Do Jews Control the Media?

The IMPLIED statement hiding within the rhetorical question

Do Jews Control the Media?

is that the JEWS controlling the media do so for the cause of JEWS.

THAT is where you NAZI retards get it soooooooooooooooo wrong.

These powerful Jews no more care about their fellow JEWS than the WASPS who control the Media and banking care about other WASPS.

You RACIST nitwits need to understand that CLASS is a much more powerful motivater (and FACILITATOR) than race when it comes to CONSPIRACY.

People join UNIONS for the advantages that they have to offer.

A minority of people have a greater reason to join forces when they are confronted by superior numbers whom they have been taught are not only spiritually inferior, but who are "out to get them".

It is the Jews who incessantly go on about the necessity for organizations like the ADL and the JDL. It is they who constantly remind us of how persecuted they have been and likewise how much danger they are in 24/7. Why do you think that the Jews have received over 90% of the funds which were allocated for the DHS?
That's the same DHS that bought up enough ammunition, including hollow point bullets banned by the Geneva Convention, and enough armored military vehicles and gear to fight the Iraq war over a half dozen times.

The power which our JEWISH Secretary of the Treasury exerts over this Department of "Homeland Security" is not commonly known. The Jews may as well be wearing military uniforms and appoint themselves ranks like General and so forth. The practicality of the situation amounts to the same thing!

Besides all of this, the Jewish RELIGION teaches its adherents that THEY are CHOSEN of GOD to RULE the WORLD and that WORLD DOMINATION IS THEIR DESTINY, a destiny they are ALL admonished to work for.

The Jews don't really have to love one another. They only need to FEAR their neighbors and LOVE the gain of LUCRE in order to see the wisdom in the NETWORKING which they practice. This earthly wisdom is all the glue they need to stick them together. The method of double teaming has been employed even by thugs since the dawn of man. The heavenly wisdom which says "It is more blessed to give rather than receive" is not well understood or appreciated by the masses. (Hollywood has done little except create the impression in pliable minds that the universe is ruled by a God of threats and bribes, that "goodness" should be associated with weakness, and meekness with femininity.)

This also explains why they achieve inordinate numbers among all the lucrative jobs and have the highest per capita income in the US.

They would have us all believe that these FACTS may all be attributed to their SUPERIOR intellect and WORK ethic, both of which would point to their SUPERIOR RELIGIOUS indoctrination. That might have some credence if it were not for the fact that it contradicts everything Christ taught and that even gangsters are known to amass wealth, and not by any virtue which is customarily associated with acts of charity!
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Yes, there is a Jewish prevalence in American media. What do you propose be done about it?

The first thing that needs to be done about it is to INFORM THE PUBLIC.

The public needs to know what JUDAISM IS and WHO these "JEWS" are.

This is no easy task. For as you see, there are many Jewish Hasbarats (disinformation agents) who are skilled at equivocation, dissimulation, obfuscation, intimidation, and flat out lying, many of whom are actually getting paid to practice ply their wares on the internet.

They use many techniques in order to prevent the knowledge of the actual intent of the Jewish religion and the goals of the Jewish Socio/Political Union from becoming common knowledge.

One tactic they frequently employ is to constantly annoy their adversaries with the intent to provoke them to wrath. Once having succeeded at causing them to vent (rant) they can then more easily get the FALSE accusation of being an "anti-semite" or a Neo-Nazi to stick.

There are many other methods they employ. Another frequently employed tactic is diversion. The object is to distract readers and the writer himself from the subject at hand. This technique may be observed on mainstream media whereby one sees essentially inconsequential "news" items being belabored for extended periods of time rather than focusing on the major issues.

9/11 was handled this way for example. What attention was given to the "conspiracy nuts" was either spent badgering them, belittling them, or besmirching them. Or they may select from among prospective interviewees the most outlandish of them all who would espouse the most ridiculous "theories" which any fool would see as false immediately. Then the media would attempt to dismiss them all by conveniently "lumping" them all in the same category.

I could continue describing various other means with which the Jewish media has effectively silenced the critics of Judeo/Zionism, but this brief introduction should give you enough to work on to begin with. That is IF your question is sincere.

