Do Jews Control the Media?

The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.

The belief that The New York Times is a Communist newspaper is beneath contempt. It is true that is one of the most prestigious newspapers in the English language.
The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..

Jews do everything well that requires superior intelligence. They earn their prosperity.
The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..

Invest and control. There does seem to be a strong Communist/Jewish influence in our Media. The Sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.

The American Communist Party has never had much influence in the United States. Right now it consists of several thousand members nationwide.

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The argument given by the Jewish supremacists goes like this:

"Jews are smarter than you. They never lie, cheat, or steal (morally superior). Therefore it is they, the Jews who should be given the most power and authority since they are most qualified to rule both intellectually and morally."

Their wealth and success are offered as proof of the explanation given for them.

That is just exactly what I believe. I am not even Jewish. Jews are resented by self hating failures.
The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.

The belief that The New York Times is a Communist newspaper is beneath contempt. It is true that is one of the most prestigious newspapers in the English language.

It is a far Left/Communist Newspaper. No point in debating it. It is what it is. But i was really pointing out the Jewish/Communist control aspect. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years.
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Jews control much of American Media. They don't control all of it though. They certainly control the content in Film and TV. Just watch the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. Jewish names dominate the credits. That can't be disputed. And they do control some of the 'News Media' too. As i explained earlier, the NY Times is one major example. They've had a Communist/Jewish slant for many many years. So in the end, the answer is Yes. Jews do control the Media. But not all of it.

Jews do not control the American media, or film and television. They do have a prominence out of proportion to their numbers. They achieved that prominence despite persecution by being superior to their competitors.

If you give a Jew half a chance he will usually do twice as well as anyone else.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..

Invest and control. There does seem to be a strong Communist/Jewish influence in our Media. The Sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.

The American Communist Party has never had much influence in the United States. Right now it consists of several thousand members nationwide.

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Well, most Communist/Democrats call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' But in the end, they're just run-of-the-mill Communists.
if you read between the lines I DID say something about preventing the Jews both here and abroad from destroying the US!

I would also like to see white gentiles retake the country that THEIR ancestors FOUGHT for.
Even more, I'd like to see the so called "Christians" drop the JUDEO crap and start showing more respect to Christ than the Pharisees.

Jews are not "destroying the US." They are building it up with their superior intelligence. The only people who resent them do so because they cannot compete with Jews.
Jews control much of American Media. They don't control all of it though. They certainly control the content in Film and TV. Just watch the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. Jewish names dominate the credits. That can't be disputed. And they do control some of the 'News Media' too. As i explained earlier, the NY Times is one major example. They've had a Communist/Jewish slant for many many years. So in the end, the answer is Yes. Jews do control the Media. But not all of it.

Jews do not control the American media, or film and television. They do have a prominence out of proportion to their numbers. They achieved that prominence despite persecution by being superior to their competitors.

If you give a Jew half a chance he will usually do twice as well as anyone else.

They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.
Obsequious to the Terrorist Zionists to the last Say,Well I have News for You.....The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinian People has now lasted 65 YEARS SO FAR......Your Hands Drip with BLOOD.

Israel has been given 17 TRILLION DOLLARS BY AMERICANS during it's existence,murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Palestinians during this 65 year period.

This is the way the Palestinians are.


In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers. Honor killings account for virtually all of the murders of Palestinian women in these areas...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian"--father, brother, uncle, or cousin--may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child. Last year, seventeen-year-old Afaf Younes was killed by her father, who had allegedly been sexually molesting her. Afaf had tried to escape his sexual abuse by running away, but she was caught and returned to her father. He then shot her in the name of honor.

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."
Reputation Is Everything: Honor Killings Among the Palestinians
You Speak only for YOURSELF MORON:cuckoo:

Of course, of course. I forgot that Jesus will give immortality to you intoxicated delusional goyim. And then you wonder why the Jewish dominate . . .

