Do we have a common "purposs" in life?

charles brough

Jun 16, 2011
Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:
We all have a "special purpose" in life

Didn't you see "The Jerk" ??

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To serve the Lord and glorify him. Keep his commandments. All done though is son Jesus Christ.
Personally, I believe in Cause and Effect. We all know what it is, and it's often applied to books and other little every day things. But I prefer to take it out a step further, and twist it around a bit. So we're born. now we need to have some effect to give a cause to our birth. It could be something small, like giving a moment of ones time, or something huge like curing cancer. That's just my outlook.
the best human purpose is to spread joy that sustains ourselves and others.

Not everyone does it the same way.

They way is not as important as the results.
Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Who says?

Religions are to keep a church hierarchy in power. That's always been the purpose.
Oganized Religion.

It should never be organized because when it is someone uses to to control people.
At some point if man is to survive we will have to de-stress the procreation part.

Life is about learning to be a better person.

The ones who walk the planet now need to not be so concern about whos child composes the next genration.

Our planet can only support so many humans.
Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Good question because how you live your life will be based on that question.

When my daughter was young she said that she intended on doing something for the poor because there was always a possibility re-incarnation was real and she would like to make sure the world was not in too much of a mess if she came back.

I think when people travelled to Asia and I did, it was about finding a different level of consciousness. Experiencing that we are all one - very unique and deeply respecting of our individuality, but also related. Why hurt others if in some unknown but felt way they are a part of you?

I think their is a high probability there is a reason for life and that reason could be to experience the reason. To find we all belong. Of course quantum mechanics says we create our own worlds. I think that is also probably true which means that collectively we have the choice to build creatively or destructively.
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Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Good question because how you live your life will be based on that question.

When my daughter was young she said that she intended on doing something for the poor because there was always a possibility re-incarnation was real and she would like to make sure the world was not in too much of a mess if she came back.

I think when people travelled to Asia and I did, it was about finding a different level of consciousness. Experiencing that we are all one - very unique and deeply respecting of our individuality, but also related. Why hurt others if in some unknown but felt way they are a part of you?

I think their is a high probability there is a reason for life and that reason could be to experience the reason. To find we all belong. Of course quantum mechanics says we create our own worlds. I think that is also probably true which means that collectively we have the choice to build creatively or destructively.

Communists don't feel that way and they are the majority in Asia. It's very unfortunate.

Republicans in this country feel they have zero responsibility for anyone but rich people and corporations. The world is a messed up place.
Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Good question because how you live your life will be based on that question.

When my daughter was young she said that she intended on doing something for the poor because there was always a possibility re-incarnation was real and she would like to make sure the world was not in too much of a mess if she came back.

I think when people travelled to Asia and I did, it was about finding a different level of consciousness. Experiencing that we are all one - very unique and deeply respecting of our individuality, but also related. Why hurt others if in some unknown but felt way they are a part of you?

I think their is a high probability there is a reason for life and that reason could be to experience the reason. To find we all belong. Of course quantum mechanics says we create our own worlds. I think that is also probably true which means that collectively we have the choice to build creatively or destructively.

Communists don't feel that way and they are the majority in Asia. It's very unfortunate.

nonetheless I think that is the basis of what people were looking for and I think it has more to do with feeling than thinking i.e coming from your 'heart' or inner feeling self. When Jung met some American Indians they told him they though the white man was mad because they thought with their heads. He asked what else they could think with. The indian pointed to his heart. Jung said in that one moment he saw western civilisation anew.

Republicans in this country feel they have zero responsibility for anyone but rich people and corporations. The world is a messed up place.

Indeed it is one of my worries that we are going into a new dark age.
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It is my experience that Life is a Testing & Proving Ground for the Soul. That it is here, during these lifetimes that our Soul sets out to prove that it understands and has accepted its proper nature. At the end of each Lifetime, that soul is Judged by the Powers of the Universe and if it has attained the enlightenment offered a place in the Higher Planes. If it has proven itself beyond redemption the soul is cast into eternal torment in the Lower Planes. If the soul has failed to reach enlightenment but has not been deemed beyond redemption, it is sent to a place between to be purified and re-educated before being given another opportunity to take physical form and try again.
Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Love the Lord and love others.

Do I fail at it? Yes. But thank the Lord His love is above and beyond our "human" love, and He helps us, prunes us, grows us to learn to love more, even when we stumble and fall.

Matthew 22

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Religions are supposed to answer that question. Another way of putting it is "what is the meaning to life (our life)?" I remember when young people used to travel to Asia to find "the answers" from some guru there. Now, young people go to college and study "the liberal arts" inorder to get the answers. :eusa_think:

What is your experience? :confused:

Love the Lord and love others.

Do I fail at it? Yes. But thank the Lord His love is above and beyond our "human" love, and He helps us, prunes us, grows us to learn to love more, even when we stumble and fall.

Matthew 22

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


Very well put thank you
At some point if man is to survive we will have to de-stress the procreation part.

Life is about learning to be a better person.

The ones who walk the planet now need to not be so concern about whos child composes the next genration.

Our planet can only support so many humans.

So you're saying it's ok for us to screw our kids over? I hope when they get older they cut all funding for Medicare and other programs to helo senior citizens to pay you and the rest of out generation back.
At some point if man is to survive we will have to de-stress the procreation part.

Life is about learning to be a better person.

The ones who walk the planet now need to not be so concern about whos child composes the next genration.

Our planet can only support so many humans.

So you're saying it's ok for us to screw our kids over? I hope when they get older they cut all funding for Medicare and other programs to helo senior citizens to pay you and the rest of out generation back.

I highly doubt she is saying it's okay for us to screw our kids over. Or if she is saying it, I doubt she intends to. She just doesn't clearly think or write her points out.

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