Do Jews Control the Media?

Let's hear what the Jews have to say about it:

Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the "American Dream"

Jewish moguls used to run Hollywood. Today gigantic corporate conglomerates financed by Arab oil money make movies in digital labs. Is that bad news or good news to bigots?

You only need to read the credits at the end of any movie,actors,producers,directors,costume people,music etc.,.....shows clearly the Jewish component is still in the majority.

Where you get your info from I no not..steve:cool:
Let's hear what the Jews have to say about it:

Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the "American Dream"

Jewish moguls used to run Hollywood. Today gigantic corporate conglomerates financed by Arab oil money make movies in digital labs. Is that bad news or good news to bigots?

You only need to read the credits at the end of any movie,actors,producers,directors,costume people,music etc.,.....shows clearly the Jewish component is still in the majority.

Where you get your info from I no not..steve:cool:
I'm in that business..and jews are not nearly as dominant as they were in the golden age of Hollywood..
why do you ass hats get your panties in a bunch over the jews in entertainment?
they pretty invented the movie business.
not filmmaking but the popularising of film as entertainment for the masses.
creating and profiting from something you created is as about as american as it gets.
as to mega conglomerates they've owned hollywood since the seventies
do these names ring any bells? :

.As of 2007, five of the Golden Age majors continue to exist as major Hollywood studio entities, each as part of a larger media conglomerate: Columbia (owned by Sony), 20th Century Fox (owned by News Corporation), Warner Bros. (owned by Time Warner), Paramount (owned by Viacom), and Universal (owned by Comcast/NBC Universal). In addition, The Walt Disney Company's Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group has emerged as a major, resulting in a "Big Six." With the exception of Disney, all of these so-called major studios are essentially based on the model not of the classic Big Five, but of the old United Artists: that is, they are primarily backer-distributors (and physical studio leasers) rather than actual production companies.
Sony, in addition to ownership of Columbia, also has effective control of the relatively small latter-day incarnation of MGM and its subsidiary UA; under the Sony umbrella, MGM/UA operates as a "mini-major," nominally independent of but closely associated with Columbia. In 1996, Time Warner acquired the once-independent New Line Cinema via its purchase of Turner Broadcasting System. In 2008, New Line was merged into Warner Bros., where it continues to exist as a subsidiary. Each of today's Big Six controls quasi-independent "arthouse" divisions, such as Paramount Vantage and Disney's Miramax Films (which originally was an independent studio). Most also have divisions that focus on genre movies, B movies either literally by virtue of their low budgets, or spiritually—for instance, Sony's Screen Gems and Buena Vista's Hollywood Pictures brand. One so-called indie division, Universal's Focus Features, releases arthouse films under that primary brand. Both Focus and Fox's arthouse division, Fox Searchlight, are large enough to qualify as mini-majors. Two large independent firms also qualify as mini-majors, Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company. They stand somewhere between latter-day versions of the old "major-minor"—like Columbia and Universal in the 1930s and 1940s, except Lionsgate and The W.C. have about half their market share—and leading Golden Age independent production outfits like Samuel Goldwyn Inc. and the companies of David O. Selznick.
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Let's hear what the Jews have to say about it:

Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the "American Dream"

Jewish moguls used to run Hollywood. Today gigantic corporate conglomerates financed by Arab oil money make movies in digital labs. Is that bad news or good news to bigots?

You only need to read the credits at the end of any movie,actors,producers,directors,costume people,music etc.,.....shows clearly the Jewish component is still in the majority.

Where you get your info from I no not..steve:cool:

Yes, the credits at the end of Films and TV Shows tell the story. Jewish names dominate the credits. So Jews do control most of Film & TV Media. That just can't be denied.
I'm still hoping others will weigh in on why most American Jews are Communists. I think the OP's question has been answered. Jews do control much of the Media. They don't control all of it, but one could say they control most of it. Now i'm just interested in why so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. Most Polls show American Jews describe themselves as Leftists/Democrats. Maybe some of our Jewish Posters can shed some light on that?
I'm still hoping others will weigh in on why most American Jews are Communists. I think the OP's question has been answered. Jews do control much of the Media. They don't control all of it, but one could say they control most of it. Now i'm just interested in why so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. Most Polls show American Jews describe themselves as Leftists/Democrats. Maybe some of our Jewish Posters can shed some light on that?

