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Do you approve the next US president?

Will America find a great president from CNN/FOX/MSNBC/PBS in 2016?

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If the media (in general) was truly fair then every, single interested party who desired to participate in the political process would be given equal and substantial air time. Then the voters could decide who to vote for. But the fact of the matter is that CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. all place a select few in from of the public eye. Every station (including FOX) gave Ron Paul a little bit of lip service but only played clips of him saying something insignificant or showed him stumbling over his words, etc. They never really gave him a chance to explain his position. He got his word out through social media and InfoWars more than any other way.
I remember Fox News gave Ron Paul PLENTY of chances to explain his position
(right after he dropped out of the race)

Funny but I don't remember that.
Oh yea, right after it no longer mattered, not only the criticism of Ron Paul on Fox News stopped, but he was invited on programs such as Glenn beck and others on Fox news. Here is the way I see it works:

Ron Paul was not perfect, but he was far more real than all other candidates in 2008 and the people, the viewers KNEW it. Establishment media UNDERSTANDS that without allowing people to speak the truth, the viewers will turn away in droves, and may even find a truly independent network for information, which may lead to revolution, so what they do is, when it does not matter, they ALLOW them to speak, and especially an old man like Ron Paul, who looks like a Christian lost in Somalia half the time he speaks on the news, he is safe to manipulate in the circus. If people like him were never allowed to speak on TV, then believe me, people may start paying attention to someone like me and my call to unite the nation. So they have to use people like Ron Paul as distractors and give them a voice during off season.
We need a dictatorship instead of what we have now.
From my other speech:
So if our own democracy is a FRAUD, then we know that it is NOT THE PEOPLE that are responsible for their ignorance, they are UNABLE to change the system, they are living under a hidden DICTATORSHIP, they are being deceived FROM THE TOP. So the next time you see a thief, or a criminal, or an arrogant 300 pound whale with an access card in a food store, REMEMBER - this is a product of the SYSTEM, NOT of society. When society has been stripped of it's national resources, NATURALY it becomes degraded, resorted to stealing from each other and cutting each other's throats just to survive, just to pay the bills, And the next time, some political expert tries to tell you that a person who seeks absolute power to change the system, is trying to become a DICTATOR, take a VERY GOOD LOOK at the ALTERNATIVE.... A DICTATOR, is someone who never had to struggle, never had to live among ordinary people, never worked a real job...And a DICTATOR, can not be unseated by a bunch of political parties fighting among each other.
“You can please some of the people some of the time all of the people some of the time some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

― Abraham Lincoln

If the person elected represents one's values and agrees with one's vision, the individual will certainly approve that president. But in polarized America, if a democrat wins, the conservatives will not approve and if a conservative wins, the democrats will not approve. As Jillian said, this is a silly poll.

I do think if Mrs. Clinton is the next president, she will do a good job. I wanted her in 2008, and I think I was right.
Democrats and republicans are all racist dingbats of a form that is politically accepted in our time, they have no meaning in my world, and you using them as an example does not verify reality in my view. But when a president promises to the people ONE thing and does the OPPOSITE, he is DECEIVING society NOT serving them. examples in my video document Bush promising no nation building to get elected, Obama promising to meet leader of Syria to get elected by American voters and then once elected he openly supports Syrian OPPOSITION and Saudi kings who sent death row inmates to fight Syrian people. You CAN NOT hide these facts that indicate US presidents deceiving and not serving American people with the demo republican circus.

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Do you think there is a chance that America will have a president in 2016 that actually represents Americans, or will the same circus, orchestrated by international bankers continue in America?

America already has a President who represents Americans.

He only represents African-Americans.

Not true, you just do not feel that he represents you. Many Americans did not feel that Bush represented them.
We need a dictatorship instead of what we have now.

Are you rdean in drag? What an idiotic post.
See my post above - dictator is what the establishment very often refers to a leader who has power to actually change things, and so people often get confused, or not even confused but begin to accept the term dictator for a leader: it's like if the establishment media allows for people like Robert Tilton to be representatives of Jesus Christ, it is NORMAL that some people (who are not necessarily bad) will begin to claim to be ANTI Christ.
Do you think there is a chance that America will have a president in 2016 that actually represents Americans, or will the same circus, orchestrated by international bankers continue in America?

America already has a President who represents Americans.
If that were true, we wouldn't be so polarized.

The polarisation began before Obama, and has been emphsized by having a Black man in the White House.
You know that's as incoherent as your poll -- you know that, right?

A foreigner who compliments us on our system "has no right to an opinon".... on a freaking discussion board.... :cuckoo:

Some of y'all just boggle the head.
He has a right to opinion and we have a right to point out that he does not live here. I AM A FOREIGNER, and I feel I have the perfect right to dictate what is right for America, in fact I even made a speech about that:

OK well your position seems to be bouncing around like a pinball. The other guy tried to tell Noomi she (she) had "no right" to opine. By that logic you wouldn't either, yet here he is in your thread, and there you are defending him shutting you up.