The Jews in this country have reached the level of consolidation that they feel at liberty to insult their gentile neighbors to their faces since most of them are too busy to notice or to complacent to care. The Jews pride themselves on their insolence (Chutzbah).

I encourage all those who wish to save the sovereignty of the US to study up on the matter with a clear and open mind, not with the intent of singling out any ethnicity or choose some exclusive group to "pick on". People seem to have an inherent need to villify someone all the time. Jews are no exception. Only now days Christianity and white non-Jewish males have been selected to assume that role.

Therefore concentrate primarily on the IDEOLOGY which underlies the culture of Jewish Supremacism. Never be a party to the mistreatment of isolated individuals or yield to the pressure of mob dynamics. Always hold the principles of justice tempered with mercy before your eyes.

Do not seek to destroy. Rather seek to mollify the will of antagonists inasmuch as the righteous course of action will allow. You can do this without compromising the principles of fairness and honesty if you think carefully about what you say and do and seek the Lord's guidance at all times.

The object here is not to reestablish the "Third Reich" as our accusers would have it, but temper the actions of Zionist and other radicals who seek complete dominance, and to neutralize the potential of poisonous doctrines.

You can do none of this unless you first learn the difference.

I am not about defeating the "Jews" anymore than I am about destroying Islam. I am about regaining the God given and Constitutionally guaranteed rights of Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples to order their own lives without being ordered about and forced to serve either Jewish Supremacists, be shoved around by militant blacks with chips on their shoulders, be displaced by Mexicans who seek to displace the "Gringo" by out-breeding them, and to hopefully spare us all the kind of atrocious behavior that the Bolsheviks exhibited when they took over Russia.

The Jews are fiercely opposed to allowing Israel to ever become anything but a Jewish State. Other races and ethnicities are just as determined to remain predominate in their respective domains. For example, in Mexico there are areas of land in which foreigners (whites) are not allowed to own land. Instead they only allowed to lease it from the government. The express purpose of these laws is to prevent the take over of these lands by people other than Mexicans. At the same time, criminal elements from Mexico are flooding across the US boarder with the blessings of our Marxist government.

ALL of these movements are being spearheaded and perpetuated by JEWISH POLITICAL FACTIONS in an effort to become the central rulers of the US.

They have enlisted gentile helpers who also profit by the move towards globalism. Others lend their support for the bribes and "opportunities" which they gain by currying Jewish favor. None of these people are doing anything in behalf of the US or the white Christian middle class, who have remained docile, passive, and complacent, having been indoctrinated to believe that this is all done in the name of "the brotherhood of man" and "the global community". Horse Feathers~!

I am opposed to organized CRIME, EVEN WHEN IT IS JEWISH, and all crime under any other name whether it be "Russian" or any other. Only Jews WHO SEEK PRIVILEGED STATUS and to DOMINATE could be opposed to this! MARK WHO THEY ARE!

I appreciate your effort, but I just don't see it the way you do. I don't see where "Hollywood" is synonymous with "organized crime." I don't see where Jews have diminished your "Constitutionally guaranteed rights of Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples." I don't see where "Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples" have any more right to the Constitution than any other American of any faith, color, or creed.

As far as "informing the public" about how much control Jews have over the media, I have heard this for a very long time; so that message is out there. What I was curious about is what you think should be done about it?
I appreciate your effort, but I just don't see it the way you do. I don't see where "Hollywood" is synonymous with "organized crime."

I didn't say they were. What I did say is that the "Russian" (Jewish) mob poses a grave threat to the US and that Jews who do not oppose it are in favor of it.

I don't see where Jews have diminished your "Constitutionally guaranteed rights of Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples."

Then you just don't see. I do see. A lot of others see as well. And we see how those rights are being diminished as the country slides into a Jewish controlled Marxist Plutocracy.
I could spend pages illustrating this point.
But at the end of it, I doubt whether you would "see" any more clearly than you admit here.

I don't see where "Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples" have any more right to the Constitution than any other American of any faith, color, or creed.

