Zone1 Do You Believe In Christmas Miracles?

I once prayed for a Christmas miracle that my mom would love me. That didn't happen, but I was assured my dad did, so I was handed a Christmas miracle of sorts. :)
I used to pray that the police would come and take me away. Nope. Never happened. December 19, 1996 my dad walked out the door and was never seen again. December 10, 2010, my partner died. December 1, 1959, I received devastating news assuring me that I would never again see New York. I can't say that the Christmas season is any better, happier or more miraculous than any other time of the year.
I used to pray that the police would come and take me away. Nope. Never happened. December 19, 1996 my dad walked out the door and was never seen again. December 10, 2010, my partner died. December 1, 1959, I received devastating news assuring me that I would never again see New York. I can't say that the Christmas season is any better, happier or more miraculous than any other time of the year.
In all the things that don't logically make sense, but you somehow still have faith for? After all, God can make anything happen can't He? Especially around Christmastime. :)

I mean. What's going on in our bodies now, at the cellular level, is a sort of miracle to me. Digestion. Breathing. Heart beats. Not to mention, just being conscious and able to experience God.
I mean. What's going on in our bodies now, at the cellular level, is a sort of miracle to me. Digestion. Breathing. Heart beats. Not to mention, just being conscious and able to experience God.
The watch didn't wash up on the beach by itself.
I used to pray that the police would come and take me away. Nope. Never happened. December 19, 1996 my dad walked out the door and was never seen again. December 10, 2010, my partner died. December 1, 1959, I received devastating news assuring me that I would never again see New York. I can't say that the Christmas season is any better, happier or more miraculous than any other time of the year.
Those years don’t make sense…

1959? How old are you?

So was your dad, like, 100 when he walked out in 1996? Was it a dementia thing?
Ten years ago my best friend, my dad, two aunts, and a cousin died during the holiday season. Happy shoppers all around me, while I was buying a new white undershirt as part of Dad's burial clothes. His final gift from me...

Christmas still held blessings.

Der Herr sei vor dir, um dir den rechten Weg zu zeigen.
Der Herr sei neben dir, um dich in die Arme zu schließen
und dich zu schützen.
Der Herr sei hinter dir, um dich zu bewahren
vor der Heimtücke böser Menschen.
Der Herr sei unter dir, um dich aufzufangen, wenn du fällst,
und dich aus der Schlinge zu ziehen.
Der Herr sei in dir, um dich zu trösten, wenn du traurig bist.
Der Herr sei um dich herum, um dich zu verteidigen,
wenn andere über dich herfallen.
Der Herr sei über dir, um dich zu segnen.
So segne dich der gütige Gott.

I used to pray that the police would come and take me away. Nope. Never happened. December 19, 1996 my dad walked out the door and was never seen again. December 10, 2010, my partner died. December 1, 1959, I received devastating news assuring me that I would never again see New York. I can't say that the Christmas season is any better, happier or more miraculous than any other time of the year.
I hear you. This Christmas season is ranking right up there (down there?), too. What I have noticed during these times is the contrast because the small blessings are still present--and they shine brightly midst the dark. That has been a great reminder to look for and find the blessings always present in the midst (mist?)
Those years don’t make sense…

1959? How old are you?

So was your dad, like, 100 when he walked out in 1996? Was it a dementia thing?
He was closer to 80. I'm sure it was dementia. His behavior was off the charts.
The years make perfect sense, once you stop projecting.
you keep sharing random bizarre little tidbits from the archives of your life, you can’t blame people for being confused and/or curious
Not a bit. I've noticed that most everyone shares bits of their lives . Are you confused or curious about all of them?
Not a bit. I've noticed that most everyone shares bits of their lives . Are you confused or curious about all of them?
My point was that you share odd little bits with no context and then seem offended when people ask about it.

Which is weird because you’re clearly trying to draw attention to yourself while simultaneously telling people to mind their own business

Pick a lane already

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