Do Liberals Want to Become Sanctuary Cities to Enlarge Their Power?


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power.

Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules

Census figures are commonly used by the federal government for congressional apportionment — the process by which seats in the House of Representatives are allocated among states — and to distribute resources and funds to state and local jurisdictions across the country. An undercounting of Hispanics and other minorities could affect states like California, New York, Georgia and Texas, which have large immigrant and black communities.

Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard money are distributed based on population too, whether they can vote or not

Do things work that way?

Imagine I live in city A. Say 90% of people around me are illegal immigrants. That means my vote is 10 times more effective than someone that lives among no immigrants.

I've heard the Republican equivalent of this is not allowing felons to vote.

So if I live near jail, then my conservative votes count more because those felons are resident even though they can't vote.

In fact, I've heard that slaves had the same issue. The slaves couldn't vote but their votes strengthen their owners' voting power.


I don't quite understand US political system. I am just telling that this question is deleted and heavily downvoted in some political Q&A forum (I don't put links, it's not really a forum).

Some of the reason is:

So basically some libtards delete the question because they think the questioner have "a message". Also they think the question implies that most non white persons in te US are illegal.

I just don't know what to say. The question is about US political system and allocation of federal funds. Why do they think so far? Someone just ask is you can "game" the political system. Why it goes so far?

If someone can explain the problems and why some people are "angry" with this type of question, I will appreciate that.
What liberals ? There hasn't been an antiwar march since 2004.
The liberal class is dead in Amarika..
Democrats are using foreign nationals they help sneak into America to interfere in our election by increasing their ec votes etc with more population.

Also, you're a fool if you think the foreign nationals Democrats aid and abet aren't returning the favor by voting Democrat with their stolen IDs.
Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power.

Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules

Census figures are commonly used by the federal government for congressional apportionment — the process by which seats in the House of Representatives are allocated among states — and to distribute resources and funds to state and local jurisdictions across the country. An undercounting of Hispanics and other minorities could affect states like California, New York, Georgia and Texas, which have large immigrant and black communities.

Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard money are distributed based on population too, whether they can vote or not

Do things work that way?

Imagine I live in city A. Say 90% of people around me are illegal immigrants. That means my vote is 10 times more effective than someone that lives among no immigrants.

I've heard the Republican equivalent of this is not allowing felons to vote.

So if I live near jail, then my conservative votes count more because those felons are resident even though they can't vote.

In fact, I've heard that slaves had the same issue. The slaves couldn't vote but their votes strengthen their owners' voting power.


I don't quite understand US political system. I am just telling that this question is deleted and heavily downvoted in some political Q&A forum (I don't put links, it's not really a forum).

Some of the reason is:
View attachment 267910

So basically some libtards delete the question because they think the questioner have "a message". Also they think the question implies that most non white persons in te US are illegal.

I just don't know what to say. The question is about US political system and allocation of federal funds. Why do they think so far? Someone just ask is you can "game" the political system. Why it goes so far?

If someone can explain the problems and why some people are "angry" with this type of question, I will appreciate that.
People are slowly realizing this little piece of information. but if you aren't an American citizen you should not be counted in the census.
I need more proof than that. Things like someone telling me how votes are computed or how federal money is distributed
Socialists love absolute control which is guaranteed. The only problem is what happens when the smart ones move?
Socialists love absolute control which is guaranteed. The only problem is what happens when the smart ones move?

The smart ones cannot move easily if it's federal program. If it's state programs then yes. The socialist plan for universal healthcare will fuck up tons of people
The right of man comes from might. The strong have right. The weak suffer what they must.

To be strong, you need allies. And tons of your allies won't be libertarians. If all of your allies are libertarians, you will end up like Minerva Reef Republic
Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power.

Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules

Census figures are commonly used by the federal government for congressional apportionment — the process by which seats in the House of Representatives are allocated among states — and to distribute resources and funds to state and local jurisdictions across the country. An undercounting of Hispanics and other minorities could affect states like California, New York, Georgia and Texas, which have large immigrant and black communities.

Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard money are distributed based on population too, whether they can vote or not

Do things work that way?

Imagine I live in city A. Say 90% of people around me are illegal immigrants. That means my vote is 10 times more effective than someone that lives among no immigrants.

I've heard the Republican equivalent of this is not allowing felons to vote.

So if I live near jail, then my conservative votes count more because those felons are resident even though they can't vote.

In fact, I've heard that slaves had the same issue. The slaves couldn't vote but their votes strengthen their owners' voting power.


I don't quite understand US political system. I am just telling that this question is deleted and heavily downvoted in some political Q&A forum (I don't put links, it's not really a forum).

Some of the reason is:
View attachment 267910

So basically some libtards delete the question because they think the questioner have "a message". Also they think the question implies that most non white persons in te US are illegal.

I just don't know what to say. The question is about US political system and allocation of federal funds. Why do they think so far? Someone just ask is you can "game" the political system. Why it goes so far?

If someone can explain the problems and why some people are "angry" with this type of question, I will appreciate that.
Do conservatives understand that the thread premise fails as a loaded question fallacy?
Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power.

Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules

Census figures are commonly used by the federal government for congressional apportionment — the process by which seats in the House of Representatives are allocated among states — and to distribute resources and funds to state and local jurisdictions across the country. An undercounting of Hispanics and other minorities could affect states like California, New York, Georgia and Texas, which have large immigrant and black communities.

Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard money are distributed based on population too, whether they can vote or not

Do things work that way?

Imagine I live in city A. Say 90% of people around me are illegal immigrants. That means my vote is 10 times more effective than someone that lives among no immigrants.

I've heard the Republican equivalent of this is not allowing felons to vote.

So if I live near jail, then my conservative votes count more because those felons are resident even though they can't vote.

In fact, I've heard that slaves had the same issue. The slaves couldn't vote but their votes strengthen their owners' voting power.


I don't quite understand US political system. I am just telling that this question is deleted and heavily downvoted in some political Q&A forum (I don't put links, it's not really a forum).

Some of the reason is:
View attachment 267910

So basically some libtards delete the question because they think the questioner have "a message". Also they think the question implies that most non white persons in te US are illegal.

I just don't know what to say. The question is about US political system and allocation of federal funds. Why do they think so far? Someone just ask is you can "game" the political system. Why it goes so far?

If someone can explain the problems and why some people are "angry" with this type of question, I will appreciate that.
People are slowly realizing this little piece of information. but if you aren't an American citizen you should not be counted in the census.

There’s nothing in the Constitution restricting the census to citizens only.

The original intent of the Framers was to count all persons residing in the United States, citizens and non-citizens.

The ‘citizenship question’ is proposed in bad faith, the product of the bigoted right seeking a political advantage by undercounting Hispanic citizens and residents.
People are slowly realizing this little piece of information. but if you aren't an American citizen you should not be counted in the census.

Can anyone confirm if it's true?
It’s confirmed to be not true.

Also not true is the notion of ‘sanctuary cities.’

States and local jurisdictions cannot be compelled to enforce Federal laws – including Federal immigration laws.

States and local jurisdictions are at liberty to allocate limited resources as they see fit and not use those resources to investigate or detain undocumented immigrants.
Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power.

Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules

Census figures are commonly used by the federal government for congressional apportionment — the process by which seats in the House of Representatives are allocated among states — and to distribute resources and funds to state and local jurisdictions across the country. An undercounting of Hispanics and other minorities could affect states like California, New York, Georgia and Texas, which have large immigrant and black communities.

Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard money are distributed based on population too, whether they can vote or not

Do things work that way?

Imagine I live in city A. Say 90% of people around me are illegal immigrants. That means my vote is 10 times more effective than someone that lives among no immigrants.

I've heard the Republican equivalent of this is not allowing felons to vote.

So if I live near jail, then my conservative votes count more because those felons are resident even though they can't vote.

