do not trust you symphony bank credit card.....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day
...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

I guess my reply to the fraud lady would be why would I expect another bank to process the charge any different than theirs?, and if another card processes the charge while yours didn't, it just drives home the point that your bank sucks and is more concerned with its own convenience than providing any real service to its customers, nor do they apparently care!
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day
12k outstanding debt? Maybe if you paid down some of that debt, the CC company wouldnt be alarmed at how close you are to the debt limit. They think that you might just walk away from that debt, like most good fascist democrats always do. Leave it to someone else to pick up the tab.
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day

We bank with Chase and they have similar security alerts, but they send an alert to cell or email asking if we made the charge for approval.
As Biden raises interest rates, banks will be less and less sound and reliable.
12k outstanding debt? Maybe if you paid down some of that debt, the CC company wouldnt be alarmed at how close you are to the debt limit. They think that you might just walk away from that debt, like most good fascist democrats always do. Leave it to someone else to pick up the tab.
I don't have 12 k in debt..that is my credit limit on this master card
12k outstanding debt? Maybe if you paid down some of that debt, the CC company wouldnt be alarmed at how close you are to the debt limit. They think that you might just walk away from that debt, like most good fascist democrats always do. Leave it to someone else to pick up the tab.
I love financial advice from someone who doesn't know the difference in credit limits and debt
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day
Some will do that. I occassionly will get an email and text from Bank of America after the fact to verify a charge but they always go through. My credit union card has never declined a purchase or verified one with me. Knock on wood, I have never had my CC information stolen. I have had my identity stolen, but not the credit cards. I only use them for online purchases but worst case scenario is I could just use my debit at the point of sale which is what I usually do anyway because I like to keep the credit cards at zero balances.

When my identity was stolen, somebody in Boston filed a fake return seeking the max earned income tax credit in my name hoping to get the cash and run before they got caught. Little did they know that I file quarterly estimated returns so the IRS was shields up, red alert as soon as it hit their system.
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day
I have yet to use synchrony cards in Tennessee or North Carolina.
so yesterday i try to use my card for a 1400 payment and its i call...yes i have 12 k outstanding credit but our auto fraud division (a bunch of ai) flagged it and decline it due to it being in tn while you are in i am appalled...when the lady from fraud division tells me to always have another card ready?

what is the use of a card you cannot trust? and they didnt decline the sams gas charge made in tn ...that day
We are in NC visiting Bonzis mom now.
While traveling through my debit card was declined in TN at a gas station. So I had to go inside and they had to process the payment manually. Never happened before. And hasn't happened anywhere else on this trip (restaurants etc)
We are in NC visiting Bonzis mom now.
While traveling through my debit card was declined in TN at a gas station. So I had to go inside and they had to process the payment manually. Never happened before. And hasn't happened anywhere else on this trip (restaurants etc)
I have a Marcus and Verve that will not pay unless you notify them in advanced
12k outstanding debt? Maybe if you paid down some of that debt, the CC company wouldnt be alarmed at how close you are to the debt limit. They think that you might just walk away from that debt, like most good fascist democrats always do. Leave it to someone else to pick up the tab.

As recommended in chapter one of "The Art of the Deal".

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