Do Jews Control the Media?

The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
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The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..
The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..

Invest and control. There does seem to be a strong Communist/Jewish influence in our Media. The Sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.
The NY Times is known as the most powerful influential Newspaper in this country. And it is well known for having a big Communist/Jewish influence. The Sulzbergers have run the Paper for many years. So again, another Communist/Jewish connection in the Media. There does seem to be a pattern.
the pattern suggests that jews invest well..

Invest and control. There does seem to be a strong Communist/Jewish influence in our Media. The Sulzbergers are one example of that strong influence.
only in your wettest dreams..
I defy anyone to think of a group of people you could get away with demeaning the way you do Jews and Zionists.

And when I say get away with it, I mean not being called on it.

If someone made the kind of bad comments about any other group, we'd hear the sounds of cars pulling off the interstate so folks could smartphone in their posts of condemnation! We couldn't keep track of all the views that thread would get!

But when it comes to the poor Jews, they have really gotten the raw deal from Arabs even before 1948!

And someone please explain this Muslim hatred...this perpetual hatred of Jews!

To call a person a racist, bigot, homophobe or misogynist is the worst insult or accusation that can be made!

We jail and sue and castigate and harass and openly monitor and spy on and fight and repudiate KKKers, Neo-Nazi's and those who support them.

But what Muslims routinely say and do to and about Jews faaaar outweighs what the KKK has EVER done. And yet our Liberals, especially, don't think twice about supporting them and slamming Israel and Jews.

Was up wi dat?

If you're someone who believes women belong in the kitchen and shouldn't be accorded the same respect as men, you might be a misogynist. A misogynist is a person who hates or doesn't trust women.

Misogynist is from Greek misogynḗs, from the prefix miso- "hatred" plus gynḗ "a woman." The English suffix -ist means "person who does something." The prefix mis-, a variant of miso- before a vowel, appears in the opposite term misandrist, which is a person who hates or doesn't trust men. The corresponding nouns are mysogyny and misandry.

And the Zionist and Ultra Jews demean no one...!!!!!!!...what planet do you live on.........Mojo........shame that after WW2 you didn't offer the Zionists(Terrorist Organization that they are) part of the USA to call home. Don't call me Anti-Semetic because I support Palestinians(A Semetic People) and Jews(A Semetic People)......Viva Israel...Viva Palestine
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I begin with the assumption that elevated Jewish intelligence is grounded in genetics. It is no longer seriously disputed that intelligence in Homo sapiens is substantially heritable. In the last two decades, it has also been established that obvious environmental factors such as high income, books in the house, and parental reading to children are not as potent as one might expect.
« Jewish Genius Commentary Magazine

Jews love to give themselves awards.
They love to boast of themselves almost as much as they do play the innocent victim.

They're are also many sychophants in the world who know where the bread gets buttered who also are willing to flatter them.

Jews have argued at times that the relative lack of success among "minorities" compared to whites in the US can be attributed to "discrimination", meaning that whites always stack the deck against them.

There have also been arguments advanced by academics that IQ measurements, being man made, show results that are someone skewed because of culture. The article cited does not presume this to be the case with advantages enjoyed by elitist Jews.

I once attended a lecture in which a Jewish professor made a remark about how at times professors may claim credit for ideas and work which may have originated elsewhere, with undergrads for example.

Someone presents a paper, the Prof scoffs, gives it a flunking grade and then incorporates it as his own. Does anyone doubt the possibility of plagiarism in the academic world? Does anyone question the use of patents and copyrights, whether they are obtained fairly or not?

We have seen that Jews claim credit for the "invention" of Monotheism, and claim to have "given" the world the Old Testament. At the same time they use the Old Testament as the basis for their land claims in the middle east, in which case they claim a divine oracle as their legal basis. So how then can they claim to have the authority of God in the latter case when in the former they have usurped credit for the Bible itself rather than concede divine inspiration.
Either God was involved or not. If you say that God was responsible then the Jews cannot claim credit for anything with respect to scriptures, rather they owe that to God. Otherwise they will have to relinquish their "God given right" to Palestine.

