY
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
Although she is smart, articulate and wise and will be a huge mistake having her on the ticket because she's black......and poor stupid stuck in the basement big dentures can't talk Joe is too afraid to piss off black people.
But here's the deal, two things....voter turn out is the key to this election this year, no matter who's on the ticket. you are either with Trump or with Joe...there is no third party, no third option......I do not see anybody at this point, hedging, undecided or just not interested......what I do see is that the white voter this year is the defining key in all this and I BELIEVE SECRETLY WHITE PEOPLE WILL OVERWHELM THE POLLS VOTING FOR TRUMP.....NOBODY IN THEIR WHITE MIND IS GONNA GIVE UP A PRESIDENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVELY THEIRS, I JUST DON'T SEE IT.....NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHIT THEY TALK ABOUT HATING THE GUY
That does make sense.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
Although she is smart, articulate and wise and will be a huge mistake having her on the ticket because she's black......and poor stupid stuck in the basement big dentures can't talk Joe is too afraid to piss off black people.
But here's the deal, two things....voter turn out is the key to this election this year, no matter who's on the ticket. you are either with Trump or with Joe...there is no third party, no third option......I do not see anybody at this point, hedging, undecided or just not interested......what I do see is that the white voter this year is the defining key in all this and I BELIEVE SECRETLY WHITE PEOPLE WILL OVERWHELM THE POLLS VOTING FOR TRUMP.....NOBODY IN THEIR WHITE MIND IS GONNA GIVE UP A PRESIDENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVELY THEIRS, I JUST DON'T SEE IT.....NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHIT THEY TALK ABOUT HATING THE GUY
That does make sense.
Dude, unless we show up in huge huge huge numbers all across this nation this fall, Trump will win and it will be white smile in your face talk crap about the guy with you white ppl, who will vote for this man.....they like the way he talk about shit, about minorities, they like the boom he gave them, the hating on illegals, the tax cuts.....they could give a fuck about his ignorance, all they know is that this white motherfucker loves WHITE PEOPLE!!
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
Although she is smart, articulate and wise and will be a huge mistake having her on the ticket because she's black......and poor stupid stuck in the basement big dentures can't talk Joe is too afraid to piss off black people.
But here's the deal, two things....voter turn out is the key to this election this year, no matter who's on the ticket. you are either with Trump or with Joe...there is no third party, no third option......I do not see anybody at this point, hedging, undecided or just not interested......what I do see is that the white voter this year is the defining key in all this and I BELIEVE SECRETLY WHITE PEOPLE WILL OVERWHELM THE POLLS VOTING FOR TRUMP.....NOBODY IN THEIR WHITE MIND IS GONNA GIVE UP A PRESIDENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVELY THEIRS, I JUST DON'T SEE IT.....NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHIT THEY TALK ABOUT HATING THE GUY
That does make sense.
Dude, unless we show up in huge huge huge numbers all across this nation this fall, Trump will win and it will be white smile in your face talk crap about the guy with you white ppl, who will vote for this man.....they like the way he talk about shit, about minorities, they like the boom he gave them, the hating on illegals, the tax cuts.....they could give a fuck about his ignorance, all they know is that this white motherfucker loves WHITE PEOPLE!!
Yep. I agree.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
we already got trump and pence, I would hope that things cannot get any worse,
Abrams would be an improvement over what we have now.
One thing we need to understand in this nation since the era of Trump....white people are the only lives that matter in this country. Black lives, Latino lives, gays, women lives don't mean shit, unless its white with or without its support of Trump. 75,000 of the 90,000 dead consists of minorities....does anybody doubt if it was mostly white people we'd be so eager to get our nails and hair done again so soon? Putting a black woman on a liberal democratic ticket will be the kiss of death for this nation and Biden this fall....white people barely was able to stomach Obama, you think for a second this nappy headed brilliant black woman is gonna top Obama??? Biden is very weak in his promise to pick a woman....NEWS FLASH...DESPITE ALL THE GAINS MADE BY WOMEN, PPL IN THIS FUCKED UP NATION ARE MORE COMFORTABLE WITH MEN, PREFERABLE WHITE MEN...WE CAN'T NOT CHANGE STUPID, ITS HERE TO STAY PPL...PAY ATTENTION!!

I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
we already got trump and pence, I would hope that things cannot get any worse,
Abrams would be an improvement over what we have now.
One thing we need to understand in this nation since the era of Trump....white people are the only lives that matter in this country. Black lives, Latino lives, gays, women lives don't mean shit, unless its white with or without its support of Trump. 75,000 of the 90,000 dead consists of minorities....does anybody doubt if it was mostly white people we'd be so eager to get our nails and hair done again so soon? Putting a black woman on a liberal democratic ticket will be the kiss of death for this nation and Biden this fall....white people barely was able to stomach Obama, you think for a second this nappy headed brilliant black woman is gonna top Obama??? Biden is very weak in his promise to pick a woman....NEWS FLASH...DESPITE ALL THE GAINS MADE BY WOMEN, PPL IN THIS FUCKED UP NATION ARE MORE COMFORTABLE WITH MEN, PREFERABLE WHITE MEN...WE CAN'T NOT CHANGE STUPID, ITS HERE TO STAY PPL...PAY ATTENTION!!


