CDZ Do you Believe Americans Would ever Turn in Our Guns?

Nice try. Baiting instead of debating. I have never heard of a mass gun protecting NOT hurting anyone pro gun protecting anyone ANYTHING. The 2nd amendment is an anachronism, please. It has to end. It was written during a time of flintlocks and muzzle loaders, and as such should be amended or just thrown out altogether.

The First Amendment was written in a time when the only means of communicating to the masses was to stand on a soapbox in the public square and give a speech, or else to use a primite hand-cranked press to publish copies of your message to be sold or handed out.

Do you suppose that the great men who wrote the Constitution could have anticipated the electric telegraph? Could they have anticipated the telephone, radio, TV, computers, the Internet, or modern social media?

It used to be that you had to have some means and skills to own and operate a printing press, and to have your publications distributed. It could take weeks or months for your message to be carried to other parts of the country or of the world.

Today, any idiot with any message, no matter how stupid, hateful, offensive, or otherwise wrong, can instantly have his message seen all over the world.

Would you suppose that the First Amendment may be obsolete, and should be amended or repealed?
Our soapbox today is the internet. True, But it dosen't actually hurt people, Guns spewing thousands of rounds a second, in a preschool murdering children, do you support THAT? That's the 2nd amendment in action. I am not liking that, are you?

None of are liking that.
You use that same freedom it to protect them.
I hate guns. I have held one and shot it, also have been threatened by wankers with guns. My opinion given the flagrant abuse of firearms? Repeal the second amendment. We would all be better off. The moral majority of us feel the same way. I have no hidden agenda, I just want to stop mass shootings.
Repealing the 2A wont change the fact that we have the right to own weapons via the 1689 English Bill of Rights. SHRUG

I wasn't aware that we still had a queen.
SMFH Where do you think the right to own weapons comes from then? The 2A doesn't grant the right. Why do you suppose our courts have recognized the right to own weapons comes from the 1689 EBOR? Without it we are pretty much screwed.

You apparently know nothing about laws and rights. By your reasoning, if the 1689 EBOR were repealed, we would lose our rights under the 2nd Amendment? That is just stupidity run amuck!

Take a good history class and stop spreading that pile of manure.
Nice try. Baiting instead of debating. I have never heard of a mass gun protecting NOT hurting anyone pro gun protecting anyone ANYTHING. The 2nd amendment is an anachronism, please. It has to end. It was written during a time of flintlocks and muzzle loaders, and as such should be amended or just thrown out altogether.

Your opinion is noted. Please take the nearest exit. Your thinking is un-American.
Really? Because I am anti gun? Your opinion is duly noted. You took a 90 degree turn into fascism. You can go to hell. I am an true blue blood American. You like school shootings and mass murders because they are committed by guns? Because you clearly glom your phony humanity and american spirit pandering to causes instead of what America is really about. Guns aren't America, my friend.
With 300 million guns, it is unlikely

Best we can hope for is limiting access to some guns and accessories and moving away from a gun culture
I agree. There is no practical ban solution for the hundreds of millions of guns and the 15,000,000 AR-15s that are already owned. There just is not. As for moving away from gun culture that is also tough since it is glorified in video shooter games, movies, TV and the internet. Guns are a power symbol that is attractive to disturbed young men. As I've posted before it has to a multi-front approach. Mental health and family counseling, better "red flag response", armed staff in the schools during school hours, Single point of entry and exit at the schools when feasible.

I was a sub today in a classroom that had six different access points! There are literally six doors into that classroom from inside and outside the building. How do you fix that?
You can't. All you can do is the best you can with limiting entry points, background checks, mental health support, armed staff, etc.
Nice try. Baiting instead of debating. I have never heard of a mass gun protecting NOT hurting anyone pro gun protecting anyone ANYTHING. The 2nd amendment is an anachronism, please. It has to end. It was written during a time of flintlocks and muzzle loaders, and as such should be amended or just thrown out altogether.

Your opinion is noted. Please take the nearest exit. Your thinking is un-American.
Really? Because I am anti gun? Your opinion is duly noted. You took a 90 degree turn into fascism. You can go to hell. I am an true blue blood American. You like school shootings and mass murders because they are committed by guns? Because you clearly glom your phony humanity and american spirit pandering to causes instead of what America is really about.

