Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

yeah thats about it,, what about the other hundreds of cameras that caught the approach and impact??

there are some of the impact sight and you can see the unburned bushes and unburned building along with papers and other flammable materials inside the impact area,,

all I want is one clear picture of the plane when it came in,,

How about radar tracking the flight all the way to impact?
How about there being no evidence of the flight beyond the Pentagon?
How about dead passenger remains and personal belongings being recovered at the site?
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Obama was born in Kenya.
Fact: After he left office, Obama is on video admitting that he is actually from Kenya.
Fact: In one of his autobiographies Obama writes that he was born a British subject.
Fact: In the advertisements pushing his first autobiography to publishers they touted the young author as being born in Kenya.

If you write 3 autobiographies before you are 40...
you might be a narcissist.
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Fact: After he left office, Obama is on video admitting that he is actually from Kenya.
Fact: In one of his autobiographies Obama writes that he was born a British subject.
Fact: In the advertisements pushing his first autobiography to publishers touted the young author as being born in Kenya.

If you write 3 autobiographies before you are 40...
you might be a narcissist.
I think some of it is funny. much of it is insane. Some is politically motivated. Some things I query.

1. the vax saved lives. A very small minority of people had consequences but overall it was a godsend..

2. abortion is not a conspiracy theory. Its a womans right to control her body.

3. the tranny obsession is on the loony right. They have been around all our lives without causing any distress. They are now the rights outrage de jour. it will be muzzies soon.

#1 .. I would challenge this, as this is a talking point from the left. How many lives has vaccination saved, while the majority of COVID deaths today are the vaccinated?

#2 .. it's a right? Where is it codified and enumerated as a right?

#3 .. they have been around, yet, it's not been forced and / or mandated for acceptance by government. What conspiracy is there?
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
They will swear they don't believe in "every" conspiracy theory the same way that "they" aren't racists or sexists....

But when others bring up particularly awful conspiracy theories like Sandy Hook being staged or bigoted hurtful/sexists comments they applaud.

So it's the same thing. You just can't quote them.

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred.
Is there any subject in which you consider yourself an expert ? What qualifications , if any , have you for dogmatising on anything? What provable evidence have you that your IQ exceeds 120 -- that is , that you are in even the top 10% ?
#1 .. I would challenge this, as this is a talking point from the left. How many lives has vaccination saved, while the majority of COVID deaths today are the vaccinated?

#2 .. it's a right? Where is it codified and enumerated as a right?

#3 .. they have been around, yet, it's not been forced and / or mandated for acceptance by government. What conspiracy is there?
Your assertion that deaths are all of vaxxed people needs evidence.

2. Its a basic human right. Like breathing and seeing. Rightss arent granted by government remember. They are God gven.

3. Again you make assertions. Show the numbers of kids groomed into the trans lifestyle by drag shows.. You cant, there is no evidence for this. None.
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Its hilarious watching the "intellectuals" gaslight the fuck out of everyone that thinks outside the box and/or doesnt trust a corrupt government that lies every day :rofl:
Its hilarious watching the "intellectuals" gaslight the fuck out of everyone that thinks outside the box and/or doesnt trust a corrupt government that lies every day :rofl:

I don’t trust conspiracy theorists who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
A more important question is why did you believe all these that you called conspiracy theories?

9-11 Inside job
Fake moon landing
JFK Conspiracy

Some good ones you believe:
Vaccinated people don't get covid
Men can get pregnant
Bush stole the 2000 election
Trump colluded with Russia
Covid came from dirty Chinese people eating bats
Trump stole top secret documents
Trump buried Ivana on a golf course
CNN is a news organization
The bag of cocaine in the White House belonged to a construction worker
Joe Biden never discussed business with his son
Beau Biden died in Iraq
Hispanics are like breakfast tacos
Hunter Biden is an expert on Ukrainian gas exploration
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?
You left out way too much for your question to be reasonable.

There are literally tens of thousands of conspiracy theories and new ones being dreamed up all the time.

Much like rolling a pair of dice, sooner or later you'll hit double zeros , the laws of probability dictate that sooner or later a conspiracy theory will turn out to be true.

For example at the turn of the twentieth century a theory spread all over the UK europe and the US. It went that the major players inthe diamond industry such as Cartiers were sitting on a huge stash of diamonds which they kept secret in order to keep the value artificially high. They even killed some people to keep this secret. People every where denounced this as a stupid conspiracy theory. Years later it was discovered ot be true. Of course now it is just an obscure footnote to history.

The vast majority of conspiracy theories are bullshit and proven so. But of course once in a great while one turns out to be true and you cannot be hyperbolic and say NONE are true because the fools who believe in such stories attack when you make such a technical error.
You won't fall for a conspiracy theory unless your BS-meter is busted. And if it's busted, you'll fall for them all.
People are convicted of conspiracy every single fucking day the courts are in session.

You don't even know what the word means.

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