I can see where they ought to have as much right at a very minimum, especially since it was their fore-fathers who established it, a fact which sticks very painfully in the craw of all those Jews whose forefathers immigrated from countries where Jewish tribalism was most manifested, namely the regions of the former USSR.

The US has always been friendly to foreigners of all descriptions. In fact it might be said it has been far more so than any other country you may care to mention. If it were not so, it becomes hard to explain why so many of them are so much more eager to come here than elsewhere, except if one assumes that they are only coming here to grab a piece of the pie that is being divided up by the Multi-culturalist ruling class that is dominating the DC scene at the moment.

It's one thing to welcome a guest into ones home. It's quite another to hand him the keys to it and grant him the right to do with it as he pleases.

You Israel firsters NATIONALISTS who consider anything less than a JEWISH State for Israel an anti-semitic offense have an extremely myopic view of things when it comes to Anglo Saxon Christians who would prefer to retain a nation consistent with their own heritage.

As far as "informing the public" about how much control Jews have over the media, I have heard this for a very long time; so that message is out there. What I was curious about is what you think should be done about it?

As I said, the first step is informing the US public, above all the Anglicized Christian portion of it, as to who the primary suspect is behind the "open boarders", unbridled spending, militaristic policies , designed to multi-culturalize, Balkanize, divide, conquer, and globalize the US.

The Jews top the list.
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Jews do not control anything. They have a prominence far out of proportion to their numbers because of their superior intelligence.

Spoken like a true Jewish Supremacist.

Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
But what the original poster said makes no sense. They are smarter then the average person, but have no control?

The fact is, they do have higher IQs, and they clearly control media and finance, this is a given. Dumb people don't take control of such important mediums in society.

We must not deny Organized Jewry is a formidable political foe.
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One of the issues in controlling the MSM is that their objective is to hurt white people. And they are succeeding. Non-white folks hate whites based primarily on the bullshit they are brainwashed with via MSM in addition to their own natural racism.
Spoken like a true Jewish Supremacist.

Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
But what the original poster said makes no sense. They are smarter then the average person, but have no control?

The fact is, they do have higher IQs, and they clearly control media and finance, this is a given.

No ... it's not.
I appreciate your effort, but I just don't see it the way you do. I don't see where "Hollywood" is synonymous with "organized crime."

I didn't say they were. What I did say is that the "Russian" (Jewish) mob poses a grave threat to the US and that Jews who do not oppose it are in favor of it.

I don't see where Jews have diminished your "Constitutionally guaranteed rights of Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples."

Then you just don't see. I do see. A lot of others see as well. And we see how those rights are being diminished as the country slides into a Jewish controlled Marxist Plutocracy.
I could spend pages illustrating this point.
But at the end of it, I doubt whether you would "see" any more clearly than you admit here.

I don't see where "Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples" have any more right to the Constitution than any other American of any faith, color, or creed.

I can see where they ought to have as much right at a very minimum, especially since it was their fore-fathers who established it, a fact which sticks very painfully in the craw of all those Jews whose forefathers immigrated from countries where Jewish tribalism was most manifested, namely the regions of the former USSR.

The US has always been friendly to foreigners of all descriptions. In fact it might be said it has been far more so than any other country you may care to mention. If it were not so, it becomes hard to explain why so many of them are so much more eager to come here than elsewhere, except if one assumes that they are only coming here to grab a piece of the pie that is being divided up by the Multi-culturalist ruling class that is dominating the DC scene at the moment.

It's one thing to welcome a guest into ones home. It's quite another to hand him the keys to it and grant him the right to do with it as he pleases.

You Israel firsters NATIONALISTS who consider anything less than a JEWISH State for Israel an anti-semitic offense have an extremely myopic view of things when it comes to Anglo Saxon Christians who would prefer to retain a nation consistent with their own heritage.

As far as "informing the public" about how much control Jews have over the media, I have heard this for a very long time; so that message is out there. What I was curious about is what you think should be done about it?

As I said, the first step is informing the US public, above all the Anglicized Christian portion of it, as to who the primary suspect is behind the "open boarders", unbridled spending, militaristic policies , designed to multi-culturalize, Balkanize, divide, conquer, and globalize the US.

