Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

Some good ones you believe:
Half of those are true, and it's a lunatic conspiracy theory to claim they're not. If not a conspiracy fever dream, it's an outright lie to claim they're not true, which is more often the case with Marvin.

The other half, Marvin made up. Poor sad loser. He can't debate any liberal, and he knows it, so making up strawmen is his only option.

Vaccinated people don't get covid
Men can get pregnant
Bush stole the 2000 election
Trump colluded with Russia
Covid came from dirty Chinese people eating bats
Trump stole top secret documents
Trump buried Ivana on a golf course
CNN is a news organization
The bag of cocaine in the White House belonged to a construction worker
Joe Biden never discussed business with his son
Beau Biden died in Iraq
Hispanics are like breakfast tacos
Hunter Biden is an expert on Ukrainian gas exploration
People are convicted of conspiracy every single fucking day the courts are in session.

You don't even know what the word means.
And here, this one says "conspiracy" in the legal sense is the same as "conspiracy theory".

They make 'em extra-dumb in Trumpland.
Half of those are true, and it's a lunatic conspiracy theory to claim they're not. If not a conspiracy fever dream, it's an outright lie to claim they're not true, which is more often the case with Marvin.

The other half, Marvin made up. Poor sad loser. He can't debate any liberal, and he knows it, so making up strawmen is his only option.

I forgot another good one you believe:

These people are women
Your rep in Congress just said "some people did something". Remember?
What _are_ you babbling about?

Remember, we don't know what idiot conspiracy theories you're babbling about at any given instant. You have to give some background to your weird cult ramblings.
Thos cameras were not video they were time lapse still cameras. They took individual pictures every few seconds.

Not a fast enough film to make out a fast moving aircraft

Why would the Pentagon have cameras positioned to video incoming jet aircraft before they hit the building?
where have they been shown,,

I dont believe for a minute one of the most protected buildings in the world doesnt have video surveillance,,
The surveillance was not designed to film aircraft it was designed to catch potential spies theives vandals and so on. It was pointed at the ground level entrances not the sky.
Do some research instead of living in a conspiracy nut echo chamber

It was NOT one of the most protected buildings in gthe world. It was protected against human ground level threats not aircraft
where have they been shown,,

I dont believe for a minute one of the most protected buildings in the world doesnt have video surveillance,,

What on earth makes you think the Pentagon is the most protected building in the world?

You can park in the Pentagon parking lot or take the DC Metro and walk right up to the building
They didnt.

They had video on the grounds and entrances. Like most secure videos. They were more interested in catching human threrats than aircraft

When I visited, there were cameras in the parking lots and at all the entrances

Why would they have cameras positioned to capture incoming jet aircraft?
The surveillance was not designed to film aircraft it was designed to catch potential spies theives vandals and so on. It was pointed at the ground level entrances not the sky.
Do some research instead of living in a conspiracy nut echo chamber

It was NOT one of the most protected buildings in gthe world. It was protected against human ground level threats not aircraft
so now youre going with they have cameras but they are pointed at the building for people walking,,

those cameras should be able to see a plane hitting the building,,

and what about all videos from the business 's around there that was confiscated?? why havent we seen those??

from the one video we have their system doesnt cover very much and a person could almost walk right up to the building,,

you sure spend a lot of time talking but not doing much to back up what you say,,
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Tranny Groomers: duh ... leftists / liberals are infatuated with encouraging and promoting the social contagion we call transgenderism.

The OP, Tainted Tommy, even himself started a thread, a while back, explicitly defending one publication that exists for no other purpose than to groom children into fucked-up sexual perversion, and to make them into easier prey for childfuckers.

This makes him a willing and knowing accomplice, at the very least, to one of these things (which he states as if they were two unrelated things) that he states here to dismisses as uncredible conspiracy theories.

One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
After Deflategate I generally need a lot of proof before believing anything

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