Do Jews Control the Media?

Alan Dershowitz: Do Jews Control the Media?

Most American Jews do lean far Left/Communist. That's not disputable.

Not disputable to you, maybe. Don't presume to speak for everyone.

It's fact. Most American Jews do lean far Left/Communist. Just look to Hollywood and TV for proof. Joseph McCarthy was actually correct about Communists infiltrating Hollywood. And most of them were Jewish.
ALL the jews did it threads are giant steaming piles of bullshit...AND SHOULD BE SENT TO THE RUBBER ROOM STAT!

Jews do control much of the American Media. They certainly control most of Film and TV. I don't see how you can dispute that. But don't take my word for it. Go and research who's currently running most of Film and TV. And most American Jews do tend to be Communists. But why? These are questions worth exploring. But if you don't want to...GTFO!!
no thanks, I'll stay.....

Why? You have nothing to say. We're all waiting anxiously for another one of your awesomely original 'Tinfoil Hat' rants. How bout you just do yourself a favor, and come back when you have some new material. See ya. :)
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That looks like a lame attempt to denigrate the Christ, the Constitution, and the people who believe in them all at the same time.

Nice try, but that only works on equally lame minds.

If the Jews really wanted "separation of Church and State", as they put it, they wouldn't send one of their most militant groups , Chabad Lubavitch, to their stooge George Bush to sign the Noahide Resolutions.

What the Jews want is not "separation of Church and State". What the Jews want is a JEWISH STATE, a Jewish Plutocracy.

What the Jews want is to remove all traces of Christianity from government AND society.

People should understand that the majority of the men who framed the Constitution, like the majority of the population at the time, WERE as a matter of fact steeped in the Christian tradition. Whether they were ALL Christian in the truest sense is of lesser consequence. The important thing to realize, is that despite the differences in denominational opinion, the ENTIRE social structure, for all intents and purposes, UNIVERSALLY recognized CHRISTIANITY as the PREDOMINANT religion of the US.

To convince everyone that the early US was anything else would require a complete audience of FOOLS and IDIOTS.

This is easily demonstrated.

To begin with, one would have to argue that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock were NOT trying to escape the religious persecution of the King's Church in England.

Then the critics of Christianity would have to dismiss from their arsenal of insults to Christ, the argument that the Salem Witch trials were conducted by ignorant religious bigots of the WHITE MALE Christian persuasion.

Try to imagine the founders of the US government as a pack of Rabbis, Hindus, or Buddahists.
Nope. It don't work.

You can even try to substitute a pack of 17th and 18th century Secular Humanists or Atheists and you run into similar problems, all of which underscore the RIDICULOUSNESS of the argument that the US was founded as a "secular" nation.

It OUGHT TO BE apparent to any THINKING person that the INTENTION of the first amendment of the Constitution was to prevent incidence such as House Resolution 104 from occurring, a concept which was entirely lost on the mind of George Bush Senior when he allowed the "good" Rabbis to push him to sign it, in his typical weenie fashion.

Bill Text - 102nd Congress (1991-1992) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe', this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of `education and giving', the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

One should pause here to reconsider the way in which dramatic changes can be brought about incrementally by small steps and to reflect on the meaning of sayings such as ,
"Give 'em and inch", and the fable about allowing the camels nose into the tent.

Special attention should be drawn to the first "Noahide Law" and it's Talumdic interpretation.

The seven laws listed by the Tosefta and the Talmud are:[6]

The prohibition of Idolatry.

Included in the definition of "idolatry" according to the "sages" of the Talmud is the prescription of death by guillotine to all those who profess the deity of Christ, who according to the Rabbis was a charlatan and a bastard, a mere man at most.

The Noahide laws comprise the six commandments which were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden, according to the Talmud's interpretation of Gen 2:16,[7] and a seventh precept, which was added after the Flood of Noah. According to Judaism, the 613 commandments given in the written Torah, as well as their explanations and applications discussed in the oral Torah, are applicable to the Jews only, and non-Jews are bound only to observe the seven Noahide laws.

Doubtless after the consolidation of a world government ruled by a religious court of Sanhedrin, as the Jews work for daily, there will no longer be any use for the "Messianic" Jews who flatter the Christian community for the financial and military support they require towards attaining their goal; as any "Messianic" Jews who truly believed in Christ as God's son would be just as guilty as any Christian.

