Do flies get drunk?

Those things are a lot of fun for those big wood bees. Even if they don't sizzle, it is very satisfying to hear that "Ting" like a bad mitten racket and see them sail across the yard.:hyper:

LOL! Yep. Does this make us baby serial killers?
well--it's like trick shooting [ or just about any of this weird crap you see people do ] some people do--if you do it '''everyday'', it's not that hard ...I learned where to aim
Sounds like fun. How close you got to be?
Yeah, we had blackberry bushes. They had MASSIVELY huge berries on them every year. And I loved to eat as many as I could.

One year, I was picking some, and started to put my hand through an opening in the vines to grab some berries............until I noticed this sitting there.........


It was as big as my hand!!! I ran into the garage and got a glass jar with a lid and scooped it up.
Took it to my science teacher at school the next day. She collected spider specimens.

After that, I looked VERY carefully at everything, BEFORE I put my hands anywhere near it!!!

OMG. Just lookin at that picture is gonna stroke me out. I think my hair stood up so fast it fell off.
Those look awful, but really just catch f
Yeah, we had blackberry bushes. They had MASSIVELY huge berries on them every year. And I loved to eat as many as I could.

One year, I was picking some, and started to put my hand through an opening in the vines to grab some berries............until I noticed this sitting there.........


It was as big as my hand!!! I ran into the garage and got a glass jar with a lid and scooped it up.
Took it to my science teacher at school the next day. She collected spider specimens.

After that, I looked VERY carefully at everything, BEFORE I put my hands anywhere near it!!!
Those garden spiders look awful, but really just catch flies and other insects to wrap up and munched later. time, around 1977, I killed 234 flies over the summer with a BB pistol .45 version

I would need a judges ruling on this one ...

Assuming your aim was good enough to hit the center mass of a a stationary 6mm fly with a 4.5mm BB ... BB guns have a muzzle velocity of around 200 feet per second (5ms/foot) ... a fly has a startle response of 20 milliseconds (five times faster than a human).

The fly would have time to notice the accelerated mass (flies have nearly 360 degree vision) and escape when the BB was only four feet away.

What was your shot to kill ratio?
I live in the South...............more often than not, it's the drunk humans that you REALLY gotta watch out for!!!!
That kinda goes without saying for people like myself from NW Ohio.

Aside from other humans, around here there is no wildlife that is of any particular concern. We killed them off a long time ago.

Down south it's a different story. Rattlesnakes, fire ants etc....Those southern folks just let those things run loose.

And up north of here, those folks let grizzly bears and wolves just run wild.
I would need a judges ruling on this one ...

Assuming your aim was good enough to hit the center mass of a a stationary 6mm fly with a 4.5mm BB ... BB guns have a muzzle velocity of around 200 feet per second (5ms/foot) ... a fly has a startle response of 20 milliseconds (five times faster than a human).

The fly would have time to notice the accelerated mass (flies have nearly 360 degree vision) and escape when the BB was only four feet away.

What was your shot to kill ratio?
1. sorry, but it's true---
2. the barrel was very close --maybe a foot/etc away...maybe closer ....very, very close ...where the heck do you get four feet????? yes, four feet would be very difficult because BBs are not pistol rounds--they are very light can get real close to a fly before it takes off
3. I don't fkin remember the shot ratio!!!!! .....
4. like I said before, if you do something long enough, you become an '''expert'' at it....
......I've fired pistols a lot, and I know it's very difficult to hit man sized targets at close range--without ''everyday'' practice ....but people do crazy trick shots because they train everyday/a lot's like the SAME aiming/location/etc time after time
LOL! Ack!

Fuckin bugs.

I'd eat a bowl of flies if I could never again deal with spiders.

Wait- that's a lie, but still.

When I was a kid, my cousin and I were out gathering blackberries for our gramma. We were eating a lot too, and with bad manners to boot.

I threw a handful in my face and immediately bit into some bitter, nasty assed beetle.

I'm sure I needed therapy, but hillbilly kids don't get that- they get "Now you go on and stop that throwing up and trembling before I give you something to tremble and throw up about.

We were camping at the S. Llano river on the property we were purchasing,they were nice enough to let us do that before we purchased it
I was hanging out under the camper awning enjoying a Crown and water ...right up until I took in a stink bug.
You think they smell bad!!! Wait till you taste one,it took a whole day of drinking to get rid of the taste.
Still the most fun way to kill bugs and flies.
You can easily drop em from as much as 3ft away.

Just don't use it in a public park in Cleveland. The stressed-out steroid junkie PTSD-addled cops might get the wrong impression and overreact a little bit.

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