Do Jews Control the Media?

Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.

We get it. You are a JEWISH SUPREMACIST.

Yes we COULD debate IQ issue and the politicization of the Nobel Prize racket, but the truth about those things are beside the point, which is that YOU believe that JEWS are SUPERIOR.

However whether the Jews are SUPERIOR as you believe (and as other Jews do also by virtue of their "G-d given right, if nothing else), is also beside the point.

The central question pertinent to this thread is whether the Jews should be granted special privileges under the law, and whether it is a good idea to allow them complete control of all media outlets and authority in government, in a country which was founded on principles other than the "Noahide" concept as envisioned by the Talmudic Pharisees, ancient or contemporary.

You see. Some of us object to being lorded over by a collection of purely self serving people who believe they should have the best of everything without regard to the interests of others.

We understand that as long as we permit them to own and operate everything, they will not refuse the opportunity out of any conscience since "Justice", as they see it, means they are entitled to rule the world, and non-Jews are entitled to serve them.

Try to adjust yourself to the idea that some of us won't abide by that system of rule whether you call it a "meritocracy" or by any other name. In the first place I don't believe that Jews have attained all they have purely on merit alone. Rather, their system of networking and stealth, call it tribalism or nepotism if you will, has played a larger role than they are willing to admit.

To put it more plainly, the Jews have relied on the same type of "good 'ol boy" discrimination and selectivity that they have been accusing the white Angle Saxons of using to "hold the black man down".
Only they have been much more discreet in the practice of it.

The purposes and methodology of SOCIO-POLITICAL JUDAISM may be more clearly understood by thinking of it as simply a UNION of sorts.
Just as the B'nai B'rith functions as an unregistered foreign agent, all other Jewish organizations function merely as separate arms (or tentacles) of the same INTERNATIONAL Jewish octopus, (in a manner of speaking).

But all of these organizations have one central tendency, to serve the economic, social, and political interests of it's constituents.
It survives as a POLITICAL entity in service of it's members by virtue of the RELIGIOUS label assigned to it. Jews, like most other people, are just as enamored with sex, social status, and the getting of money. The question is whether they play by the same rules they insist that everyone else does.

It is ironic (and rather wicked) that the SOCIO-POLITICAL JEWISH machine chooses to attack the same system which has shielded it's activities in the name of protecting their religious freedom. They bite the hand that feeds them.

Jews flourished in pre WWII Germany also just as they do presently in the US. You can look up those stats too if you wish. You will find the same type of inordinate wealth and occupation of lucrative and powerful positions then and there as here and now.

There were no "anti-semitic" pogroms until the Jews declared war on Germany, at which time the back stabbing they did to Germany in WWI must have become as clear to the masses as they already had to political pundits like Hitler. How else can you hold them "collectively guilty" unless you admit they were all of one accord? And how can you do that without offering some reasonable motive for their collective antipathy?

The gay commenter on the last page mentioned the fear which people in the US had of communists during the McCarthy era. The German nation had the reasons to fear communism clearly demonstrated to them by their Bolshevik Red neighbors already.

Young Americans today are much less fearful of Communism. The difference now is that the present generation in the US has been schooled in the politically correct principles of Marxism and are much more receptive to the promises of a Socialist utopia offered by Marxism, whether they recognize them by that label or not. They see the big Red Star as no more menacing than an advertisement for a major department store. The message it suggests is a bourgeois life for all, as though it were possible.

It just hasn't occurred to them that those promises are illusory, probably owing much to the dumming down effects of drugs, TV, movie, video, unrestrained sex, and the destructive rhetoric of pop culture.
One would think it would be simple enough to look at the fate of the USSR and the working conditions in China to discourage these lemmings from buying these false hopes. But few things can substitute for practical experience. America is not quite bled dry, yet.

It seems more realistic to me to believe that the masses of people who are fleeing the paradise the Mexican drug cartels and Socialism have created in Mexico, feel that they have much more to gain and in less time if they can just take whatever the Gringo has "stolen" from them as quickly as possible. So naturally they will choose to elect those who promise them those things.

The blacks, likewise are just as impatient to get "a piece" of the pie and would just as soon trash the whole system as to wait another minute. They have been conditioned to feel totally justified in taking their pound of flesh from any and all Honkies who are available to do so. The Jewish media deserves all the credit that can be heaped upon it.
Some of them have learned though, that when it comes to Reparations, their 40 Acres and a Mule take a back seat to the Holocaust Industry.
Last edited:
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, and the Entertainment Business as I live in Santa Monica, and work as kind of agent/account executive.

This kind of thread is misleading. Jews were the ones who developed animation using cards. While Edison developed the motion picture, (actually it was Tessler, a Jew, who worked for Thomas Edison). Motion Pictures were an innovation that Jewish immigrants were drawn to for making a living. Christians already dominated fields such as oil, steel, and banking in the United States. Jews were the ones who took risks in the new movie industry because there were not a lot of other options open to them due to prejudice.

There sure were not any white Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted to invest in the risky movie business. At least not until the millions started rolling in. Yes the business did start in New York and Chicago. They movie moved to California because they could film outside, all year around. Theater owners demanded a new movie every week in their theaters, and so Hollywood became a factory production line. With the new medium, the goal was to put as many people in theater seats as possible. Movie content was what people of the day were willing to pay to see. This was not a Jewish agenda being sold, and there were no "message" movies as there are today. I fact the Jewish film companies went out of their way to reach out to Christian audiences because most Americans were Christians. And, they succeeded.


Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

"The New Normal" Stars on Show Controversy - YouTube

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.

I'll make it simple , I'm in show biz too (lighting designer set designer.)
IT'S true JEWS are prominent in the biz....but last time I checked general electric is the parent company for most hollywood companies .

Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures), is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal,[1] and is one of the six major movie studios. Its production studios are at 100 Universal City Plaza Drive in Universal City, California. Distribution and other corporate offices are in New York City.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest movie studio in the United States of America. It is also the fourth oldest in the world that is still in continuous production; the first being Gaumont Pictures, the second oldest is Pathé, the third is Nordisk Film, and the fifth oldest is Paramount Pictures.[2] On May 11, 2004, the controlling stake in the company was sold by Vivendi Universal to General Electric, parent of NBC.[3] The resulting media super-conglomerate was renamed NBC Universal, while Universal Studios Inc. remained the name of the production subsidiary. In addition to owning a sizable film library spanning the earliest decades of cinema to more contemporary works, it also owns a sizable collection of TV shows through its subsidiary NBCUniversal Television Distribution. It also acquired rights to several prominent filmmakers' works originally released by other studios through its subsidiaries over the years.
Four of Universal Studios' films—Jaws (1975), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), and Despicable Me 2 (2013)—achieved box office records, each becoming "their" highest-grossing film at the time.

GEis not owned or controlled by the jews...
Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.

We get it. You are a JEWISH SUPREMACIST.

Yes we COULD debate IQ issue and the politicization of the Nobel Prize racket, but the truth about those things are beside the point, which is that YOU believe that JEWS are SUPERIOR.

However whether the Jews are SUPERIOR as you believe (and as other Jews do also by virtue of their "G-d given right, if nothing else), is also beside the point.

The central question pertinent to this thread is whether the Jews should be granted special privileges under the law, and whether it is a good idea to allow them complete control of all media outlets and authority in government, in a country which was founded on principles other than the "Noahide" concept as envisioned by the Talmudic Pharisees, ancient or contemporary.

You see. Some of us object to being lorded over by a collection of purely self serving people who believe they should have the best of everything without regard to the interests of others.

We understand that as long as we permit them to own and operate everything, they will not refuse the opportunity out of any conscience since "Justice", as they see it, means they are entitled to rule the world, and non-Jews are entitled to serve them.

Try to adjust yourself to the idea that some of us won't abide by that system of rule whether you call it a "meritocracy" or by any other name. In the first place I don't believe that Jews have attained all they have purely on merit alone. Rather, their system of networking and stealth, call it tribalism or nepotism if you will, has played a larger role than they are willing to admit.

To put it more plainly, the Jews have relied on the same type of "good 'ol boy" discrimination and selectivity that they have been accusing the white Angle Saxons of using to "hold the black man down".
Only they have been much more discreet in the practice of it.

The purposes and methodology of SOCIO-POLITICAL JUDAISM may be more clearly understood by thinking of it as simply a UNION of sorts.
Just as the B'nai B'rith functions as an unregistered foreign agent, all other Jewish organizations function merely as separate arms (or tentacles) of the same INTERNATIONAL Jewish octopus, (in a manner of speaking).

But all of these organizations have one central tendency, to serve the economic, social, and political interests of it's constituents.
It survives as a POLITICAL entity in service of it's members by virtue of the RELIGIOUS label assigned to it. Jews, like most other people, are just as enamored with sex, social status, and the getting of money. The question is whether they play by the same rules they insist that everyone else does.

It is ironic (and rather wicked) that the SOCIO-POLITICAL JEWISH machine chooses to attack the same system which has shielded it's activities in the name of protecting their religious freedom. They bite the hand that feeds them.

Jews flourished in pre WWII Germany also just as they do presently in the US. You can look up those stats too if you wish. You will find the same type of inordinate wealth and occupation of lucrative and powerful positions then and there as here and now.

There were no "anti-semitic" pogroms until the Jews declared war on Germany, at which time the back stabbing they did to Germany in WWI must have become as clear to the masses as they already had to political pundits like Hitler. How else can you hold them "collectively guilty" unless you admit they were all of one accord? And how can you do that without offering some reasonable motive for their collective antipathy?

The gay commenter on the last page mentioned the fear which people in the US had of communists during the McCarthy era. The German nation had the reasons to fear communism clearly demonstrated to them by their Bolshevik Red neighbors already.

Young Americans today are much less fearful of Communism. The difference now is that the present generation in the US has been schooled in the politically correct principles of Marxism and are much more receptive to the promises of a Socialist utopia offered by Marxism, whether they recognize them by that label or not. They see the big Red Star as no more menacing than an advertisement for a major department store. The message it suggests is a bourgeois life for all, as though it were possible.

It just hasn't occurred to them that those promises are illusory, probably owing much to the dumming down effects of drugs, TV, movie, video, unrestrained sex, and the destructive rhetoric of pop culture.
One would think it would be simple enough to look at the fate of the USSR and the working conditions in China to discourage these lemmings from buying these false hopes. But few things can substitute for practical experience. America is not quite bled dry, yet.

It seems more realistic to me to believe that the masses of people who are fleeing the paradise the Mexican drug cartels and Socialism have created in Mexico, feel that they have much more to gain and in less time if they can just take whatever the Gringo has "stolen" from them as quickly as possible. So naturally they will choose to elect those who promise them those things.

The blacks, likewise are just as impatient to get "a piece" of the pie and would just as soon trash the whole system as to wait another minute. They have been conditioned to feel totally justified in taking their pound of flesh from any and all Honkies who are available to do so. The Jewish media deserves all the credit that can be heaped upon it.
Some of them have learned though, that when it comes to Reparations, their 40 Acres and a Mule take a back seat to the Holocaust Industry.

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, and the Entertainment Business as I live in Santa Monica, and work as kind of agent/account executive.

This kind of thread is misleading. Jews were the ones who developed animation using cards. While Edison developed the motion picture, (actually it was Tessler, a Jew, who worked for Thomas Edison). Motion Pictures were an innovation that Jewish immigrants were drawn to for making a living. Christians already dominated fields such as oil, steel, and banking in the United States. Jews were the ones who took risks in the new movie industry because there were not a lot of other options open to them due to prejudice.

