Do Jews Control the Media?

Ah, that's just lazy predictable PC drivel. I've asked some honest straight-forward questions. Take a shot at answering them honestly and openly...Or don't. Whatever.

I answered your questions. I am waiting for a response.

Too late. The OP's question has been answered. Obviously Jews control much of American Media. Now if you have anything to offer on why most American Jews have chosen the Communist/Democrat route, i'm willing to listen.

Spielberg is a Communist?
You want a Communist? Bill Gates, according to whom all Americans are stupid and lazy and thus we must be saved by the Indians and Africans.
Who, just by coincidence, are less expensive than stupid and lazy Amercians.
well, most communist/democrats call themselves 'socialists' or 'progressives.' but in the end, they're just run-of-the-mill communists.
making you a less then run of the mill wackjob.

Aw, don't be so sensitive little Comrade. Embrace the Communist in you. Time to come out of the closet.
sure paulie, you hang on to that fantasy as tightly as you can..comments like that just prove my point....:lol::lol:
So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?
Didn't know the jews needed assimilation...they were a civilized culture long before the europeans.
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and, or culture come to resemble those of another group. The term is used both to refer to both individuals and groups, and in the latter case it can refer to either immigrant diasporas or native residents that come to be culturally dominated by another society. Assimilation may involve either a quick or gradual change depending on circumstances of the group. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group. Whether or not it is desirable for an immigrant group to assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and those of the dominant society.

Exactly the point.
Jews love America, so why is Paul so concerned?
well, I hate to state the obvious but paulie is mentally ill... or he got turned down by a jewish girl ?
you choose.
Jews do not control the American media, or film and television. They do have a prominence out of proportion to their numbers. They achieved that prominence despite persecution by being superior to their competitors.

If you give a Jew half a chance he will usually do twice as well as anyone else.

They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?

It just bothers me that so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. It's very disappointing. Because like you said, many especially in Hollywood have made their fortunes off American Democracy and Capitalism. Yet so many of them continue to push the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. It's very dishonest and hypocritical. Their Socialist/Communist Propaganda has become very overt in Film & TV. Making all that Cash off American Capitalism while pushing Socialism/Communism is just so disingenuous. I'm wondering why so many American Jews lean far Left/Communist. It's kind of perplexing to me.
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Didn't know the jews needed assimilation...they were a civilized culture long before the europeans.
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and, or culture come to resemble those of another group. The term is used both to refer to both individuals and groups, and in the latter case it can refer to either immigrant diasporas or native residents that come to be culturally dominated by another society. Assimilation may involve either a quick or gradual change depending on circumstances of the group. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group. Whether or not it is desirable for an immigrant group to assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and those of the dominant society.

Exactly the point.
Jews love America, so why is Paul so concerned?
well, I hate to state the obvious but paulie is mentally ill... or he got turned down by a jewish girl ?
you choose.

My wife turns me down all the time and it hasn't caused me to become mentally ill.
I think.
Invest and control. There does seem to be a strong Communist/Jewish influence in our Media. The Sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.

The American Communist Party has never had much influence in the United States. Right now it consists of several thousand members nationwide.

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Well, most Communist/Democrats call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' But in the end, they're just run-of-the-mill Communists.

A mark of intelligence is the ability to make distinctions. Even among Marxists there are many divisions and disagreements.

Nevertheless, socialism is becoming more popular in the United States.


Young people -- the collegiate and post-college crowd, who have served as the most visible face of the Occupy Wall Street movement -- might be getting more comfortable with socialism. That's the surprising result from a Pew Research Center poll that aims to measure American sentiments toward different political labels.

The poll, published Wednesday, found that while Americans overall tend to oppose socialism by a strong margin -- 60 percent say they have a negative view of it, versus just 31 percent who say they have a positive view -- socialism has more fans than opponents among the 18-29 crowd. Forty-nine percent of people in that age bracket say they have a positive view of socialism; only 43 percent say they have a negative view.
Young People More Likely To Favor Socialism Than Capitalism: Pew


Although the median income has been in decline ever since Bill Clinton left office, the rich keep getting richer.

Millions of young people have gotten college degrees only to discover that they do not lead to middle class incomes. Millions of young people have seen their parents lose middle class jobs and take jobs paying much less.

Young people are not being "brainwashed" to support socialism. They are seeing in their own lives that capitalism is not working for them.
making you a less then run of the mill wackjob.

Aw, don't be so sensitive little Comrade. Embrace the Communist in you. Time to come out of the closet.
sure paulie, you hang on to that fantasy as tightly as you can..comments like that just prove my point....:lol::lol:

Why are you here again? You say absolutely nothing. Stalking a Message Board Forum but never saying anything, seems pretty loony dude. Maybe it's time to take a break from the Board and get a life. Give it a shot, you've got nothing to lose.
They certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?

It just bothers me that so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. It's very disappointing. Because like you said, many especially in Hollywood have made their fortunes off American Democracy and Capitalism. Yet so many of them continue to push the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. It's very dishonest and hypocritical. Their Socialist/Communist Propaganda has become very overt in Film & TV. Making all that Cash off American Capitalism while pushing Socialism/Communism is just so disingenuous. I was wondering why so many American Jews lean far Left/Communist. It's kind of perplexing to me.
so are the mechanics of a juice box....what your point?
So mostly assimilated Jews being successful in a Capitalistic Democracy is bad because...?

