Do Democrat voters REALLY want Stacey Abrams?

When Trump suggested we all drink bleach and shove of infer red light up our ass and the brainless thought he was just joking......I knew, we all knew and still know...NOTHING CAN PENETRATE THE BRAINS OF WHITE TRASH AND I MEAN NOTHING!!
He never said that. Democrats have lied so much and so often that nothing they say can be or will be believed. Nothing can force savages to tell the truth. That's why Stacy Abrams is the perfect pick for Biden. She is someone that democrats can really sink their teeth into. Let's start with she's a runway supermodel and move onto she really won the governor's election.

See. Democrats are running on pure lies.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

I can see a reason for putting Abrams on the ticket. She has strong appeal to suburban voters. That is a huge weakness for Republicans and why Texas, Arizona and Georgia are in play this year. Abrams won Gwinnet County which was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80s and 90s.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I can't believe that anyone with at LEAST half a functioning brain (sorry libtards) would even CONSIDER Abrams as Vice President. The Hildebeast or Big Mike Obama would make more sense to me.

You don't have a functioning brain so your post means NOTHING.
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I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I'm not Democrat but my take on her qualification and experience is that she graduated with a masters in public affairs from University of Texas in 98 and Juris Doctor from Yale Law in 1999 (I had no idea Yale law was a 1 year Doctorate, but I'm no lawyer) other than that she was a Deputy city attorney in Atlanta and had 6 years in the Georgia State House of Representatives and that's it, to my knowledge. Do I think Joe needs her to be Vice President and take over for him is something should happen? NO. Nothing political or racial about it, but she doesn't have the experience and judgement needed.

He doesn't have the experience or judgement needed.........
It's a she. Joe has gobs of experience. I posted a lot on him somewhere here last night, but doubt if you are interested. I know that as a trumper, experience doesn't count for much and how do you compete with the judgement hiring/firing executive positions (with some being tried/confessing to federal crimes) like a revolving door or a little kid attracted to the next shiny bobble.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

Does it really matter who is on the Biden ticket, they're due a big loss anyway. The left is the party of sex predators, traitor POTUS O'bummer & admin., men are chicks, you're a victim, 24/7 propaganda, liars, Waters, Pelosi, AOC, this scum suck and that. Would anyone be surprised dementia @ the door Biden would choose Abrams? Look at her qualifications:

A. She's a woman. According to Biden the best suited candidate is based on gender.

B. She's black. They can pretend they're not the party of slavery, and welfare which has destroyed much of the black community.

C. She's fat boosting her victim role.

D. She's a loser which falls within PROG's comfort zone. She lost running for Governor because "she's black" and "black voter oppression", so she's very much a victim.

E. She speaks emotionally as opposed rationally, so she's on the same wave as PROGS.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

Does it really matter who is on the Biden ticket, they're due a big loss anyway. The left is the party of sex predators, traitor POTUS O'bummer & admin., men are chicks, you're a victim, 24/7 propaganda, liars, Waters, Pelosi, AOC, this scum suck and that. Would anyone be surprised dementia @ the door Biden would choose Abrams? Look at her qualifications:

A. She's a woman. According to Biden the best suited candidate is based on gender.

B. She's black. They can pretend they're not the party of slavery, and welfare which has destroyed much of the black community.

C. She's fat boosting her victim role.

D. She's a loser which falls within PROG's comfort zone. She lost running for Governor because "she's black" and "black voter oppression", so she's very much a victim.

E. She speaks emotionally as opposed rationally, so she's on the same wave as PROGS.
Wrong. There was verified voter suppression in the Georgia election. Democrats did not destroy anything, the problems we face are due to bi partisan white racism.
Desperate during the primary, Biden stupidly bent over for the PC/Identity Politics nutters in the party and made an absurd promise.

This is the kind of dumb thing the party just LOVES to do to itself.
Agree, he committed too early.

He should change his position based on the Corona virus and nominate Cuomo
No he didn't and while you didn't make the comment I am real tired of reading the bullshit from the kings and queens of identity politics whining because someone white has decided to listen to people of color. He does not need to nominate Cuomo and Cuomo says he doesn't want to do that. Cuomo has a lot of problems himself and he was not popular in New York before the pandemic. His administration has not been without corruption.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

I can see a reason for putting Abrams on the ticket. She has strong appeal to suburban voters. That is a huge weakness for Republicans and why Texas, Arizona and Georgia are in play this year. Abrams won Gwinnet County which was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80s and 90s.