Wait, so are you saying leftist or Democrat is the same as communist?

So are the majority of black Americans also communist, since they vote Democrat?
I'm still hoping others will weigh in on why most American Jews are Communists. I think the OP's question has been answered. Jews do control much of the Media. They don't control all of it, but one could say they control most of it. Now i'm just interested in why so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. Most Polls show American Jews describe themselves as Leftists/Democrats. Maybe some of our Jewish Posters can shed some light on that?

Wait, so are you saying leftist or Democrat is the same as communist?

So are the majority of black Americans also communist, since they vote Democrat?

Yes and Yes. Most don't realize they are. They may not call themselves Communists, but they are.
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"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)

Karl Marx, as everyone should be aware, is the Father of communism, euphemistically known as "Marxism".

The Jews like to take credit for so many things. These days, however, they seem to be more reluctant to take credit for the Neo-Bolshevism that's sweeping the country.
Michael Weiner, alias "Dr Savage", has recently been heard trying to shift all of that in Lenin's direction.
I can't imagine why. I believe they should be given all the credit they are due.

This is so they should be able to assume the collective responsibility for their actions, just as they have insisted that all white Anglo-Saxon gentiles should bear the blame for everything done in the name of Christianity or Western culture. It seems only fair that Jews should likewise share in the condemnation of all those actions done by Jews in the name of Jews and Zionism.





The Jews have a long and illustrious history. They should take pride in owning up to ALL of it!


It would be an error to believe that the "Russian" immigrants that people like Jonathon Pollard sacrificed so much to gain their immigration from the former USSR are any less PROUD of THEIR heritage or any less idealogical than say for example, one of the rabid "Tea Partiers" the media denigrates.

We've heard the Jews themselves say that any " Jew" who DOES NOT put Israel first must be something LESS than Jewish.

Since it is a known FACT that the "Russian" mob was comprised of chiefly Soviet Jews, and since they 'Madoff' with roughly half the Russian economy when it fell, and since it is a FACT that they have set up shop in the US and Israel, and that Israel is the money laundering capital of the world, one can safely assume that the US is now infested with Judaic MOBSTERS who are not only dedicated primarily to their own enrichment, but are idealistically prone to desire the destruction of the US.

The ordinary Jew, being so smart as they claim to be, surely hasn't escaped noticing these connections. So it is puzzling how they can continue to offer their full fledged support of ZIONISM in the US, unless one assumes that they WELCOME the ascent of Jewish hegemony in the US, perhaps in hopes that it will usher in their longed for "MASHIANIC" Age ,in which they will enjoy a social rank and a standard of living which is ABOVE all others.

One can only conclude that these people either SUPPORT the Jewish takeover of the US government by the Jewish mob, or they are IGNORANT of the FACTS stated above, in which case they are NOT as smart or informed as they claim to be.

Otherwise, any self-respecting Jew, of any honor, sense of decency, or loyalty to the US which enabled their rise to affluence, ought to be as soundly AGAINST the transition of the US to a communist state/ Jewish plutocracy as I am.

"Nazis" have nothing to do with it.
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)

Karl Marx, as everyone should be aware, is the Father of communism, euphemistically known as "Marxism".

The Jews like to take credit for so many things. These days, however, they seem to be more reluctant to take credit for the Neo-Bolshevism that's sweeping the country.
Michael Weiner, alias "Dr Savage", has recently been heard trying to shift all of that in Lenin's direction.
I can't imagine why. I believe they should be given all the credit they are due.

This is so they should be able to assume the collective responsibility for their actions, just as they have insisted that all white Anglo-Saxon gentiles should bear the blame for everything done in the name of Christianity or Western culture. It seems only fair that Jews should likewise share in the condemnation of all those actions done by Jews in the name of Jews and Zionism.





The Jews have a long and illustrious history. They should take pride in owning up to ALL of it!


It would be an error to believe that the "Russian" immigrants that people like Jonathon Pollard sacrificed so much to gain their immigration from the former USSR are any less PROUD of THEIR heritage or any less idealogical than say for example, one of the rabid "Tea Partiers" the media denigrates.

We've heard the Jews themselves say that any " Jew" who DOES NOT put Israel first must be something LESS than Jewish.