One may doubt the sincerity of such Jews already for the simple lack of a good reason to continue to call themselves by any other name than Christian. If there were such a reason then Christians would be equally obligated to call themselves Jews. Because according to the "Jews" , being "Jewish" refers only to ones religious beliefs.

First Amendment | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

One should pay close attention to the efforts of Jews and their gentile front men to prohibit display of Christian icons and to PROHIBIT the NAME of Christ to be mentioned in public prayers.

No, Ding Dong,

The Jews have no business dicking around with Christians, their religion, OR their form of government.

Anyone who goes along with the Jews on these points are in my estimation about as good as the Jews themselves and ought to be considered as such regardless of the name they go be or the label which the lying media assigns to them.

A wise person should not be fooled by the forward appearance of gentile people who are pushing to implement the Jewish agenda, whether it is in the name of Marx or even Christ, or to promote any cause or purpose which is contrary to the express will of God AS CHRIST HIMSELF has STATED it.

Exodus 20:7

"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Go fish!
Alan Dershowitz: Do Jews Control the Media?

Amidst all the brouhaha over CNN's firing of Rick Sanchez for his remarks about Jews in the media, an important distinction is being missed.


Yes, there are many individual Jews in positions of influence in Hollywood, in network television, in sports and entertainment, and in many other areas of American public life.

An understatement but true.
These individuals, who happen to be Jewish, do not act together in any kind of conspiratorial manner.

A lie.
These individuals, who happen to be Jewish, do not act together in any kind of conspiratorial manner. There is no "Jewish control" of any of these areas -- or of the many other areas, such as medicine, law, academia, finance -- where there are large numbers of individual Jews in high positions.

According to Jews, there is an unwritten and immutable law of the nature, analogous to the law of gravity, that Jews are incapable of conspiring with one another.
The corollary to this universal law is the law which states that Arabs and Muslims, like evil "good 'ol boys" ALWAYS conspire. When they're not conspiring to enforce Sharia law on everyone they are trying to figure out ways to exploit the "minorities" of the world, practicing anti-semitism as closet Nazis, and trying to make the black man's life as miserable as possible.

Where the Jews conjure these laws from is anybodies guess. They have yet to offer any proof as to their immutability or indisputable evidence that they even exist. Nevertheless practically all sheeple accept them as true thanks to decades of bombardment with media propaganda in everything from university level dissertations to Saturday morning cartoons.
Many of these individuals are Jewish only in the sense that their parents or grandparents happen to be Jews. They do not live Jewish lives or support Jewish causes. They certainly do not conspire to exercise any sort of "Jewish control" over the areas in which they work.

This one is laughable. Indeed. One has to wonder how they can consider this twit to be some outstanding lawyer if it weren't for the Jewish label attached to him.

Whenever there are allegations of Jewish "control" over the "media," the primary examples cited are The New York Times and the Washington Post. Both were founded by families of Jewish origin. But neither has ever gone out of its way to promote Jewish causes or values.

A demonstrable, albeit time consuming LIE!

Yet Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Meridiaga -- who was a runner up for the papacy -- blamed the Jewish-controlled media, particularly The New York Times, for the sex scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church.

Here is his "logic." He begins by asserting that the Vatican is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. It follows, therefore, that "the Jews" had to get even with the Catholic Church, while at the same time deflecting attention away from Israeli injustices against the Palestinians.

The Jews managed to do this by arranging for the media which they, of course, control to give disproportionate attention to the Vatican sex scandal.

I have noticed the conspicuous absence of attention given to the Homosexual affairs of Rabbis and the suppression of these kinds of stories via threats within the Jewish community itself.

Jewish child molesters that are never on the NEWS - WHY?

NPN Article: Judaism's Pedophilia Begins with Rabbi ben Yohai
The prime media culprit is, according to Rodriguez, The Boston Globe, which has won numerous journalistic awards for its exposure of the sex scandal and cover-up. The Globe, you see, is owned by The New York Times, which is controlled by the Sulzberger family, which was Jewish in origin. Hence the Jewish conspiracy. Oh, these clever Jews!

One problem with this cockamamie theory is that the Jewish community of Boston was very close to, and admiring of, Cardinal Bernard Law, who presided over the archdiocese during the scandal. Law had built bridges between the Catholic and Jewish communities of Boston, and when the scandal was exposed by the very un-Jewish Boston Globe the Jewish community remained largely supportive of Law.