Yes, you are anti-gun because you ignore the cause of these mass shootings, preferring to blame an inanimate object that was the chosen tool of a deranged individual. Fascism is a word you do not understand because that is what YOU are practicing. I suggest educating yourself on the true reasons behind the 2nd Amendment. Your ignorance makes you un-American.
With 300 million guns, it is unlikely

Best we can hope for is limiting access to some guns and accessories and moving away from a gun culture
I agree. There is no practical ban solution for the hundreds of millions of guns and the 15,000,000 AR-15s that are already owned. There just is not. As for moving away from gun culture that is also tough since it is glorified in video shooter games, movies, TV and the internet. Guns are a power symbol that is attractive to disturbed young men. As I've posted before it has to a multi-front approach. Mental health and family counseling, better "red flag response", armed staff in the schools during school hours, Single point of entry and exit at the schools when feasible.

I was a sub today in a classroom that had six different access points! There are literally six doors into that classroom from inside and outside the building. How do you fix that?
You can't. All you can do is the best you can with limiting entry points, background checks, mental health support, armed staff, etc.

I just showed you that is impossible to do even for one classroom of a school with over 1000 students. That was my point.
Well, beside that fact all mass shootings are committed with people WITH guns. People that should have never had them, like Texas tower shooter in 1966. All the king's horses, all anti gun laws....Proves the bloody point NOW. No laws will keep guns out of the hands of the unfit, because Charles Whitman grew a tumor that drove him to insanity, and no gun law anywhere would have prevented that short of total ban on firearms period. Which proves my point...
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Well, beside that fact all mass shootings are committed with people WITH guns. People that should have never had them, like Texas tower shooter in 1966. All the king's horses, all anti gun laws....Proves the bloody point NOW. No laws will keep guns out of the unfit, because Charles Whitman grew a tumor that drove him to insanity, and no gun law anywhere would have prevented that short of total ban on firearms period. Which proves my point...

You are in the minority.
The majority of Americans support the 2nd amendment.
I hate guns. I have held one and shot it, also have been threatened by wankers with guns. My opinion given the flagrant abuse of firearms? Repeal the second amendment. We would all be better off. The moral majority of us feel the same way. I have no hidden agenda, I just want to stop mass shootings.
Repealing the 2A wont change the fact that we have the right to own weapons via the 1689 English Bill of Rights. SHRUG

I wasn't aware that we still had a queen.
SMFH Where do you think the right to own weapons comes from then? The 2A doesn't grant the right. Why do you suppose our courts have recognized the right to own weapons comes from the 1689 EBOR? Without it we are pretty much screwed.

You apparently know nothing about laws and rights. By your reasoning, if the 1689 EBOR were repealed, we would lose our rights under the 2nd Amendment? That is just stupidity run amuck!

Take a good history class and stop spreading that pile of manure.
LMFAO I guarantee I know more abut laws and rights then you do. You have no rights under the 2A, the 2A protects rights, it does not grant them. SMFH

If you paid for your education I suggest you ask for your money back.

Now, I'll ask you again, where do you think your right to own a weapon comes from?
America would rather see it's children dying in a pool of blood than to ever give up it's guns
That's because the vast majority of gun owners will never kill anyone and realize that turning over their guns will have absolutely no effect on the murder rate
Do you Believe Americans Would ever Turn in Our Guns?
  1. Law abiding citizens would.
  2. Law abiding citizens would likely not.
  3. Over time, increasing quantities non-law abiding citizens, as they break the law, would be (1) removed from society as law enforcement becomes aware of their unlawful gun use/possession and (2) forced to choose means for executing their will that don't kill with the ease and rapidity of firearms. The combined effect of those two progressions would eventually produce a society that's largely gun free.
Nobody in their right mind expects that any gun ownership/possessions will 100% and forever eradicate the incidence of gun violence/deaths or of gun possession, but then neither does complete elimination of them need to be the goal. The goal is to reduce the incidence of gun violence/deaths to something materially lower than it is and has been. What's material? Well, insofar as the incidence of unlawful gun deaths number in the tens of thousands, an initial drop of five to ten percent strikes me as material, both in an abstract sense an in the sense of that being a good beginning upon which we build toward increasingly lower firearm use (unlawful) mortality rates.
Ummmm....the point is that your rights under the second amendment are limited


Like I keep repeating, the Courts have had the power to legislate from the bench. but they NEVER had the authority.
Wrong again buck-o

The courts have had the authority for 200 years

They have power, but their authority is limited to the Constitution. You FAIL.
Evidently not my friend

A man walks into a restaurant and demands the patrons money. He has a gun, but nobody else does. He has the power,.

His actions are illegal, but when you have the gun, what difference does it make? If another guy has a pistol and takes the robber out, he had the authority to stop an illegal act.