Since it is a known FACT that the "Russian" mob was comprised of chiefly Soviet Jews, and since they 'Madoff' with roughly half the Russian economy when it fell, and since it is a FACT that they have set up shop in the US and Israel, and that Israel is the money laundering capital of the world, one can safely assume that the US is now infested with Judaic MOBSTERS who are not only dedicated primarily to their own enrichment, but are idealistically prone to desire the destruction of the US.

The ordinary Jew, being so smart as they claim to be, surely hasn't escaped noticing these connections. So it is puzzling how they can continue to offer their full fledged support of ZIONISM in the US, unless one assumes that they WELCOME the ascent of Jewish hegemony in the US, perhaps in hopes that it will usher in their longed for "MASHIANIC" Age ,in which they will enjoy a social rank and a standard of living which is ABOVE all others.

One can only conclude that these people either SUPPORT the Jewish takeover of the US government by the Jewish mob, or they are IGNORANT of the FACTS stated above, in which case they are NOT as smart or informed as they claim to be.

Otherwise, any self-respecting Jew, of any honor, sense of decency, or loyalty to the US which enabled their rise to affluence, ought to be as soundly AGAINST the transition of the US to a communist state/ Jewish plutocracy as I am.

"Nazis" have nothing to do with it.

Interesting. Could explain why so many American Jews have turned to Communism.
I'm still hoping others will weigh in on why most American Jews are Communists. I think the OP's question has been answered. Jews do control much of the Media. They don't control all of it, but one could say they control most of it. Now i'm just interested in why so many American Jews have gone the Communist route. Most Polls show American Jews describe themselves as Leftists/Democrats. Maybe some of our Jewish Posters can shed some light on that?

Wait, so are you saying leftist or Democrat is the same as communist?

So are the majority of black Americans also communist, since they vote Democrat?

Yes and Yes. Most don't realize they are. They may not call themselves Communists, but they are.

I think you have some mistaken ideas about what constitutes communism. :)
Wait, so are you saying leftist or Democrat is the same as communist?

So are the majority of black Americans also communist, since they vote Democrat?

Yes and Yes. Most don't realize they are. They may not call themselves Communists, but they are.

I think you have some mistaken ideas about what constitutes communism. :)


NOUN (2)

1. a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership;

2. a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society;
Communism \Com"mu*nism\, n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.]
A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life;
specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of
inequalities in the possession of property, as by
distributing all wealth equally to all,
or by holding all
wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.
[1913 Webster]

Note: At different times, and in different countries, various
schemes pertaining to socialism in government and the
conditions of domestic life, as well as in the
distribution of wealth,
have been called communism.
[1913 Webster]

Does none of this sound familiar to you?

Have you ever heard the expression "spread the wealth around"?
Do you remember what famous person used it of late?

I understand the appeal this concept has to the masses, especially to those blacks who feel that the government still owes them all 40 acres and a mule, and to the illegal Mexicans who believe that Texas and California rightfully belongs to them.
It's just another way to get even with "the man".

The problem is that I don't think these avengers understand who "the man" really is, or that his "social ideals" are no more genuine than his flowery promises of unlimited wealth obtained through limitless taxation and the printing of money with no work or goods to back it up.

In fact, I suspect that the Socialist politicians who promise these things to get elected, are really no better than any other politicians who went before them, making promises they don't intend to keep like, "No new taxes".
The pimps and hustlers above everyone should understand and recognize the power of the simple lie as a means of getting over.
These New World advocates who are pushing multiculturalism in the hopes of getting into some "good girls pants" of the white variety may be in for an unpleasant surprise someday themselves when they find they are considered about as high on the totem pole as the Jews consider any ordinary white "red neck".

112 Moby Thesaurus words for "communism":
Bolshevism, Castroism, Communist Information Bureau,
Communist Party, Maoism, Marxian socialism, Marxism,
Marxism-Leninism, Nazism, Stalinism, Titoism, Trotskyism,
bipartisanship, centralism,

Lots of people might take issue with the word "Nazism" being included in this collection since they more often refer to that as "fascism".

Personally I don't make fine distinctions between one person trying to stab me with a bayonet and another.

Ever seen this clown before?


He's not to be confused with this one although there's not much difference in tribal or ideological background.