There sure were not any white Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted to invest in the risky movie business. At least not until the millions started rolling in. Yes the business did start in New York and Chicago. They movie moved to California because they could film outside, all year around. Theater owners demanded a new movie every week in their theaters, and so Hollywood became a factory production line. With the new medium, the goal was to put as many people in theater seats as possible. Movie content was what people of the day were willing to pay to see. This was not a Jewish agenda being sold, and there were no "message" movies as there are today. I fact the Jewish film companies went out of their way to reach out to Christian audiences because most Americans were Christians. And, they succeeded.


Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

"The New Normal" Stars on Show Controversy - YouTube

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.

I'll make it simple , I'm in show biz too (lighting designer set designer.)
IT'S true JEWS are prominent in the biz....but last time I checked general electric is the parent company for most hollywood companies .

Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures), is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal,[1] and is one of the six major movie studios. Its production studios are at 100 Universal City Plaza Drive in Universal City, California. Distribution and other corporate offices are in New York City.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest movie studio in the United States of America. It is also the fourth oldest in the world that is still in continuous production; the first being Gaumont Pictures, the second oldest is Pathé, the third is Nordisk Film, and the fifth oldest is Paramount Pictures.[2] On May 11, 2004, the controlling stake in the company was sold by Vivendi Universal to General Electric, parent of NBC.[3] The resulting media super-conglomerate was renamed NBC Universal, while Universal Studios Inc. remained the name of the production subsidiary. In addition to owning a sizable film library spanning the earliest decades of cinema to more contemporary works, it also owns a sizable collection of TV shows through its subsidiary NBCUniversal Television Distribution. It also acquired rights to several prominent filmmakers' works originally released by other studios through its subsidiaries over the years.
Four of Universal Studios' films—Jaws (1975), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), and Despicable Me 2 (2013)—achieved box office records, each becoming "their" highest-grossing film at the time.

GEis not owned or controlled by the jews...

Are you jewish?
Although it clearly rankles the Nazi types among us, there is at least some hard evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are indeed, as a group, smarter than the gen pop. We can quibble about the source, debate the Nobel Prize issue or whether the diff is nature or nurture but the facts are plain:

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is that Ashkenazi Jews rank smartest in the world in terms of IQ, with a median of 117, they rank 20% (or 10 points) higher than the global average. Their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields is also disproportionate. While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 2% of the U.S. population, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, a quarter of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry."

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted, a function of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.

We get it. You are a JEWISH SUPREMACIST.

Yes we COULD debate IQ issue and the politicization of the Nobel Prize racket, but the truth about those things are beside the point, which is that YOU believe that JEWS are SUPERIOR.

However whether the Jews are SUPERIOR as you believe (and as other Jews do also by virtue of their "G-d given right, if nothing else), is also beside the point.

The central question pertinent to this thread is whether the Jews should be granted special privileges under the law, and whether it is a good idea to allow them complete control of all media outlets and authority in government, in a country which was founded on principles other than the "Noahide" concept as envisioned by the Talmudic Pharisees, ancient or contemporary.

You see. Some of us object to being lorded over by a collection of purely self serving people who believe they should have the best of everything without regard to the interests of others.

We understand that as long as we permit them to own and operate everything, they will not refuse the opportunity out of any conscience since "Justice", as they see it, means they are entitled to rule the world, and non-Jews are entitled to serve them.

Try to adjust yourself to the idea that some of us won't abide by that system of rule whether you call it a "meritocracy" or by any other name. In the first place I don't believe that Jews have attained all they have purely on merit alone. Rather, their system of networking and stealth, call it tribalism or nepotism if you will, has played a larger role than they are willing to admit.

To put it more plainly, the Jews have relied on the same type of "good 'ol boy" discrimination and selectivity that they have been accusing the white Angle Saxons of using to "hold the black man down".
Only they have been much more discreet in the practice of it.

The purposes and methodology of SOCIO-POLITICAL JUDAISM may be more clearly understood by thinking of it as simply a UNION of sorts.
Just as the B'nai B'rith functions as an unregistered foreign agent, all other Jewish organizations function merely as separate arms (or tentacles) of the same INTERNATIONAL Jewish octopus, (in a manner of speaking).

But all of these organizations have one central tendency, to serve the economic, social, and political interests of it's constituents.
It survives as a POLITICAL entity in service of it's members by virtue of the RELIGIOUS label assigned to it. Jews, like most other people, are just as enamored with sex, social status, and the getting of money. The question is whether they play by the same rules they insist that everyone else does.

It is ironic (and rather wicked) that the SOCIO-POLITICAL JEWISH machine chooses to attack the same system which has shielded it's activities in the name of protecting their religious freedom. They bite the hand that feeds them.

Jews flourished in pre WWII Germany also just as they do presently in the US. You can look up those stats too if you wish. You will find the same type of inordinate wealth and occupation of lucrative and powerful positions then and there as here and now.

There were no "anti-semitic" pogroms until the Jews declared war on Germany, at which time the back stabbing they did to Germany in WWI must have become as clear to the masses as they already had to political pundits like Hitler. How else can you hold them "collectively guilty" unless you admit they were all of one accord? And how can you do that without offering some reasonable motive for their collective antipathy?

The gay commenter on the last page mentioned the fear which people in the US had of communists during the McCarthy era. The German nation had the reasons to fear communism clearly demonstrated to them by their Bolshevik Red neighbors already.

Young Americans today are much less fearful of Communism. The difference now is that the present generation in the US has been schooled in the politically correct principles of Marxism and are much more receptive to the promises of a Socialist utopia offered by Marxism, whether they recognize them by that label or not. They see the big Red Star as no more menacing than an advertisement for a major department store. The message it suggests is a bourgeois life for all, as though it were possible.

It just hasn't occurred to them that those promises are illusory, probably owing much to the dumming down effects of drugs, TV, movie, video, unrestrained sex, and the destructive rhetoric of pop culture.
One would think it would be simple enough to look at the fate of the USSR and the working conditions in China to discourage these lemmings from buying these false hopes. But few things can substitute for practical experience. America is not quite bled dry, yet.