Jews could never dominate me MORON...:cuckoo:...I know them toooooo well,others may cower but I predominate.............I do not hate Jews in any way MORON:cuckoo: or PALESTINIANS unlike you,you Curr. Goyim my ass........time for you to take that Silver(or is that Gold in your case) Spoon out of your ASS and shove it in you mouth MORON.:cuckoo:

You can try MORON :cuckoo:but you cannot and will not DEFEAT H.I.M. Theliq

Got the subtle message MORON:cuckoo:AKA The Intoxicated MORON
what the fuck is H.I.M.?
invest and control. There does seem to be a strong communist/jewish influence in our media. The sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.

the american communist party has never had much influence in the united states. Right now it consists of several thousand members nationwide.

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well, most communist/democrats call themselves 'socialists' or 'progressives.' but in the end, they're just run-of-the-mill communists.
making you a less then run of the mill wackjob.
Jews control much of American Media. They don't control all of it though. They certainly control the content in Film and TV. Just watch the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. Jewish names dominate the credits. That can't be disputed. And they do control some of the 'News Media' too. As i explained earlier, the NY Times is one major example. They've had a Communist/Jewish slant for many many years. So in the end, the answer is Yes. Jews do control the Media. But not all of it.

Jews do not control the American media, or film and television. They do have a prominence out of proportion to their numbers. They achieved that prominence despite persecution by being superior to their competitors.

If you give a Jew half a chance he will usually do twice as well as anyone else.

They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?
[first question] How did American Jews take control of much of American Media? Especially Film and TV?

[second question] And why are most American Jews Leftists/Communists? I think these are valid and very interesting questions. So if anyone wants to discuss these questions openly and honestly, i'm willing to listen. Thanks.

[first answer] The Jews earned their prominence in the American media, and in other areas requiring superior intelligence with their superior intelligence.

[second answer] Most Jews are politically liberal because no matter how prosperous they are they care about those who are not prosperous.

Your questions assume things that are not true. The Jews do not control anything in the United States. The American Communist Party has never been much more than a Marxist discussion club.

In one of his essays H.L. Mencken wrote of the American plutocracy, "A group of gabby Jewish youths discussing revolution in a back room somewhere - that is to say a group of kittens preparing to topple the Matterhorn - is enough to scare it half to death."

The American Communist Party has often been blamed for social and political changes it supported but did not cause.
Jews do not control the American media, or film and television. They do have a prominence out of proportion to their numbers. They achieved that prominence despite persecution by being superior to their competitors.

If you give a Jew half a chance he will usually do twice as well as anyone else.

They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?
Didn't know the jews needed assimilation...they were a civilized culture long before the europeans.
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and, or culture come to resemble those of another group. The term is used both to refer to both individuals and groups, and in the latter case it can refer to either immigrant diasporas or native residents that come to be culturally dominated by another society. Assimilation may involve either a quick or gradual change depending on circumstances of the group. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group. Whether or not it is desirable for an immigrant group to assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and those of the dominant society.
I love observing Anti-semitic threads

They all say we control the world:D

Ah, that's just lazy predictable PC drivel. I've asked some honest straight-forward questions. Take a shot at answering them honestly and openly...Or don't. Whatever.

I answered your questions in comment #194. I am waiting for a response.
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the american communist party has never had much influence in the united states. Right now it consists of several thousand members nationwide.

home » cpusa

well, most communist/democrats call themselves 'socialists' or 'progressives.' but in the end, they're just run-of-the-mill communists.
making you a less then run of the mill wackjob.

Aw, don't be so sensitive little Comrade. Embrace the Communist in you. Time to come out of the closet.
I love observing Anti-semitic threads

They all say we control the world:D

Ah, that's just lazy predictable PC drivel. I've asked some honest straight-forward questions. Take a shot at answering them honestly and openly...Or don't. Whatever.

I answered your questions. I am waiting for a response.

Too late. The OP's question has been answered. Obviously Jews control much of American Media. Now if you have anything to offer on why most American Jews have chosen the Communist/Democrat route, i'm willing to listen.
They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?
Didn't know the jews needed assimilation...they were a civilized culture long before the europeans.
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and, or culture come to resemble those of another group. The term is used both to refer to both individuals and groups, and in the latter case it can refer to either immigrant diasporas or native residents that come to be culturally dominated by another society. Assimilation may involve either a quick or gradual change depending on circumstances of the group. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group. Whether or not it is desirable for an immigrant group to assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and those of the dominant society.

Exactly the point.
Jews love America, so why is Paul so concerned?

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