Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?

21 Sep 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert

Once it was the "big lie." Now it is many little lies — riots are peaceful; he is she is they; Biden is not doddering; Trump will steal 2020. Told often enough and given enough time, little lies become truth.

Today we live in the "age of lies" told to steal an election in November and control a populace who refuses to do as they are told. All Americans should stop at least once before Election Day and take a hard look at the Democrat candidate, "King of Aphasia" Joe Biden. When they do, they will understand what the left is planning.
Ignore his 47 years in elected office without accomplishment, save for the 1994 Crime Bill, which he has since disavowed. Ignore that, as Robert Gates, former defense secretary under Obama, said, he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue facing the United States in the last 40 years. Dismiss the serial corruption of his family as they traded on his political office to become wealthy. Ignore the gaffes and the serial plagiarism. Ignore his long association with politicians associated with the Ku Klux Klan. Ignore his penchant for the unwanted touching of women and children and his creepy fondness for the smell of their hair.
Concentrate on the man and who he is today. Look at the comparison of the Joe Biden who debated Paul Ryan in 2012 with the Biden of today, hoping to trade his basement for the White House cellar. His mumbling and the many times he seems lost even when reading prepared answers off a teleprompter to prearranged questions from reporters pre-picked by his staff should force even the casual observer to admit he has lost much more than a step.
His mental decline from even just a few years ago is pronounced. He did, after all, undergo not one, but two brain surgeries in his life. The blank stares and when he loses his train of thought halfway through sentences along with the bouts of anger and his spontaneous streams of logorrheic gibberish show he is losing the battle to maintain his mental acuity.
Those on the left have convinced themselves that if not for Trump, we would be living in a nation they would diligently be making perfect. Yet Trump is incidental. Leftists have been walking down this path for a long time, and the Obama presidency was the ego boost they needed to progress from theory to action, allowing them to believe that any victory not won by the left must be outright theft and therefore should justifiably be fought and reversed.
They need people to think Biden was robbed. They must convince voters that Trump stole the election. It is the same strategy they used with Hillary but failed. With the benefit of hindsight and almost four years of planning, they have marshaled their forces and are determined to succeed this time.
Democrats are all in on stealing this election. For them to succeed, they need to make people believe that Trump, when he wins, has stolen it first.
Americans do not have to allow this. People need to organize and confront the Democrat-Antifa-BLM tough guys trying to suppress Republican voters at the polls and give Trump a resounding victory. He must win the majority vote and the Electoral College by margins that make the election impossible for the left to steal and give the president a mandate to confront the rioters who will surely surge to violence and destruction to depose the president in the aftermath.
America is the greatest, most successful nation ever to have existed. It is a republic, and only Americans can do what needs to be done to keep it.

Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going in full meltdown, Trump puts a conservative woman on the Supreme Court and then it strikes them during the first debate that their candidate’s mind is pudding. Seriously, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat.
When clearly manufactured fraudulent harvested votes are being “counted” because some Soros funded corrupt Marxist Socialist judge “rules” they must be counted, what is the antidote? Just how many paid and judges of Elections like Domenick J. DeMuro do PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have on their payrolls throughout the U.S.?
Irony appears to be alive and well. Remember in the last presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, DJT was asked if he would accept the results of the 2016 election. Nearly four years later, neither Hillary nor the PMS/DSA Democrats have still not accepted it.
Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?

21 Sep 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert

Once it was the "big lie." Now it is many little lies — riots are peaceful; he is she is they; Biden is not doddering; Trump will steal 2020. Told often enough and given enough time, little lies become truth.

Today we live in the "age of lies" told to steal an election in November and control a populace who refuses to do as they are told. All Americans should stop at least once before Election Day and take a hard look at the Democrat candidate, "King of Aphasia" Joe Biden. When they do, they will understand what the left is planning.
Ignore his 47 years in elected office without accomplishment, save for the 1994 Crime Bill, which he has since disavowed. Ignore that, as Robert Gates, former defense secretary under Obama, said, he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue facing the United States in the last 40 years. Dismiss the serial corruption of his family as they traded on his political office to become wealthy. Ignore the gaffes and the serial plagiarism. Ignore his long association with politicians associated with the Ku Klux Klan. Ignore his penchant for the unwanted touching of women and children and his creepy fondness for the smell of their hair.
Concentrate on the man and who he is today. Look at the comparison of the Joe Biden who debated Paul Ryan in 2012 with the Biden of today, hoping to trade his basement for the White House cellar. His mumbling and the many times he seems lost even when reading prepared answers off a teleprompter to prearranged questions from reporters pre-picked by his staff should force even the casual observer to admit he has lost much more than a step.
His mental decline from even just a few years ago is pronounced. He did, after all, undergo not one, but two brain surgeries in his life. The blank stares and when he loses his train of thought halfway through sentences along with the bouts of anger and his spontaneous streams of logorrheic gibberish show he is losing the battle to maintain his mental acuity.
Those on the left have convinced themselves that if not for Trump, we would be living in a nation they would diligently be making perfect. Yet Trump is incidental. Leftists have been walking down this path for a long time, and the Obama presidency was the ego boost they needed to progress from theory to action, allowing them to believe that any victory not won by the left must be outright theft and therefore should justifiably be fought and reversed.
They need people to think Biden was robbed. They must convince voters that Trump stole the election. It is the same strategy they used with Hillary but failed. With the benefit of hindsight and almost four years of planning, they have marshaled their forces and are determined to succeed this time.
Democrats are all in on stealing this election. For them to succeed, they need to make people believe that Trump, when he wins, has stolen it first.
Americans do not have to allow this. People need to organize and confront the Democrat-Antifa-BLM tough guys trying to suppress Republican voters at the polls and give Trump a resounding victory. He must win the majority vote and the Electoral College by margins that make the election impossible for the left to steal and give the president a mandate to confront the rioters who will surely surge to violence and destruction to depose the president in the aftermath.
America is the greatest, most successful nation ever to have existed. It is a republic, and only Americans can do what needs to be done to keep it.

Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going in full meltdown, Trump puts a conservative woman on the Supreme Court and then it strikes them during the first debate that their candidate’s mind is pudding. Seriously, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat.
When clearly manufactured fraudulent harvested votes are being “counted” because some Soros funded corrupt Marxist Socialist judge “rules” they must be counted, what is the antidote? Just how many paid and judges of Elections like Domenick J. DeMuro do PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have on their payrolls throughout the U.S.?
Irony appears to be alive and well. Remember in the last presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, DJT was asked if he would accept the results of the 2016 election. Nearly four years later, neither Hillary nor the PMS/DSA Democrats have still not accepted it.
Are you kidding? With polls this good, the Dems are partying like it's 2016!
Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?


If "Democrats" really believed they were winning with or without Biden, there would not be 70 cities facing arosn, riots and shootings.
In fact this B.S. regarding the next appointment of a USSC justice would not be accentuated with threats from the "Democrats"... Funny they were for the immediate appointment when Barry was president. How quickly things change....
The right thinks Hillary is the candidate. :)

Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?
Do Democrats Really Believe Biden Is Winning?

21 Sep 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert

Once it was the "big lie." Now it is many little lies — riots are peaceful; he is she is they; Biden is not doddering; Trump will steal 2020. Told often enough and given enough time, little lies become truth.

Today we live in the "age of lies" told to steal an election in November and control a populace who refuses to do as they are told. All Americans should stop at least once before Election Day and take a hard look at the Democrat candidate, "King of Aphasia" Joe Biden. When they do, they will understand what the left is planning.
Ignore his 47 years in elected office without accomplishment, save for the 1994 Crime Bill, which he has since disavowed. Ignore that, as Robert Gates, former defense secretary under Obama, said, he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue facing the United States in the last 40 years. Dismiss the serial corruption of his family as they traded on his political office to become wealthy. Ignore the gaffes and the serial plagiarism. Ignore his long association with politicians associated with the Ku Klux Klan. Ignore his penchant for the unwanted touching of women and children and his creepy fondness for the smell of their hair.
Concentrate on the man and who he is today. Look at the comparison of the Joe Biden who debated Paul Ryan in 2012 with the Biden of today, hoping to trade his basement for the White House cellar. His mumbling and the many times he seems lost even when reading prepared answers off a teleprompter to prearranged questions from reporters pre-picked by his staff should force even the casual observer to admit he has lost much more than a step.
His mental decline from even just a few years ago is pronounced. He did, after all, undergo not one, but two brain surgeries in his life. The blank stares and when he loses his train of thought halfway through sentences along with the bouts of anger and his spontaneous streams of logorrheic gibberish show he is losing the battle to maintain his mental acuity.
Those on the left have convinced themselves that if not for Trump, we would be living in a nation they would diligently be making perfect. Yet Trump is incidental. Leftists have been walking down this path for a long time, and the Obama presidency was the ego boost they needed to progress from theory to action, allowing them to believe that any victory not won by the left must be outright theft and therefore should justifiably be fought and reversed.
They need people to think Biden was robbed. They must convince voters that Trump stole the election. It is the same strategy they used with Hillary but failed. With the benefit of hindsight and almost four years of planning, they have marshaled their forces and are determined to succeed this time.
Democrats are all in on stealing this election. For them to succeed, they need to make people believe that Trump, when he wins, has stolen it first.
Americans do not have to allow this. People need to organize and confront the Democrat-Antifa-BLM tough guys trying to suppress Republican voters at the polls and give Trump a resounding victory. He must win the majority vote and the Electoral College by margins that make the election impossible for the left to steal and give the president a mandate to confront the rioters who will surely surge to violence and destruction to depose the president in the aftermath.
America is the greatest, most successful nation ever to have existed. It is a republic, and only Americans can do what needs to be done to keep it.

Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going in full meltdown, Trump puts a conservative woman on the Supreme Court and then it strikes them during the first debate that their candidate’s mind is pudding. Seriously, it’s not a good time to be a Democrat.
When clearly manufactured fraudulent harvested votes are being “counted” because some Soros funded corrupt Marxist Socialist judge “rules” they must be counted, what is the antidote? Just how many paid and judges of Elections like Domenick J. DeMuro do PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists have on their payrolls throughout the U.S.?
Irony appears to be alive and well. Remember in the last presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, DJT was asked if he would accept the results of the 2016 election. Nearly four years later, neither Hillary nor the PMS/DSA Democrats have still not accepted it.
Are you kidding? With polls this good, the Dems are partying like it's 2016!

LMAO Yup. Partying like Hitlery did after her loss.

She was so mad she was throwing shit all over the place and refused to go and greet those that supported her. She sent Podesta out there.

Hope they are still partying when they lose in Nov. LOL

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