Informative. I didn't know that.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

I can see a reason for putting Abrams on the ticket. She has strong appeal to suburban voters. That is a huge weakness for Republicans and why Texas, Arizona and Georgia are in play this year. Abrams won Gwinnet County which was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80s and 90s.

Informative. I didn't know that.
Abrams has NO appeal.

She thinks she is entitled to da job because shes black, a female, and morbidly obese
Desperate during the primary, Biden stupidly bent over for the PC/Identity Politics nutters in the party and made an absurd promise.

This is the kind of dumb thing the party just LOVES to do to itself.
Agree, he committed too early.

He should change his position based on the Corona virus and nominate Cuomo

Cuomo the Incompetent? Whose policies killed about 5,000 senior citizens in New York? Sure thing....
What are you talking about?

Cuomos incisive actions as a Governor saved millions
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I don't like it and I am a Trump supporter
I don't like Biden being on the ticket either

Look, if Trump doesn't win...Really, wtf
He won't be the nominee so does it really matter?
Biden is the democratic nominee. Stop reading that right wing bullshit.
He is the presumptive nominee unless he blows a brain gasket in the next few months. That is a possibility if you haven't noticed.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

I can see a reason for putting Abrams on the ticket. She has strong appeal to suburban voters. That is a huge weakness for Republicans and why Texas, Arizona and Georgia are in play this year. Abrams won Gwinnet County which was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80s and 90s.

Informative. I didn't know that.
Abrams has NO appeal.

She thinks she is entitled to da job because shes black, a female, and morbidly obese

That's your racist opinion. She has founded organizations meaning she starts businesses and employs people without waiting for somebody to give her a job.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?
I don't like it and I am a Trump supporter
I don't like Biden being on the ticket either

Look, if Trump doesn't win...Really, wtf
He won't be the nominee so does it really matter?
Biden is the democratic nominee. Stop reading that right wing bullshit.
He is the presumptive nominee unless he blows a brain gasket in the next few months. That is a possibility if you haven't noticed.
He is the nominee and trump will blow a brain gasket before Biden does.
I can't believe things have gotten this bad, but maybe they have. Are they really talking about a Biden-Abrams ticket for November? Who except for Trump supporters thinks this is a good idea?

Does it really matter who is on the Biden ticket, they're due a big loss anyway. The left is the party of sex predators, traitor POTUS O'bummer & admin., men are chicks, you're a victim, 24/7 propaganda, liars, Waters, Pelosi, AOC, this scum suck and that. Would anyone be surprised dementia @ the door Biden would choose Abrams? Look at her qualifications:

A. She's a woman. According to Biden the best suited candidate is based on gender.

B. She's black. They can pretend they're not the party of slavery, and welfare which has destroyed much of the black community.

C. She's fat boosting her victim role.

D. She's a loser which falls within PROG's comfort zone. She lost running for Governor because "she's black" and "black voter oppression", so she's very much a victim.

E. She speaks emotionally as opposed rationally, so she's on the same wave as PROGS.
Wrong. There was verified voter suppression in the Georgia election. Democrats did not destroy anything, the problems we face are due to bi partisan white racism.

You see racism in breakfast cereal. You're a wacko
He won't be the nominee so does it really matter?
Biden is the democratic nominee. Stop reading that right wing bullshit.
Sorry , Joe "hidin' Biden is not the democrat nominee.

He is the front runner and presumptive nominee, but he has not been officially nominated, and he may not make it. A lot can change between now and the Democrat convention. I do not think that democrats want a demented old man who can't remember the time of day to be their nominee. Maybe you do.....
Desperate during the primary, Biden stupidly bent over for the PC/Identity Politics nutters in the party and made an absurd promise.

This is the kind of dumb thing the party just LOVES to do to itself.
Agree, he committed too early.

He should change his position based on the Corona virus and nominate Cuomo

Cuomo the Incompetent? Whose policies killed about 5,000 senior citizens in New York? Sure thing....
What are you talking about?

Cuomos incisive actions as a Governor saved millions
Cuomo saved millions? Wow RW, easy on the koo-aid there fella....
Desperate during the primary, Biden stupidly bent over for the PC/Identity Politics nutters in the party and made an absurd promise.

This is the kind of dumb thing the party just LOVES to do to itself.
Agree, he committed too early.

He should change his position based on the Corona virus and nominate Cuomo

Cuomo the Incompetent? Whose policies killed about 5,000 senior citizens in New York? Sure thing....
What are you talking about?

Cuomos incisive actions as a Governor saved millions
Tell it to the nursing homes......

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