There's indication that the Nobel prize awards have evolved into something of a farce.

2009 Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This the Jews may admit themselves in cases where the undeserving boob in question happens to be a gentile.

The Nobel Prize?s dumbbell move - Brett Arends's ROI - MarketWatch

Another Nobel Peace Prize ? Another Farce? | Global Research

There are other examples of this I won't bother with.

The argument given by the Jewish supremacists goes like this:

"Jews are smarter than you. They never lie, cheat, or steal (morally superior). Therefore it is they, the Jews who should be given the most power and authority since they are most qualified to rule both intellectually and morally."

Their wealth and success are offered as proof of the explanation given for them.

Notice that they haven't denied this line of thinking in this thread.

They claim to be "G-d's Chosen", to be intellectually superior, and morally superior ( a 'light to the gentiles').

At the same time they accuse any white man who challenges these assertions of being a "white supremacist".

But for those of you who are inclined to take everything they tell you as gospel, you might want to read this:

'The myth of American meritocracy'

Unz ascribes the unfair numbers to Jewish presence inside university administrations. “It would be unreasonable to ignore the salient fact that this massive apparent bias in favor of far less-qualified Jewish applicants coincides with an equally massive ethnic skew at the topmost administrative ranks of the universities in question,” he writes. Another “unconscious bias,” he writes is college admissions’ officers’ fears of charges of anti-Semitic discrimination in rejecting Jewish applicants.

He writes, “Over the last few decades America’s ruling elites have been produced largely as a consequence of the particular selection methods adopted by our top national universities in the late 1960s. Leaving aside the question of whether these methods have been fair or have instead been based on corruption and ethnic favoritism, the elites they have produced have clearly done a very poor job of leading our country, and we must change the methods used to select them.”

If you can believe that whites discriminate as they are so often accused of, and that therefore they need to be legally restrained by "Affirmative Action" and "Hate Laws",
what makes you believe that Jews are incapable of doing the same things?

I suggest to you, that the idea never occurs to people because, 1. they are too busy to think about it seriously and/or they don't care and 2. because the Jewish media has relentless pounded the same one sided story into everyone's heads for decades.

The bottom line is this.

The Jews have a religion and a culture which has both racial and religious origins. They seek to promote themselves above all because it is in their own interest to do so, and because the Jewish religion itself looks after and works for the time when the Jews will occupy the position as the ruling class of the world. They call this the Meshianic Age
( Coming of the Messiah)

Judaism 101: Mashiach: The Messiah
The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as "mashiach ben David" (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).

So whether you acknowledge the racial element associated with JUDAISM (Ashkenazim, Shephardic, Khazarian) or not, you must at a minimum acknowledge that Judaism entails a quasi-religious socio-political system which seeks social and political dominance here on this earth.

As such, one would not always be able to spot a "Jew" reliably based on outward appearance, but must examine the persons social, political, and religious beliefs to make that determination, since this is after all a "war of principalities" in high places.
This is true for the same reason that one cannot determine whether a person is a communist or a Marxist based upon race.

It should be a wake up call to all of you who doubt the seriousness of this subject that the FBI and US Military have included among it's list of possible "terrorists" , "Christians", among others!

The fact that Capitol Hill is as Pat Buchanan once said, "Israeli occupied territory" should be apparent to all.

The question is whether you personally concur with the belief among Jews that they are "superior" to yourself and your kin, and whether you are satisfied with allowing them to not only dominate the media, but to dictate national and domestic policy through the use of stooges such as Obama.

You must ask yourself whether white non-Jews have a right to self determination or whether we must accept the constraints that Jews and others force upon us as they judge necessary.

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Jews control much of American Media. They don't control all of it though. They certainly control the content in Film and TV. Just watch the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. Jewish names dominate the credits. That can't be disputed. And they do control some of the 'News Media' too. As i explained earlier, the NY Times is one major example. They've had a Communist/Jewish slant for many many years. So in the end, the answer is Yes. Jews do control the Media. But not all of it.
Jews control much of American Media. They don't control all of it though. They certainly control the content in Film and TV. Just watch the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. Jewish names dominate the credits. That can't be disputed. And they do control some of the 'News Media' too. As i explained earlier, the NY Times is one major example. They've had a Communist/Jewish slant for many many years. So in the end, the answer is Yes. Jews do control the Media. But not all of it.


