Do new age ‘minorities’ question government authority, abuse of power and overreach like the core people tend to?

I know what you mean. I was an atheist for 27 years. I try not to be one of the stereotypes that kept me away from God for so long.

To me, progressivism has become a religion unto itself, because of its illiberal and statist nature. There are certainly dogmas involved, and daring to go against certain narratives will get you treated as a heretic.

I hear this argument a lot about whether or not it's a religion or an ideology. To an atheist I don't see enough salient difference to care.

I do know I don't like it, lol
Well, currently, the biggest example of this is how the government and Big Tech work together to censor social media. This is mostly driven by progressives in a supposed push for fighting "misinformation", but that term seems to be anything that goes against their preferred narratives.

Is that an example of illiberalism? In this case the government didn't use its authority to inhibit anyone's freedom of speech, it didn't censor anyone or arrest them for their political views. An administration, helped by friends with media companies ran counter stories and smear campaigns. That's politics. No ones rights were violated. I fail to see the illiberalism you claim. Does the Biden Administration not have freedom of speech?
Is that an example of illiberalism? In this case the government didn't use its authority to inhibit anyone's freedom of speech, it didn't censor anyone or arrest them for their political views. An administration, helped by friends with media companies ran counter stories and smear campaigns. That's politics. No ones rights were violated. I fail to see the illiberalism you claim. Does the Biden Administration not have freedom of speech?

Yea teh federal government threatening regulation so libertarian silicon valley took on the extra costs of moderating.

You say that like it didn't happen because of the state. Of course it did

Social media platforms have been openly threatened by democrats for years. And surprise moved right as it became clear Trump was going to lose power to please them.

This is not profitable for them without the variable of an authoritarian state looming over them
Education, gender, and religion matter much more than race when it comes to actual political beliefs.

Most non whites vote democrat simply because they don't like Republicans. Or feel that Republicans don't like them. That is 90% of non college educated democrat support. That is what holds the whole coalition together. Native, Asian, Black, and Latino voters have every little in common except they don't think Republicans like them and don't want them in charge.

The educated non whites will all vote democrat just like educated whites irreelvant. But the non college educated are very gettable and the numbers are shifting as we speak. Even black guys are going to start voting republican.

If Republicans can convince non college educated non white men they don't hate them, they will get the majority of that vote. Probably with most of the women eventually too. Certainly latino women.

I would just qualify the terms "educated whites" and "educated non whites" in the second to last paragraph, which I assume you mean in terms of having a college degree. In that sense, I don't necessarily disagree with you, because given the state of higher education in this country, you might as well replace the word educated with "indoctrinated." Sad but true, American universities pump out majority democrats. That does not, however, mean those individuals "educated" in a general sense, particularly about practical economic and political realities. So many liberal arts graduates with no practical skills, but chock full of energized ideology.
I would just qualify the terms "educated whites" and "educated non whites" in the second to last paragraph, which I assume you mean in terms of having a college degree. In that sense, I don't necessarily disagree with you, because given the state of higher education in this country, you might as well replace the word educated with "indoctrinated." Sad but true, American universities pump out majority democrats. That does not, however, mean those individuals "educated" in a general sense, particularly about practical economic and political realities. So many liberal arts graduates with no practical skills, but chock full of energized ideology.

For your degree to be worth anything you have to conform. The stats bear this out.

As to why.....Could debate it. Are they faking have they been indoctrinated. Probably a mix. But you're not going to peel away college educated anyone away from democrats without some major institutional changes. Republicans could in theory get huge swathes of black and latino votes with the right candidates or some event that pisses them off.

Yea it doesn't line up with income. Just education
For your degree to be worth anything you have to conform. The stats bear this out.

As to why.....Could debate it. Are they faking have they been indoctrinated. Probably a mix. But you're not going to peel away college educated anyone away from democrats without some major institutional changes. Republicans could in theory get huge swathes of black and latino votes with the right candidates or some event that pisses them off.

Yea it doesn't line up with income. Just education
I got my edumuhcashun through high school and then with the school of hard knocks.
Yea teh federal government threatening regulation so libertarian silicon valley took on the extra costs of moderating.

You say that like it didn't happen because of the state. Of course it did

Social media platforms have been openly threatened by democrats for years. And surprise moved right as it became clear Trump was going to lose power to please them.

This is not profitable for them without the variable of an authoritarian state looming over them
None of this has anything to do with the article me and the other poster were talking about. I don't even know what you're referring to.
None of this has anything to do with the article me and the other poster were talking about. I don't even know what you're referring to.

Oh yes it does and you know it

"it's not illiberal it's a private entity doing it"

shut the fuck up, retard

black guy trusting the white state and social media companies to be the arbiters of speech. lol
Oh yes it does and you know it

"it's not illiberal it's a private entity doing it"

shut the fuck up, retard

black guy trusting the white state and social media companies to be the arbiters of speech. lol
They aren't the arbiters of speech. They are the arbiters of their platforms. I don't even have a Facebook or Twitter account. One is able to get news and information from more sources today than at any other time in history. You're a moron. You can't explain exactly what is illiberal about what Facebook or Twitter did so you lash out with emotional outbursts. Way to show off that IQ. Lol.
They aren't the arbiters of speech. They are the arbiters of their platforms. I don't even have a Facebook or Twitter account. One is able to get news and information from more sources today than at any other time in history. You're a moron. You can't explain exactly what is illiberal about what Facebook or Twitter did so you lash out with emotional outbursts. Way to show off that IQ. Lol.

Outside cell phone networks they control almost all our communications. Including media dissemination.

The fuck are you talking about?

No one watches news on TV

And now you've got white and asian silicon valley in control of what black people say. I wonder how long it'll take for that to go bad for you....Idiots
Outside cell phone networks they control almost all our communications. Including media dissemination.

The fuck are you talking about?

No one watches news on TV

And now you've got white and asian silicon valley in control of what black people say. I wonder how long it'll take for that to go bad for you....Idiots
Do you have any intelligent points you want to make or do you think these brainfarts count?
For every Carlson there are hundreds of Progs. The skanky shrews of the View alone outnumber the conservatives on Fox. That is pure free propaganda. Not one of those women would last a minute in a survival situation. And they take it for granted.
Lol. Are you implying you could cuck boy?
Lol. Are you implying you could cuck boy?
I am implying I live by Demographics and what could be. And it is not good. I want you to win. The death and destruction you represent is pure vengeance for people who have been screwed with. But you do the same also screwing others also You are in power no matter what party is in control.. However, I know what is right. And you are not that. Those shrews talk to millions of spoiled extreme feminist women every day. The late night TV hosts are pure sell outs who could not fight their way out of a paper bag. If we are talking cuck. But they are backed by the globalists, live in mansions with high fences and hired security. Come on...keep the death and destruction going...
Is there any data on this?
Could this be why an open southern border and “diversity” are such key components for the Democrat Party?
Is core American whitey a major obstacle for totalitarian Democrats as they push toward a socialist state?

You mean like the government overreach of banning abortion and forcing women into slavery? That kind of government overreach?????

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