The Jews top the list.
What's the second step?

Gibsons Father Convinces Jews To Give Up World Control

By Dan Barash

Bowing to intense pressure from Mel Gibsons father, Jews announced today that they would no longer control the world. In a press release, Jews stated: Although we have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of world domination for the last 300 years, we feel it's time for gentiles to take control of their own affairs. We plan to spend more time with our families and pursue other interests.

Many Jews expressed relief that they could give up burdensome responsibilities. Retired accountant Jerry Friedman, who controls all media in Montana, said - I would just as well let the citizens of Montana manage their own TV and newspapers. Dont get me wrong, Montana is a fine state. But it gets awfully cold, and theres nowhere to get a good bagel.

Attorney Allen Franks said he's glad he no longer has to manage Bulgarian monetary policy. It was getting to be quite a hassle, he said. I already have a full time job and cant even balance my own checkbook, let alone control the finances of an
entire nation

Homemaker Judith Levine said she would miss the hustle and bustle of setting the international price for magnesium every day. But my son is about to be Bar Mitzvah'd, and oy! Such a party we're gonna have you wouldn't believe!

Hollywood producer Sidney Greenbaum was pessimistic about the announcement.
Do you really think goyim know how to make movies- he asked. They'll all end up being high budget, technicolor snuff flicks if you leave things up to Mel and his kind.

Comedy experts expressed concern that the business would suffer if Jews suddenly withdrew. According to one insider-Take away all the Jewish comics and writers, and all you have left is Carrot Top. Thats not a world I want to live in.

A potluck dinner in honor of Jews contributions to mankind will be held at the Hoboken Holiday Inn on April 3. All gentiles are welcome to attend. Participants will be encouraged to share an an offensive Jewish joke.
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It's true: I control all the media. I wish my stock holders would give me a raise though: I only get $11.00 an hour: I can't even afford my own lease here in Hamilton Heights in Manhattan.
It's true: I control all the media. I wish my stock holders would give me a raise though: I only get $11.00 an hour: I can't even afford my own lease here in Hamilton Heights in Manhattan.

Anyway, I sell rocks in Manhattan near the Apple Store near Central Park. Come look me up if you are interested in a pretty rock.
The OP's question has been answered. Of course Jews control a big portion of American Media. That isn't even debatable. Some of the usual suspects here have skirted the issue by resorting to their stale ridicule shite. But the question has been answered. Film and TV are the most powerful tools in advancing propaganda. And clearly, Jews control most of those forms of Media.

But i'm not so concerned with that. I'm more concerned as to why most American Jews went over to the Communist/Democrat side. I'm very disappointed in American Jews in that regard. Many in Hollywood especially, have made their fortunes off American Democracy and Capitalism, yet they continue to advance the 'merits' of Socialism/Communism. It's very dishonest and hypocritical. Shame on them.
Let's hear what the Jews have to say about it:
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the "American Dream"[/url]
I tried to send you a private message instead, but it seems you don't accept those. so here I go. I prefer to call criminals for what they are, I believe international criminals hide behind religions, nationalities etc. I am sure in the eyes of some I am the criminal myself, but what matters is the tactics. in one word - MONEY. I would be a fool to bite the name they hide under, I refer to them as what they really are and not the name they choose for themselves and address only their tactics - international criminals use money, and our job is to unite in a different venue than their controlled establishment media, and I do believe it is possible.
I appreciate your effort, but I just don't see it the way you do. I don't see where "Hollywood" is synonymous with "organized crime."

I didn't say they were. What I did say is that the "Russian" (Jewish) mob poses a grave threat to the US and that Jews who do not oppose it are in favor of it.

Then you just don't see. I do see. A lot of others see as well. And we see how those rights are being diminished as the country slides into a Jewish controlled Marxist Plutocracy.
I could spend pages illustrating this point.
But at the end of it, I doubt whether you would "see" any more clearly than you admit here.

I can see where they ought to have as much right at a very minimum, especially since it was their fore-fathers who established it, a fact which sticks very painfully in the craw of all those Jews whose forefathers immigrated from countries where Jewish tribalism was most manifested, namely the regions of the former USSR.

