Do Mormons Still Practice Human Castration?

kinda of an unfair title to the you think mormons are the only ones who have done this and covered it up?
kinda of an unfair title to the you think mormons are the only ones who have done this and covered it up?

I'm not laying no blame, i just wonder if they still do it?
I knew certain men when I was young, supposedly good evangelical Christians, who were involved in the lynching of African Americans in Texas and Louisiana and Mississippi. In no way, does that invalidate the worth of the Methodist or Baptist congregations in those areas. Froggy does an injustice to Mormonism.
I don't know if Mormons practice castration, but I know Hormones have a little something to do with it!:lol:
I knew certain men when I was young, supposedly good evangelical Christians, who were involved in the lynching of African Americans in Texas and Louisiana and Mississippi. In no way, does that invalidate the worth of the Methodist or Baptist congregations in those areas. Froggy does an injustice to Mormonism.

When man does stupid things in the name of God, and the members go along with it that puts a stumbling block in religion and Jesus said "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in"
Christ also told us that we would be judged if we judged others. Froggy, live the gospel and be silent on this matter.
I have searched far and wide to simply come up with an accurate answer to this question, and have yet to find it. Still searching. There's a lot of information out there, but no answer to your question.
In the 1850s castration was used very sparingly in the Territory to keep certain older teenagers and men in line. It ended when one of the prime perps, a bishop, was caught by his enemies and had his own nuts cut off.
I knew certain men when I was young, supposedly good evangelical Christians, who were involved in the lynching of African Americans in Texas and Louisiana and Mississippi. In no way, does that invalidate the worth of the Methodist or Baptist congregations in those areas. Froggy does an injustice to Mormonism.

How can you call them "good evangelical Christians"............

First of all biblically these so called "Christians" were violating the basics of God's laws........i.e. Do not Murder!

So Starkey, your post reeks of negative bias towards Christians in general.

Your knowledge of biblical Christianity would seem rather lacking.

"Christ Ones" or Christians were/are indwelt with the H.S., and Jesus referred to this state-of-being as "born from above" or "born again".

Paul referred to them/himself as "new creations in Christ Jesus"........

Galatians 2:20 clearly reveals that "true" Christians have received Christ's crucified, and ressurrected life. They no longer desire to sin, but still war with the flesh, or the unredeemed body that they will shed at physical death, and be united with Christ in the heavenlies.

You fall into the same old talking points that say that "Christians" killed Jews and Muslims during the Crusades.................

Yes, these folks proclaimed to be representing Christianity, and proclaimed to be Christians, but they totally failed, the biblical model of the true Christian.

Just look at Christ's life as revealed in the bible............Would he have gone on a crusade of killing Muslims, and Jews in the name of Himself? Obviously not.

Christ says clearly, that Many will call on His name and say, "Didn't I do this or that in your name?", and Christ will say to them, "I don't know you!".

Just as there are folks preaching on TV and in Churches such as Reverend Wright, and others that totally violate the most important tenents of God's Word, so it is with those that lynched African Americans and claimed to be Christians.

A true born again Christian, finds only revulsion in unloving acts towards his/her fellow man/woman. The very nature of the true Christian, who is indwelt with the Spirit of Christ, negates this gruesom, anti-Christian behavior/mindset.
Even A. Hitler started out as a Choir Boy in church and thought that the church was very special. He even in his own delusions thought he did God's work, removing Jews, Gypsies, elderly, retarded, emotionally disturbed, people from the face of his defined earth. Where do you think his imagining of a Third Reich came from..........Right out of Revelations.

The bible is clearly says that there will be a "Anti Christ", but says that there are many anti-Christs throughout the ages.............These people in their delusions will claim special mandate from God, but in actuality will be serving evil or the antithesis of God.

The bible says, God is Love...........God says, we shall not commit murder, nor lie, nor steal, nor covet other's possessions..........and on and on..........

Many will rise up and proclaim, "Thus sayeth the Lord", and in the end will find that their names are not written in the "Lamb's Book Of LIfe".
Stark.............true, Spirit indwelt Christians don't lynch blacks, nor kill Jews, or Muslims as a mandate or act of serving God. That is blasphemous, and is a lie from the pit of hell itself.
were the heaven's gate people mormons?

We're referring to different heaven gate cults, i,m referring to the Mormon sect of the mid 1800's and your referring to those spaceship nuts of the 90's. my bad.
I knew certain men when I was young, supposedly good evangelical Christians, who were involved in the lynching of African Americans in Texas and Louisiana and Mississippi. In no way, does that invalidate the worth of the Methodist or Baptist congregations in those areas. Froggy does an injustice to Mormonism.


I said "supposedly", which ended your entire mantra as a <snip>. 8-ball, you should go to froggy for instruction on scripture, because as bad as he is, you are worse.
I knew certain men when I was young, supposedly good evangelical Christians, who were involved in the lynching of African Americans in Texas and Louisiana and Mississippi. In no way, does that invalidate the worth of the Methodist or Baptist congregations in those areas. Froggy does an injustice to Mormonism.


I said "supposedly", which ended your entire mantra as a <snip>. 8-ball, you should go to froggy for instruction on scripture, because as bad as he is, you are worse.

Stark: You know exactly where your post was pushing. You have a burr up you behind for anyone who claims to be a biblical Christian.

You have in other threads basically claimed your mantra of believing God, on your own determination, and not biblical reference. I.E. your system of belief is based on "you".

As for "supposed" being dropped in there, that's just a *disclaimer of protection from being put on the "hot seat" of grinding your axe towards those who embrace the bible as the definitive reference to know what it is to be a "true" Christian.

You like most of the world, have your own defined god, and it isn't based on the bible.........It's Stark's definition.

As for biblical knowledge..........I am a lay person, but have had some years of Bible College in my later years in addition to my 4 years of trade school and 4 years in Geology, and minors in other sciences.

The bible is referred to as the Living Word........It indeed never stops confounding man as it reveals both the inner nature of our true being, and relationship with our Maker. Can't be estimated how many myriads of folks have pulled out that Guideon bible at some hotel/motel, and have been received into God's kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ as a result.

Your "supposed" again is your protective disclaimer, from saying what your post intended; namely your distaste for biblically based Christianity.

Don't hit me with the old, Froggy and you are bad at scripture... You don't realize how much you could get over your head in this arena.

Knowledge of the bible is not a merit.........people have read it through and through and can even quote many verses............Without the Holy Spirit working in conjunction with God's Word, it is just a book of do's and don'ts or constraints to the "natural man". To the Spirit indwelt man, it is a whole new vista of treasure upon treasure of guidance, encouragement, discipline, all backed up with infinite love.

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