There are many non-Jewish white elitists who are in accord with the Jews who also profit from the system as they have it.

The Jews cannot succeed in dominating anything without the assistance of non-Jews. The Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas are good examples.

Jews have always used gentiles like Woodrow Wilson to do the work they'd rather the general population not be aware they are responsible for. If worse comes to worse they can always disavow themselves from it and allow the gentile front man to take the fall for it.
(The revised version of the Federal Reserve Act and the Hart Celler Act are a couple of examples of how names given for labels are used to mislead the public as to the content and true intent of legislation.)

You may notice that the Clintons, the Bushes, and the Obamas have been conveniently used this way. They are there to take the flak coming from the left and then the right.

Not only does this disguise the Zionist hand in the decisions which are made, it perpetuates the illusion that there still exists a two party system which contends with one another and shields the elitists who comprise the Shadow Government.
The overt wrangling amongst themselves gives the general population the idea that their votes really count for something as though the decisions have not already been predetermined and as though the political contestants actually represent the people they purport to.

The enactment of Yomamma Care and the coming amnesty for 30 million illegals ought to be enough to show just how much regard our "representatives" have for the will of the people.

People who are clever enough to steer an episode like 9/11 also have enough sense to provide themselves with an escape hatch. They can try and fail to get a thing done as many times as they wish so long as their are no repercussions to be suffered themselves.

I never meant to exonerate those gentiles who have played decisive roles in all these schemes. Those who willingly participate in plans which will bring about the destruction of the US for the sake of enriching themselves are just as guilty.

However, I do feel that at the heart of it all, Judaism/Zionism plays the central role. The Jewish Supremacists are at the helm, so to speak. There are undoubtedly Jews who support the elitists unwittingly because of their ethnic and religious pride. And others who may welcome a system in which they enjoy favored status.

That's roughly how I see it, although oversimplified.

I have just as much contempt for those "Christians" of Ashkenazim extract who are just as Machiavellian and Supremacist in their "JUDEO-Christianity" as the self serving Jews are in their Zionism.

It would take pages and pages to fully qualify every statement here. The possibilities for misunderstanding seem limitless. It's the DELIBERATE obfuscation and subterfuge that some people engage in that I find contemptible.
Federal Reserve Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch. 3) is an Act of Congress that created and set up the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States of America, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S. Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender. The Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.

The proposed legislation was known as the Aldrich Plan, named after the chairman of the Commission, Republican Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island.

Since the Aldrich Plan essentially gave full control of this system to private bankers, there was strong opposition to it from rural and western states because of fears that it would become a tool of certain rich and powerful financiers in New York City, referred to as the "Money Trust".[4]

The banking and currency reform plan advocated by President Wilson in 1913 was sponsored by the chairmen of the House and Senate Banking and Currency committees, Representative Carter Glass, a Democrat of Virginia and Senator Robert Latham Owen, a Democrat of Oklahoma. According to the House committee report accompanying the Currency bill (H.R. 7837) or the Glass-Owen bill, as it was often called during the time, the legislation was drafted from ideas taken from various proposals, including the Aldrich bill.[6] However, unlike the Aldrich plan, which gave controlling interest to private bankers with only a small public presence, the new plan gave an important role to a public entity, the Federal Reserve Board, while establishing a substantial measure of autonomy for the (regional) Reserve Banks which, at that time, were allowed to set their own discount rates.

Don't you just love the way they say "unlike the Aldrich plan, which gave controlling interest to private bankers with only a small public presence, the new plan gave an important role to a public entity, the Federal Reserve Board," as though their was a real difference in anything but appearance. The Federal Reserve, a "public entity". HA HA HA.