It seems more realistic to me to believe that the masses of people who are fleeing the paradise the Mexican drug cartels and Socialism have created in Mexico, feel that they have much more to gain and in less time if they can just take whatever the Gringo has "stolen" from them as quickly as possible. So naturally they will choose to elect those who promise them those things.

The blacks, likewise are just as impatient to get "a piece" of the pie and would just as soon trash the whole system as to wait another minute. They have been conditioned to feel totally justified in taking their pound of flesh from any and all Honkies who are available to do so. The Jewish media deserves all the credit that can be heaped upon it.
Some of them have learned though, that when it comes to Reparations, their 40 Acres and a Mule take a back seat to the Holocaust Industry.

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

Are you jewish?
I'll make it simple , I'm in show biz too (lighting designer set designer.)
IT'S true JEWS are prominent in the biz....but last time I checked general electric is the parent company for most hollywood companies .

Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures), is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal,[1] and is one of the six major movie studios. Its production studios are at 100 Universal City Plaza Drive in Universal City, California. Distribution and other corporate offices are in New York City.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest movie studio in the United States of America. It is also the fourth oldest in the world that is still in continuous production; the first being Gaumont Pictures, the second oldest is Pathé, the third is Nordisk Film, and the fifth oldest is Paramount Pictures.[2] On May 11, 2004, the controlling stake in the company was sold by Vivendi Universal to General Electric, parent of NBC.[3] The resulting media super-conglomerate was renamed NBC Universal, while Universal Studios Inc. remained the name of the production subsidiary. In addition to owning a sizable film library spanning the earliest decades of cinema to more contemporary works, it also owns a sizable collection of TV shows through its subsidiary NBCUniversal Television Distribution. It also acquired rights to several prominent filmmakers' works originally released by other studios through its subsidiaries over the years.
Four of Universal Studios' films—Jaws (1975), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), and Despicable Me 2 (2013)—achieved box office records, each becoming "their" highest-grossing film at the time.

GEis not owned or controlled by the jews...

Are you jewish?
WHY is that important? answer the question no, I'm an evil atheist ....
We get it. You are a JEWISH SUPREMACIST.

Yes we COULD debate IQ issue and the politicization of the Nobel Prize racket, but the truth about those things are beside the point, which is that YOU believe that JEWS are SUPERIOR.

However whether the Jews are SUPERIOR as you believe (and as other Jews do also by virtue of their "G-d given right, if nothing else), is also beside the point.

The central question pertinent to this thread is whether the Jews should be granted special privileges under the law, and whether it is a good idea to allow them complete control of all media outlets and authority in government, in a country which was founded on principles other than the "Noahide" concept as envisioned by the Talmudic Pharisees, ancient or contemporary.

You see. Some of us object to being lorded over by a collection of purely self serving people who believe they should have the best of everything without regard to the interests of others.

We understand that as long as we permit them to own and operate everything, they will not refuse the opportunity out of any conscience since "Justice", as they see it, means they are entitled to rule the world, and non-Jews are entitled to serve them.

Try to adjust yourself to the idea that some of us won't abide by that system of rule whether you call it a "meritocracy" or by any other name. In the first place I don't believe that Jews have attained all they have purely on merit alone. Rather, their system of networking and stealth, call it tribalism or nepotism if you will, has played a larger role than they are willing to admit.

To put it more plainly, the Jews have relied on the same type of "good 'ol boy" discrimination and selectivity that they have been accusing the white Angle Saxons of using to "hold the black man down".
Only they have been much more discreet in the practice of it.

The purposes and methodology of SOCIO-POLITICAL JUDAISM may be more clearly understood by thinking of it as simply a UNION of sorts.
Just as the B'nai B'rith functions as an unregistered foreign agent, all other Jewish organizations function merely as separate arms (or tentacles) of the same INTERNATIONAL Jewish octopus, (in a manner of speaking).

But all of these organizations have one central tendency, to serve the economic, social, and political interests of it's constituents.
It survives as a POLITICAL entity in service of it's members by virtue of the RELIGIOUS label assigned to it. Jews, like most other people, are just as enamored with sex, social status, and the getting of money. The question is whether they play by the same rules they insist that everyone else does.

It is ironic (and rather wicked) that the SOCIO-POLITICAL JEWISH machine chooses to attack the same system which has shielded it's activities in the name of protecting their religious freedom. They bite the hand that feeds them.

Jews flourished in pre WWII Germany also just as they do presently in the US. You can look up those stats too if you wish. You will find the same type of inordinate wealth and occupation of lucrative and powerful positions then and there as here and now.

There were no "anti-semitic" pogroms until the Jews declared war on Germany, at which time the back stabbing they did to Germany in WWI must have become as clear to the masses as they already had to political pundits like Hitler. How else can you hold them "collectively guilty" unless you admit they were all of one accord? And how can you do that without offering some reasonable motive for their collective antipathy?

The gay commenter on the last page mentioned the fear which people in the US had of communists during the McCarthy era. The German nation had the reasons to fear communism clearly demonstrated to them by their Bolshevik Red neighbors already.

Young Americans today are much less fearful of Communism. The difference now is that the present generation in the US has been schooled in the politically correct principles of Marxism and are much more receptive to the promises of a Socialist utopia offered by Marxism, whether they recognize them by that label or not. They see the big Red Star as no more menacing than an advertisement for a major department store. The message it suggests is a bourgeois life for all, as though it were possible.

It just hasn't occurred to them that those promises are illusory, probably owing much to the dumming down effects of drugs, TV, movie, video, unrestrained sex, and the destructive rhetoric of pop culture.
One would think it would be simple enough to look at the fate of the USSR and the working conditions in China to discourage these lemmings from buying these false hopes. But few things can substitute for practical experience. America is not quite bled dry, yet.

It seems more realistic to me to believe that the masses of people who are fleeing the paradise the Mexican drug cartels and Socialism have created in Mexico, feel that they have much more to gain and in less time if they can just take whatever the Gringo has "stolen" from them as quickly as possible. So naturally they will choose to elect those who promise them those things.

