They are busting Trump rght now in court

Yes! Exactly. My point is these attempts by politicians to change the election results are illegal and should be prosecuted.
Why don't you just fix the process so it's almost impossible to change the election results? Why don't you make having a valid ID part of the requirement to vote so we don't have to worry about illegals voting?
I mean, that’s what he spends most of the time talking about on the tape. This is part of his opening rambling discussion:

We had, I believe it’s about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list, so it’s 4,502 who voted but they weren’t on the voter registration roll which they had to be. You had 18,325 vacant address voters. The address was vacant and they’re not allowed to be counted. That’s 18,325.

Smaller number — you had 904 who only voted where they had just a P.O. — a post office box number — and they had a post office box number and that’s not allowed. We had at least 18,000 — that’s on tape we had them counted very painstakingly — 18,000 voters having to do with [name]. She’s a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler [name]. That was the tape that’s been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you me and everybody else.

Where they got — number one they said very clearly and it’s been reported they said there was a major water main break. Everybody fled the area. And then they came back, [name] and her daughter and a few people. There were no Republican poll watchers. Actually, there were no Democrat poll watchers, I guess they were them. But there were no Democrats, either and there was no law enforcement. Late in the morning, they went early in the morning they went to the table with the black robe, the black shield and they pulled out the votes. Those votes were put there a number of hours before the table was put there. I think it was, Brad you would know, it was probably eight hours or seven hours before and then it was stuffed with votes.

They weren’t in an official voter box, but they were in what looked to be suitcases or trunks, suitcases but they weren’t in voter boxes. The minimum number it could be because we watched it and they watched it certified in slow motion instant replay if you can believe it but slow motion and it was magnified many times over and the minimum it was 18,000 ballots, all for Biden.

He’s talking exclusively about votes he doesn’t think should be counted.
What Trump and his team did was EXACTLY what Gore and his team did back in 2000, Marener! EXACTLY!!! They are questioning the validity of votes. That isn't illegal. Never has been. Not until Trump did it. Now according to the Biden DOJ it is and that is a crock!
Why don't you just fix the process so it's almost impossible to change the election results? Why don't you make having a valid ID part of the requirement to vote so we don't have to worry about illegals voting?
There is no process that will withstand corrupt politicians who don’t follow the process.

Nothing you’ve suggested will stop someone like Trump from trying the exact same corrupt scheme to change the election result.

The only thing that will prevent it is prosecuting the corrupt attempts to do so.
What Trump and his team did was EXACTLY what Gore and his team did back in 2000, Marener! EXACTLY!!! They are questioning the validity of votes. That isn't illegal. Never has been. Not until Trump did it. Now according to the Biden DOJ it is and that is a crock!
When did Gore have a secret conversation with the governor of Florida to change the vote tallies?

He didn’t.

When did Gore sign up fake electors?

He didn’t.

Trump did.

Al Gore worked transparently through the courts. There’s nothing wrong with that. Trump did too, for a little while, but it was clear he was losing since he had no legal basis.

If Trump had stopped there, he never would be in this trouble. Everything he is indicted for came from his extra-judicial attempts to corruptly affect the outcome of the election.
And I said state, not people. To which YOU responded, "how can you defraud the state with internal business records?"

Now you're flipping on yourself. I can live with that.
But if they are internal records..nobody would see them, not even the state. They were not to be seen by anyone, until Bragg brought them out…as far as I’m aware.
And you're still ignoring how both sides get to reject potential jurors. Why can't you simply admit you have no fucking clue what the makeup of that jury is?

Because it’s a given, given the makeup of New York, the odds of them getting anti Trump jurors are greater than getting pro Trump jurors.
There is no process that will withstand corrupt politicians who don’t follow the process.

Nothing you’ve suggested will stop someone like Trump from trying the exact same corrupt scheme to change the election result.

The only thing that will prevent it is prosecuting the corrupt attempts to do so.
So you're not willing to fix the problem...but think the solution is to prosecute those who dispute an election?
When did Gore have a secret conversation with the governor of Florida to change the vote tallies?

He didn’t.

When did Gore sign up fake electors?

He didn’t.

Trump did.