None of the leading media critics, lawyers or politicians who railed against the church was Jewish. Most were Catholic. But that didn't matter to the bigoted cardinal, who along with other classic anti-Semites believes that if there is a problem "the Jews" must be to blame for it.

"Oh these clever Jews!"

Crypto-Judaism in the Catholic Church | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

An article in Haaretz (“Israeli Jew turned Catholic priest named head of papal court”) describes one David Maria Jaeger who “converted” from Judaism to Catholicism and will now become a member of the highest court in the Vatican. The word ‘converted’ is in quotes because it’s apparent that Jaeger has in no sense ceased being a Jew. Jaeger was born in Tel Aviv and had a Jewish religious education before assuming his high position in the Church.

I suppose one could argue that the Bushes weren't Jews either. But they certainly were useful idiots from the Jewish point of view, even if the Bushes did profit from their relationship.

So let's stop all this nonsense about Jewish control over the media and praise those individual Jews who, by dint of hard work and talent, have earned their place, as individuals, in so many areas of American life. I always thought that was the American dream.

Dershowitz's new novel, The Trials of Zion, was just published by Hachette Book Group

No, let's not stop.

I think these "hardworking Jews" get enough praise as it is. God knows they heap enough of it on themselves when their sycophants don't.

The theory that Jews attained the highest per capita income in the US and acquired lucrative and powerful positions thousands of times more than than they should be statistically represented smacks of JEWISH SUPREMACISM. The idea that Jews do not acquire those positions through nepotism or discrimination holds no more water than when whites protest that they do not discriminate in favor of whites in employment and housing, an argument which the JEWISH MEDIA WILL NOT PERMIT TO BE VOICED.

There is no end to the numbers of Jews selling their books on TV and radio. Never mind that the bulk of any useful information,( that is the non-fictional, other than propaganda kind) given in any of them is is either borrowed from common knowledge or has been usurped and copywrited from other people's efforts.

One gets the impression that there is nothing known which has not been produced by some Jewish intellect, including the Old Testament and "G-d" Himself.

Alan Dershowitz
is a Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” and “America’s most public Jewish defender.” He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.

Isn't Harvard that university that the Jews used to argue was infested by anti-semitic "good 'ol boys"?
And isn't that the same university that gave us the illustrious Jewish addition to the Supreme Court

Jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justices | Jewish Virtual Library

U.S. Jews laud Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage movement - Jewish World News Israel News | Haaretz

U.S. Jews laud Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage movement
Court recognizes that married gay men and women are eligible for federal benefits, paving the way for same-sex marriage in California; falls short of endorsing fundamental right for gay people to marry.

More white make gentile useful idiots depicted in the Jew rag Haaretz. (They couldn't find a couple of Jews for the pic even if the publication is an explicitly Jewish "News" source.) Take note attractive gentile WHITE women. These kind of men do not make good husbands. Better find yourself a dashing (and rich) Jewish M-A-N. (No fatties or uglies need apply, only delicious Shiksa Hoes)
Gay marriage is an issue that stirs cultural, religious and political passions in the United States as elsewhere.

Jews ARE good at "stirring the pot".

The Talmudic Blog ????? ??????? : Is Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Jewish?
Is Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Jewish?
No, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is not a Jew. She is Catholic.

Is that right?

Look up the definition of "crypto Jews in Mexico and Latin America".

This Rabbi's blog even provides you with an additional clue:
Technically, you could argue that Sephardic Jewish judge Benjamin Nathan Cardozo was the first Hispanic judge to serve in the US Supreme Court. Cardozo served from 1932 until his death in 1938.

Cardozo was born in New York City, the son of Rebecca Washington (née Nathan) and Albert Jacob Cardozo. Both Cardozo's maternal grandparents, Sara Seixas and Isaac Mendes Seixas Nathan, and his paternal grandparents, Ellen Hart and Michael H. Cardozo, were Sephardic Jews; their families immigrated from England before the American Revolution, and were descended from Jews who left the Iberian Peninsula for Holland during the Inquisition. Cardozo family tradition held that their ancestors were Marranos from Portugal, although Cardozo's ancestry has not been firmly traced to Portugal. [Wikipedia]

There's a lot more of this concealment than they would like for you to know.

