Do Jews Control the Media?

I love observing Anti-semitic threads

They all say we control the world:D

You Should as you are one Yourself

Palestinians are a Semitic Peoples but don't do crocodile YOU HYPOCRITE.
funny thing about that is both jews and palestinians are related by blood and separated by faith in the same god....irony at it's finest..

Irony Indeed Dawsie:cool:steve
It might be worthwhile to consider the answer to this question.


Another way of asking that same question would be;

Is it IMpossible for Jews to EVER CONSPIRE?

That is to say, is there some genetically ingrained reason or immutable law of nature that would prohibit Jews from CONSPIRING amongst themselves...............whether it be to "avenge themselves of their perceived enemies" or merely to arrange things and events such that they would tend to PROFIT by them?

One may create a list of similar questions such as;
Is it possible for any Jew to ever do something harmful to a non - Jew for no better reason than pure spite, or for ANY reason, or even WITHOUT reason?

IF one were to say that "gentiles" are capable of all these actions and more, then what reason is there to presume that Jews are not?

If one were to decide for himself, YES I think it IS possible for Jews to conspire,
should we then necessarily say that a person could only reach that conclusion if he were "anti-semitic"> OR is it possible for one to believe that Jews are indeed capable of be selfish, and trifling WITHOUT necessarily being a "NAZI" for having reached that conclusion?

Would a person who is entirely POLITICAL CORRECT, believe that ANY of the above were POSSIBLE
IF a single case could be cited in which it was KNOWN that "a Jew" did indeed CONSPIRE, or was guilty of any sort of conspiracy?

It seems to me that IF such a case could be cited, then that would PROVE that Jews ARE capable of committing crimes and that in at least the one example provided DID act in collusion amongst themselves.

[ame=]"He Sold Secrets to Israel. Israel Gave them to the Soviet Union" - YouTube[/ame]
It appears that some Jews have spied on the US in behalf of the enemies of the US.

Zionist Spies Against America

We may all agree then, that such a thing IS at least possible.

Is it reasonable to say then, that this activity may be considered "conspiratorial" in nature, or that "conspiring" is involved to some degree in espionage, and/or "un-American" activities?
Is it "Christian" to suggest that Jews are capable of "conspiring"?

Let's see:

Acts 9

1 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.

Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. 20 At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. 21 All those who heard him were astonished and asked, “Isn’t he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn’t he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?” 22 Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.

23 After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy among the Jews to kill him, 24 but Saul learned of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him.
Acts 3:

1 And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there who had his hand withered. 2 And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him. 3 And he saith unto the man that had his hand withered, Stand forth. 4 And he saith unto them, Is it lawful on the sabbath day to do good, or to do harm? to save a life, or to kill? But they held their peace. 5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their heart, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he stretched it forth; and his hand was restored. 6 And the Pharisees went out, and straightway with the Herodians took counsel against him, how they might destroy him.

Jews today claim to be the same as the Jews who lived prior to and during the time of Christ.

IF this is true, then judging from the above passages, one may surmise that it IS possible for Jews to conspire.

That is IF one who claims to be a "Christian" accepts the NEW Testament to be authoritative.

It is difficult for me to see how a person who claims to be a Christian could think otherwise.

Yet the Jews insist that they never "conspire" and that anyone who thinks they ever do is a "lunatic", a "conspiracy nut", an "anti-semite", or a Nazi.

I fail to see how this conclusion necessarily follows from the supposition that Jews ARE capable of conspiring, and that at least at some times DO.
This is such a Jooooo biased site. It's little wonder Christians can't refer to themselves without putting "Christ Killer - Christian" or "Judeo Christian" in front of the religion. Explains why threads like this with some very good credibility get degraded to the "conspiracy theories" by the Israel apologist mods. It's simply a device used to attack the poster.
The Jews want US gentiles to believe that Muslims are the biggest threat to US national security, with the possible exception of "Christian conservatives" whom they have given the dubious honor of having been selected for their list of potential terrorists their training centers have issued to law enforcement.

Muslims of the Americas: In Their Own Words

Is it possible that Muslims could have such aspirations and attempt to fulfill them without acting in collusion?

Could the alleged hijackers have committed the attacks of 9/11 without having "conspired"?

