Do Jews Control the Media?

» Mashiach

In the understanding that the Mashiach sits at the gates of Rome (metaphorical for Edom aka the ‘western world’) changing his bandages awaiting His transition as Mashiach-in-calling, we can now understand at a deeper level that Mashiach is here and waiting for the appropriate amount of rectification of the world to heal the blemishes and bring in the Final Redemption… the Messianic era.

Transformation- The land of Milk and Honey
We see in parsha Kedoshim the promise again that we will inherit the land. But it comes with the proviso that we do so in a Torah-appropriate way; Verse 22: You shall keep all of My statutes and all of My laws and do (observe) them [so that] you will not be expelled by the land to which I am bringing you there to reside therein. Verse 24: And I have said to you [that] you shall inherit their land, and I shall give it to you that you may inherit it, a land flowing with milk and honey, I am Havayah, your G-d who separated you from the [other] peoples.

The land we inherit, the Land of Israel, is acquired only through action and a conscious connection with G-d. Milk (from the side of chesed-loving kindness), comes from a cow, but it begins as the life force of Blood (form the side of gevurah-might). The Honey(malchut-kingship), is date honey and represent sweetness and abundance received without effort , as the honey drips freely from the dates on the trees. This is important Messianic image of transformation.

With the Jews, it is the Rabbis of the Talmud who give them the "correct" interpretation of the "Torah".

One can guess easily enough the way these interpretations tend to go once they have acquired some personal and practical experience in dealing with them.

It is not enough to use the force of Might (gevurah) to simply fight anti-Semitism and fight our enemies in Isreal by protest, demonstrate, letter writting, or dropping bombs. This is certainly part of the process in our current state, however, action must be accompanied by conscious thought and dedication to Torah study and Torah values. On their own thought or action is empty, and like Nadav and Avihu, self serving.

We can catch a glimpse of the methods which Jews consider legitimate in bringing about this future world of "love and peace".
Did I say anything about destroying Israel? NO I didn't.
But if you read between the lines I DID say something about preventing the Jews both here and abroad from destroying the US!

I would also like to see white gentiles retake the country that THEIR ancestors FOUGHT for.
Even more, I'd like to see the so called "Christians" drop the JUDEO crap and start showing more respect to Christ than the Pharisees.

Ok ... evidently it's been left to me to tell you the undeniable truth: the Thousand Year Reich lasted just 12 years. Hitler's mindless hate was burnt to a crisp and buried in a shallow grave in 1945. It's time you step into the 21st Century and find a way to deal with the fact that your life hasn't gone as you hoped without blaming the Jews.
Wake up, Princess ... nobody cares about you or your pathetic life and norms just shake their heads or laugh at you here and in the real world.

Obsequious to the Terrorist Zionists to the last Say,Well I have News for You.....The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinian People has now lasted 65 YEARS SO FAR......Your Hands Drip with BLOOD.

Israel has been given 17 TRILLION DOLLARS BY AMERICANS during it's existence,murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Palestinians during this 65 year period.

But still you bleat how people Hate you????????but have you ever thought WHY?????????????????????

We Have........You are a DISGRACE and MAD:cuckoo:

Why should the world waste time(AND MONEY) on such people.

But most Jewish folk are fine...ZIONIST TERRORISTS,ULTRA'S and SETTLERS are another STORY

You remain, as always, eager to lick the balls of your Nazi bud. His arguments aren't about Israel but rather about Jews and Judaism and he's one of the few of you with the integrity to readily admit it.
You remain, as always, eager to lick the balls of your Nazi bud. His arguments aren't about Israel but rather about Jews and Judaism and he's one of the few of you with the integrity to readily admit it.

Seems to me there is an awful lot of "Ball lickin" goin' on between you and you're Hasbarat pals.
The whole lot of you have been trying to lick me since I arrived, not with any success.

You people always seem to be the ones to mention subjects like that also, for some reason.
It sounds rather Freudian to me.

You don't have some repressed desire you are trying to hide from yourself do you?
You remain, as always, eager to lick the balls of your Nazi bud. His arguments aren't about Israel but rather about Jews and Judaism and he's one of the few of you with the integrity to readily admit it.

Seems to me there is an awful lot of "Ball lickin" goin' on between you and you're Hasbarat pals.
The whole lot of you have been trying to lick me since I arrived, not with any success.

You people always seem to be the ones to mention subjects like that also, for some reason.
It sounds rather Freudian to me.

You don't have some repressed desire you are trying to hide from yourself do you?
Sarah Palin Slams Obama on Israel, Wants ?Redneck Woman? to Be Her Ringtone - ABC News
“Anyone who studies history, studies the old testament, studies geography understands that Israel now is surrounded by enemies at all times,” Palin said on Jeanine Pirro’s “Justice With Judge Jeanine.” “It should be now that America takes a stand in defending our friends in Israel.”

"More than ever we should be standing strong with Israel and saying ‘No, you don't have to divide Jerusalem, you don't have to divide your capital city,’” she added.

Palin went on to say that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “does not need to be lectured by President Obama on the importance of peace. He understands it.”


Sarah Palin Travels To Israel

As the world confronts sweeping changes and new realities, I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the key issues facing his country, our ally Israel," Palin said in a statement.

JERUSALEM — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin visited a Jewish holy site in Jerusalem soon after arriving in Israel Sunday on a trip that has raised speculation she is honing her foreign policy credentials before a run for the U.S. presidency next year.

