Do Dumb Women Have More Fun?

As a biological tendency I think Men tend to prefer women who will defer to thrm. That doesnt necessarily mean the women are less intelligent, just thst they prefer the Man be in charge of most things.

i don't think it even has to be MOST things.

No, not MOST things, only SOME things. Lol!

My wife pushes for her way on a lot of things. IF i gave in on all of them, she would feel A. no respect for me and B. that I was not invested in our marriage/life together.

If I had nothing that I came up with, or pushed for, then I would be a cipher in our lives, a passenger or dead weight.
As a biological tendency I think Men tend to prefer women who will defer to thrm. That doesnt necessarily mean the women are less intelligent, just thst they prefer the Man be in charge of most things.

i don't think it even has to be MOST things.

No, not MOST things, only SOME things. Lol!

My wife pushes for her way on a lot of things. IF i gave in on all of them, she would feel A. no respect for me and B. that I was not invested in our marriage/life together.

If I had nothing that I came up with, or pushed for, then I would be a cipher in our lives, a passenger or dead weight.

Of course! I think marriage should be a partnership where you work together and compliment each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses. It is a give and take kind of thing, and if you feel you are doing all of the giving and all of the thinking, then that would probably get old eventually. Plus, a lot of people would take advantage of someone who they think of as "dumb."
I recently came across an article that said that men will naturally prefer women who are not as smart as they are. Smart women who are independent and self sufficient have a more difficult time finding men is what they were saying, and that is why a lot of women "play dumb" around guys, but they are actually much smarter than they pretend to be. How true do you think this is? Do you think men prefer "stupid" or "dependent" women? Do you think some women pretend to be stupid or dependent to impress men?

I will try to find this article, but I can't remember where I viewed it.

Women aren't dumb ... they just make men stupid.
As a biological tendency I think Men tend to prefer women who will defer to thrm. That doesnt necessarily mean the women are less intelligent, just thst they prefer the Man be in charge of most things.

i don't think it even has to be MOST things.

No, not MOST things, only SOME things. Lol!

My wife pushes for her way on a lot of things. IF i gave in on all of them, she would feel A. no respect for me and B. that I was not invested in our marriage/life together.

If I had nothing that I came up with, or pushed for, then I would be a cipher in our lives, a passenger or dead weight.

Of course! I think marriage should be a partnership where you work together and compliment each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses. It is a give and take kind of thing, and if you feel you are doing all of the giving and all of the thinking, then that would probably get old eventually. Plus, a lot of people would take advantage of someone who they think of as "dumb."

That's not what my long-lost uncle the rich Nigerian prince told me!
As a biological tendency I think Men tend to prefer women who will defer to thrm. That doesnt necessarily mean the women are less intelligent, just thst they prefer the Man be in charge of most things.

i don't think it even has to be MOST things.

No, not MOST things, only SOME things. Lol!

My wife pushes for her way on a lot of things. IF i gave in on all of them, she would feel A. no respect for me and B. that I was not invested in our marriage/life together.

If I had nothing that I came up with, or pushed for, then I would be a cipher in our lives, a passenger or dead weight.

Of course! I think marriage should be a partnership where you work together and compliment each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses. It is a give and take kind of thing, and if you feel you are doing all of the giving and all of the thinking, then that would probably get old eventually. Plus, a lot of people would take advantage of someone who they think of as "dumb."

It seems simple when you say it, but I see a lot of people fail at it.

Right now, my brother in law's marriage is struggling.

I always told my wife that my sister in law seemed very selfish.

Now, NOW when it is may very well be too late, my brother in law is finally talking and making a stand on numerous issues that should have been dealt with long ago.

He took the path of doing everything, and not talking, not resisting on issues.

THis led to the wife being increasingly demanding and paranoid about cheating.

He should have taken a strong stand on some issues, long ago. She would have been happier with less dominance of the relationship.
As a biological tendency I think Men tend to prefer women who will defer to thrm. That doesnt necessarily mean the women are less intelligent, just thst they prefer the Man be in charge of most things.

i don't think it even has to be MOST things.

No, not MOST things, only SOME things. Lol!

My wife pushes for her way on a lot of things. IF i gave in on all of them, she would feel A. no respect for me and B. that I was not invested in our marriage/life together.

If I had nothing that I came up with, or pushed for, then I would be a cipher in our lives, a passenger or dead weight.

But remember....
Behind every great man is a woman....

.....rolling her eyes.
I recently came across an article that said that men will naturally prefer women who are not as smart as they are. Smart women who are independent and self sufficient have a more difficult time finding men is what they were saying, and that is why a lot of women "play dumb" around guys, but they are actually much smarter than they pretend to be. How true do you think this is? Do you think men prefer "stupid" or "dependent" women? Do you think some women pretend to be stupid or dependent to impress men?