News flash: The government can and does break the law
We the People wrote the Constitution

The courts are empowered to interpret
Well, beside that fact all mass shootings are committed with people WITH guns. People that should have never had them, like Texas tower shooter in 1966. All the king's horses, all anti gun laws....Proves the bloody point NOW. No laws will keep guns out of the hands of the unfit, because Charles Whitman grew a tumor that drove him to insanity, and no gun law anywhere would have prevented that short of total ban on firearms period. Which proves my point...

ALL DUI accidents involve automobiles. Shall we outlaw automobiles?

Like I keep repeating, the Courts have had the power to legislate from the bench. but they NEVER had the authority.
Wrong again buck-o

The courts have had the authority for 200 years

They have power, but their authority is limited to the Constitution. You FAIL.
Evidently not my friend

A man walks into a restaurant and demands the patrons money. He has a gun, but nobody else does. He has the power,.

His actions are illegal, but when you have the gun, what difference does it make? If another guy has a pistol and takes the robber out, he had the authority to stop an illegal act.

News flash: The government can and does break the law
We the People wrote the Constitution

The courts are empowered to interpret

Interpret yes, legislate NO.
Considering the horrible event in Florida this week, we've again heard all about the idea of banning some or all type of firearms from private ownership by private citizens. We've heard anecdotes about Scotland, England and Australia doing such things.

It's been talked about on tv, radio, and from the mouths of parents who have lost children, among many others. My wuedtion is this...

Do you really believe that the vast majority of American gun owners would turn in their guns if rewuired to?

I dont believe thst the majority of American gun owners would. Here's why...

Three different rdgistratoon/ban attempts gave been made here in the US in the last five years or so. All have fsiled miserably in their attempts.

1. The NY SAFE Act passed in 2013 required gun owners to register "assault weapons" already in their possession by January 1, 2014 or face confiscation.
RESILT: Only a few thousand "assault weapons" registrations were ever filed. Even as of 2018, the number I've heard is less thsn 50,000 guns (A minimal number considering the NYS definition of an assault weapon)

2. At the same time the Stste of Connecticut demanded the registration of all "assault weapons" AND all high capacity magazines by January 1, 2014.
RESULTS: Less thsn 5,000 rifles and less than 3,000 high capacity magazine.registrstion forms filed.

3. After the Las Vegas shooting in the fall of 2017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts banned bump stocks and trigger cranks, effective February 1, 2018. Owners of such devises were not allowed to sell or transfer them, but expected to turn them in to the Police (without compensation).
RESULT: As of the last report I heard on the radio only one bump stock and three trigger cranks had been turned in.

So, whst does this mean?... If the gun owners in some of the most Liberal areas of the country will not comply with these orders, why would anyone expect other gun owners to do so? Especially when the Governors of all three states hsve failed to impose any form of punishment for the defiance?

nope didnt happen in Canada

also the citizens made such of mockery of the registration system they started that they had to cut most of it
Well, beside that fact all mass shootings are committed with people WITH guns. People that should have never had them, like Texas tower shooter in 1966. All the king's horses, all anti gun laws....Proves the bloody point NOW. No laws will keep guns out of the hands of the unfit, because Charles Whitman grew a tumor that drove him to insanity, and no gun law anywhere would have prevented that short of total ban on firearms period. Which proves my point...

ALL DUI accidents involve automobiles. Shall we outlaw automobiles?
We arrest people for being drunk.....BEFORE they have an accident
So your logic would be arrest people carrying guns.....Before they shoot someone
Well, beside that fact all mass shootings are committed with people WITH guns. People that should have never had them, like Texas tower shooter in 1966. All the king's horses, all anti gun laws....Proves the bloody point NOW. No laws will keep guns out of the hands of the unfit, because Charles Whitman grew a tumor that drove him to insanity, and no gun law anywhere would have prevented that short of total ban on firearms period. Which proves my point...

ALL DUI accidents involve automobiles. Shall we outlaw automobiles?
We arrest people for being drunk.....BEFORE they have an accident
So your logic would be arrest people carrying guns.....Before they shoot someone

Not exactly. When we know someone poses a threat to themselves or others, we get them the help they need. We take them off the streets until mental officials can determine if they are mentally fit.

In the case of Nickolas Cruz, the state could have taken him into protective custody and given him an IQ test, interviews with two different mental officials for assessment within seventy two hours and then recommend that he be treated.

Cruz, or any of his legal guardians could challenge the findings in a court hearing (we call this Due Process) and allow the judge to make a decision based upon the facts. Now if someone is

* Kicked out of school for fighting
* Suspended
* Had the police to respond to calls on many occasions
* Had been reported for hitting his brother in the head with a pistol
* Been reported for shooting small animals in his back yard
* Has violent content content posted on the Internet

... I mean, at what point does society not act in his best interest and put him in protective custody and get him the help he needed?

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