Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

you ever try to get a russian wife through immigration during a"red scare?" oswald was cia.

off topic: hey soup nazi. if you run into @hey now over on pf could you tell him i'm here. (lifetime ban = not caring if unvaxxed die was a "death threat." i'd like an appeal but totally locked out. )
Do you have data to back that up? Because over a million Americans have died from covid since the "vaccine" was released (most of them while Joe Biden was president).

Only if you believe the bullshit exaggerated numbers, that they have been blatantly pumping up in all sorts of bullshit ways ever since the #CoronaHoax2020 began.

But, of course, these are the numbers that are accepted by every gullible cretin who is stupid enough to call for the #CoronaHoax.
It should be noted that the burden is not normally put on anyone to prove that a drug is ineffective or unsafe. The burden is to prove that a drug is both safe and effective, before it can be put into general use.

The FDA has a very specific set of procedures and protocols to be followed to establish that a drug is both safe and effective before it can legally be put into general use. This process is non-trivial, and takes several years to complete. Until this process is complete, a drug is considered experimental, and may only be given to those who have given informed consent to be used as medical test subjects.

Due to the ersatz “emergency” manufactured out of the #CoronaHoax2020, a special authorization was given to put the dangerous, experimental mRNA shit into general use, without it having been through the necessary process of being tested and proven to be safe and effective. Everyone who has received these drugs has been used unwittingly and illegally, as a medical test subject, in clear violation of the Nuremberg code. At this point, a growing body of empirical evidence seems to cast serious doubts both on the safety and efficacy of this mRNA shit; and to suggest that if it was subject to the normal procedures for testing new drugs, that it would ultimately fail to ever pass the required standards, or to be approved for general use.
Translated - Blob has no evidence.
Translated - Blob [sic] has no evidence.

It's not my responsibility to have evidence that a drug is unsafe or ineffective.

The burden rightfully belongs on the side that wants to claim that a drug is safe and effective. Here in the United States, the FDA establishes the means by which this is to be proven. This mRNA shit has not been proven to be safe nor effective, has not been through the proper FDA process, and existing empirical evidence seems to suggest that it held to the usual standard, it would fail on both safety and efficacy.

Until a drug has been properly vetted via the FDA process, anyone is right to question both its safety and efficacy, and to object to the use of this drug on anyone who has not given informed consent to be used as a medical test subject.
And don't forget that the Biden regime threatened people with job loss, fines, imprisonment, loss of children, business confiscation, and loss of property if they refused to comply with the illegal and unconstitutional medical orders.
It wasn't a threat! Millions lost everything because they refused an experimental drug.
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) got bought out, at some point, by Compaq, which, in turn, got bought out by Hewlett Packard. It was under Hewlett Packard that production of the VAX line ended.

the vax was a great machine in its day. i think we went from pdp-11 to the vax in the 1980s or so. 4 per shio. 8 ships. i had 32 of the suckers. and maybe that 8" floppy was on the pdp 11.

of course, most modern telephones are faster and more powerful.
oh, we do. the miami condos, the hard rock hotel here in new orleans. there are plenty of others.

developers and contractors about everywhere have a shoddy reputation, and that bldg 5 was awfully close to impact and heat. i'd need much more info to say the events were unrelated, and of course, all evidence is long gone.

as for the arabs blamed for the crime. were they ours? if so we have a real conspiracy. assuming bush, or cheney, gave the ok.
sure they were,,, your trying to tell me a government building was built incorrectly on bribes

funny how this one did it at the exact right time,,

save that BS for someone that believes you,,

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