Do new age ‘minorities’ question government authority, abuse of power and overreach like the core people tend to?

I am implying I live by Demographics and what could be. And it is not good. I want you to win. The death and destruction you represent is pure vengeance for people who have been screwed with. But you do the same also screwing others also You are in power no matter what party is in control.. However, I know what is right. And you are not that. Those shrews talk to millions of spoiled extreme feminist women every day. The late night TV hosts are pure sell outs who could not fight their way out of a paper bag. If we are talking cuck. But they are backed by the globalists, live in mansions with high fences and hired security. Come on...keep the death and destruction going...

You need to get out of the bubble you misogynist asshole. The demographics are there are 8 million more female voters than men. And that demographic is sick to death of your toxic behaviour. Your hatred of women is palpable. YOU and your ilk are the reason women have to fight for our rights. Because you're not fit to tell others how to live.

YOU put those globalists in power and you're maintaining their power. You buy all of their lies and voted against your own best interests. Every. Single. Time.

Trump is the epitomy of a globalist. He talks like a populist, like he cares about Americans but he doesn't. Trump gave more money to billionaires via tax cuts and bailouts, than any President in history, and he put more working American into poverty than any President in history.

His trade wars bankrupted farmers, and destroyed small manufacturing companies, disrupted supply chains, and cost the manufacturing sector more than 150,000 jobs.

Trump talked the talk, but Trump was and is the ultimate globalist. He's still getting his tacky suits made offshore.
You mean like the government overreach of banning abortion and forcing women into slavery? That kind of government overreach?????
Protecting the sanctity of life is kind of a fundamental responsibility for government…sorry baby killer.
I am implying I live by Demographics and what could be. And it is not good. I want you to win. The death and destruction you represent is pure vengeance for people who have been screwed with. But you do the same also screwing others also You are in power no matter what party is in control.. However, I know what is right. And you are not that. Those shrews talk to millions of spoiled extreme feminist women every day. The late night TV hosts are pure sell outs who could not fight their way out of a paper bag. If we are talking cuck. But they are backed by the globalists, live in mansions with high fences and hired security. Come on...keep the death and destruction going...
Lol. You sound like a paranoid and frightened little coward.
None of this has anything to do with the article me and the other poster were talking about. I don't even know what you're referring to.
Actually it does. As Juicin stated, the state holds its force over media to get its desired outcomes. In exchange, the media covers for certain politicians and continues to get the benefits of things like Section 230. It's no different from what we see in China or Russia.
Is there any data on this?
Could this be why an open southern border and “diversity” are such key components for the Democrat Party?
Is core American whitey a major obstacle for totalitarian Democrats as they push toward a socialist state?
Is this just another color of skin thread or one on values?
Is there any data on this?
Could this be why an open southern border and “diversity” are such key components for the Democrat Party?
Is core American whitey a major obstacle for totalitarian Democrats as they push toward a socialist state?

Fuck no!! Most of them couldn't identify the 3 branches of Gov't no less define what national security is!!!
They're modern day lumpenproletariat mega-tards.
They aren't the arbiters of speech. They are the arbiters of their platforms. I don't even have a Facebook or Twitter account. One is able to get news and information from more sources today than at any other time in history. You're a moron. You can't explain exactly what is illiberal about what Facebook or Twitter did so you lash out with emotional outbursts. Way to show off that IQ. Lol.
Technically, we have greater access to information than at any other time in history. In practical terms, however, Big Tech includes companies like Google, which have a lot of power over what you can find on the internet.

If you can control search results for various topics, then you effectively slant what people are aware of in the aggregate.

There are certainly things people can do to evade the control that companies like Google and Facebook have, but the average person isn't typically aware of these options or tech savvy in general. The lowest common denominator is that people keep up with whatever is most easily accessed or whatever is automatically promoted to them.

The concept of controlling and censoring content and discussion, particularly with government collusion and coercion, is very much illiberal. It's much more characteristic of authoritarian regimes like China and Russia. However, much of the West now fits these characteristics. Not surprisingly, we're starting to see the authoritarianism spill over to general policies, like the overt statism happening in Australia.
You mean like the government overreach of banning abortion and forcing women into slavery? That kind of government overreach?????
Banning abortion would not equate to "forcing women into slavery." That being said, an abortion ban would require several other policy changes to work properly. We would need to reform the adoption system dramatically.
You need to get out of the bubble you misogynist asshole. The demographics are there are 8 million more female voters than men. And that demographic is sick to death of your toxic behaviour. Your hatred of women is palpable. YOU and your ilk are the reason women have to fight for our rights. Because you're not fit to tell others how to live.

YOU put those globalists in power and you're maintaining their power. You buy all of their lies and voted against your own best interests. Every. Single. Time.

Trump is the epitomy of a globalist. He talks like a populist, like he cares about Americans but he doesn't. Trump gave more money to billionaires via tax cuts and bailouts, than any President in history, and he put more working American into poverty than any President in history.

His trade wars bankrupted farmers, and destroyed small manufacturing companies, disrupted supply chains, and cost the manufacturing sector more than 150,000 jobs.

Trump talked the talk, but Trump was and is the ultimate globalist. He's still getting his tacky suits made offshore.
Both parties were surely guilty of creating the globalist mess the world is in, I'll give you that.

Voting against your own best interests depends on your perspective. I'm not sure how voting for open borders works to the advantage of working class Americans, but plenty of them still do it, for example.