It just bothers me that so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. It's very disappointing. Because like you said, many especially in Hollywood have made their fortunes off American Democracy and Capitalism. Yet so many of them continue to push the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. It's very dishonest and hypocritical. Their Socialist/Communist Propaganda has become very overt in Film & TV. Making all that Cash off American Capitalism while pushing Socialism/Communism is just so disingenuous. I was wondering why so many American Jews lean far Left/Communist. It's kind of perplexing to me.
so are the mechanics of a juice box....what your point?

Again, you got nothin. Seriously, why are you here? You never add anything to a discussion. You just loiter and lurk. You're one loony dude. :cuckoo:
[Jews] certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

Even if I agree with you that Jews have "control" how did they achieve this?

They achieved this by being superior to their competitors.

It is as simple as that.
Aw, don't be so sensitive little Comrade. Embrace the Communist in you. Time to come out of the closet.
sure paulie, you hang on to that fantasy as tightly as you can..comments like that just prove my point....:lol::lol:

Why are you here again? You say absolutely nothing. Stalking a Message Board Forum but never saying anything, seems pretty loony dude. Maybe it's time to take a break from the Board and get a life. Give it a shot, you've got nothing to lose.
golly, paulie that wasn't true the first time you whined about it and it's not true now...ironic you telling other posters to get a life, when you are always spewing nonsense.
It just bothers me that so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. It's very disappointing. Because like you said, many especially in Hollywood have made their fortunes off American Democracy and Capitalism. Yet so many of them continue to push the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. It's very dishonest and hypocritical. Their Socialist/Communist Propaganda has become very overt in Film & TV. Making all that Cash off American Capitalism while pushing Socialism/Communism is just so disingenuous. I was wondering why so many American Jews lean far Left/Communist. It's kind of perplexing to me.
so are the mechanics of a juice box....what your point?

Again, you got nothin. Seriously, why are you here? You never add anything to a discussion. You just loiter and lurk. You're one loony dude. :cuckoo:
dishonest and hypocritical.
[Jews] certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

Even if I agree with you that Jews have "control" how did they achieve this?

They achieved this by being superior to their competitors.

It is as simple as that.

I hear ya, but why Communism? Why did so many American Jews choose that route? They've enjoyed America's Freedom and Capitalism more than most have. And i do give them credit for that. But why push all the Socialist/Communist Propaganda in Media? It really is perplexing.
[Jews] certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

Even if I agree with you that Jews have "control" how did they achieve this?

They achieved this by being superior to their competitors.

It is as simple as that.

I hear ya, but why Communism? Why did so many American Jews choose that route? They've enjoyed America's Freedom and Capitalism more than most have. And i do give them credit for that. But why push all the Socialist/Communist Propaganda in Media? It really is perplexing.

Can you describe, in your own words (no links), this Communism that these American Jews have embraced?
[Jews] certainly do control much of American Media. That just can't be denied. As i said, just look at the credits at the end of most Films and TV Shows produced in America. Clearly, Jewish names dominate the credits. It's really not even worth debating. It is what it is.

Even if I agree with you that Jews have "control" how did they achieve this?

They achieved this by being superior to their competitors.

It is as simple as that.

I hear ya, but why Communism? Why did so many American Jews choose that route? They've enjoyed America's Freedom and Capitalism more than most have. And i do give them credit for that. But why push all the Socialist/Communist Propaganda in Media? It really is perplexing.
no really it's not ,mostly because it's a false assumption made by bigots like you..
Too late. The OP's question has been answered. Obviously Jews control much of American Media. Now if you have anything to offer on why most American Jews have chosen the Communist/Democrat route, i'm willing to listen.


I have already pointed out that Jewish prominence in "much of American media" and in any other areas requiring superior intelligence is because of superior Jewish intelligence. I have also pointed out that the vast majority of Democrats are neither Communist Party members nor are they Communist sympathizers.

I have also pointed out that socialism is becoming a more popular ideal in the United States. I have explained why.
Even if I agree with you that Jews have "control" how did they achieve this?

They achieved this by being superior to their competitors.

It is as simple as that.

I hear ya, but why Communism? Why did so many American Jews choose that route? They've enjoyed America's Freedom and Capitalism more than most have. And i do give them credit for that. But why push all the Socialist/Communist Propaganda in Media? It really is perplexing.

Can you describe, in your own words (no links), this Communism that these American Jews have embraced?

Most American Jews especially in Media, do embrace Big Government dominance over Citizens' lives. Many openly push the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. In fact, many even openly worship Communist Dictators around the World. But why? Everything they have is because of American Freedom and Capitalism? They certainly wouldn't have enjoyed such success in Communist States. I just don't get it.
well, I hate to state the obvious but paulie is mentally ill... or he got turned down by a jewish girl ?
you choose.

It is more probable that he was passed up for a promotion that went to a more capable Jew. Perhaps he was fired and replaced by a more capable Jew. Perhaps a Jew fired him because he could not do his job.

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