Hasidic Tribute to Jerry Garcia

These Hasidic Jews are denying the resemblance for some reason.

They explain the praises they are heaping on this "Goyim" thus
To begin in answering these questions the Talmud says the following: 'Pious ones of all nations have a share in the World to Come. I call heaven and earth to witness that the Divine Spirit rests upon each person, Jew or gentile, man or woman, master or slave, in consonance with one's deeds'. If this is so, then how can we not, as a community devoted to bringing more love, harmony, and ultimate oneness into the world, honor the lofty, compassionate soul that is now waking up to the morning dew in Heaven.

An odd thing to say about a man who did so much to encourage a generation of lemmings to "Tune in , Turn on, and Drop Out", especially when spoken by a community of folks who place such a premium on worldly success.

“It has become a cultural norm in Jewish families for parents to bring up their children to value wealth.”

― H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code

“Jewish families encourage pursuit of wealth accumulation, high-income careers, and investing.”
― H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code

That's NOT what the Jewish media and recording industry were encouraging non-Jewish youth to do, rather to become drop outs and "anti-establishment. Now that the Jews boast of BEING the NEW establishment, the media trend is reversed. So is the attitude projected towards young men towards "Patriotism" and military service. The difference being that THEN we were told we were fighting communism. NOW, it's the threat of ISLAM. No one in the main stream will even suggest that Judaism poses an even greater threat from within.

Many Christians assume that modern Judaism is a religion of the Bible. For Jews, the Bible is the Tanach – what Christians call the Old Testament. And while religious Jews would claim allegiance to the Tanach, it is not a stretch to say that Talmud commands their attention. It is the primary focus of study and meditation. Here is how Adin Steinsaltz puts it:

The Jew said it folks, not me.

If the Bible is the cornerstone of Judaism, then the Talmud is the central pillar, soaring up from the foundations and supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice. In many ways the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life, shaping spiritual content and serving as a guide to conduct. [The Essential Talmud, p.3]
The Talmud has some interesting things to say about Christ as well as non-Jews but I won't get into that here.

What the Talmud lawyers have left out of the above passage is precisely how they define "Pious ones". We may assume that Jerry Garcia fits the description but that leaves the question open as to whether white gentiles who believe they have a G-d given right to self determination would as well. If so, that's not the way I envision a world in a Mashianic Age to be where the Sanhedrin Religious courts rule. Correct me if I am wrong, but according to the New Testament that's the same religious tribunal that mocked and scourged Christ and then goaded Pilate into having Him crucified.

You may think, "What's the big deal if it was?" to which I reply, "No big deal, so long as you believe that Christ was guilty as charged". Christians, as I understand the definition don't. That would exclude them from the crowd who doesn't think the NDAA, the "Patriot Act", or the NSA spying on behalf of the Jew led DHS is a problem "as long as they're not guilty of anything".
According to the first Noahide law, which Daddy Bush signed on to, ALL Christians ARE guilty.... of IDOLATRY. That's nothing to lose your head about.
Or is it?

For many of us who had later come around to discover Yiddishkeit (Judaism). the reason why we felt so much at home with Yiddishkeit and especially, Hassidiut (Teachings of the Hassidic masters), was because it was as if we already understood its songwithout ever really having learned the words. Thanks to Jerry, of course, there seemed to be a familiar message ringing in our ears whenstudying the mystical works of Baal Shem Tov, Rebbe Nachman. Levi Yitzchok,Ishbitz, Zusya, Elimelech, Schneerson and Carlebach. In fact, the messagewas clearly calling us to "Wake up to find out that we were the eyes ofthe world" and that "once in while you get shown the Light in the strangestof places, if you look at it right". And in the strangest way, as for manyof us, it was Jerry who was our very first rebbe!

Jewish love for the Grateful Dead lives on | The Times of Israel

Jewish love for the Grateful Dead lives on
Decades after the band’s heyday, fans liken its lyrics to the Talmud and see themselves as wandering Israelites

“As Jews, we’re always searching for a sense of community and acceptance, and being in the Grateful Dead scene was a way to be yourself with no judgments, since the crowd is so diverse,” said Arthur Kurzweil, the author, Jewish educator, magician and Deadhead who was the weekend’s keynote speaker. “That old balding guy dancing next to you whose big belly is covered with a tie-dye shirt will go back to his job tomorrow as a banker. But at a Dead show, it doesn’t matter what he does.”

