Do employee protests matter? If so, I'm selling those stocks.

Should employees be punished for opposing company policies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
WTF?? Wayfair employees are protesting selling beds to detention centers. Will they protest selling soap and toothpaste too? Amazon employees are protesting its carbon footprint. Maybe Amazon should reduce its footprint by firing those employees and hiring robots? CEOs need to get serious before this crap gets way too PC.

Employees speak up at Wayfair, Google. Have Millennials killed being afraid of the boss?

Why would you have stock in companies that aren't profitable? The public will take care of Wayfair, the elite don't shop there, they depend on average folks and average folks don't buy into that shit.

I would fire them personally. Sure I think the government is a shit show when it comes to this issue, but I would still fire them, do it for cause, and fight them getting unemployment benefits.
“If you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him! If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him - speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution he represents. I think if I worked for a man I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of the time, and the rest of the time work against him. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.”

If you don't like company policy give your notice and find a company who's policies you like.
"We sell furniture here. If you don't want to sell furniture, don't come back to work tomorrow."
The perfect irony with a dose of karma would be if Wayfair replaced them with Mexicans.
You know we are a spoiled first world nation with this crap going on. There was a time when these areas begged the companies not to leave.
This would be laughable if it were not so disheartening to see people so utterly steeped in hate.

They hate the policies and treatment of the people crossing the border so much they are willing to.... cause more harm the the people crossing the border. Modern politics has more doublethink than I would have thought possible.
This would be laughable if it were not so disheartening to see people so utterly steeped in hate.

They hate the policies and treatment of the people crossing the border so much they are willing to.... cause more harm the the people crossing the border. Modern politics has more doublethink than I would have thought possible.

You have more guile than I'd ever dream about having.
"Should employees be punished for opposing company policies?"

Being fired isn't a punishment, any more than quitting is. Employment is a voluntary arrangement between an employer and an employee. An employee is free to quit when they no longer want to work for an employer and an employer is free to terminate an employee who they no longer require or is filling the terms of employment.

It's not personal.
"Should employees be punished for opposing company policies?"

Being fired isn't a punishment, any more than quitting is. Employment is a voluntary arrangement between an employer and an employee. An employee is free to quit when they no longer want to work for an employer and an employer is free to terminate an employee who they no longer require or is filling the terms of employment.

It's not personal.

Unless the employee has a contract, then all bets are off.
This would be laughable if it were not so disheartening to see people so utterly steeped in hate.

They hate the policies and treatment of the people crossing the border so much they are willing to.... cause more harm the the people crossing the border. Modern politics has more doublethink than I would have thought possible.

This was my first thought when I read about this...Their company is selling items to make those in these camps more comfortable and then they are complaining about it? Makes no sense at all.
No, you shouldn’t sell your stock because these things have a negligible effect on the company.
Retards, I'd fire them all if it was my company.

That's what the retard's wrote.

Your tag line is wrong. Here is the 2016 Electoral map. Yours is outdated...2020 will be even more of a red state landslide...
WTF?? Wayfair employees are protesting selling beds to detention centers. Will they protest selling soap and toothpaste too? Amazon employees are protesting its carbon footprint. Maybe Amazon should reduce its footprint by firing those employees and hiring robots? CEOs need to get serious before this crap gets way too PC.

Employees speak up at Wayfair, Google. Have Millennials killed being afraid of the boss?

I wonder if all those employee activists realize that they can do it because Trump made getting another job so simple.

"More People Are Quitting Their Jobs Than Ever Before.
According to the Wall Street Journal nearly 3.4 million people in the US chose to give their boss their two-week notice in April of 2018.

However, this jump to ditch the day job, doesn't necessarily entail a boom in entrepreneurs. Instead, employees who leave their job are more likely to make as much as 30 percent more in a new role at a different company.

What's prompting this?

Namely unemployment rates are dropping and the economy is strong,..."
More People Are Quitting Their Jobs Than Ever Before. Here's Why

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