Do Dumb Women Have More Fun?

I had a friend, and OMG, the lengths she would go to get free drinks. She was even threatened by guys a few times. I guess she was really kind of dumb, to do such things and not expect the consequences time and time and again, where guys would get pissed off at her and even threaten her at the end of the night when she told them she had no plans on going home with them after "playing dumb and slutty" with them all night for free drinks. I haven't hung out with her in years though. She may or may not do that kind of stuff anymore. I don't know.

Sounds like you two hung out with some utterly stupid men.
Humor disarms all women, smart or otherwise. If they're smart then smarter humor is needed but if you can be funny it greases the rails for everything else.

And yes I do think many men prefer women that are not Rhodes Scholars. And...many women prefer men with money, but not all.
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.
Women are still 'like property' in much of the Muslim world. Yet, American liberals and feminists don't seem to care.

They can do what they like "over there," as long as they don't bring that over here. I want no part of that "society."
I think our leaders should condemn what goes on over there. But, they don't.

They did condemn Apartheid. Funny how that works.
South Africans were not praying five times a day claiming moral superiority and greater closeness to God.

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