Jewish Community React to Sotomayor | NJDC Blog

A number of Jewish organizations have come out with comments concerning President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. They include the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), the Orthodox Union (OU), and the Religious Action Center (RAC).

See "leader's comments".

Alan Dersowitch


Jewish Twit Extraordinaire
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That looks like a lame attempt to denigrate the Christ, the Constitution, and the people who believe in them all at the same time.

Nice try, but that only works on equally lame minds.

If the Jews really wanted "separation of Church and State", as they put it, they wouldn't send one of their most militant groups , Chabad Lubavitch, to their stooge George Bush to sign the Noahide Resolutions.

What the Jews want is not "separation of Church and State". What the Jews want is a JEWISH STATE, a Jewish Plutocracy.

What the Jews want is to remove all traces of Christianity from government AND society.

People should understand that the majority of the men who framed the Constitution, like the majority of the population at the time, WERE as a matter of fact steeped in the Christian tradition. Whether they were ALL Christian in the truest sense is of lesser consequence. The important thing to realize, is that despite the differences in denominational opinion, the ENTIRE social structure, for all intents and purposes, UNIVERSALLY recognized CHRISTIANITY as the PREDOMINANT religion of the US.

To convince everyone that the early US was anything else would require a complete audience of FOOLS and IDIOTS.

This is easily demonstrated.

To begin with, one would have to argue that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock were NOT trying to escape the religious persecution of the King's Church in England.

Then the critics of Christianity would have to dismiss from their arsenal of insults to Christ, the argument that the Salem Witch trials were conducted by ignorant religious bigots of the WHITE MALE Christian persuasion.

Try to imagine the founders of the US government as a pack of Rabbis, Hindus, or Buddahists.
Nope. It don't work.

You can even try to substitute a pack of 17th and 18th century Secular Humanists or Atheists and you run into similar problems, all of which underscore the RIDICULOUSNESS of the argument that the US was founded as a "secular" nation.

It OUGHT TO BE apparent to any THINKING person that the INTENTION of the first amendment of the Constitution was to prevent incidence such as House Resolution 104 from occurring, a concept which was entirely lost on the mind of George Bush Senior when he allowed the "good" Rabbis to push him to sign it, in his typical weenie fashion.

Bill Text - 102nd Congress (1991-1992) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe', this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of `education and giving', the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

One should pause here to reconsider the way in which dramatic changes can be brought about incrementally by small steps and to reflect on the meaning of sayings such as ,
"Give 'em and inch", and the fable about allowing the camels nose into the tent.

Special attention should be drawn to the first "Noahide Law" and it's Talumdic interpretation.

Included in the definition of "idolatry" according to the "sages" of the Talmud is the prescription of death by guillotine to all those who profess the deity of Christ, who according to the Rabbis was a charlatan and a bastard, a mere man at most.

Doubtless after the consolidation of a world government ruled by a religious court of Sanhedrin, as the Jews work for daily, there will no longer be any use for the "Messianic" Jews who flatter the Christian community for the financial and military support they require towards attaining their goal; as any "Messianic" Jews who truly believed in Christ as God's son would be just as guilty as any Christian.

One may doubt the sincerity of such Jews already for the simple lack of a good reason to continue to call themselves by any other name than Christian. If there were such a reason then Christians would be equally obligated to call themselves Jews. Because according to the "Jews" , being "Jewish" refers only to ones religious beliefs.

First Amendment | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

One should pay close attention to the efforts of Jews and their gentile front men to prohibit display of Christian icons and to PROHIBIT the NAME of Christ to be mentioned in public prayers.

No, Ding Dong,

The Jews have no business dicking around with Christians, their religion, OR their form of government.

Anyone who goes along with the Jews on these points are in my estimation about as good as the Jews themselves and ought to be considered as such regardless of the name they go be or the label which the lying media assigns to them.

A wise person should not be fooled by the forward appearance of gentile people who are pushing to implement the Jewish agenda, whether it is in the name of Marx or even Christ, or to promote any cause or purpose which is contrary to the express will of God AS CHRIST HIMSELF has STATED it.

Exodus 20:7

"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Go fish!
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, and the Entertainment Business as I live in Santa Monica, and work as kind of agent/account executive.