In other words, the rich Jews aback of the scheme used a couple of willing gentiles to serve as the public representatives. They then changed the name of the bill, which everyone opposed, and precious little else in order foist it off on the unwary public.

Wiki doesn't mention the fact that it was the banksters who engineered the panic that precipitated the whole rush to give the Fed (money trust) control, just as the 9/11 attacks were used as a pretext to begin dismantling the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Unfortunately for the banking CONSPIRATORS, there are a few too many "stupid" gentiles out there to not notice the fishy smell arising from it all.

Now it's a matter of how are they going to finish tying up the prey as long as there are so many middle class, and white Christian Americans with GUNS, who still just as soon be DEAD AS RED, the 60s farce notwithstanding!
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Emanuel Celler

This "national origins" system was structured to discriminate against Eastern and Southern European immigrants such as Italians, Russians, Poles, Slavs and, of course, Yiddish-speaking Jews. The Johnson Act of 1924, which Celler opposed, sought further restriction by cutting the total annual number of immigrants and limiting each nationality to 2 percent of its total number in 1890, virtually eliminating all immigrants other than those from England, France, Ireland and Germany.

The Johnson act passed the isolationist Congress and was signed into law. Despite this setback, Celler had found his cause, and for the next four decades he advocated eliminating the national origin as a basis for immigration restriction.

In the US, Jews call immigration quotas "discrimination", in Israel they are "preserving the demographics of Israel as a Jewish State."

In other words.

White non-Jews have no right to decide whether the communities they live should consist primarily of other whites, that they should not be composed of large numbers of peoples whose ethnicities, cultures, and religious beliefs would be in conflict with their own, or even that those who move in with them, by force of the law, should even speak English.

With the Jewish communities, however, such considerations are an altogether different matter, one which ONLY the Jews should be allowed to decide for themselves. As such, these concerns are described in altogether different terms. Or should I say, given a different spin?

After the war, as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Celler resolved to liberalize the immigration laws. In 1946, Congress so restricted the number of Displaced Persons who could enter the U.S. that, despite the starvation in Europe, fewer than 3,000 DP's actually emigrated here. Celler's determined efforts led to the passage, in 1948, of a bill which allowed 339,000 DP's to enter the country, many of whom were Jewish. Finally, in 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law an act that eliminated national origins as a consideration for immigration, culminating Celler's 41 year fight to overcome discrimination against Eastern European Jews and Catholics.

Everyone is aware of how near and dear the Catholic cause is to the Jews, who constantly remind them of the Spanish Inquisition. Come to think of it, you can get blamed for that even if you're nothing but a Southern Baptist. All you have to really be is white. That makes you responsible for everything from the Diaspora to the "genocide" of the American Indian.

(If you feel all that guilty, why don't you just send a monthly check to some Jewish foundation and see where it gets you. )
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So what's the latest thing our Jewish "allies" have to say in response to this?

Let's see:

Why American Jews Shouldn't Be Afraid To Put Israel First ?
The truth is that any American Jew who doesn’t care as much about a Jewish state as he or she does about the United States can’t be very identified with the Jewish people. Suppose vital American and Israeli interests were to clash. What would it mean for a Jew to say: ”I don’t give a damn what’s best for Israel. All that matters to me is what’s best for America”? What kind of Jew would that be? How deep could his or her Jewishness be said to go?

But one could ask a similar question about tens of millions of other Americans. Do Cuban Americans who have pressed for decades for harsh American policies toward Communist Cuba ask whether these are really in America’s interest? It’s enough for them to tell themselves that they’re in Cuba’s interest. Do Mexican Americans favor a relaxation of immigration laws because they think America’s general public will benefit? What they think, you can be sure, is that other Mexicans will benefit — and why shouldn’t they want them to?

Nor does this extend just to questions of ethnic solidarity. Suppose, for example, that you’re an American human rights activist campaigning against the exploitation of cheap labor in China. Does it bother you that such exploitation might actually be good for America, since it lowers the price of many items for the American consumer? Not at all. Your loyalty is not to the American consumer, it’s to the exploited Chinese worker — and you’re not embarrassed by it, either.