I don't think he's going to do that. Do you feel the same way about Harris?

I agree with your sentiment. The bottom line is that we must not have 4 more years of trump and if that means Biden picks another white man as vice president so be it just as long as we don't get more than 4 more years of something that will be worse than this.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
we already got trump and pence, I would hope that things cannot get any worse,
Abrams would be an improvement over what we have now.
One thing we need to understand in this nation since the era of Trump....white people are the only lives that matter in this country. Black lives, Latino lives, gays, women lives don't mean shit, unless its white with or without its support of Trump. 75,000 of the 90,000 dead consists of minorities....does anybody doubt if it was mostly white people we'd be so eager to get our nails and hair done again so soon? Putting a black woman on a liberal democratic ticket will be the kiss of death for this nation and Biden this fall....white people barely was able to stomach Obama, you think for a second this nappy headed brilliant black woman is gonna top Obama??? Biden is very weak in his promise to pick a woman....NEWS FLASH...DESPITE ALL THE GAINS MADE BY WOMEN, PPL IN THIS FUCKED UP NATION ARE MORE COMFORTABLE WITH MEN, PREFERABLE WHITE MEN...WE CAN'T NOT CHANGE STUPID, ITS HERE TO STAY PPL...PAY ATTENTION!!


I don't think he's going to do that. Do you feel the same way about Harris?

I agree with your sentiment. The bottom line is that we must not have 4 more years of trump and if that means Biden picks another white man as vice president so be it just as long as we don't get more than 4 more years of something that will be worse than this.
I personally am not a Harris fan...although brilliant as hell, I can't stand to hear her talk, she always sound like she just woke up LOLOL...besides, Harris ain't all the popular with young black male voters, all 3 of em...LOLOLOL...anyways, Joe should pick as does any presidential candidate anybody he deems best for him. I don't like the fact black people are highjacking this man's campaign since Cliburn helped in Carolina. Let the man pick who the fuck he wants...Stacey is actually campaigning on her behalf to be the nominee, like who does that shit? Lets get the man in the damn white house before we start making all these demands of black ppl. This election is by far the most important election in all our history, all of it. Its more of life or death, its that serious.....and when white people become afraid and they are, cause you fuckin with the almighty dollar, the last thing we need to do is top those fears with person of color, let alone a woman....I hate that thats a reality, but it is and we should take note of it.....YOU KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN FEAR, POOR AND UNEDUCATED.....YOU GET 4 MORE YEARS OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF, DONALD J. TRUMP.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
we already got trump and pence, I would hope that things cannot get any worse,
Abrams would be an improvement over what we have now.
One thing we need to understand in this nation since the era of Trump....white people are the only lives that matter in this country. Black lives, Latino lives, gays, women lives don't mean shit, unless its white with or without its support of Trump. 75,000 of the 90,000 dead consists of minorities....does anybody doubt if it was mostly white people we'd be so eager to get our nails and hair done again so soon? Putting a black woman on a liberal democratic ticket will be the kiss of death for this nation and Biden this fall....white people barely was able to stomach Obama, you think for a second this nappy headed brilliant black woman is gonna top Obama??? Biden is very weak in his promise to pick a woman....NEWS FLASH...DESPITE ALL THE GAINS MADE BY WOMEN, PPL IN THIS FUCKED UP NATION ARE MORE COMFORTABLE WITH MEN, PREFERABLE WHITE MEN...WE CAN'T NOT CHANGE STUPID, ITS HERE TO STAY PPL...PAY ATTENTION!!


I don't think he's going to do that. Do you feel the same way about Harris?

I agree with your sentiment. The bottom line is that we must not have 4 more years of trump and if that means Biden picks another white man as vice president so be it just as long as we don't get more than 4 more years of something that will be worse than this.
I personally am not a Harris fan...although brilliant as hell, I can't stand to hear her talk, she always sound like she just woke up LOLOL...besides, Harris ain't all the popular with young black male voters, all 3 of em...LOLOLOL...anyways, Joe should pick as does any presidential candidate anybody he deems best for him. I don't like the fact black people are highjacking this man's campaign since Cliburn helped in Carolina. Let the man pick who the fuck he wants...Stacey is actually campaigning on her behalf to be the nominee, like who does that shit? Lets get the man in the damn white house before we start making all these demands of black ppl. This election is by far the most important election in all our history, all of it. Its more of life or death, its that serious.....and when white people become afraid and they are, cause you fuckin with the almighty dollar, the last thing we need to do is top those fears with person of color, let alone a woman....I hate that thats a reality, but it is and we should take note of it.....YOU KEEP WHITE PEOPLE IN FEAR, POOR AND UNEDUCATED.....YOU GET 4 MORE YEARS OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF, DONALD J. TRUMP.
Again, I agree with you completely. Not so much about Harris but I am talking about your overall point. This is THE election that will either preserve America or destroy it.
No. He's more likely to pick Kamala.

Black people don't like Kamala. Joe is, as they say, "on the horns of a dilemma".

White people are not experts on the black community. Therefore whites here need to quit pretending they know so much about us. Blacks will turn out for this election no matter who is on with Biden mainly because blacks understand what's at stake in this election.

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