Sarah Palin, in Jerusalem, affirms her support for Israel - Los Angeles Times

Sarah Palin, in Jerusalem, affirms her support for Israel
Preparing for a possible Republican presidential bid, Sarah Palin meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and hints in remarks that Israelis are too deferential to their Arab neighbors.
Reporting from Washington — Laying a foundation for a prospective presidential bid, Sarah Palin wrapped up an abbreviated tour of India and Israel on Monday, meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and declaring her fidelity to the Israeli people.

The trek to Israel has become a well-worn path for potential 2012 contenders in recent months. Palin followed Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Haley Barbour to the region. When Huckabee visited Israel in February he made a point of expressing his support for settlements in occupied territory, but Palin, despite her professed solidarity with the Jewish state, made no such pronouncements during the trip.

In a 2009 interview, however, Palin said she, too, favored an expansive approach to Israeli settlements.

Blog: Todd and Sarah Palin's Jewish Roots - Wake Up From Your Slumber

I'm not saying that a person has to have Jewish roots to serve the Jews "faithfully". The Noahide movement should dispel that idea if all the sychophants in Washington DC don't.

But if your contending that fascism has to be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, (I'm not saying it couldn't.) , is there any rule that says that the flag would have to be a US flag or that perhaps a Star of David couldn't be substituted for a cross?

I mean, if the Prince of Darkness can appear as an angel of light, what guarantee do we have that any flag or religious icon couldn't be substituted other than THIS IS the US and this country WAS founded by men belonging to a culture whose predominant religion was Christianity, hypocrite and charlatans not withstanding.

I mean, wouldn't it be rather foolish to approach the American population, particularly the white Anglo Saxon protestant variety with political promises guaranteeing the perpetuity of JUDAISM and the JEWISH STATE?

Still one has to wonder why every presidential candidate has to pay a visit to Israel and get photographed bowing before the Wailing Wall in order to be considered a viable contender.

You're not unAmerican or anti-Christian are you?

2 Corinthians
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for even Satan fashioneth himself into an angel of light. 15 It is no great thing therefore if his ministers also fashion themselves as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.

I believe I've already made mention of the number of crypto Jews in Christian churches playing the role of "good ol' boys".
I'm certain I've said more than once that "Jewy is as Jewy does" also, just so you know that I'm not giving the John Hagees and McCains of the world a pass just because they can't claim to be 37% Jew or something like that.
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Anyone who doubts Jews control a big portion of American Media, should simply read the credits after every Film and TV Show produced in America. They will quickly recognize a pattern. The credits are dominated by Jewish names. Film and TV are the most vital Media Propaganda sources in the World. And for the most part in America, they are controlled by Jews who have Leftist/Communist political leanings. Therefore the message from Film and TV is usually heavily slanted far Left.

But i know it's hard to get honest debates on sensitive issues like this. Most will instinctively go into a predictable Political Correct-Mode. They have no interest in taking on truth and reality. They're like programmed Bots. They have their programming, and that's that. But i'll ask some questions anyway... How did American Jews take control of much of American Media? Especially Film and TV? And why are most American Jews Leftists/Communists? I think these are valid and very interesting questions. So if anyone wants to discuss these questions openly and honestly, i'm willing to listen. Thanks.
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Ok ... evidently it's been left to me to tell you the undeniable truth: the Thousand Year Reich lasted just 12 years. Hitler's mindless hate was burnt to a crisp and buried in a shallow grave in 1945. It's time you step into the 21st Century and find a way to deal with the fact that your life hasn't gone as you hoped without blaming the Jews.
Wake up, Princess ... nobody cares about you or your pathetic life and norms just shake their heads or laugh at you here and in the real world.

Obsequious to the Terrorist Zionists to the last Say,Well I have News for You.....The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinian People has now lasted 65 YEARS SO FAR......Your Hands Drip with BLOOD.

Israel has been given 17 TRILLION DOLLARS BY AMERICANS during it's existence,murdered and maimed thousands upon thousands of Palestinians during this 65 year period.

But still you bleat how people Hate you????????but have you ever thought WHY?????????????????????

We Have........You are a DISGRACE and MAD:cuckoo:

Why should the world waste time(AND MONEY) on such people.

But most Jewish folk are fine...ZIONIST TERRORISTS,ULTRA'S and SETTLERS are another STORY

You remain, as always, eager to lick the balls of your Nazi bud. His arguments aren't about Israel but rather about Jews and Judaism and he's one of the few of you with the integrity to readily admit it.

How silly of you Say.....I have a long history of supporting The Palestinians and Israel for a lasting and peaceful future.

But there alas I am some what of a lone voice on here......Making out Israel are clean skins is an insult to any intelligent person.

You live in your vitriol of HATE but it does not justify you to cry any form today.

It is only the Palestinian's who have the right to WEEP.

as for me supporting Holsten,SO WHAT.....HE HAS NOT, AND IS NOT A NAZI.....


You and the ZIONIST TERRORIST'S carry the Guilt and NO ONE ELSE
I love observing Anti-semitic threads

They all say we control the world:D

Ah, that's just lazy predictable PC drivel. I've asked some honest straight-forward questions. Take a shot at answering them honestly and openly...Or don't. Whatever.
I love observing Anti-semitic threads

They all say we control the world:D

You Should as you are one Yourself

Palestinians are a Semitic Peoples but don't do crocodile YOU HYPOCRITE.
funny thing about that is both jews and palestinians are related by blood and separated by faith in the same god....irony at it's finest..

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