Do employee protests matter? If so, I'm selling those stocks.

Should employees be punished for opposing company policies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
So it appears that what most wingnuts are saying is that if employees don't agree with everything a company does, they should leave the company.

So a massive walkout is what you're recommending? Shut the company down entirely?

Perhaps form a Union?

Surprisingly liberal for all of you!
" But nothing changed after Trump took office."

Let's check.

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

Average jobs added per month by year since 2012...

2012 181
2013 192
2014 251
2015 227
2016 193
2017 179
2018 223
2019 164

No change there, except maybe a few less jobs created.

"Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed.

View attachment 266899

"Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266901

"Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266902

"Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266903

Always amusing to see the dead enders, still holding on by the fingernails, when everyone else can see the difference in the Obama economy vs the Trump economy.

I'm going to eliminate the right wing diatribe you posted and just stick with the insults and abuse you pepper your assaults on truth and facts with. Any non-white person who supports Donald Trump and his white supremacist Administration, is in to position to call people who are smart enough to see through his cons and his lies, "dunces". In fact, any non-white who supports Trump's policies of white people first, and idiot.

So the next time you slavishly swallow the white man's lies about your chances in their economy, Trump, Stephen Millar, and the rest of the White Supracist crowd are laughing at how stupid the little Asian gash really is.

"...white supremacist administration...."

You came to the right place for an education, you dope.

While English is not my first language, clearly I have to correct your lack of same.

Now, pay attention.

1. I publish truth with the diligence of a UN translator. Unfortunately, I can't convince our Liberal pals to do the same. Possibly, because if they did, they wouldn't be nearly as successful in convincing the dopes as they are.

2. Case in point:.....there is no such thing as a 'white supremacist'...
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

3. Let's prove it:
. There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

4. The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

Notice how deftly I ram your lying words back down your lying throat.

It's one of my gifts.

Why would I believe YOU, of all people. The dumbest, most easily manipulated and lied to poster on this board. You actually believe that there are no white supremacists. You're even dumber than I thought you were.

You keep deluding yourself into thinking your blithering idiot and lying copy and paste posts are written by anyone but conspiracy theorists and hacks. And you believe their lies wholeheartedly. stupid as you are, you've managed to produce the greatest number of inaccuracies in a post of that size.

Here's your prize:

WTF?? Wayfair employees are protesting selling beds to detention centers. Will they protest selling soap and toothpaste too? Amazon employees are protesting its carbon footprint. Maybe Amazon should reduce its footprint by firing those employees and hiring robots? CEOs need to get serious before this crap gets way too PC.

Employees speak up at Wayfair, Google. Have Millennials killed being afraid of the boss?

How does it feel to be politically incorrect? The former press sect. S. Sanders found out one night in a restaurant.

I wonder, when Rustic choose trumpism as politically correct is that what caused his F'n retardation?

They were within their right to refuse her service, I suppose. But, to me it is just as intolerant as if they had refused to serve her because she was black. I suppose the Left is now contemplating Jim Crow laws to control Republicans now.
I voted against punishment because as shareholders if they feel something is wrong with the company their complaint is putting their money where their mouth is and management would be wise to listen.

Wayfair offers a top-notch benefits package starting your first day of work.

Our benefits include:
  • Competitve Pay
  • Equity participation in a growth company
  • Medical, dental, and vision insurance
  • Paid time off
  • 401(k) with company matching
  • Life insurance and long term disability
  • Commuter discounts
  • Gym discounts
  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
  • Raffles for free tickets to local sports events and entertainment,7_IL.8,10_IN1.htm
" But nothing changed after Trump took office."

Let's check.

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

Average jobs added per month by year since 2012...

2012 181
2013 192
2014 251
2015 227
2016 193
2017 179
2018 223
2019 164

No change there, except maybe a few less jobs created.

"Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed.

View attachment 266899

"Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266901

"Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266902

"Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April"

Steady dropping since 2012...kept dropping after the election..nothing changed

View attachment 266903

Always amusing to see the dead enders, still holding on by the fingernails, when everyone else can see the difference in the Obama economy vs the Trump economy.

I'm going to eliminate the right wing diatribe you posted and just stick with the insults and abuse you pepper your assaults on truth and facts with. Any non-white person who supports Donald Trump and his white supremacist Administration, is in to position to call people who are smart enough to see through his cons and his lies, "dunces". In fact, any non-white who supports Trump's policies of white people first, and idiot.

So the next time you slavishly swallow the white man's lies about your chances in their economy, Trump, Stephen Millar, and the rest of the White Supracist crowd are laughing at how stupid the little Asian gash really is.

"...white supremacist administration...."

You came to the right place for an education, you dope.

While English is not my first language, clearly I have to correct your lack of same.

Now, pay attention.

1. I publish truth with the diligence of a UN translator. Unfortunately, I can't convince our Liberal pals to do the same. Possibly, because if they did, they wouldn't be nearly as successful in convincing the dopes as they are.

2. Case in point:.....there is no such thing as a 'white supremacist'...
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

3. Let's prove it:
. There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

4. The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

Notice how deftly I ram your lying words back down your lying throat.

It's one of my gifts.

Why would I believe YOU, of all people. The dumbest, most easily manipulated and lied to poster on this board. You actually believe that there are no white supremacists. You're even dumber than I thought you were.

You keep deluding yourself into thinking your blithering idiot and lying copy and paste posts are written by anyone but conspiracy theorists and hacks. And you believe their lies wholeheartedly.
There probably are white supremacists. It is a small amount of the population turned into an avalanche by Progs. They have successfully divided this nation into two camps. They change their views on issues to be the opposite of the side they do not like in Saul Alinsky elegance. Hence the border issue that should not be one. We let people in as we need them. That is our history. Our nation makes tough decisions and this is one that has become political for no reason.
Pussy employees would be fired instantly if it were my business your name 'Reagan'????
Nope, Jon.
But my time and my dollar isn't supporting someones insubordinance.

GET A DIFFERENT JOB if you're unhappy. So damn simple....

The reference was to Reagan's firing the air controller unionists.
I got it. Just expressing my position. A hundred years of "strikes" bankrupted the auto industry.

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