The legendary music promoter Bill Graham, an early champion of the Dead, was a German-born Jewish refugee from the Nazis

This is not to be confused with the Billy Graham who candidly told Richard Nixon that if they didn't gain control of the mass media back from the Jews that this country was going down the toilet.

Langer, who has worked as a Chabad emissary in the San Francisco Bay area since the 1970s, got help from Graham to place a 25-foot mahogany menorah in the middle of the city for Hanukkah in 1974, a ritual that persists to this day. In the 1980s, Langer spearheaded a “Grateful Yid” movement in which he set up a table at shows beneath a giant sign that read “POT.”
“It went from a simple act of wanting to preserve the experience to collecting it, which reminded me a lot of how we preserve Judaism,” Kippel said. “Our ancestors cherish our past and we try to preserve it, which is why Jewish Deadheads are obsessed with preserving the shows. We were a family gathering.”
“The whole thing was very tribal for me,” said Jonathan Siger, a rabbi from Spring, Texas. “The parking lot, where fans would surround the band and set up shop, reminds me of the way the Jews operated with the Tabernacle and the Temple. Culturally, we’ve set up camp for spiritual experiences.”

It's impossible to say just how "grateful" these dead Palestinians are.

XXXXX Deleted Morbid Image

I don't recall Rebbi Garcia saying too much about the situation. Perhaps he was just too stoned to remember.

It's safe to say that the live ones are about as "grateful" to the Israelis for their occupation as I am for their participation helping 9/11 to succeed.

[ame=]Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
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“The Tanakh teaches that, “The diligent will rule, while the lazy will be put to forced labor”. Most Jews work for themselves and hire employees instead of being employees.”
― H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code
tags: business, money, money-management, secrets, the-money-code, wealth, work

“The Talmud says that “blessed is He who has created all these to serve me.” German politician Julius Streicher said, “It is an open secret that Jews do not work, but rather let others work for them.”
― H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code
Yes and Yes. Most don't realize they are. They may not call themselves Communists, but they are.

I think you have some mistaken ideas about what constitutes communism. :)


Does none of this sound familiar to you?

Have you ever heard the expression "spread the wealth around"?
Do you remember what famous person used it of late?

I understand the appeal this concept has to the masses, especially to those blacks who feel that the government still owes them all 40 acres and a mule, and to the illegal Mexicans who believe that Texas and California rightfully belongs to them.
It's just another way to get even with "the man".

The problem is that I don't think these avengers understand who "the man" really is, or that his "social ideals" are no more genuine than his flowery promises of unlimited wealth obtained through limitless taxation and the printing of money with no work or goods to back it up.

In fact, I suspect that the Socialist politicians who promise these things to get elected, are really no better than any other politicians who went before them, making promises they don't intend to keep like, "No new taxes".
The pimps and hustlers above everyone should understand and recognize the power of the simple lie as a means of getting over.
These New World advocates who are pushing multiculturalism in the hopes of getting into some "good girls pants" of the white variety may be in for an unpleasant surprise someday themselves when they find they are considered about as high on the totem pole as the Jews consider any ordinary white "red neck".

Lots of people might take issue with the word "Nazism" being included in this collection since they more often refer to that as "fascism".

Personally I don't make fine distinctions between one person trying to stab me with a bayonet and another.

Ever seen this clown before?


He's not to be confused with this one although there's not much difference in tribal or ideological background.


Hasidic Tribute to Jerry Garcia

These Hasidic Jews are denying the resemblance for some reason.

They explain the praises they are heaping on this "Goyim" thus

An odd thing to say about a man who did so much to encourage a generation of lemmings to "Tune in , Turn on, and Drop Out", especially when spoken by a community of folks who place such a premium on worldly success.

“Jewish families encourage pursuit of wealth accumulation, high-income careers, and investing.”
― H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code

That's NOT what the Jewish media and recording industry were encouraging non-Jewish youth to do, rather to become drop outs and "anti-establishment. Now that the Jews boast of BEING the NEW establishment, the media trend is reversed. So is the attitude projected towards young men towards "Patriotism" and military service. The difference being that THEN we were told we were fighting communism. NOW, it's the threat of ISLAM. No one in the main stream will even suggest that Judaism poses an even greater threat from within.