The blacks, likewise are just as impatient to get "a piece" of the pie and would just as soon trash the whole system as to wait another minute. They have been conditioned to feel totally justified in taking their pound of flesh from any and all Honkies who are available to do so. The Jewish media deserves all the credit that can be heaped upon it.
Some of them have learned though, that when it comes to Reparations, their 40 Acres and a Mule take a back seat to the Holocaust Industry.

Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

Are you jewish?

I am but I've never won a Nobel Prize nor am I a noted thinker.
What has your question to do with the facts in this matter?
squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of american jews may just be, as friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
that is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

are you jewish?

i am but i've never won a nobel prize nor am i a noted thinker.
What has your question to do with the facts in this matter?
you do make a mean matza !
I'll make it simple , I'm in show biz too (lighting designer set designer.)
IT'S true JEWS are prominent in the biz....but last time I checked general electric is the parent company for most hollywood companies .

Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures), is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal,[1] and is one of the six major movie studios. Its production studios are at 100 Universal City Plaza Drive in Universal City, California. Distribution and other corporate offices are in New York City.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest movie studio in the United States of America. It is also the fourth oldest in the world that is still in continuous production; the first being Gaumont Pictures, the second oldest is Pathé, the third is Nordisk Film, and the fifth oldest is Paramount Pictures.[2] On May 11, 2004, the controlling stake in the company was sold by Vivendi Universal to General Electric, parent of NBC.[3] The resulting media super-conglomerate was renamed NBC Universal, while Universal Studios Inc. remained the name of the production subsidiary. In addition to owning a sizable film library spanning the earliest decades of cinema to more contemporary works, it also owns a sizable collection of TV shows through its subsidiary NBCUniversal Television Distribution. It also acquired rights to several prominent filmmakers' works originally released by other studios through its subsidiaries over the years.
Four of Universal Studios' films—Jaws (1975), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), and Despicable Me 2 (2013)—achieved box office records, each becoming "their" highest-grossing film at the time.

GEis not owned or controlled by the jews...

It is nice to see us on the same page. Thanks for the detailed history. As a straight married, Presbyterian I find it most interesting working in a field basically created by enterprising Jews, and run, (at least on the creative end) by gays and lesbians. As William Paley, founder and chair of CBS said. "The goal of CBS is not to lead, but to never be more than a half-step behind change in America."


William S. Paley
Founder of the "Tiffany" network.
William S. Paley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks,but I'm neither gay or lesbian....if thats what you meant?
I must consider myself an expert on Hollywood, and the Entertainment Business as I live in Santa Monica, and work as kind of agent/account executive.

This kind of thread is misleading. Jews were the ones who developed animation using cards. While Edison developed the motion picture, (actually it was Tessler, a Jew, who worked for Thomas Edison). Motion Pictures were an innovation that Jewish immigrants were drawn to for making a living. Christians already dominated fields such as oil, steel, and banking in the United States. Jews were the ones who took risks in the new movie industry because there were not a lot of other options open to them due to prejudice.

There sure were not any white Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted to invest in the risky movie business. At least not until the millions started rolling in. Yes the business did start in New York and Chicago. They movie moved to California because they could film outside, all year around. Theater owners demanded a new movie every week in their theaters, and so Hollywood became a factory production line. With the new medium, the goal was to put as many people in theater seats as possible. Movie content was what people of the day were willing to pay to see. This was not a Jewish agenda being sold, and there were no "message" movies as there are today. I fact the Jewish film companies went out of their way to reach out to Christian audiences because most Americans were Christians. And, they succeeded.


Radio and Television were much the same evolving environment. The story of William S. Paley the founder of CBS is a typical story. Paley's father owned a cigar store. Paley sold it and bought a radio station. He built that station into being CBS, including Television. So, yes, Jewish management has a lot of power in communications, but I as a Presbyterian am a perfect example that if you do your job well, the doors are open in radio, television, and motion pictures.

During the 1930s the Roman Catholic Church decided it should be the censor of movies. And, for a while they were, and literally ruined some great films. Catholic know-it-alls got the boot in the 1940s, and were replaced by the anti-Communists under U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. There was a "blacklist," and careers were ruined by McCarthy until he was nailed as an alcoholic bigot by CBS News Director, Edward R. Murrow. It is said that even President Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was afraid of McCarthy. It was the cold war, Americans were afraid of Communists.

As the studio system declined, independent film companies such as United Artists flourished. Non-Jewish television networks emerged, (NBC, now owned by defense contractor General Electric, ABC now owned by Republicans at Disney Studios, and Fox, owned by conservative Republican Rupert Murdoch). When the studio system died, a lot of Jewish influence ended. Even the great Louis B. Mayor lost MGM.

So, you see this thread is a bogus attack on Jews. Jews invested and built the communications industry in the United States, and now they are run by corporate entities with stockholders whose main interest is making money.

The point missed in the OP is the tremendous power gays and lesbians have in the communications industry. They are really upset that a Fundamentalist Christian group got NBC to drop last seasons, The New Normal. The religious right will pay dearly for that action. Anyone with any brains at all knows you DO NOT mess with the gays in Tinsel Town. You will see some big "righty" politicians bite the dust in the next election as a result of payback. If a big "righty" doesn't have a scandle, one will be written for them, as was the case with the Obama Birth Certificate, and Acorn. The media will scream "political upset," but here in Hollywood it will just be another gay payback, pure and simple. It is American politics as usual.

"The New Normal" Stars on Show Controversy - YouTube

Remember a company named Eastman Kodak?
Bankrupt ~ Gay Payback. Gays play for keeps, and
now have more clout than Jews in Communications.

I'll make it simple , I'm in show biz too (lighting designer set designer.)
IT'S true JEWS are prominent in the biz....but last time I checked general electric is the parent company for most hollywood companies .

Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures), is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal,[1] and is one of the six major movie studios. Its production studios are at 100 Universal City Plaza Drive in Universal City, California. Distribution and other corporate offices are in New York City.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest movie studio in the United States of America. It is also the fourth oldest in the world that is still in continuous production; the first being Gaumont Pictures, the second oldest is Pathé, the third is Nordisk Film, and the fifth oldest is Paramount Pictures.[2] On May 11, 2004, the controlling stake in the company was sold by Vivendi Universal to General Electric, parent of NBC.[3] The resulting media super-conglomerate was renamed NBC Universal, while Universal Studios Inc. remained the name of the production subsidiary. In addition to owning a sizable film library spanning the earliest decades of cinema to more contemporary works, it also owns a sizable collection of TV shows through its subsidiary NBCUniversal Television Distribution. It also acquired rights to several prominent filmmakers' works originally released by other studios through its subsidiaries over the years.
Four of Universal Studios' films—Jaws (1975), E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), and Despicable Me 2 (2013)—achieved box office records, each becoming "their" highest-grossing film at the time.

GEis not owned or controlled by the jews...

It is nice to see us on the same page for a change. :lol:

Thanks for the detailed history. As a straight married, Presbyterian I find it most interesting working in a field basically created by enterprising Jews, and run, (at least on the creative end) by gays and lesbians. As William Paley, founder and chair of CBS said. "The goal of CBS is not to lead, but to never be more than a half-step behind change in America."


William S. Paley
Founder of the "Tiffany" network.
William S. Paley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


CBS Television City was built in the Fairfax District, (Jewish section of West Los Angeles near Beverly Hills), was built originally for I Love Lucy.
The various studios are marked by what shows were made there. For example, Bill Maher's studio was also the studio for All in the Family.
If you are visiting Los Angeles, write CBS for tickets to be in the audience of your favorite show. Tickets are free.​
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Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

I just did explain it. Did you not read the explanation.

Jewish supremacism - Metapedia
Jewish supremacism is the belief, and promotion of the belief, that the Jews are superior to all others and should rightfully have control over non-Jews in all matters. The religion of Talmudic Judaism itself claims that the Jews are a race "chosen" by God ahead of the rest of humanity. Jewish supremacists believe that they are morally, intellectually, religuously and genetically superior. The purpose of this belief is to have an excuse to commit crimes such as the black slave trade, the Red Holocaust and Zionism. These crimes are used to establish social, political, historical and/or industrial dominance by Jews. The supremacist views are often "supported" by fallacious scientific research of which the outcome is predetermined so that the supremacist views are "confirmed".

Jewish supremacy, as with supremacism in general, is rooted in ethnocentrism and a desire for hegemony and power, and has frequently resulted in violence against non-Jews. Different forms of Jewish supremacy have different conceptions of who is considered Jew, and not all Jewish supremacist organizations agree on who is their greatest enemy. Jewish supremacy distinguishes itself from other forms of supremacy, as Jewish supremacist groups can be found in all countries with a Jewish minority or majority population, whereas this cannot be said of other forms of supremacy: for example not all, countries with a black minority also have black supremacist groups. Unfortunately, in most countries even militant Jewish supremacist organizations are not watched closely by law enforcement officials, but instead often subsidized by the governments under influence of the zionist lobby.

Listen carefully.

I already KNOW that Jews think they are superior.

Whether they are or are not, is NOT the issue.
The question is one of whether non-Jews are obligated to serve and obey them as they would have us do.

I for one do not accept that notion, even though it is deeply embedded in the Talmudic religion and socio-political philosophy of Zionism.

Other white gentiles may choose to defer to Jews in all ways and at all times.

I personally do not, partly because I do not believe the inflated opinion Jews have of themselves but mostly because I feel entitled to self determination inasmuch as freedom and the constraints of Christian morals allow me, NOT according to the precepts of men or modern Pharisees and elitists.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Now if you are as intelligent as you think you are, you should easily see why I do not concur with the philosophy of Jewish Supremacists such as yourself, your IQ (another man made construction) notwithstanding.

Indeed, the Jewish loyas and political activists have based their Affirmative Action, Civil Rights campaigns, and attempts to enact "hate crime" legislation ALL upon these very words which served as the foundation of this country.

As much as it may bug you, the men who penned them were not Jewish, and your historical revisionists will have a hard time trying to usurp credit for whatever good that may have came of them.
When they do, it will not surprise me, since they have already made it clear to the world that it was they who gave us a "monotheistic" "G-d", ie it was the Jews who contrived the idea, not that a living God had any actual hand in the matter.
Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

I just did explain it. Did you not read the explanation.

Jewish supremacism - Metapedia
Jewish supremacism is the belief, and promotion of the belief, that the Jews are superior to all others and should rightfully have control over non-Jews in all matters. The religion of Talmudic Judaism itself claims that the Jews are a race "chosen" by God ahead of the rest of humanity. Jewish supremacists believe that they are morally, intellectually, religuously and genetically superior. The purpose of this belief is to have an excuse to commit crimes such as the black slave trade, the Red Holocaust and Zionism. These crimes are used to establish social, political, historical and/or industrial dominance by Jews. The supremacist views are often "supported" by fallacious scientific research of which the outcome is predetermined so that the supremacist views are "confirmed".

Jewish supremacy, as with supremacism in general, is rooted in ethnocentrism and a desire for hegemony and power, and has frequently resulted in violence against non-Jews. Different forms of Jewish supremacy have different conceptions of who is considered Jew, and not all Jewish supremacist organizations agree on who is their greatest enemy. Jewish supremacy distinguishes itself from other forms of supremacy, as Jewish supremacist groups can be found in all countries with a Jewish minority or majority population, whereas this cannot be said of other forms of supremacy: for example not all, countries with a black minority also have black supremacist groups. Unfortunately, in most countries even militant Jewish supremacist organizations are not watched closely by law enforcement officials, but instead often subsidized by the governments under influence of the zionist lobby.

Listen carefully.

I already KNOW that Jews think they are superior.

Whether they are or are not, is NOT the issue.
The question is one of whether non-Jews are obligated to serve and obey them as they would have us do.