IF one assumes that Muslims would prefer to have Islam as the dominate religion in America, is it preposterous to imagine that Jews desire to have Judaism to rise to preeminence in a similar fashion, ie that all non-Jews should be legally required to comply with ALL "Noahide" laws including the one which prohibits idolatry (Christ as Lord) under penalty of execution by guillotine as their Talmud prescribes?
The evidence is clear. Jews have, can, and do conspire from time to time, just as any other racial, ethnic, or religious group does.
Therefore there is nothing irrational about including that possibility where it could enter into the examination of any incident, crime, social arrangement, or business transaction.

Such would be the case if one were to scrutinize the activity of the so called "Russian" (Jewish) mob in America.

The next question I would like to ask is, in view of the "tribalist" nature permeating the Jewish religion and culture ,and given their tendency to network, how likely is it that some of the Jews in the US, would establish working relations with some of the new comers to the US from the USSR whose release to the US was part of the exchange made by Pollard for US Defense plans?

Given the fact that Pollard was lauded by the Jewish community for his betrayal of the US, such relationships between the "Russian" immigrants and the community of Jews who bargained for their release would be MORE likely than not.

It would be more surprising to learn that the newly paid for immigrants were simply bid welcome to the land of milk and honey, and then left to fend for themselves without further adieu than to learn that those exchanges were carefully selected. After all, their "immigration" was paid for with American blood, thanks to Pollard and associates.

One then could not help but wonder who these people were and why they merited an act of treason on behalf of the US Jewish community who by and large hail him as a "national" hero.

One might go as far to conclude that "dual" Israeli citizens are not "dual" at all, but totally devoted to the Jewish/Israeli/Zionist coalition.
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The evidence is clear. Jews have, can, and do conspire from time to time, just as any other racial, ethnic, or religious group does.
Therefore there is nothing irrational about including that possibility where it could enter into the examination of any incident, crime, social arrangement, or business transaction.

Such would be the case if one were to scrutinize the activity of the so called "Russian" (Jewish) mob in America.

The next question I would like to ask is, in view of the "tribalist" nature permeating the Jewish religion and culture ,and given their tendency to network, how likely is it that some of the Jews in the US, would establish working relations with some of the new comers to the US from the USSR whose release to the US was part of the exchange made by Pollard for US Defense plans?

Given the fact that Pollard was lauded by the Jewish community for his betrayal of the US, such relationships between the "Russian" immigrants and the community of Jews who bargained for their release would be MORE likely than not.

It would be more surprising to learn that the newly paid for immigrants were simply bid welcome to the land of milk and honey, and then left to fend for themselves without further adieu than to learn that those exchanges were carefully selected. After all, their "immigration" was paid for with American blood, thanks to Pollard and associates.

One then could not help but wonder who these people were and why they merited an act of treason on behalf of the US Jewish community who by and large hail him as a "national" hero.

One might go as far to conclude that "dual" Israeli citizens are not "dual" at all, but totally devoted to the Jewish/Israeli/Zionist coalition.

Always Jews/Israelis first and Americans second.....ALWAYS in that order...Never DUAL.
post#123- 130, hope you assholes washed up and had a smoke after that mutual masturbation session!

The original question pertained to the Jewish domination of the media.
But you guys keep bringing up homosexuality. Why is that?

You Hasbarats really have no room to talk about anyone else.
Every time someone has a disapproving word to say about Israel, Judaism, or Jewish political activity you all pile out and have a great circle jerk amongst yourselves.
Norwegian daily removes Op-Ed on Jewish ‘domination’ of U.S. media
May 13, 2013 11:24am

(JTA) — A Norwegian newspaper removed an Op-Ed on its website asserting that U.S. media are unreliable because they are “dominated by Jews.”

I wonder why they removed it.

(No really I don't wonder at all.)
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Oliver Stone: 'Jewish Domination Of The Media' Propagates Holocaust Myths

Oliver Stone: 'Jewish Domination Of The Media' Propagates Holocaust Myths
Oliver Stone says that Hitler caused more damage to the Russian people than to Jewish people, but that the American focus on the Holocaust stems from the "Jewish domination of the media."

Update, Stone apology below

The director made the controversial claim in an interview with London's Sunday Times (behind a paywall).

"Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein," Stone said (via The Telegraph). "German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support...

"Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than [to] the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed]."

The reason few people know this, according to Stone?

"The Jewish domination of the media," he said. "There's a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years."

Earlier this year, Stone described Hitler as "an easy scapegoat."

I wonder why so many prominent people who speak their minds about the Jews always wind up having to apologize in public.
I guess they have to if they want to remain prominent.

How does that work do you think?


Does Stone not realize that Hitler just popped up hating Jews for no reason at all?

That is, unless you want to believe in the theory promoted by Jews, that gentiles are just genetically predisposed to "anti-semitism". That's what make them that way.

But if that's true then how do they propose ever putting an end to it?

Something that's genetically ingrained can't be eradicated simply on the merit of how loving, kind, generous, and wonderful that the Jews are can it?

I guess not.

Otherwise why would the Jews feel the need to have so many "Hate Laws" enacted and have minimal quotas for how many Jews can be in Harvard or other places like that?

And why else would they need 90% of the DHS funds which they control along with all the FEMA camps ready to go.

I guess what they intend is that they should have their way about everything regardless of whether anybody else likes it or not, wouldn't you?

I bet the Palestinians would agree with me.

What do you think?
MSNBC - Metapedia

MSNBC is a Jewish owned 24-hour cable news mass media network in the United States and Canada. It is a subsidary of NBCUniversal, which itself is owned by Comcast. Of the four largest share holders in Comcast,[1] three of them Brian L. Roberts,✡ Ralph J. Roberts✡ and David L. Cohen✡ are tribesmen. Its name is a combination of "MSN" and "NBC".

It promotes the Jewish cultural Marxist agenda politically and is famous for Europhobic race-baiting; notably trying to incite race riots and attacks on Americans of European heritage in relation to the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case. When it comes to minority dominated programs on the network there is little difference between the political positions of MSNBC and those of the New Black Panther Party.

The Jew, Ralph J. Roberts✡ of Comcast, owning the media.

The Jew, Brian L. Roberts✡ of Comcast, owning the media.

The Jew, David L. Cohen✡ of Comcast, owning the media.

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The Truth Will Set U.S. Free: Breaking Israel?s Stranglehold over American Foreign Policy | Dissident Voice
“Plenty of people in the United States, especially inside the Beltway, know that Israel is an albatross around America’s neck,” says Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. “But they are afraid to stand up and say that for fear that the lobby will attack them and damage their careers.”

“Hopefully, some of them will develop a backbone,” he adds.

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, believes that Tel Aviv’s stranglehold over Washington can be broken “only by directly challenging the power of the Israel lobby and the false narrative about how it is of value to the United States.”

Giraldi, a contributing editor to The American Conservative, says that “it must be done from the bottom up as Israel cannot be challenged in the mainstream media, Congress, and in the White House.”
It might be worthwhile to consider the answer to this question.


Another way of asking that same question would be;

Is it IMpossible for Jews to EVER CONSPIRE?

That is to say, is there some genetically ingrained reason or immutable law of nature that would prohibit Jews from CONSPIRING amongst themselves...............whether it be to "avenge themselves of their perceived enemies" or merely to arrange things and events such that they would tend to PROFIT by them?

One may create a list of similar questions such as;
Is it possible for any Jew to ever do something harmful to a non - Jew for no better reason than pure spite, or for ANY reason, or even WITHOUT reason?

IF one were to say that "gentiles" are capable of all these actions and more, then what reason is there to presume that Jews are not?

If one were to decide for himself, YES I think it IS possible for Jews to conspire,
should we then necessarily say that a person could only reach that conclusion if he were "anti-semitic"> OR is it possible for one to believe that Jews are indeed capable of be selfish, and trifling WITHOUT necessarily being a "NAZI" for having reached that conclusion?

Would a person who is entirely POLITICAL CORRECT, believe that ANY of the above were POSSIBLE
IF a single case could be cited in which it was KNOWN that "a Jew" did indeed CONSPIRE, or was guilty of any sort of conspiracy?

It seems to me that IF such a case could be cited, then that would PROVE that Jews ARE capable of committing crimes and that in at least the one example provided DID act in collusion amongst themselves.

"He Sold Secrets to Israel. Israel Gave them to the Soviet Union" - YouTube

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