Is Talmud study the secret to Jewish success? | WiseReader

The Jew said it folks, not me.

The Talmud has some interesting things to say about Christ as well as non-Jews but I won't get into that here.

What the Talmud lawyers have left out of the above passage is precisely how they define "Pious ones". We may assume that Jerry Garcia fits the description but that leaves the question open as to whether white gentiles who believe they have a G-d given right to self determination would as well. If so, that's not the way I envision a world in a Mashianic Age to be where the Sanhedrin Religious courts rule. Correct me if I am wrong, but according to the New Testament that's the same religious tribunal that mocked and scourged Christ and then goaded Pilate into having Him crucified.

You may think, "What's the big deal if it was?" to which I reply, "No big deal, so long as you believe that Christ was guilty as charged". Christians, as I understand the definition don't. That would exclude them from the crowd who doesn't think the NDAA, the "Patriot Act", or the NSA spying on behalf of the Jew led DHS is a problem "as long as they're not guilty of anything".
According to the first Noahide law, which Daddy Bush signed on to, ALL Christians ARE guilty.... of IDOLATRY. That's nothing to lose your head about.
Or is it?

Jewish love for the Grateful Dead lives on | The Times of Israel

This is not to be confused with the Billy Graham who candidly told Richard Nixon that if they didn't gain control of the mass media back from the Jews that this country was going down the toilet.

“It went from a simple act of wanting to preserve the experience to collecting it, which reminded me a lot of how we preserve Judaism,” Kippel said. “Our ancestors cherish our past and we try to preserve it, which is why Jewish Deadheads are obsessed with preserving the shows. We were a family gathering.”
“The whole thing was very tribal for me,” said Jonathan Siger, a rabbi from Spring, Texas. “The parking lot, where fans would surround the band and set up shop, reminds me of the way the Jews operated with the Tabernacle and the Temple. Culturally, we’ve set up camp for spiritual experiences.”

It's impossible to say just how "grateful" these dead Palestinians are.


I don't recall Rebbi Garcia saying too much about the situation. Perhaps he was just too stoned to remember.

It's safe to say that the live ones are about as "grateful" to the Israelis for their occupation as I am for their participation helping 9/11 to succeed.

[ame=]Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Jews hey,such a Violent people as the Palestinians have found out........What I found really abhorrent was the "Holocaust Exhibitions" they trawled around the country,to garner sympathy since the late 70's.....It was a terrible thing indeed but when questioned,that they were doing the same thing to the Palestinians of all people(their cousins) they had No Answer at all.............Zionism is a form of Nazism,and they collaborated with and learn't from their Nazi Masters.

I have many Jewish friends,good people who are not Brain Washed by Zionist Terrorists and the destructive Religious Jews....they make them feel sick.

For such a small population 15 million,the Israeli Jews have been given over $16 Trillion US Dollars since their inception by the American Tax-Payer..........mind you I bet Americans never thought that the Israelis would build a formidable Nuclear Facility and all that intails.........yet never an inspection up until this day.....Why.

Wake Up America,take your heads out of the sand..........Ignorance is NO EXCUSE
The IMPLIED statement hiding within the rhetorical question

Do Jews Control the Media?

is that the JEWS controlling the media do so for the cause of JEWS.

THAT is where you NAZI retards get it soooooooooooooooo wrong.

These powerful Jews no more care about their fellow JEWS than the WASPS who control the Media and banking care about other WASPS.

You RACIST nitwits need to understand that CLASS is a much more powerful motivater (and FACILITATOR) than race when it comes to CONSPIRACY.
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[ame=]Finnish politician: Jews control money, media in US - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Do Jews Control the Media? -- The LA Times Says Yes! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Jews Who Own The Media - YouTube[/ame]

Listen to Nixon tapes:

[ame=]President Nixon & Reverend Billy Graham Discuss Jewish control of Media.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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Yes, there is a Jewish prevalence in American media. What do you propose be done about it?

The first thing that needs to be done about it is to INFORM THE PUBLIC.

The public needs to know what JUDAISM IS and WHO these "JEWS" are.