In fact, I've heard that slaves had the same issue. The slaves couldn't vote but their votes strengthen their owners' voting power.


I don't quite understand US political system. I am just telling that this question is deleted and heavily downvoted in some political Q&A forum (I don't put links, it's not really a forum).

Some of the reason is:
View attachment 267910

So basically some libtards delete the question because they think the questioner have "a message". Also they think the question implies that most non white persons in te US are illegal.

I just don't know what to say. The question is about US political system and allocation of federal funds. Why do they think so far? Someone just ask is you can "game" the political system. Why it goes so far?

If someone can explain the problems and why some people are "angry" with this type of question, I will appreciate that.
People are slowly realizing this little piece of information. but if you aren't an American citizen you should not be counted in the census.

There’s nothing in the Constitution restricting the census to citizens only.

The original intent of the Framers was to count all persons residing in the United States, citizens and non-citizens.

The ‘citizenship question’ is proposed in bad faith, the product of the bigoted right seeking a political advantage by undercounting Hispanic citizens and residents.
dude pull up your big boy pampers and tell me where I said anything that remotely resembled what you just posted?
Here's what I wrote
"People are slowly realizing this little piece of information. but if you aren't an American citizen you should not be counted in the census."
No where did I say anything about undercutting citizens
Illegals are not citizens and it should only be citizens that are counted on the census.You act as if you'll only find illegals in predominately leftist controlled states? Illegals can be found in just about every state.Hell some illegals are white Europeans
US deportations of Europeans could exceed last fiscal year
I need more proof than that. Things like someone telling me how votes are computed or how federal money is distributed
What proof do you need? citizens should be the only ones counted on the census
If people are as leftist love to call them undocumented why should they be counted
I cannot post link however this confirms what I am suspicious with

CHRIS HAYES: Right? I mean, these are the number of people, and then that is used by the states when they do their districts, is that how it works?

DALE HO: Well, first it's used to apportion the number of seats that each states get in [...] the House of Representatives. And then the states use that data when they draw district lines for their own state legislatures. Which, they're required under the Supreme Court's decision Reynolds v. Sims to have districts that have roughly equal numbers of people in them. [...]

CHRIS HAYES: All the sudden you're looking at a situation in which apportionment between representatives might be on the line.

DALE HO: That's absolutely right. So if African Americans and Hispanics are undercounted then the areas, the states, the localities that have larger African American and Hispanic communities will have a lower population count, they'll get less representation. Federal funding is also dependent for a lot of programs on census counts. 900 billion dollars of funds for federal programs every year is allocated on the basis on census counts-
I cannot post link however this confirms what I am suspicious with

CHRIS HAYES: Right? I mean, these are the number of people, and then that is used by the states when they do their districts, is that how it works?

DALE HO: Well, first it's used to apportion the number of seats that each states get in [...] the House of Representatives. And then the states use that data when they draw district lines for their own state legislatures. Which, they're required under the Supreme Court's decision Reynolds v. Sims to have districts that have roughly equal numbers of people in them. [...]

CHRIS HAYES: All the sudden you're looking at a situation in which apportionment between representatives might be on the line.

DALE HO: That's absolutely right. So if African Americans and Hispanics are undercounted then the areas, the states, the localities that have larger African American and Hispanic communities will have a lower population count, they'll get less representation. Federal funding is also dependent for a lot of programs on census counts. 900 billion dollars of funds for federal programs every year is allocated on the basis on census counts-
I was under the impression elected representatives were supposed to represent the people who voted for them an illegal shouldn't have any representation except for a deportation lawyer.
I was under the impression elected representatives were supposed to represent the people who voted for them an illegal shouldn't have any representation except for a deportation lawyer.

I agree. However, that's non issue. Most immigrants are legal. Donald asking for citizenship status actually don't violate 5th amendment. The liberal doesn't want that because they want people to be fully counted. The constitution says so. I think Donald simply want to knows what percentage of people are citizens. This can lead to more public debate.

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