We don't know where anyone lives unless they list it in their profile, nor does it matter. Citizenship confers citizenship. It doesn't act as the only door to opinion eligibility. If that were the way this site worked, members would have to show citizenship papers upon signing up. And that would absolutely suck, as it would put us in an insular echo chamber.

Some of the more insecure among us would apparently prefer to have enclose themselves in such a bubble. Me, I prefer to smash it to pieces like the Berlin Wall.

PS you might want to back away from the word "dictate" there --- I take it English is not your first language...

Things are not as they seem - I may also seem like a democrat since I criticize republicans.
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Do you think there is a chance that America will have a president in 2016 that actually represents Americans, or will the same circus, orchestrated by international bankers continue in America?

America already has a President who represents Americans.

You don't live here. You don't pay taxes here. You cannot vote here. I am not so sure you'd even be permitted to visit the US. Therefore, you have no right to an opinion.
Do you consider your country so insignificant on the world stage that you feel compelled to comment on the goings on here?
Since you opened the door. You're incorrect.
In the typically lib/progressive nuance, Obama has sought and been successful at pitting people against each other and dividing the US.
Obama represents only those who march in his lockstep.

Everyone has a right to an opinion. What the United States does effects the rest of the world.
Obama's Black half is funny, cool and likeable

his White half is inept, corrupt and an idiot

I hope this satisfies he race-card throwing left-wing losers here
Are you still of the belief that there will even be a presidential election in 2016?

Only conspiracy nuts and fools would think like you, Henry.

Your faith in Your New Messiah's observing the constitution he has chosen to ignore sort of underwhelms, Shakey.

Just out of curiosity...have question marks (?) always posed a problem for you or is it recent progression of the senility?

The greatest value of the Bush and the Obama presidencies remains the flushing out of the wing nuts of the far right and the far left.
America already has a President who represents Americans.
If that were true, we wouldn't be so polarized.

The polarisation began before Obama, and has been emphsized by having a Black man in the White House.

That's bullshit. Great game on that Axelrod really has jaked into place; but nonsense none the less.

Do you know by the way Messina and Axelrod are now in Britain playing the politics of division hired by two parties?
Seriously do you Americans know that Messina and Axelrod are campaign managers in Britain? Not talking Coast to Coast here.
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If that were true, we wouldn't be so polarized.

The polarisation began before Obama, and has been emphsized by having a Black man in the White House.

That's bullshit. Great game on that Axelrod really has jaked into place; but nonsense none the less.

Do you know by the way Messina and Axelrod are now in Britain playing the politics of division hired by two parties?

No that's not "bullshit" at all. Remember a Katrina victim calling out "go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney"? 2005. Remember Shrub's car getting pelted with eggs on the way to his inauguration? That would be 2001. Remember trying to impeach a president for a blow job? 1990s. Remember Lush Rimjob's Slutgate and "feminazis" and the "White House Dog"? That's been going on for 25 years.

The idea that polarization began in 2009 is completely ludicrous wishful thinking by demagogues bent on demonizing those they wish to demonize. It has no basis in reality whatsoever.
I've been around since the middle of Roosevelt's presidency and with all things being relevant, I can say that in every election since, America has gotten and deserved what they asked for. I set my standards on people like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln........... So in forthcoming elections the standards America elects will run the country and no-one should be complaining about that. IMO our current standards are about as low as whale shit. And you cant get much lower than that.
:badgrin: Only one other voted "yes." Has everyone given up already. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
What is even worse is that it was obvious even before this poll, before this thread that AMERICANS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH in this system any more, and I made this thread just to remind ourselves that reality. Same exact problem exists in much of the so called axis of democracy nations as well as Russia, Ukraine, etc. International banker circus.
I can say that in every election since, America has gotten and deserved what they asked for.
Maybe you can explain to me how America deserved to be spending trillions for nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan when they elected a president who promised them no nation building; or how Americans deserved to be funding terrorists in Syria when the winning presidential candidate was promising voters to meet Syrian leader? I believe you are just looking for an easy scapegoat, and nothing is easier to blame than the whale shit that has become American society, but reality is the people have no power when they do not control the media, they can not control the media when their own government does not control the money supply, and that ended in 1913, probably right around your parents time.
I can say that in every election since, America has gotten and deserved what they asked for.
Maybe you can explain to me how America deserved to be spending trillions for nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan when they elected a president who promised them no nation building; or how Americans deserved to be funding terrorists in Syria when the winning presidential candidate was promising voters to meet Syrian leader? I believe you are just looking for an easy scapegoat, and nothing is easier to blame than the whale shit that has become American society, but reality is the people have no power when they do not control the media, they can not control the media when their own government does not control the money supply, and that ended in 1913, probably right around your parents time.
American's didn't plan on bin Laden. America forgets that Stalin said Communism would destroy America from within. Americans deserve a better fate then to be led by the nose by the Marxist whaleshit we have now. All I hear these days is pissing, moaning and'Woe is me!'. After all, citizen, you have the means at your disposal to change things by voting intelligently. And as the Founding Fathers would tell you, "Revolution is Patriotic, not un-American. Get 'er done, citizen.

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