This is no easy task. For as you see, there are many Jewish Hasbarats (disinformation agents) who are skilled at equivocation, dissimulation, obfuscation, intimidation, and flat out lying, many of whom are actually getting paid to practice ply their wares on the internet.

They use many techniques in order to prevent the knowledge of the actual intent of the Jewish religion and the goals of the Jewish Socio/Political Union from becoming common knowledge.

One tactic they frequently employ is to constantly annoy their adversaries with the intent to provoke them to wrath. Once having succeeded at causing them to vent (rant) they can then more easily get the FALSE accusation of being an "anti-semite" or a Neo-Nazi to stick.

There are many other methods they employ. Another frequently employed tactic is diversion. The object is to distract readers and the writer himself from the subject at hand. This technique may be observed on mainstream media whereby one sees essentially inconsequential "news" items being belabored for extended periods of time rather than focusing on the major issues.

9/11 was handled this way for example. What attention was given to the "conspiracy nuts" was either spent badgering them, belittling them, or besmirching them. Or they may select from among prospective interviewees the most outlandish of them all who would espouse the most ridiculous "theories" which any fool would see as false immediately. Then the media would attempt to dismiss them all by conveniently "lumping" them all in the same category.

I could continue describing various other means with which the Jewish media has effectively silenced the critics of Judeo/Zionism, but this brief introduction should give you enough to work on to begin with. That is IF your question is sincere.

The Jews in this country have reached the level of consolidation that they feel at liberty to insult their gentile neighbors to their faces since most of them are too busy to notice or to complacent to care. The Jews pride themselves on their insolence (Chutzbah).

I encourage all those who wish to save the sovereignty of the US to study up on the matter with a clear and open mind, not with the intent of singling out any ethnicity or choose some exclusive group to "pick on". People seem to have an inherent need to villify someone all the time. Jews are no exception. Only now days Christianity and white non-Jewish males have been selected to assume that role.

Therefore concentrate primarily on the IDEOLOGY which underlies the culture of Jewish Supremacism. Never be a party to the mistreatment of isolated individuals or yield to the pressure of mob dynamics. Always hold the principles of justice tempered with mercy before your eyes.

Do not seek to destroy. Rather seek to mollify the will of antagonists inasmuch as the righteous course of action will allow. You can do this without compromising the principles of fairness and honesty if you think carefully about what you say and do and seek the Lord's guidance at all times.

The object here is not to reestablish the "Third Reich" as our accusers would have it, but temper the actions of Zionist and other radicals who seek complete dominance, and to neutralize the potential of poisonous doctrines.

You can do none of this unless you first learn the difference.

I am not about defeating the "Jews" anymore than I am about destroying Islam. I am about regaining the God given and Constitutionally guaranteed rights of Anglo Saxon white and Christian peoples to order their own lives without being ordered about and forced to serve either Jewish Supremacists, be shoved around by militant blacks with chips on their shoulders, be displaced by Mexicans who seek to displace the "Gringo" by out-breeding them, and to hopefully spare us all the kind of atrocious behavior that the Bolsheviks exhibited when they took over Russia.

The Jews are fiercely opposed to allowing Israel to ever become anything but a Jewish State. Other races and ethnicities are just as determined to remain predominate in their respective domains. For example, in Mexico there are areas of land in which foreigners (whites) are not allowed to own land. Instead they only allowed to lease it from the government. The express purpose of these laws is to prevent the take over of these lands by people other than Mexicans. At the same time, criminal elements from Mexico are flooding across the US boarder with the blessings of our Marxist government.

ALL of these movements are being spearheaded and perpetuated by JEWISH POLITICAL FACTIONS in an effort to become the central rulers of the US.

They have enlisted gentile helpers who also profit by the move towards globalism. Others lend their support for the bribes and "opportunities" which they gain by currying Jewish favor. None of these people are doing anything in behalf of the US or the white Christian middle class, who have remained docile, passive, and complacent, having been indoctrinated to believe that this is all done in the name of "the brotherhood of man" and "the global community". Horse Feathers~!

I am opposed to organized CRIME, EVEN WHEN IT IS JEWISH, and all crime under any other name whether it be "Russian" or any other. Only Jews WHO SEEK PRIVILEGED STATUS and to DOMINATE could be opposed to this! MARK WHO THEY ARE!

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