DO IT!!!!! Hillary Clinton will run for president again in 2020, former adviser says ..NO REALLY

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
She will destroy any Democrat who gets in her way. Especially any female who dares to think they will be the one to shatter that glass ceiling....only ones that could actually OUTSPEND HER would be the 2 insane male billionaires ....I'm sure ARKANCIDE STILL WORKS....Can you imagine the FUN!!!

Hillary Clinton will run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, according to a former adviser and a top Democrat in New York.

Mark Penn, a pollster and senior adviser to former President Bill Clinton and ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 1995-2008, and Andrew Stein, a former Manhattan Democratic party figure and New York City Council president, wrote Sunday in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece that the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would not let "two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House."

"Mrs. Clinton has come unbound. She will not allow this humiliating loss at the hands of an amateur to end the story of her career," Penn and Stein wrote of President Trump, explaining how Clinton would re-package herself as a more liberal "Hillary Clinton 4.0." "You can expect her to run for president once again. Maybe not at first, when the legions of Senate Democrats make their announcements, but definitely by the time the primaries are in full swing."

"Mrs. Clinton has a 75% approval rating among Democrats, an unfinished mission to be the first female president, and a personal grievance against Mr. Trump, whose supporters pilloried her with chants of 'Lock her up!' This must be avenged," the pair continued.

Penn and Stein recommended basing a strategy for Clinton's do-over on former President Richard Nixon's second tilt at the White House in 1968 after losing to the late President John F. Kennedy in 1960. The duo also said potential Democratic presidential candidates were "bungling amateurs" in their handling of the Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanuagh's confirmation hearings.



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent her Friday night making instant macaroni and cheese while flirting with the idea of running for president in the future.

During an Instagram Live Q&A session on Friday night, the 29-year-old socialist discussed her election victory on Tuesday and flirted with the idea of maybe running for president in the future.

While making macaroni and cheese and listening to music from a kitchen, the Democratic darling spoke about Shirley Chisholm, an African-American politician and author who died in 2005.

“Chisholm was the first black woman to ever run for president as a nominee of any major political party,” Ocasio-Cortez said while pulling cheese out of the grater.

“She was a congresswoman out of Brooklyn. She was also the first black woman in Congress. And people asked her when she ran for president in the 1970s…60s,” she continued while forgetting the dates and moving from counter to counter.

The socialist went on to say that Chisholm told people that she ran for president because “someone had to be the first,” saying that she knew she was “blazing a trail for.. um.. for.. black candidates.. for.. women.”

-Cortez was saying that Chisholm wanted African-Americans, minorities, and women to run for public office, including the presidency.

(snip...) Ocasio-Cortez appeared to be implying that she could run for president.(snip)

This is the second time in the past month that Ocasio-Cortez — who recently attacked the “electoral system” because she can’t receive her congressional salary until she becomes a member of Congress — has hinted at a possible presidential run in the future.

While speaking to a small crowd last month in what appears to be a basement, the socialist verbalized her apparent fantasy of being “inaugurated,” an event reserved for a commander-in-chief.


And MORE meanwhile....

Democrats are seeing a silver lining to Rep. Beto O'Rourke’s loss in Texas to Sen. Ted Cruz (R). It means O’Rourke, who emerged in the midterms as a progressive star, is free to run for president. Talk of O’Rourke running for the White House would have happened if he had defeated Cruz, to be sure. But Democrats say it shouldn’t be quieted by his loss. O’Rourke finished within 3 percentage points of Cruz, an exceptional performance compared to past Democratic standards in recent Texas Senate races.

Read more at ...

This is going to be fun seeing which left wing subversive scumbag, can offer the most FREE SHIT, and AMNESTY to millions of the unwashed!
The Witch is stubborn ...isn't she....she can't let go huh?

She want's to take to the limit huh?

ok then it
The bitch will never make it pass the Moon Bat Primaries. As bat shit Left Wing crazy as she is she is a flaming Conservative for the mainstream Democrats nowadays.

To win the Moon Bat nomination in the future you will have to be a Black Marxist shithead.

Besides the DNC did away with the Super Delegates scam. That means the Clinton machine can't control the Primary process again like they did in 2016.
Let’s hope she does and wins the Democratic nominee, what a great idea she has.
Are LibTards truly that stupid as to let Shrillary screw-the-pooch again?
The Witch is stubborn ...isn't she....she can't let go huh?

She want's to take to the limit huh?

ok then it
i wonder what she will wear,,so far we have seen her in Chinese attire, Hitler attire, various muslim wear, maybe Japanese...hey, maybe Hillary will campaign dressed as a black woman? and say that she feels black, and thats why we should all vote for her?

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