Do Republicans still feel AIDS is God's "cure" for being gay?

Why is it such a mystery? There are specific behaviors that bring specific results. You can call it God's Will if you want to or just Universal Truth.

Promiscuous sex with multiple partners is risky behavior. It can result in disease that will kill you. Don't blame others thinking strangers are the guarantors of your well being.

Funny how this was known 5000 years ago but is completely lost on your typical 21st century dimwitted democrat.
You think that's why 5000 years ago? :777:
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
That was stupid then and is even more stupid to bring it up today.
Are Atheists unhappy to lose the benefit of a stronger immune system for their NO HOPE view point

That view point is pre wired into all humans to get pain of a weaker immune system


Oh please...

That's just as idiotic as all the asinine bullshit you post defending criminal sexual deviants bed wetter.

Unless they're republicrats of course, then if they're accused of being butt pirates you moonbats drag the white sheets and hoods back out.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
I guess syphilis and gonorrhea were God's revenge for being straight all those centuries those STDs were killing off millions of people.

In actuality, STDs are punishment for any kind of promiscuity. From God, you decide.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?

You need professional help, deantard. You're a loon.
You are probably too young to remember when the Right used to believe and say that AIDS was God's punishment on gays. You probably weren't even born yet.
Every single pain that comes is help to correct a harmful decision

If we jump into a fire we get severe pain in order to save us from harming even more and then we die to also escape

This is real universal laws just as real and powerful as the law of gravity

Also history tells us liberalism will always bring a correction of pains and miseries ...after the. correction pains of destruction then laws will be made to stop the freedoms of the unwise so they will not get brainwashed by crooks

Life is made of cycles. This cycle of life is the same as when all empires fell into destruction
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?

You need professional help, deantard. You're a loon.
You are probably too young to remember when the Right used to believe and say that AIDS was God's punishment on gays. You probably weren't even born yet.

Probably but I am sure not every person on the Right said that.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
Who said I ever did. And who is Will?

Stay on topic, son.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
Who said I ever did. And who is Will?

Stay on topic, son.
/----/ Fair enough, but whoever said we believe this crapola?
"Do Republicans still feel AIDS is God's "cure" for being gay?"
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?

Apparently AIDS didn't cure you of being gay on a message board, so I'm going with no.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?

I don't know anyone who thinks this except you apparently.
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
Who said I ever did. And who is Will?

Stay on topic, son.
/----/ Fair enough, but whoever said we believe this crapola?
"Do Republicans still feel AIDS is God's "cure" for being gay?"
Quite a few Republicans did feel that way. Anyone alive back in the early days of AIDS well remembers that fact.

I even provided a link showing Trump's handpicked head of the CDC believed it. For all we know, he still does.

The topic starter was merely asking if any Republicans STILL feel that way.

And, as usual, you decided to enter this gunfight with a basket of red herrings.

Try to keep up now.
/----/ Do democRATs still believe Al Gore when in 2008 he said the North Pole would be ice free by 2013?
SEVEN YEARS AGO (2008) … Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY... Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years
View attachment 232885
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
Who said I ever did. And who is Will?

Stay on topic, son.
/----/ Fair enough, but whoever said we believe this crapola?
"Do Republicans still feel AIDS is God's "cure" for being gay?"
Quite a few Republicans did feel that way. Anyone alive back in the early days of AIDS well remembers that fact.

I even provided a link showing Trump's handpicked head of the CDC believed it. For all we know, he still does.

The topic starter was merely asking if any Republicans STILL feel that way.

And, as usual, you decided to enter this gunfight with a basket of red herrings.

Try to keep up now.
/----/ "Quite a few Republicans did feel that way. Anyone alive back in the early days of AIDS well remembers that fact."
Oh because you say so? Did you call all of us and ask? You troll.
idiot award.jpg
I'm watching this discussion on how George W. Bush helped AIDS patients in Africa.

I remember it different.

Right wingers would cut off funding for anyone who promoted using condoms. They felt "abstinence only" was the only way and if you didn't promote that, no funding or help.

With their narrow and short sighted view based on morals and values they themselves don't follow, I believe they caused as many deaths or more than those they helped.

So do they still feel that way?

You need professional help, deantard. You're a loon.
You are probably too young to remember when the Right used to believe and say that AIDS was God's punishment on gays. You probably weren't even born yet.

Probably but I am sure not every person on the Right said that.

It only takes one guy opening his big mouth and a hundred million are guilty by association with these people.
My, what a pretty red herring you have there!

Try to stay on topic.
/-----/ Do you still believe Al Bore's 2013 doomsday prediction? Will do ya Punk?
Who said I ever did. And who is Will?

Stay on topic, son.
/----/ Fair enough, but whoever said we believe this crapola?
"Do Republicans still feel AIDS is God's "cure" for being gay?"
Quite a few Republicans did feel that way. Anyone alive back in the early days of AIDS well remembers that fact.

I even provided a link showing Trump's handpicked head of the CDC believed it. For all we know, he still does.

The topic starter was merely asking if any Republicans STILL feel that way.

And, as usual, you decided to enter this gunfight with a basket of red herrings.

Try to keep up now.
/----/ "Quite a few Republicans did feel that way. Anyone alive back in the early days of AIDS well remembers that fact."
Oh because you say so? Did you call all of us and ask? You troll.
View attachment 232937
Once again: Trump’s New CDC Director Worked With Group Claiming God Punished Gays with AIDS

“Is AIDS a judgment of God? I could not be sure, but I think so.” - Reverend Billy Graham, 1993

Need more examples?
You fags are all atheists, remember? You don't believe in God.

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