I for one do not accept that notion, even though it is deeply embedded in the Talmudic religion and socio-political philosophy of Zionism.

Other white gentiles may choose to defer to Jews in all ways and at all times.

I personally do not, partly because I do not believe the inflated opinion Jews have of themselves but mostly because I feel entitled to self determination inasmuch as freedom and the constraints of Christian morals allow me, NOT according to the precepts of men or modern Pharisees and elitists.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Now if you are as intelligent as you think you are, you should easily see why I do not concur with the philosophy of Jewish Supremacists such as yourself, your IQ (another man made construction) notwithstanding.

Indeed, the Jewish loyas and political activists have based their Affirmative Action, Civil Rights campaigns, and attempts to enact "hate crime" legislation ALL upon these very words which served as the foundation of this country.

As much as it may bug you, the men who penned them were not Jewish, and your historical revisionists will have a hard time trying to usurp credit for whatever good that may have came of them.
When they do, it will not surprise me, since they have already made it clear to the world that it was they who gave us a "monotheistic" "G-d", ie it was the Jews who contrived the idea, not that a living God had any actual hand in the matter.

As luck would have it and despite your baseless claims, I do not subscribe to any supremacist beliefs. I do, however, believe Nazis are inferior to the rest of mankind.
That said, like most rational adults I do not try to deny real facts and they certainly point to the possibility that Ashkanazi Jews are, by and large, smarter than you.
As proof I offer your use of Metapedia which is described by Rationalpedia as "a thinly veiled neo-Nazi propaganda site that almost makes Conservapedia look well-adjusted."

Metapedia is a website which describes itself as "an electronic encyclopedia about culture, art, science, philosophy and politics." The site's stated focus is "on topics that usually are not covered in — i.e. that fall outside of — mainstream encyclopedias." It has been described as "an 'internet love site', dedicated to the love of European people and culture."[3]
In reality, however, Metapedia is a thinly veiled neo-Nazi propaganda site that almost makes Conservapedia look well-adjusted.

Metapedia - RationalWiki

I'm shocked that you would use a Nazi website to support your silliness. Shocked I tell you.
Squirm all you like but the out-of-proportion prominence of American Jews may just be, as Friends noted and the evidence seems to support, a result of their superior intellect in a meritocracy.
That is not my opinion but rather just the facts, ma'am.
Perhaps in your next screed you will explain why you reject the facts in favor of your opinions.

I just did explain it. Did you not read the explanation.

Jewish supremacism - Metapedia

Listen carefully.

I already KNOW that Jews think they are superior.

Whether they are or are not, is NOT the issue.
The question is one of whether non-Jews are obligated to serve and obey them as they would have us do.

I for one do not accept that notion, even though it is deeply embedded in the Talmudic religion and socio-political philosophy of Zionism.

Other white gentiles may choose to defer to Jews in all ways and at all times.

I personally do not, partly because I do not believe the inflated opinion Jews have of themselves but mostly because I feel entitled to self determination inasmuch as freedom and the constraints of Christian morals allow me, NOT according to the precepts of men or modern Pharisees and elitists.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Now if you are as intelligent as you think you are, you should easily see why I do not concur with the philosophy of Jewish Supremacists such as yourself, your IQ (another man made construction) notwithstanding.

Indeed, the Jewish loyas and political activists have based their Affirmative Action, Civil Rights campaigns, and attempts to enact "hate crime" legislation ALL upon these very words which served as the foundation of this country.

As much as it may bug you, the men who penned them were not Jewish, and your historical revisionists will have a hard time trying to usurp credit for whatever good that may have came of them.
When they do, it will not surprise me, since they have already made it clear to the world that it was they who gave us a "monotheistic" "G-d", ie it was the Jews who contrived the idea, not that a living God had any actual hand in the matter.

As luck would have it and despite your baseless claims, I do not subscribe to any supremacist beliefs. I do, however, believe Nazis are inferior to the rest of mankind.
That said, like most rational adults I do not try to deny real facts and they certainly point to the possibility that Ashkanazi Jews are, by and large, smarter than you.
As proof I offer your use of Metapedia which is described by Rationalpedia as "a thinly veiled neo-Nazi propaganda site that almost makes Conservapedia look well-adjusted."

Metapedia is a website which describes itself as "an electronic encyclopedia about culture, art, science, philosophy and politics." The site's stated focus is "on topics that usually are not covered in — i.e. that fall outside of — mainstream encyclopedias." It has been described as "an 'internet love site', dedicated to the love of European people and culture."[3]
In reality, however, Metapedia is a thinly veiled neo-Nazi propaganda site that almost makes Conservapedia look well-adjusted.

Metapedia - RationalWiki

I'm shocked that you would use a Nazi website to support your silliness. Shocked I tell you.
I'm not..
most conspiracy asshats have nazi's the basis for the unprovable secret world government....
Am I the only one who cares about Teh Ebil Jew Plot™ to kidnap Donald Duck and extract his DNA? Wake up, you fools! They want to create an invincible new race of Superduck! The feathered ones are NOT our friends! You may be laughing now, but you won't be laughing when the Quackenbergs come for YOU!


There does seem to be a Jewish/Marxist/Bolshevik connection. Karl Marx himself was Jewish. It could explain why so American Jews are Leftists/Marxists. By the time they emigrated here, Communism may have been a part of their culture for many years. And there were many Jewish Communists in Hollywood going back to its early days. The more you dig into this question, the more interesting it becomes.
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As luck would have it and despite your baseless claims, I do not subscribe to any supremacist beliefs. I do, however, believe Nazis are inferior to the rest of mankind.
That said, like most rational adults I do not try to deny real facts and they certainly point to the possibility that Ashkanazi Jews are, by and large, smarter than you.

I'm shocked that you would use a Nazi website to support your silliness. Shocked I tell you.

"baseless claims"- Be specific. Show why they are "baseless".

"I do not subscribe to any supremacist beliefs. " You believe that Jews are intellectually superior to others. You said so. By definition, this makes you a Jewish Supremacist.
Judaism is intrinsically a Supremacist religion.

