Do we really need to spend Billions to go back to the Moon?

Yes I am serious. That link doesnt say what inventions. I'm looking for something I couldnt do without or couldnt have been invented without space travel.

Technology growth often has implications that reach outside of what we expected or hoped to achieve.
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..

We should have been back there long before now. Instead of constantly spinning around the earth in a shuttle model that was designed in the 70's. :)
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..
Space travel is the future of the human race. What we did in the 60s wasn't really space travel, it was a publicity stunt. Now it's time to do it right. The moon is our stepping stone out of the well.
Sending humans to the Moon requires life support systems ... there's no way to survive out there unless we bring all our needs with us ... like air ... and the argument is that there's not really anything out there that needs to be done by a human, robots can do the same but without life support ... or air ...

The technology to travel through space isn't that hard ... far and away the biggest problem and most expense part of any space mission is getting from the Earth's surface up into LEO ...

You children may have forgotten this, or never learn it ... but of the Dusty Dozen, only Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17) was an actual scientist ... all the rest were pilots ... so the science and technology angles on this debate only work if we actual do the science and technology ... we really haven't been, only pursuing the areas related to space flight ... there's nothing out there we can't study right here ... and what has to be studied out there can be done by robots much much much more cheaply ...
Humans are not made for space. We need to fix our environment on this planet before we go fuck up another space mass.

As we learn to survive better in space it will probably help us survive better on Earth as well. Collecting resources from space could eliminate any resource scarcity on Earth. That could be vital, particularly when it comes to water.
plus the science and engineering that is learned......
Can you give me some examples?
are you serious? you ever read science texts?...

Yes I am serious. That link doesnt say what inventions. I'm looking for something I couldnt do without or couldnt have been invented without space travel.
then you did not read the link......
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..
Unless you have your head buried in the sand.... the space program is the future of humanity.

Or... we can instead just give it to foreign countries as their slush funds. That hasn't really paid off though has it?
Course that won't stop Biden from increasing foreign gifting back to the Obama era.
Space is the future of humanity. We need to be investing in it as much as possible.
no it isn't
......AND we will die of DEBT before we get to the future if we spend $$$$$ on the moon--SO--understand? no future if we spend it on the moon crap
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..
Unless you have your head buried in the sand.... the space program is the future of humanity.

Or... we can instead just give it to foreign countries as their slush funds. That hasn't really paid off though has it?
Course that won't stop Biden from increasing foreign gifting back to the Obama era.
see post # 29
Humans do not need to go to the Moon or Mars, because Robots and Rovers can do it much safer and cheaper.
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..
Unless you have your head buried in the sand.... the space program is the future of humanity.

Or... we can instead just give it to foreign countries as their slush funds. That hasn't really paid off though has it?
Course that won't stop Biden from increasing foreign gifting back to the Obama era.
see post # 29
Instead of wasting $billions a month in foreign gifting and many-many more $billions in the toilet on a regular basis - take that money and invest in setting up the moon.
Helium 3 is just one possibility of a wealth of possibilities. H3 fusion has yet to be firgured out, but when it does... the moon surface is loaded with it.
Do we need to spend billions of much needed dollars to go back to a dead rock in space called the Moon?. Its been done before. Is it really something we as a nation have to do again.? your thoughts. The money could be better spent here on Earth..
Unless you have your head buried in the sand.... the space program is the future of humanity.

Or... we can instead just give it to foreign countries as their slush funds. That hasn't really paid off though has it?
Course that won't stop Biden from increasing foreign gifting back to the Obama era.
see post # 29
Instead of wasting $billions a month in foreign gifting and many-many more $billions in the toilet on a regular basis - take that money and invest in setting up the moon.
Helium 3 is just one possibility of a wealth of possibilities. H3 fusion has yet to be firgured out, but when it does... the moon surface is loaded with it.
....we will not get back as much as we spend--plain and simple......and for the technology gained, we could get a lot more technology if you didn't have to put so much $$$$ in going to the moon
......AND we will die of DEBT before we get to the future if we spend $$$$$ on the moon--SO--understand? no future if we spend it on the moon crap

Your thought process is always so elaborate and interesting.
Space is the future of humanity. We need to be investing in it as much as possible.

An investment with no return.

We can't return to space in any serious way until we develop technology to do so economically.

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