This kind of thread is misleading. Jews were the ones who developed animation using cards. While Edison developed the motion picture, (actually it was Tessler, a Jew, who worked for Thomas Edison). Motion Pictures were an innovation that Jewish immigrants were drawn to for making a living. Christians already dominated fields such as oil, steel, and banking in the United States. Jews were the ones who took risks in the new movie industry because there were not a lot of other options open to them due to prejudice.

There sure were not any white Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted to invest in the risky movie business. At least not until the millions started rolling in. Yes the business did start in New York and Chicago. They movie moved to California because they could film outside, all year around. Theater owners demanded a new movie every week in their theaters, and so Hollywood became a factory production line. With the new medium, the goal was to put as many people in theater seats as possible. Movie content was what people of the day were willing to pay to see. This was not a Jewish agenda being sold, and there were no "message" movies as there are today. I fact the Jewish film companies went out of their way to reach out to Christian audiences because most Americans were Christians. And, they succeeded.


Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

[ame=""]"The New Normal" Stars on Show Controversy - YouTube[/ame]

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, and the Entertainment Business as I live in Santa Monica, and work as kind of agent/account executive.

This kind of thread is misleading. Jews were the ones who developed animation using cards. While Edison developed the motion picture, (actually it was Tessler, a Jew, who worked for Thomas Edison). Motion Pictures were an innovation that Jewish immigrants were drawn to for making a living. Christians already dominated fields such as oil, steel, and banking in the United States. Jews were the ones who took risks in the new movie industry because there were not a lot of other options open to them due to prejudice.

There sure were not any white Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted to invest in the risky movie business. At least not until the millions started rolling in. Yes the business did start in New York and Chicago. They movie moved to California because they could film outside, all year around. Theater owners demanded a new movie every week in their theaters, and so Hollywood became a factory production line. With the new medium, the goal was to put as many people in theater seats as possible. Movie content was what people of the day were willing to pay to see. This was not a Jewish agenda being sold, and there were no "message" movies as there are today. I fact the Jewish film companies went out of their way to reach out to Christian audiences because most Americans were Christians. And, they succeeded.


Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

"The New Normal" Stars on Show Controversy - YouTube

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.

Jews do not control anything. They have a prominence far out of proportion to their numbers because of their superior intelligence.
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, ......

We'll take you're word for it.
I've learned more than most about the Jews.
Enough to know what I'm talking about.

Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

Yes they do.

You strike me as being very "Politically Correct". I'm sure that helps tremendously in opening doors. We see the types of people that Jews typically reward. Take John Hagee and John McCain for example.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

I doubt if McCarthy did much to "ruin" anyones career in Hollywood, particularly any of the Communist Jews who were there at the time.

If anyone was ruined by his attempt to expose them, it was McCarthy himself. His name now lives in infamy right along with Richard Nixon, Adolf Hitler, Jimmy Carter, Billy Graham, or anyone else they have put on their black list.

Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy.

I had no idea that McCarthy was the chief employment officer in Hollywood or that Catholics ran the movie industry. That sounds about as likely as the one that says that the Muslims run Washington.

Lord, they really take us ALL for STUPID.

The fact that some of us really are I regret to say. But hey, I'm Anglo Saxon and male too so I can't disown them altogether. The Jews are going to lump me in with the Dodos anyway the same way the blacks do regardless.
So I would just like to help open the eyes of all the white males who are dancing to the tune of their own destruction as to who the Pied Pipers are.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

The Jews defamed Walt Disney for the testimony he gave about hearings on unAmerican activities.

Rupert Murdoch is a Jew. And the "Republican Party" is actually the NEO-CON Party.

The "paleo" Republicans like Pat Buchanan have been shelved and marginalized by the powers that be for their politically incorrect attitudes.

I'm beginning to think that you don't know a fraction of what you claim to about the Jewish agenda in Hollywood.
So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

There is nothing "bogus" about this thread at all.

You should take particular points in the articles presented and prove them to be bogus before you make such a claim.

Jews are indeed heavily invested in the telecommunications industry. That is one of the major reasons for the amount of power they wield.
Average people are more interested in mindless entertainment than serious inquiry. That's a major problem among whites. They too readily accept the fare that Hollywood dishes out. Their fear of questioning the trend setters and of being perceived as not being "with it" prevents them from scrutinizing the "pop culture" that has been constructed around them.

