Do Liberals support third trimester abortions?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
Just curious. For the extremos, any restrictions on a woman's right to choose are anti liberal.
seems conservatives are can abort for some reasons but not other reasons....

so the fetus is responsible for the sins of the rape, molestation...

why do people who believe in god and trust in god...suddenly have to abort a fetus that is a threat to the mother's health...should you not leave that up to your god?
Gosh, I don't know why liberals wouldn't support it.

After all, what's wrong with breeching the baby so it's little legs come out first so only the head remains inside mommy, poking a hole in its skull with a scissors or something, and then sucking its little brains out? Oh, okay, maybe its little arms and legs kick and twitch a bit while the hole gets poked and as its brains start to disappear, but it's all over rather quickly. And the doctor doesn't feel a thing.
I don't believe in abortions after the first three months, unless it is for a medical reason. Is that clear enough for ya?

But really, why are you obsessed with this subject?
I wouldn't say they are supported. I would say that liberals support not making them illegal since they happen so rarely and circumstances that would lead to them in almost all cases would mean the mother has some serious mental issues or is being abused.

See how easy that was? Now why can't libertarians answer a simple question?
Who gives a fuck. Leave your lame charicatures of people's real life circumstances up your ass where they belong.
I wouldn't say they are supported. I would say that liberals support not making them illegal since they happen so rarely and circumstances that would lead to them in almost all cases would mean the mother has some serious mental issues or is being abused.

See how easy that was? Now why can't libertarians answer a simple question?

What if they started to happen more frequently under less than dire circumstances?

Would you be ok with restricting them then?
Just curious. For the extremos, any restrictions on a woman's right to choose are anti liberal.

While not a liberal, I support a woman's choice to do whatever she deems necessary to her own body.
That's nice. Good to know tattoos are okay in your book.

Now, as for the subject at hand?

Stossel actually tackled this with a group of libertarians. Naturally the women libertarian said she should be able to do what she wants with here body whenever she wants. And this is the same argument you hear from the pro-choice crowd. I would agree with that in principle, but there's a minor problem. Abortion isn't about what you do to your body. It's about what you do to your body AND, at some point, someone elses (the babies). the only way for the abortin whenever for whatever argument flies is if for some reason you rationalize that a child in the womb never be considered a human being (because killing an innocent one is generally considered murder).

I answered the question. Now run along and ask the libertarians if they support legislation that bans dog fighting.

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