It's not that easy to find such an outspoken example by Jews in their continued attempts to "divide and conquer".

Does anyone need this explained to them?

The unmitigated gall of these bastards never ceases to amaze me. Ordinarily they keep it very well hidden!

Of course, it’s possible to rationalize all these things in terms of American interests, too

Yes, "rationalize". That's what we white non-Jews are always doing when we try to speak up in behalf of our own interests.
I suppose their are some dope smokers out there who are stoned enough to believe that when things get rough, we'll see Jewish, Chinese, Mexican, and black "Human Rights" activists coming to our aid.
If one is honest about one’s motives, though, one will admit that there is more to them than that. It’s a convenient myth to tell oneself that what’s good for Israel will always be good for America and vice versa, but a myth is all it is.

We live with dual loyalties in many spheres. Our loyalties to members of our families can clash, as can our loyalties to friends, to colleagues at our workplace, to the businesses we patronize and the teams we root for; why insist that only our loyalties to countries and their citizens should be immune? Why shouldn’t an American Jew be able to say, without being considered a potential Jonathan Pollard, “Yes, America’s and Israel’s interests diverge on this point, and Israel’s are more important to me”? This wouldn’t make him or her a traitor; it would simply make the person more truthful.

They at least tell the truth on this one point. Israel's interests and the US are NOT one and the same.

But Jonathon Pollard WAS a TRAITOR, despite the Jewish lobbies continued efforts to have him released when the rat should have been shot, and despite that ISRAEL lauds Pollard as a national hero.

When I am being honest, ie speaking in my own behalf when none of you "gracious" humanitarians will, you call me an "Anti-semite" or a Nazi.

You people "root for" your own kind. I'll root for mine thank-you.

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So what's the latest thing our Jewish "allies" have to say in response to this?

Let's see:

Why American Jews Shouldn't Be Afraid To Put Israel First ?
The truth is that any American Jew who doesn’t care as much about a Jewish state as he or she does about the United States can’t be very identified with the Jewish people. Suppose vital American and Israeli interests were to clash. What would it mean for a Jew to say: ”I don’t give a damn what’s best for Israel. All that matters to me is what’s best for America”? What kind of Jew would that be? How deep could his or her Jewishness be said to go?

But one could ask a similar question about tens of millions of other Americans. Do Cuban Americans who have pressed for decades for harsh American policies toward Communist Cuba ask whether these are really in America’s interest? It’s enough for them to tell themselves that they’re in Cuba’s interest. Do Mexican Americans favor a relaxation of immigration laws because they think America’s general public will benefit? What they think, you can be sure, is that other Mexicans will benefit — and why shouldn’t they want them to?

Nor does this extend just to questions of ethnic solidarity. Suppose, for example, that you’re an American human rights activist campaigning against the exploitation of cheap labor in China. Does it bother you that such exploitation might actually be good for America, since it lowers the price of many items for the American consumer? Not at all. Your loyalty is not to the American consumer, it’s to the exploited Chinese worker — and you’re not embarrassed by it, either.

It's not that easy to find such an outspoken example by Jews in their continued attempts to "divide and conquer".

Does anyone need this explained to them?

The unmitigated gall of these bastards never ceases to amaze me. Ordinarily they keep it very well hidden!
Israel shall never be destroyed, Daws. I know that you and your anti-semitic accomplice would like nothing better but do not hold you breath. Scripture proves out that Israel's enemies shall fall into the pit they have dug for her instead. It is their recompense for having troubled the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph. ( Obadiah 1: 13 ) I'd pay attention and heed that warning if I were you two.
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Israel shall never be destroyed, Daws. I know that you and your anti-semitic accomplice would like nothing better but do not hold you breath. Scripture proves out that Israel's enemies shall fall into the pit they have dug for her instead. It is their recompense for having troubled the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph. ( Obadiah 1: 13 ) I'd pay attention and heed that warning if I were you two.
you really need to get out more!
that was sarcasm, I was mocking the neo nazi's who stated this thread...
Israel shall never be destroyed, Daws. I know that you and your anti-semitic accomplice would like nothing better but do not hold you breath. Scripture proves out that Israel's enemies shall fall into the pit they have dug for her instead. It is their recompense for having troubled the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph. ( Obadiah 1: 13 ) I'd pay attention and heed that warning if I were you two.