The US has always been friendly to foreigners of all descriptions. In fact it might be said it has been far more so than any other country you may care to mention. If it were not so, it becomes hard to explain why so many of them are so much more eager to come here than elsewhere, except if one assumes that they are only coming here to grab a piece of the pie that is being divided up by the Multi-culturalist ruling class that is dominating the DC scene at the moment.

It's one thing to welcome a guest into ones home. It's quite another to hand him the keys to it and grant him the right to do with it as he pleases.

You Israel firsters NATIONALISTS who consider anything less than a JEWISH State for Israel an anti-semitic offense have an extremely myopic view of things when it comes to Anglo Saxon Christians who would prefer to retain a nation consistent with their own heritage.

As far as "informing the public" about how much control Jews have over the media, I have heard this for a very long time; so that message is out there. What I was curious about is what you think should be done about it?

As I said, the first step is informing the US public, above all the Anglicized Christian portion of it, as to who the primary suspect is behind the "open boarders", unbridled spending, militaristic policies , designed to multi-culturalize, Balkanize, divide, conquer, and globalize the US.

The Jews top the list.
What's the second step?

Hey, Holston ... how come I can't get an answer out of you about this? You said the first step is to inform the public ....

... what's the next step?
Do Jews control the media?

What's next, a thread asking if bears crap in the woods?
Seriously though, does it really matter either way? In the end, everyone dies, and all winners and losers are equalized as dirt in the ground. Once you die, you no longer have any memories or conscious awareness of your successes and losses, for your brain has decomposed into dirt for all eternity. Millions of us Jews have died for all eternity since the first one of us emerged 3,500 years ago, and millions and millions more of us will die in the centuries to come. In the end, everyone is a loser. Life is pointless. Jews or gentiles: our lives are just an illusion.
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Seriously though, does it really matter either way? In the end, everyone dies, and all winners and losers are equalized as dirt in the ground. Once you die, you no longer have any memories or conscious awareness of your successes and losses, for your brain has decomposed into dirt for all eternity. Millions of us Jews have died for all eternity since the first one of us emerged 3,500 years ago, and millions and millions more of us will die in the centuries to come. In the end, everyone is a loser. Life is pointless. Jews or gentiles: our lives are just an illusion.

You Speak only for YOURSELF MORON:cuckoo:
Seriously though, does it really matter either way? In the end, everyone dies, and all winners and losers are equalized as dirt in the ground. Once you die, you no longer have any memories or conscious awareness of your successes and losses, for your brain has decomposed into dirt for all eternity. Millions of us Jews have died for all eternity since the first one of us emerged 3,500 years ago, and millions and millions more of us will die in the centuries to come. In the end, everyone is a loser. Life is pointless. Jews or gentiles: our lives are just an illusion.

You Speak only for YOURSELF MORON:cuckoo:

Of course, of course. I forgot that Jesus will give immortality to you intoxicated delusional goyim. And then you wonder why the Jewish dominate . . .
Seriously though, does it really matter either way? In the end, everyone dies, and all winners and losers are equalized as dirt in the ground. Once you die, you no longer have any memories or conscious awareness of your successes and losses, for your brain has decomposed into dirt for all eternity. Millions of us Jews have died for all eternity since the first one of us emerged 3,500 years ago, and millions and millions more of us will die in the centuries to come. In the end, everyone is a loser. Life is pointless. Jews or gentiles: our lives are just an illusion.

You Speak only for YOURSELF MORON:cuckoo:

Of course, of course. I forgot that Jesus will give immortality to you intoxicated delusional goyim. And then you wonder why the Jewish dominate . . .

Jews could never dominate me MORON...:cuckoo:...I know them toooooo well,others may cower but I predominate.............I do not hate Jews in any way MORON:cuckoo: or PALESTINIANS unlike you,you Curr. Goyim my ass........time for you to take that Silver(or is that Gold in your case) Spoon out of your ASS and shove it in you mouth MORON.:cuckoo:

You can try MORON :cuckoo:but you cannot and will not DEFEAT H.I.M. Theliq

Got the subtle message MORON:cuckoo:AKA The Intoxicated MORON
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