Trump didn't put more working Americans into poverty by any reasonable measure. Before COVID, the economy was doing quite well. If we want to assign blame for the poverty that rose during COVID, that more accurately goes to officials of various states and countries that imposed ineffective and oppressive lockdowns. It can also be assigned to officials that did not effectively stop the rioting and looting of various businesses over the summer of 2020. It can also be assigned to various health organizations and research organizations along with our own government in general and the Chinese government for funding and facilitating gain of function research that ultimately led to the development of COVID 19.
Both parties were surely guilty of creating the globalist mess the world is in, I'll give you that.

Voting against your own best interests depends on your perspective. I'm not sure how voting for open borders works to the advantage of working class Americans, but plenty of them still do it, for example.

Trump didn't put more working Americans into poverty by any reasonable measure. Before COVID, the economy was doing quite well. If we want to assign blame for the poverty that rose during COVID, that more accurately goes to officials of various states and countries that imposed ineffective and oppressive lockdowns. It can also be assigned to officials that did not effectively stop the rioting and looting of various businesses over the summer of 2020. It can also be assigned to various health organizations and research organizations along with our own government in general and the Chinese government for funding and facilitating gain of function research that ultimately led to the development of COVID 19.

Stop being a shill for the Republican Party. Democrats didn't create the "globist mess", Republicans did. Largely by cutting taxes for billionaires and large corporations. Democrats fought tooth and claw against free trade agreements, saying they'd harm American workers.

Then you repeat the "open borders" lie, proving that you're gullible and clueless. Democrats prosecute the employers of illegal immigrants. Without jobs waiting for them, the illegals don't come to the USA. Illegal immigation had dropped to it's lowest level in 50 years when Trump took office. Within 2 years of Trump stopping all prosecution of large corporate employers of illegals, Trump declared a National Emergency at the Southern Border.

Most of the stock market gains came as a result of stock buy backs, not growth or increased profits. Trump did little to nothing for the wage or wealth gap except accelerate both of them. His policies during the early months of the lockdowns, enriched billionaires and threw 9 million people into poverty, simply because Republicans refused to bail give cash to workers, instead giving it to corporations to keep workers on their payrolls. For those who had already lost their jobs, this payroll support did NOTHING.

When Joe Biden took office, tens of thousands of middle class Americans were lining up for food baskets from local churches because they had no food and no money.

All of this is happening ONLY IN AMERICA. The economies of other first world countries hasn't collapsed. Our crimes rates aren't ballooning out of control. Our people are all wearing masks, and we're 80% vaccinated. Cases are spiking, but hospitalizations and deaths are not.

The wage and wealth gap between rich and poor is biggest in America.

The rate of covid illness and death, was greatest in America.

The USA is the only first world country where life expectancy has declined for the past 5 years running.

Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are highest in America.

As is opioid addiction.

Highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Highest rate of maternal death in child birth in the first world.

Highest murder rate in the first world.

Highest rate of incarceration of citizens in the world - Higher than China and Russia.

Highest rate of death at the hands of police in the first world. More than 1000 people killed by police every year. Next highest for the last year I checked was France with 26 - 7 of whom had been killed in a terrorist attack in Paris.
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Stop being a shill for the Republican Party. Democrats didn't create the "globist mess", Republicans did. Largely by cutting taxes for billionaires and large corporations. Democrats fought tooth and claw against free trade agreements, saying they'd harm American workers.

Then you repeat the "open borders" lie, proving that you're gullible and clueless. Democrats prosecute the employers of illegal immigrants. Without jobs waiting for them, the illegals don't come to the USA. Illegal immigation had dropped to it's lowest level in 50 years when Trump took office. Within 2 years of Trump stopping all prosecution of large corporate employers of illegals, Trump declared a National Emergency at the Southern Border.

Most of the stock market gains came as a result of stock buy backs, not growth or increased profits. Trump did little to nothing for the wage or wealth gap except accelerate both of them. His policies during the early months of the lockdowns, enriched billionaires and threw 9 million people into poverty, simply because Republicans refused to bail give cash to workers, instead giving it to corporations to keep workers on their payrolls. For those who had already lost their jobs, this payroll support did NOTHING.

When Joe Biden took office, tens of thousands of middle class Americans were lining up for food baskets from local churches because they had no food and no money.

All of this is happening ONLY IN AMERICA. The economies of other first world countries hasn't collapsed. Our crimes rates aren't ballooning out of control. Our people are all wearing masks, and we're 80% vaccinated. Cases are spiking, but hospitalizations and deaths are not.

Before covid, the economy was NOT doing well. Not by any realistic indicator. Off shoring accelerated under Trump and manufacturing was already in a recession.
I'm not a shill for the GOP. One of the main people I blame for the mess is Nixon. He opened trade with China at a time when we were at war with their proxy Vietnam. That effectively bailed out the CCP. Had we not done this, the CCP would have likely collapsed, and Taiwan's regime could have potentially taken China back over.

So, I directly blame the CCP's current power on Western (and largely US) trade policy. We created our biggest enemy, essentially.

Democrats were certainly complicit as well, since making money with the CCP was bipartisan in nature.

Democrats don't prosecute employers of illegals any more readily than Republicans do. That's the part of the illegal immigration mess that neither party addresses. However, Democrats are much more enabling of illegal immigration by pushing for amnesty and similar policies. The same is true when they locally create sanctuary cities or states.

If you desire businesses to pay workers more after adjusting for inflation, then the last things you'd want to do are lockdown areas over a relatively mild disease or pay people more to stay at home. Most of what Biden and Democrat governors have done is drive up inflation while creating supply chain and labor issues due to expanded unemployment and welfare.

But again, I agree that Wall Street has been pulling the strings and doing a lot of damage. It isn't done by the GOP alone, however.

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