" rational adults I do not try to deny real facts " I have presented many facts which you deny.

"you would use a Nazi website to support your silliness." I've used several Jewish sites to support my argument. Jews tend to call anything which reveals the sordid side of Judaism, "Nazi". You could call any non-Jew who is non-compliant to the Jewish agenda a "Nazi" just as you call any non-Jew who objects to Jewish hegemony or rejects the idea of Jewish Supremacism.

You claim that as a Jew you are "smarter" than me.
So what if you are?
Does that give you an automatic right to rule over me?

If Jews are so smart, why can't they stick to addressing the issues rather than always resorting to the name calling and diversions?

Every time they are confronted with a FACT, even one taken from a Jewish source or a source recognized as reliable, they always dodge the issue the same way: name calling, diversions, and other fallacious means of dissimulation.

Take these words for example, straight from the mouth of a Jew.

"Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture." -Allen Ginsberg

This defines the theme of this thread. It also supports "my claim", as you put it.


Allen Ginsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free speech

Ginsberg's willingness to talk about taboo subjects made him a controversial figure during the conservative 1950s, and a significant figure in the 1960s. In the mid-1950s, no reputable publishing company would even consider publishing "Howl". At the time, such “sex talk” employed in "Howl" was considered by some to be vulgar or even a form of pornography, and could be prosecuted under law.[35] Ginsberg used phrases such as “cocksucker”, “fucked in the ass”, and “****” as part of the poem's depiction of different aspects of American culture.

Ginsberg is lauded among Jews, as they practically all are. Therefore it's safe to say that his thoughts and dispositions are not far afield of the majority of the Jewish population.

In 1968, Ginsberg signed the “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest” pledge, vowing to refuse tax payments in protest against the Vietnam War.[64]

Imagine how much maligned a "tea bagger" (or anyone else) would be for refusing to pay taxes in protest over the string of wars in the mid-east being fought at the behest of the Jewish Neo-Cons.

Doesn't it strike you odd that there's scarcely a peep of protest against any part of the Jew World Order Agenda being presented in the mainstream, not even from the high and mighty "Peace Activators"?


Could that possibly be because the alleged reason for fighting in Vietnam was in resistance to communism, whereas the communist agenda is merely part and parcel of what we see transpiring in Washington DC and abroad?

Ginsberg talked openly about his connections with communism and his admiration for past communist heroes and the labor movement at a time when the Red Scare and McCarthyism were still raging. He admired Castro and many other quasi-Marxist figures from the 20th century

I suppose the communists who were "open" about it didn't count, only the ones who remained hidden. Since water boarding wasn't part of national policy at the time, there wasn't much way to extract such a confession.

Ginsberg was a supporter and member of North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

The motive behind many peoples violent opposition to the promotion of Christian ideals many not be entirely related to the desire for "equal representation" of every conceivable religion imaginable.
I certainly wouldn't accuse the Jews of that, seeing that it is only Judaism that they desire to have preeminence.

There was no lack of praise for the illustrious Ginsberg and other leftists.

J. D. McClatchy, editor of the Yale Review, called Ginsberg "the best-known American poet of his generation, as much a social force as a literary phenomenon." McClatchy added that Ginsberg, like Whitman, "was a bard in the old manner – outsized, darkly prophetic, part exuberance, part prayer, part rant. His work is finally a history of our era's psyche, with all its contradictory urges."[15]

It's amazing what a little well done PR spread out can do for a persons social status. The public, gullible as it is, seldom show the will to challenge the status quo without a lot of back-up from the Pop culture industry.
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I defy anyone to think of a group of people you could get away with demeaning the way you do Jews and Zionists.

And when I say get away with it, I mean not being called on it.

If someone made the kind of bad comments about any other group, we'd hear the sounds of cars pulling off the interstate so folks could smartphone in their posts of condemnation! We couldn't keep track of all the views that thread would get!

But when it comes to the poor Jews, they have really gotten the raw deal from Arabs even before 1948!

And someone please explain this Muslim hatred...this perpetual hatred of Jews!

To call a person a racist, bigot, homophobe or misogynist is the worst insult or accusation that can be made!

We jail and sue and castigate and harass and openly monitor and spy on and fight and repudiate KKKers, Neo-Nazi's and those who support them.

But what Muslims routinely say and do to and about Jews faaaar outweighs what the KKK has EVER done. And yet our Liberals, especially, don't think twice about supporting them and slamming Israel and Jews.

Was up wi dat?

If you're someone who believes women belong in the kitchen and shouldn't be accorded the same respect as men, you might be a misogynist. A misogynist is a person who hates or doesn't trust women.

Misogynist is from Greek misogynḗs, from the prefix miso- "hatred" plus gynḗ "a woman." The English suffix -ist means "person who does something." The prefix mis-, a variant of miso- before a vowel, appears in the opposite term misandrist, which is a person who hates or doesn't trust men. The corresponding nouns are mysogyny and misandry.
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I heard that a jar of gefilte fish was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
Commentary April 2007

I have personal experience with the reluctance of Jews to talk about Jewish accomplishment—my co-author, the late Richard Herrnstein, gently resisted the paragraphs on Jewish IQ that I insisted on putting in The Bell Curve (1994). Both history and the contemporary revival of anti-Semitism in Europe make it easy to understand the reasons for that reluctance. But Jewish accomplishment constitutes a fascinating and important story. Recent scholarship is expanding our understanding of its origins...

From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times...

In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math...

New York City’s public-school system used to administer a pencil-and-paper IQ test to its entire school population. In 1954, a psychologist used those test results to identify all 28 children in the New York public-school system with measured IQ’s of 170 or higher. Of those 28, 24 were Jews...

I begin with the assumption that elevated Jewish intelligence is grounded in genetics. It is no longer seriously disputed that intelligence in Homo sapiens is substantially heritable. In the last two decades, it has also been established that obvious environmental factors such as high income, books in the house, and parental reading to children are not as potent as one might expect.
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