Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

I think some of it is funny. much of it is insane. Some is politically motivated. Some things I query.
1. the vax saved lives. A very small minority of people had consequences but overall it was a godsend..
2. abortion is not a conspiracy theory. Its a womans right to control her body.
3. the tranny obsession is on the loony right. They have been around all our lives without causing any distress. They are now the rights outrage de jour. it will be muzzies soon.

And here you are, openly expressing beliefs that are far more wrong, and far more batshit crazy, than most of what you attribute (often falsely) to anyone else and dismiss as “conspiracy theories”.;

  1. The VAX was a great computer platform in its day, but it is now long obsolete. It certainly has played no significant role in saving any lives from an exaggerated cold/flu outbreak that came out fifteen years after the last VAX was built.
  2. Abortion is the murder of innocent human beings. Thousands of them every day, more than a million every year. And you openly defend this.
  3. A boy is not a girl, and a girl is not a boy, and it is biologically impossible for one to become the other. You have to be pretty severely fucked up in the head to be confused about the difference, and even more fucked up in the soul (assuming you still have yours) to believe that it is in any way, even close to acceptable to be indoctrinating impressionable young children with this fucked-up shit.
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not seeing a plane in that video,,

let alone how that camera can be used to detect people walking around the building which is its intended purpose,,

where are the other cameras views??

Why do you care?

Why can’t you answer the simple question of if that plane did not hit the Pentagon, how did they recover body parts and personal effects of the passengers ?
just saying someone that is vaccinated didnt [sic] die doesnt [sic] mean its because of the vaccine thats [sic] not a vaccine,,

Especially since, as with every other variant on the cold or flu, the overwhelming vast majority of those who get it do not die, regardless of any medical treatment that they may or may not have received in connection therewith.

Never before have we seen the kind of blatant fraud being practiced, as has been with this variant, to greatly exaggerate the claimed deaths from a cold/flu.
A more important question is why did you believe all these that you called conspiracy theories?


yes something happened at the pentagon,, from what I have seen it wasnt a 767 full of fuel,,

yes that sounds impossible,, or we would have buildings falling down for no reason all the time,,
oh, we do. the miami condos, the hard rock hotel here in new orleans. there are plenty of others.

developers and contractors about everywhere have a shoddy reputation, and that bldg 5 was awfully close to impact and heat. i'd need much more info to say the events were unrelated, and of course, all evidence is long gone.

as for the arabs blamed for the crime. were they ours? if so we have a real conspiracy. assuming bush, or cheney, gave the ok.
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?

Tommy, I believe the World and Universe are retarded...

Just my personal opinion.
What _are_ you babbling about?

Remember, we don't know what idiot conspiracy theories you're babbling about at any given instant. You have to give some background to your weird cult ramblings.

No idea what that has to do with what I posted

Off your meds again?

Wait, neither one of you dipshits knows that your fellow DemoKKKrat Ilhan Omar said that about 9/11? Or are you so ashamed of her (and yourself for supporting her) that you're just pretending to be oblivious about it? I'd accept either answer coming from you two retards.
Wait, neither one of you dipshits knows that your fellow DemoKKKrat Ilhan Omar said that about 9/11? Or are you so ashamed of her (and yourself for supporting her) that you're just pretending to be oblivious about it? I'd accept either answer coming from you two retards.

i do not look to ms omar for my news. i don't think winger or mamooth do either.
yes they were, the zapruder did not prove otherwise

you ever try to get a russian wife through immigration during a"red scare?" oswald was cia.

off topic: hey soup nazi. if you run into @hey now over on pf could you tell him i'm here. (lifetime ban = not caring if unvaxxed die was a "death threat." i'd like an appeal but totally locked out. )
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and the evidence that it is ineffective? or kills excessively?

It should be noted that the burden is not normally put on anyone to prove that a drug is ineffective or unsafe. The burden is to prove that a drug is both safe and effective, before it can be put into general use.

The FDA has a very specific set of procedures and protocols to be followed to establish that a drug is both safe and effective before it can legally be put into general use. This process is non-trivial, and takes several years to complete. Until this process is complete, a drug is considered experimental, and may only be given to those who have given informed consent to be used as medical test subjects.

Due to the ersatz “emergency” manufactured out of the #CoronaHoax2020, a special authorization was given to put the dangerous, experimental mRNA shit into general use, without it having been through the necessary process of being tested and proven to be safe and effective. Everyone who has received these drugs has been used unwittingly and illegally, as a medical test subject, in clear violation of the Nuremberg code. At this point, a growing body of empirical evidence seems to cast serious doubts both on the safety and efficacy of this mRNA shit; and to suggest that if it was subject to the normal procedures for testing new drugs, that it would ultimately fail to ever pass the required standards, or to be approved for general use.
It should be noted that the burden is not normally put on anyone to prove that a drug is ineffective or unsafe.

The FDA has a very specific set of procedures and protocols to be followed to establish that a drug is both safe and effective before it can legally be put into general use. This process is non-trivial, and takes several years to complete. Until this process is complete, a drug is considered experimental, and may only be given to those who have given informed consent to be used as medical test subjects.

Due to the ersatz “emergency” manufactured out of the #CoronaHoax2020, a special authorization was given to put the dangerous, experimental mRNA shit into general use, without it having been through the necessary process of being tested and proven to be safe and effective. Everyone who has received these drugs has been used unwittingly and illegally, as a medical test subject, in clear violation of the Nuremberg code. At this point, a growing body of empirical evidence seems to cast serious doubts both on the safety and efficacy of this mRNA shit; and to suggest that if it was subject to the normal procedures for testing new drugs, that it would ultimately fail to ever pass the required standards, or to be approved for general use.

And don't forget that the Biden regime threatened people with job loss, fines, imprisonment, loss of children, business confiscation, and loss of property if they refused to comply with the illegal and unconstitutional medical orders.

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