Do I look mexican or dark sicilian in this picture?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
The original guy looked like a tann and dark handsome anglo-american but now with my face it looks mexican or maybe dark sicilian?


Is that your picture? it kind of looks ...I don't universal...its difficult to's a nice picture

But it doesn't look Scandinavian, that I can say.
The original guy looked like a tann and dark handsome anglo-american but now with my face it looks mexican or maybe dark sicilian?


View attachment 378036
Kind of like some women I saw shooting pool in a beer bar near Fort Indian Town Gap, and had the same build also. The men with them favored and with the same build also. Actually most of the people in that bar and the quickmart across the street, also. It was a strange place and off post kind of gave me the creeps.
The original guy looked like a tann and dark handsome anglo-american but now with my face it looks mexican or maybe dark sicilian?


View attachment 378036

Well it depends. For example, if you are Hispanic looking but kill a black dude, then you instantly become white to the race baiting Left.

But if you are black looking Leftist but are really white, like Rachel Dolezal, you could still be black.

Sounds to me you need to join the racial draft

If that 1st picture is look like a Mexican Sicario. In which case you should contact Alice Braga for a job.
If that 2nd picture is best jump back in a Lincoln before you get fired
The first picture is my face on the gif of the original guy. Seems like a misunderstanding. The second guy is the original guy. It is a app it replace gifs and videos with your face or morphs them with your face on a video or gif. The second guy is the original guy thats why I said he looks like a tanned handsome anglo-american but the first picture with my face looks mexican or potentially dark sicilian?

Here is my original face so you will recognise me.

Are you seriously in Chicago now? Welcome to America. . . though I have to say, you are late to the party . . . sorry the place seems to be falling apart. :confused:
Is greaseball an acceptable answer?

yes i heard before a sicilian can be considered greaceball so i guess that might be the case or am i wrong?
You are wrong. You look Mexican. I am Central American (Belize) & French-Italian (Corsica), and you look more Hispanic than I do. But looks is no big deal. If you live in Austria, you're Austrian. And if you live in America, You're American.

What's more important is, if you are loyal to your country, love it, and don't disrespect its flag or national anthem, and be law-abiding. :)
Is greaseball an acceptable answer?

yes i heard before a sicilian can be considered greaceball so i guess that might be the case or am i wrong?
You are wrong. You look Mexican. I am Central American (Belize) & French-Italian (Corsica), and you look more Hispanic than I do. But looks is no big deal. If you live in Austria, you're Austrian. And if you live in America, You're American.

What's more important is, if you are loyal to your country, love it, and don't disrespect its flag or national anthem, and be law-abiding. :)

I dont mind looking mexican or central american. No big deal. I opened the thread by asking whether I look mexican.

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