Do We All Hate Each Other or Does It Just Sound Like It?

We must hate anyone who disagrees with our programmed political views!


Some of the people I do not agree with are also very gracious and articulate human beings, and that has the effect of me paying more attention to what they have to say.

We must hate anyone who disagrees with our programmed political views!


There's more than a few here who don't agree with some portion of my views, and still manage to treat me with dignity and respect (and vice-versa).

Those are the ones I do not have on ignore.

I don't think I have ever treated you with anything but dignity and respect yet at times, I feel as if I am on your iggy list.

I rather agree with the OP. Just because we can remain anonymous behind a computer screen doesn't mean that we should be blind to the fact that there are real people behind all those other computer screens. It doesn't hurt to be civil, even when disagreeing with others. I actually don't get the thrill of being able to hurl insults just for the sake of it, and just because we can.

As in real life, some people can irk me to the marrow, particularly those who are mean-spirited, deliberately annoying and rude for the sake of it. In response, I can certainly return fire, especially when I'm pissed. But usually I try to treat people, even computer people, the way I'd like them to treat me. :)

You're right, but just like in your local neighborhood bar, there's always gonna be some loudmouth all tanked up on liquid courage (like many here are tanked on cyber courage) and they're gonna mess things up for everyone by being a total ass.

There are several on here I can think of quite readily.................

Oh purleeeeeze. You often neg rep posters with the most vicious, nasty bullshit of anyone one the board.... in fact, at least twice you have wished that I would die.... I think cancer was mentioned on one particularly pleasant message.

You are a fucking hypocritical wimp, GayBikerBoy.
They're gonna post me in the forums
They're gonna make a big star out of me
We'll write in threads cause we're mad and lonely
And all we have to do is post nastily

Well, I bet you I'm gonna get a gold star
Might win a Rep you can never tell
The forum's gonna make me a bold star,
'Cause I can post the part so well

Well, I hope you come and read me in the forum
Then I'll know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the internet
And all I have to do is post nastily

We'll pick apart each other's ascii phoney
a cryin' keyboard screed for all to see
We'll play the part but we won't need rehearsing
All we have to do is post nastily
Well it's forty below
And I don't give a f*ck
Got a 'puter in my truck
And I'm off to post yanno

It's a partisan left
And partisan right
C'mon you fuckin' dummy
Get your right stuff right
Get off the 'net you goddamn goof

Y'know you piss me off
You f*cking jerk
Get on my nerves
Well here comes Johnny
With his pecker in his hand
He's a one-ball man
And he's off to post yanno

It's a partisan left
And partisan right
C'mon you fuckin' dummy
Get your right stuff right
Get off the 'net you goddamn goof

Y'know you piss me off
You f*cking jerk
Get on my nerves
If someone almost sideswipes you and cuts you off on the freeway, does that mean they hate you?
Nope. But to some, it just looks like it.

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