Did I say anything about destroying Israel? NO I didn't.
But if you read between the lines I DID say something about preventing the Jews both here and abroad from destroying the US!

I would also like to see white gentiles retake the country that THEIR ancestors FOUGHT for.
Even more, I'd like to see the so called "Christians" drop the JUDEO crap and start showing more respect to Christ than the Pharisees.
Israel shall never be destroyed, Daws. I know that you and your anti-semitic accomplice would like nothing better but do not hold you breath. Scripture proves out that Israel's enemies shall fall into the pit they have dug for her instead. It is their recompense for having troubled the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph. ( Obadiah 1: 13 ) I'd pay attention and heed that warning if I were you two.

Did I say anything about destroying Israel? NO I didn't.
But if you read between the lines I DID say something about preventing the Jews both here and abroad from destroying the US!

I would also like to see white gentiles retake the country that THEIR ancestors FOUGHT for.
Even more, I'd like to see the so called "Christians" drop the JUDEO crap and start showing more respect to Christ than the Pharisees.

Ok ... evidently it's been left to me to tell you the undeniable truth: the Thousand Year Reich lasted just 12 years. Hitler's mindless hate was burnt to a crisp and buried in a shallow grave in 1945. It's time you step into the 21st Century and find a way to deal with the fact that your life hasn't gone as you hoped without blaming the Jews.
Wake up, Princess ... nobody cares about you or your pathetic life and norms just shake their heads or laugh at you here and in the real world.
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Israel shall never be destroyed, Daws. I know that you and your anti-semitic accomplice would like nothing better but do not hold you breath. Scripture proves out that Israel's enemies shall fall into the pit they have dug for her instead. It is their recompense for having troubled the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph. ( Obadiah 1: 13 ) I'd pay attention and heed that warning if I were you two.

Did I say anything about destroying Israel? NO I didn't.
But if you read between the lines I DID say something about preventing the Jews both here and abroad from destroying the US!

I would also like to see white gentiles retake the country that THEIR ancestors FOUGHT for.
Even more, I'd like to see the so called "Christians" drop the JUDEO crap and start showing more respect to Christ than the Pharisees.

Ok ... evidently it's been left to me to tell you the undeniable truth: the Thousand Year Reich lasted just 12 years. Hitler's mindless hate was burnt to a crisp and buried in a shallow grave in 1945. It's time you step into the 21st Century and find a way to deal with the fact that your life hasn't gone as you hoped without blaming the Jews.
Wake up, Princess ... nobody cares about you or your pathetic life and norms just shake their heads or laugh at you here and in the real world.

Obsequious to the Terrorist Zionists to the last Say,Well I have News for You.....The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinian People has now lasted 65 YEARS SO FAR......Your Hands Drip with BLOOD.

Israel has been given 17 TRILLION DOLLARS BY AMERICANS during it's existence,murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Palestinians during this 65 year period.

But still you bleat how people Hate you????????but have you ever thought WHY?????????????????????

We Have........You are a DISGRACE and MAD:cuckoo:

Why should the world waste time(AND MONEY) on such people.

But most Jewish folk are fine...ZIONIST TERRORISTS,ULTRA'S and SETTLERS are another STORY
Ok ... evidently it's been left to me to tell you the undeniable truth: the Thousand Year Reich lasted just 12 years. Hitler's mindless hate was burnt to a crisp and buried in a shallow grave in 1945. It's time you step into the 21st Century and find a way to deal with the fact that your life hasn't gone as you hoped without blaming the Jews.
Wake up, Princess ... nobody cares about you or your pathetic life and norms just shake their heads or laugh at you here and in the real world.

Who anointed you the spokesman for all these "norms"?

And what IS your obsession with Hitler?

