Do Lefties favor a social credit system?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Like the one system used since Reagan to destroy people who smoke a joint in the Drug War and the loss of civil rights? Yeah, it is amazing what people will support to hurt other people because they don't conform or subjugate themselves...Like the righties who want your female reproduction control.
Since dark money is ok because it can buy freedom of speech you have no say whether it is good or bad it is allowed.

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Like the one system used since Reagan to destroy people who smoke a joint in the Drug War and the loss of civil rights? Yeah, it is amazing what people will support to hurt other people because they don't conform or subjugate themselves...Like the righties who want your female reproduction control.
Since dark money is ok because it can buy freedom of speech you have no say whether it is good or bad it is allowed.
Do we want someone who takes drugs drive a bus for a living, etc.?

Or is it bigoted if they ask or not give them a job cuz they are a pot head?

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Like the one system used since Reagan to destroy people who smoke a joint in the Drug War and the loss of civil rights? Yeah, it is amazing what people will support to hurt other people because they don't conform or subjugate themselves...Like the righties who want your female reproduction control.
Since dark money is ok because it can buy freedom of speech you have no say whether it is good or bad it is allowed.
Do we want someone who takes drugs drive a bus for a living, etc.?

Or is it bigoted if they ask or not give them a job cuz they are a pot head?
Caffeine is a drug. Tobacco, cold medications aspirin, etc, etc.

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Eh, how are they being "cancelled?" Who's doing this cancelling, it would be helpful if you would first support that premise, before you ask if "leftist" (such a nice all encompassing generalisation) support something that happens in China.

Nevertheless I'll answer your question. For me, because I don't presume to speak for all leftists.

No I don't think the government being able to decide what someone can and can not say or do is a good idea. Providing that's what being said or done is not harmful to other people. Defining harm very narrowly. (being insulted for instance would be to broad)

Freedom also means I reserve for myself the right to be insulted in the broadest possible sense and me as an individual have the right to act on this perceived insult by for instance not buying a product or service. Again drawing the line at actually harming someone else, defining harm narrowly.

Luckily I'm not someone who takes offence all that easy.
Do we want someone who takes drugs drive a bus for a living, etc.?

Not while they are driving, but what they do at home is none of my business
What if the driver is a know conservative wacko like the pillow guy you have said you won't buy any pillows off of because he is a conservative wacko?

Would you not want to know so you can boycott the cab or Uber ride?

It seems like you do want to know peoples personal business, but you are too hypocritical to see or admit it.

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
I saw the episode of Black Mirror where they had it.

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Eh, how are they being "cancelled?" Who's doing this cancelling, it would be helpful if you would first support that premise, before you ask if "leftist" (such a nice all encompassing generalisation) support something that happens in China.

Nevertheless I'll answer your question. For me, because I don't presume to speak for all leftists.

No I don't think the government being able to decide what someone can and can not say or do is a good idea. Providing that's what being said or done is not harmful to other people. Defining harm very narrowly. (being insulted for instance would be to broad)

Freedom also means I reserve for myself the right to be insulted in the broadest possible sense and me as an individual have the right to act on this perceived insult by for instance not buying a product or service. Again drawing the line at actually harming someone else, defining harm narrowly.

Luckily I'm not someone who takes offence all that easy.
But you are OK with corporations deciding what people can and can't do.

For example, you are OK with Twitter not letting Trump speak to the country, and censoring those that support him.

Or if the corporations want to ban Trump and his followers from flying, that would be OK as well.

Do we want someone who takes drugs drive a bus for a living, etc.?

Not while they are driving, but what they do at home is none of my business
What if the driver is a know conservative wacko like the pillow guy you have said you won't buy any pillows off of because he is a conservative wacko?

Would you not want to know so you can boycott the cab or Uber ride?

It seems like you do want to know peoples personal business, but you are too hypocritical to see or admit it.
Excessive consumption of drugs may explain the pillow guy

With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Like the one system used since Reagan to destroy people who smoke a joint in the Drug War and the loss of civil rights? Yeah, it is amazing what people will support to hurt other people because they don't conform or subjugate themselves...Like the righties who want your female reproduction control.
Since dark money is ok because it can buy freedom of speech you have no say whether it is good or bad it is allowed.

Reagan didn't have a social credit system. But yes, the left is full throttle and bowing to the ccp.
Are you in favor of a social credit system?

That sort fo conservative cancel culture is an anathema to liberals.

So, how's Mike Pence doing? What's that? He was cancelled completely, same as anyone who doesn't genuflect before DearLeader?

Cults of personality, like the one you're in, are authoritarian. Fascism is authoritarianism which supports crony capitialism and tries to maintain the status quo. Therefore, the Trump cult fits the definition of fascism. Needless to say, liberalism doesn't tick any of the boxes, so calling liberals fascists is clearly projection on the part of actual fascists.

For example, should those who protested Jan 6th be put on a "no fly list"?

The ones who committed crimes, yes. Those engaging in violent treason are an obvious risk to all Americans. Do you disagree?

If you'd stop running cover for fascist traitors, people would stop pointing out that you're running cover for fascist traitors. Complaining about how unfair it is that we point out your reprehensible behavior is not going to get us to stop pointing out your reprehensible behavior. That's consequences culture, and conservatives hate it, because they believe they have the God-given right to behave reprehensibly and suffer no consequences for it. Responsibility is just for liberals.
No one said anything about voting with their wallet (like LIbs pay for anything) ..

You caught us
Actually, Liberals don’t have to pay for anything.
I just show my Liberal Card and I get all kinds of free stuff.
Free dinners
Free drinks at the bar
Free Lap Dances at Titty Bars


With the advent of Hyatt Hotels being canceled due to them hosting CPAC, does the Left wing favor the state officially canceling people or a business if they do or say something offensive using the CCP social credit system?

In other words, let's say someone hears you say a racial slur, or offensive joke, next thing you know someone reports you as points are taken from your social credit score. This may cause you not to be able to fly on a plane, obtain a mortgage, or even get a job.

I think the American PC version of the CCP social credit system is doing a fine job, so perhaps it would be over kill.

Isn't fascism wonderful?
Like the one system used since Reagan to destroy people who smoke a joint in the Drug War and the loss of civil rights? Yeah, it is amazing what people will support to hurt other people because they don't conform or subjugate themselves...Like the righties who want your female reproduction control.
Since dark money is ok because it can buy freedom of speech you have no say whether it is good or bad it is allowed.

Reagan didn't have a social credit system. But yes, the left is full throttle and bowing to the ccp.


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