Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?



FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns
Do we care that you are suddenly interested in honesty when youve been lying for years on this board?
FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns

Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Obama does it, they all do it so?

your fact checkers though have a yardstick that drops to the right so who really cares? I don't.

I care, that according to your title he wants to sound like ricky ricardo.....:eusa_shhh:
FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns

Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Obama does it, they all do it so?

your fact checkers though have a yardstick that drops to the right so who really cares? I don't.

I care, that according to your title he wants to sound like ricky ricardo.....:eusa_shhh:

What did Obama lie about?
FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns

When did you start caring about truth in election strategy? Did you raise an outcry when Obama decided not to use public financing after he promised to use it in 2008?
Anybody but Barry Hussein. It's bad enough when the candidates stretch the truth but it's much worse when a democrat has the entire liberal media lying for him.
We were watching the news the other day and my GF turns to me and says...

"I thought Mormons weren't supposed to lie?"

Bless her.
Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Um, no…

That’s how most GOP candidates run their campaigns.

Most of what republicans post on this forum are lies, half-truths, and contrived myths.
FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns

Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Obama does it, they all do it so?

your fact checkers though have a yardstick that drops to the right so who really cares? I don't.

I care, that according to your title he wants to sound like ricky ricardo.....:eusa_shhh:

What did Obama lie about?

How about him saying he would not run for president.
Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Who should they?

Same Question about Bush's campaign speech vs what he did after elected?

virtually all politicians will and do lie their asses off to get elected.
Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?

Who should they?

Same Question about Bush's campaign speech vs what he did after elected?

virtually all politicians will and do lie their asses off to get elected.

You got the last sentence wrong by one word.
Virtually all politicians will and do lie their asses off to get laid.

Did I guess right?
FactCheckBanner.png : Unproven Jobs Claim in Pro-Romney Ad

A pro-Romney TV spot running heavily in Iowa touts an unproven claim that the candidate “helped create thousands of jobs” as CEO of an investment firm. When we asked the super PAC sponsoring the ad for proof of its claim, a spokeswoman said: “We aren’t supplying that information.” And so far, neither is the Romney campaign.

And it recycles his boast of making 800 vetoes, failing to mention that 700 were overridden.

“It’s impossible to say precisely if more jobs were created than cut by Bain since the firm does not track employment in its investments.”

We contacted a spokeswoman for Restore Our Future, Brittany Gross, and asked for backup for the claim that Bain created a net of thousands of jobs while Romney was employed there, as the ad claims. Gross emailed back: “We aren’t supplying that information.”

So the projected gap ended up being closer to $1.2 billion.
Romney closed that $1.2 billion gap and passed a balanced budget. But as we noted in 2007, his oft-touted cuts in wasteful programs and duplicate agencies made only a small dent, saving about $10.5 million dollars, according to an estimate by the independent, nonpartisan Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. More significant was the $277 million that Romney cut from the state’s local education aid budget and the $130 million cut from higher education, moves that shifted at least part of the tax burden onto towns and counties.

When will media demand that Mitt Romney back up his claims about jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The first: At Bain Capital, Romney created over 100,000 jobs, which proves he has the job-creation experience to turn the economy around.

The second: Under the Obama presidency, the country has actually lost jobs, which proves his record is a failure.

These claims are absolutely central to Romney’s entire rationale for runing for president. Is it too much to expect reporters and news outlets to scrutinize them or to ask him to substantiate them?


Bain invested mostly in start-ups early on but eventually shifted its focus to the cutthroat world of leveraged buyouts, which involves buying controlling shares in a company, with the purchase financed mainly through borrowing. (That’s the “leverage.”) If all goes well, the value of business increases well beyond the debt load, and investors make huge profits on their investments.

Romney’s claims about Bain Capital job creation (Fact Checker biography) - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney Says Obama Is "A Guy Over His Head", "Desperate For Reelection" - YouTube

Romney's Endearing Lies

Here was Romney in New Hampshire on Monday:
The people of New Hampshire have waited long enough. They want to see good jobs. They want to see rising incomes. They want to see an economy that's growing again, and the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse.

And he said something similar at the New Hampshire debate earlier this month:
He didn't create the recession, but he made it worse and longer.

Romney gave this answer:
I didn't say that things are worse.

It doesn’t matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage over his refusal to disclose his tax returns.

Mitt Romney | Tax Returns

I care, that's why I'm not voting for him.

What's your excuse for voting for Obama?
Do Republicans care Mitt Romney's election strategy is, "Lie you pants off"?


Do USMB posters care that you are always COMPLETELY full of shit with your every thread?

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