Al Gore worked transparently through the courts. There’s nothing wrong with that. Trump did too, for a little while, but it was clear he was losing since he had no legal basis.

If Trump had stopped there, he never would be in this trouble. Everything he is indicted for came from his extra-judicial attempts to corruptly affect the outcome of the election.
You know what conversations the Gore camp had with the Governor of Florida how again?
So you're not willing to fix the problem...but think the solution is to prosecute those who dispute an election?
The solution is to prosecute anyone who attempts to corruptly affect the outcome of the election.

Whether that be some random dude who votes for his dead wife or the president who thinks he can get his cronies to change votes for him.
The solution is to prosecute anyone who attempts to corruptly affect the outcome of the election.

Whether that be some random dude who votes for his dead wife or the president who thinks he can get his cronies to change votes for him.
Well, when we actually have a President who TRIES to change votes then you might be onto something! Since Trump didn't try to "change" votes. He did what countless other politicians have done in countless other races.
I live in Florida. Duh?
So it seems pretty difficult to believe that Al Gore was having secret conversations with Jeb Bush to corruptly swing the election away from his brother.

The point being your attempt to claim Al Gore did exactly what Trump did is just nonsense.
Well, when we actually have a President who TRIES to change votes then you might be onto something! Since Trump didn't try to "change" votes. He did what countless other politicians have done in countless other races.
I'd love to see an example of another politician calling the election officials to convince them to eliminate thousands of votes to get them to win. Especially one as powerful as the president.

Trump's call speaks for itself. It's completely unprecedented and completely corrupt for him to be making that call.

Not to mention the fake electors.

All part of a scheme to corruptly TRY to change the electoral votes so he could win. The Eastman memo lays out how the fake electors would be used to eliminate electoral votes for those states and give Trump the victory.
Looking for votes isn't the same thing as creating them, Marener. If Trump had called up and demanded that they manufacture 10,000 votes for him then he'd be guilty. He didn't do that. He called and asked them to look for votes. LOOK FOR THEM!

Alternate electors IS an option...not one that was viable...but it had been done before. It's not illegal. It's not fraudulent. That's something that is decided in a court of law.

How is what Trump did any different than what Al Gore did in Florida? Gore's seeking to change vote totals in Florida would have "eliminated" the votes of millions of Americans if he'd been successful! That doesn't mean he was engaged in "fraud" when he asked for multiple recounts!

He friggin' threatened the SoS with a crime if he didn't look for more votes.

And what Trump did with electors had NEVER been done before. Sadly, you just can't stop lying. Oh well, your lies will not help the dozens charged with fraud over being fraudulent electors.
Did any of the protesters even muss the hair of any politicians that day? They were there to stop the certification of an election that they thought was fraudulent. Period. Full stop! When you hang someone if effigy you're not guilty of're making a political statement. That "gallows" was a prop! You know it yet you still hold that up as proof that the Jan. 6th protesters wanted to murder someone.

They didn't hurt any lawmakers because they couldn't get to them. Police even had to shoot one fucking moron to keep the mob at bay while they evacuated lawmakers and staff. It wasn't because Trump's thugs were too kind to hurt anyone.

Why don't you just fix the process so it's almost impossible to change the election results? Why don't you make having a valid ID part of the requirement to vote so we don't have to worry about illegals voting?

Why fix anything if candidates can send in fake electors to vote for them?
What Trump and his team did was EXACTLY what Gore and his team did back in 2000, Marener! EXACTLY!!! They are questioning the validity of votes. That isn't illegal. Never has been. Not until Trump did it. Now according to the Biden DOJ it is and that is a crock!

Bullfuckingshit. Gore never sent fake electors to Congress.
So it seems pretty difficult to believe that Al Gore was having secret conversations with Jeb Bush to corruptly swing the election away from his brother.

The point being your attempt to claim Al Gore did exactly what Trump did is just nonsense.
Al Gore had an army of lawyers trying everything they could think of to get him Florida, Marener! You're obviously not old enough to have lived through the myriad challenges and recounts and debates about "hanging chads"! It was an epic battle of lawyers. If I remember correctly Al Gore had Alan Dershowitz as one of his attorneys.

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