It is more socially acceptable for them to express doubts and outright contempt for things like the existence of God and Christian precepts than they are to risk shunning a pop icon like a Hip Hop Gangsat Rappa.
One will score you approval points and the other will get you ostracized.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

There ARE folks who are aware of the Gay Mafia. But fewer realize where they get their steam.
You have at least admitted one thing:
If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them

That is a common tactic employed by the Jewish Marxists, defamation of character.
Smear campaigns based on disingenuous or false allegations would not work if those who concoct them didn't have the media outlets to spread them.

"ACORN" was a leftist organization I believe, totally unrelated to the people who doubted Yomammis legitimacy to the Presidency, which was indeed doubtful.

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.

Eastman is still doing business so I don't know what you are talking about there.

If "Gays" really "played for keeps" they'd be man enough to stand up to the bullies who want to dress them up like fools to be their fun monkies.

But lets' not get off track shall we? This thread pertains to Jewish media power and all that implies.

The "Gay movement" is just one more component of the divide and conquer arsenal that the Jewish/Marxist/Secular Humanist/ Atheist coalition is using to subvert and destroy the Christian white middle class.

But for the record, if the Jews and other activist clowns who are using the "Gays" really cared about their welfare, they would not wish to see them robbed of their youth and denied the opportunity to achieve a lasting happiness in this life.

The truth be known, they'd just as soon every white Anglo Saxon male in the US be castrated and die of aids, all those who are not performing minimum wage labor or being used as cannon fodder for the Jew World Order. Instead, instead they "help" them by encouraging a lifestyle of self debasement and folly. A bully "queer basher" is more honest and less of a threat.

Personally I try not to confuse either flattery or threats with the gospel.

Here's an article you might enjoy.

Russian gay activist Alexeyev's huge new anti-Semitic meltdown
Russian gay activist Nikolai Alexeyev, who until now was considered Russia’s top lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocate, appears to have ended his political career tonight in a series of anti-Semitic Facebook and Twitter posts that have even his most ardent supporters calling out his ongoing anti-Semitism.
In apparent anger over cancellation of his participation in a conference call hosted by human rights group Human Rights First tomorrow, Alexeyev responded via Twitter and Facebook with a slew of hateful anti-Jewish comments, since he is now convinced that “the Jewish mafia” did him in, rather than his own rank prejudice.
But for the record, if the Jews and other activist clowns who are using the "Gays" really cared about their welfare, they would not wish to see them robbed of their youth and denied the opportunity to achieve a lasting happiness in this life.
heterosexual relationships bring happiness?Well at least for 15-30 minutes.
I also believe the Jews used the Germans for a Holocaust on it's own people just so they could take over the media in the US.
Not disputable to you, maybe. Don't presume to speak for everyone.

It's fact. Most American Jews do lean far Left/Communist.

And, like most of your facts, that one came from the little voices in your microwave oven.

Yep, and a Tinfoil Hat too. Yada Yada Yada. It is fact. Most American Jews are Leftists/Communists and are members of the Democratic Party. But why? I think one poster was onto something. The Bolsheviks in Russia did have a heavy Jewish influence. That could explain the Jewish/Communist connection somewhat. And Jewish control of much of American Film and TV is also fact. That's not disputable. But i'm more interested in discussing why so many American Jews are Communists.
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It's fact. Most American Jews do lean far Left/Communist.

And, like most of your facts, that one came from the little voices in your microwave oven.

Yep, and a Tinfoil Hat too. Yada Yada Yada. It is fact. Most American Jews are Leftists/Communists and are members of the Democratic Party. But why? I think one poster was onto something. The Bolsheviks in Russia did have a heavy Jewish influence. That could explain the Jewish/Communist connection somewhat. And Jewish control of much of American Film and TV is also fact. That's not disputable. But i'm more interested in discussing why so many American Jews are Communists.

Before we discuss "why so many American Jews are Communists" or "lean far Left/Communist" as you claim, you must provide substantiation of its factuality.
BTW, I certainly hope you don't wear your foil hat when sticking your (pin)head into the microwave ... you may damage the oven.
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Jews do not control anything. They have a prominence far out of proportion to their numbers because of their superior intelligence.

Spoken like a true Jewish Supremacist.

Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.

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