I will try to find this article, but I can't remember where I viewed it.

It is true.

Most women will sell themselves short just to appease the male they want. They will act like they did not understand something when they understood it perfectly...

Sad part of society...

Most men fear a strong women that can defend and think for herself...
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.
Women are still 'like property' in much of the Muslim world. Yet, American liberals and feminists don't seem to care.
I recently came across an article that said that men will naturally prefer women who are not as smart as they are. Smart women who are independent and self sufficient have a more difficult time finding men is what they were saying, and that is why a lot of women "play dumb" around guys, but they are actually much smarter than they pretend to be. How true do you think this is? Do you think men prefer "stupid" or "dependent" women? Do you think some women pretend to be stupid or dependent to impress men?

I will try to find this article, but I can't remember where I viewed it.

It is true.

Most women will sell themselves short just to appease the male they want. They will act like they did not understand something when they understood it perfectly...

Sad part of society...

Most men fear a strong women that can defend and think for herself...

I have never seen this.
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.
Women are still 'like property' in much of the Muslim world. Yet, American liberals and feminists don't seem to care.

They can do what they like "over there," as long as they don't bring that over here. I want no part of that "society."
I recently came across an article that said that men will naturally prefer women who are not as smart as they are. Smart women who are independent and self sufficient have a more difficult time finding men is what they were saying, and that is why a lot of women "play dumb" around guys, but they are actually much smarter than they pretend to be. How true do you think this is? Do you think men prefer "stupid" or "dependent" women? Do you think some women pretend to be stupid or dependent to impress men?

I will try to find this article, but I can't remember where I viewed it.

It is true.

Most women will sell themselves short just to appease the male they want. They will act like they did not understand something when they understood it perfectly...

Sad part of society...

Most men fear a strong women that can defend and think for herself...

I have never seen this.

I've seen it many times first hand, and I KNOW the women aren't as stupid as they are pretending to be. It is kind of sickening, TBH.
I recently came across an article that said that men will naturally prefer women who are not as smart as they are. Smart women who are independent and self sufficient have a more difficult time finding men is what they were saying, and that is why a lot of women "play dumb" around guys, but they are actually much smarter than they pretend to be. How true do you think this is? Do you think men prefer "stupid" or "dependent" women? Do you think some women pretend to be stupid or dependent to impress men?

I will try to find this article, but I can't remember where I viewed it.

It is true.

Most women will sell themselves short just to appease the male they want. They will act like they did not understand something when they understood it perfectly...

Sad part of society...

Most men fear a strong women that can defend and think for herself...

I have never seen this.

I've seen it many times first hand, and I KNOW the women aren't as stupid as they are pretending to be. It is kind of sickening, TBH.

I guess my personal observations are a result of my selection of friends.
I had a friend, and OMG, the lengths she would go to get free drinks. She was even threatened by guys a few times. I guess she was really kind of dumb, to do such things and not expect the consequences time and time and again, where guys would get pissed off at her and even threaten her at the end of the night when she told them she had no plans on going home with them after "playing dumb and slutty" with them all night for free drinks. I haven't hung out with her in years though. She may or may not do that kind of stuff anymore. I don't know.
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.
Women are still 'like property' in much of the Muslim world. Yet, American liberals and feminists don't seem to care.

They can do what they like "over there," as long as they don't bring that over here. I want no part of that "society."
I think our leaders should condemn what goes on over there. But, they don't.

They did condemn Apartheid. Funny how that works.
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.
Women are still 'like property' in much of the Muslim world. Yet, American liberals and feminists don't seem to care.

They can do what they like "over there," as long as they don't bring that over here. I want no part of that "society."
I think our leaders should condemn what goes on over there. But, they don't.

They did condemn Apartheid. Funny how that works.

Their selective outrage is convenient.
Yes, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure it would be annoying after a while if you had to do EVERYTHING for her or if you couldn't have an intelligent conversation with her.

Not everything. Just everything that's meaningful. I don't look to women when I want intelligent conversation.
Well, at one time, women were like property, to be passed from father to husband, without ever really having any kind of independence or having to take care of themselves at all. They were kind of like glorified children. Well, nowadays, things are a lot different, and women contribute a lot more to the household and to the world in general, so attitudes are naturally going to start moving away from the "dumb" women. Who wants to have a dummy as a life partner that you have to rely on if things get tough? I couldn't stand spending my life with someone who I considered "dumb." It would be more work than pleasure, if you ask me. Lol.

Women are still like overgrown children. What has happened is that a new gender - Feminists (genetic females with serious mental issues) has come into being, trying to wipe out true women.

These Feminists fail to realize they are in no what what real Men seek in a female companion. Yeah, the gutless, metrosexual boys will flock to the Feminists, but they're no more real Men thsn the Feminists are real women.

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