Moshiach - the Jewish Messiah

It is a core central belief of Judaism without any disagreement or dispute. As Maimonides writes (Kings 11): "whoever does not believe in him, or does not await his coming, denies not only the other prophets, but also the Torah and of Moshe, our teacher, for the Torah attests to his coming".

Nature of Mashiach

As opposed to Christianity, the Jewish Messiah is not a savior. The Jewish Messiah is not a divine being. The Jewish Messiah will not come to repent us from our sins. All these ideas are dismissed and considered heresy in Judaism.

The Jews themselves have revealed to us the penalty for "idolatry". (Death by guillotine for believing Christ to have been God's son.) I suppose the penalties for heresy wouldn't be much better.
One has to be careful not to take it for granted that the Jews inject the same meanings into words and phrases like "righteous judge".

The word "Mashiach" translates to "the anointed one," as in ancient times when new kings were anointed. Moshiach will be the anointed king at the end of days. In Judaism Mashiach will be a king who will be a descendent of King David (2 Samuel 7:12-13; Jeremiah 23:5), observant of Jewish law (Isaiah 11:2-5), a righteous judge (Jeremiah 33:15), and a great military leader.

Now why would your hoped for "Mashiac" need to be a "great military leader" if everyone for some strange reason just decided to comply with the Jewish wish to be ruled by them?

It seems to me that one wouldn't need to be a "great military leader" and "win many military victories for Israel" if the rest of the world had decided to voluntarily and peaceably go along with the plan.

When Moshiach comes all Jews will return from exile to Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5); there will be universal acceptance of the Jewish God and the Jewish religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; 66:23; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9); There will be no sin or evil; all Jews will obey the commandments (Zephaniah 3:13; Ezekiel 37:24); the Third and final Temple will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 37:26-27) and the Sanhedrin (Jewish high court of law) will be re-instituted (Maimonides Kings 11:1).

We can see here why it is necessary for believing Jews to have the land of Palestine all to themselves. The natives might not appreciate having their Mosques torn down to build another Jewish temple.

There are many more discussions in Jewish texts on how good it will be when Mashiach comes. It has always been the deepest yearning for every Jew to live to see the coming of Moshiach!

Jews are admonished to be active in bringing about the sought after "Mashianic Age".

Have they made it clear to their JUDEO-xtian benefactors that when the time comes there will be no more room for their Jesus?

Joseph Lieberman is an Orthodox Jew. For a while there the media presented him as a serious candidate for president without much fanfare about his Jewish beliefs, much less a detailed description of the Judaic vision for the "New World Order".

With dictatorial powers like the Marxist Yomammi has bestowed upon himself, one might shudder to think what a real Lubavitcher would do with all that fire power.

Do we have any indication of that anywhere in the world already?
Obsequious to the Terrorist Zionists to the last Say,Well I have News for You.....The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinian People has now lasted 65 YEARS SO FAR......Your Hands Drip with BLOOD.

Israel has been given 17 TRILLION DOLLARS BY AMERICANS during it's existence,murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Palestinians during this 65 year period.

But still you bleat how people Hate you????????but have you ever thought WHY?????????????????????

We Have........You are a DISGRACE and MAD:cuckoo:

Why should the world waste time(AND MONEY) on such people.

But most Jewish folk are fine...ZIONIST TERRORISTS,ULTRA'S and SETTLERS are another STORY

No no. They must insist that what they do is not related to why you "hate" them. It's only because they are Semitic. Or at least because that's what they say they are.

Now the "Russian" mobster types who make their living in extortion, drug and human trafficking, all sorts of vice, con games, loan sharking, and the like, really don't care that much about the truth concerning their ethnic identity as much as they do that it provides a convenient shield for them to operate.

All the "good" Jews are just as quick to run to their defense as they are the neighborhood Rabbinic pedophile.

The point is, if they are called "Jewish" that means hands off, period. Anything more is just plain "anti-semitic". They have to keep on Nazi bashing so the elitists can continue inching forward with their Progressivism, without which they may never see the Mashianic Age realized.

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