Do people still think Trump is going to be good for the middle class?

Middle class taxes are going to rise and the savings will be minimal. Why won't they drop the middle class tax rate a lot more than proposed? Like double the rate cut?
You say that - Shumur says that - Pelosi says that.

And, none of you have offered one iota of proof that it is true ... it just sounds good. The facts are quite different.

Yet, the three of you continue to whine and complain about a program still in flux - still being defined. How can you make claims about a program still undecided?

And, none of you offer a single viable suggestion on how to implement tax reform. You sit on the curb, watching the parade go by. Get in the game - and quit complaining. You can be part of the problem, or you can be part of the fix.

Clearly, the three of you have chosen which you would rather be.
I don't care what the dumbass Democrats say. I do think the CBO projections are important, though, and their findings largely correspond with what opponents of the bill are saying.

As for perceptions and expectations influencing reality ... duh? But at some point, something actually has to happen ... otherwise you'll find what was thought to be substance was just a lot of hot air.
I don't care what the dumbass Democrats say. I do think the CBO projections are important, though, and their findings largely correspond with what opponents of the bill are saying.

As for perceptions and expectations influencing reality ... duh? But at some point, something actually has to happen ... otherwise you'll find what was thought to be substance was just a lot of hot air.
CBO predictions have NEVER predicted reality .... it is nonsensical to think their record will be different this time.

Let's see ---- business thought there would be an easing of regulations. Check.
Business thought there would be tax relief ... check (just a matter of time)
Business thought there would be repatriation of foreign income ... check.
Business thought there would be substantial economic growth .... check.
Business thought there would be an improvement in foreign business .... check.

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