Zone1 Do you believe in Hell for the unrepentant?

Do you believe in Hell (for the unrepentant)?

  • there probably is a Hell (elite dims prove there has to be)

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  • Total voters
  • Is time the same in the afterlife as it is here?
  • Judgement is different as God judges not by the actions, but by the heart.
An afterlife has never been shown to exist. All comments on it would be speculative nonsense.

Hearts react to brain/minds.

Intent of good or evil is what is judged, and that is in the mind.

Hell is other people.
- Jean-Paul Sartre
Given that our evolution forces the competitions that produce all human against human evils, and that we must continue to survive and thrive, what would you have us do?

Like it or not, we must learn to love and respect that bit of evil, just a bit, in our dualistic reality.

It is what has created our fantastic safety nets to mitigate the harm.

An afterlife has never been shown to exist. All comments on it would be speculative nonsense.

Hearts react to brain/minds.

Intent of good or evil is what is judged, and that is in the mind.

We create our own Heaven or Hell while we exist.
only to be shown otherwise.
Can a dead soul see anything?

I don't think even supernatural souls have ever been proven to exist.

I can vouch for the Gnostic Christian soul, but one would have to accept our definition of terms.

Not hard but most don't bother.

We create our own Heaven or Hell while we exist.
True, as far as it goes. Sometimes OTHERS create our hell or heaven

which is one reason, I suppose.... that there is also such in the next life.

Almost every culture and religion has recognized the concept of You reap what you sow
I believe in hell in some form or another. If one believes in a soul I have to think that the belief in a heaven and/or is most logical or else what does the soul represent?

As such, we will all be judged accordingly.
What standards will be judging you?

Which God?

If the supernatural Christian one, will you trust his verdict to be fair and just?

The hell that men unleash on earth, God will not allow them to unleash it in heaven

What do you do with them?
Deny them the ability to unleash their Earthly behaviors. Heck. Maybe, if human mental illness isn’t accomplished via death itself, maybe those sick spirits can be segregated. But it doesn’t have to be a consignment to a burning fire pit.
So, you believe in objective morality?
I don't think so.

One of those is to kill all apostates for wrong thinking.

That kind of shit creates inquisitions and jihads. Yuk.

Are we talking of the same thing? Can I have a couple of examples from you?

Deny them the ability to unleash their Earthly behaviors. Heck. Maybe, if human mental illness isn’t accomplished via death itself, maybe those sick spirits can be segregated. But it doesn’t have to be a consignment to a burning fire pit.
well, you a re arguing with 2000+ years worth of Scripture and history. The Jews believed in Hell.. still do, I am sure.. Catholics and Protestants do

You are outnumbered. That doesn't by itself mean you are wrong. But when you can get all those 3 to agree on something.. that is really something!

really, really something..
This is the broader question, "if not hell, what is the punishment and how is it defined"?

It gets very tricky because there isn't a guide outside of what humans have written. There might be some form of punishment that is on a scale, or, we might just be trying to defy Gods words.

There is so much to consider, just as in the laws on earth when someone commits a crime.
If I’m wrong, then maybe I should fear the afterlife. But for now, I still don’t view God as a vengeful cruel omnipowerful entity. Frankly, I consider that view of God to be a denigration of the Creator.
Interesting how you just seem to automatically assume God is unjust just on account of there being a Hell (or so some of us say).

Actually, I can u/stand this because at times I have thought the same/felt the same.. But then I look at all the evil.. and the fact that some people just never repent.. never.

Do you see any prominent liberals repenting of their

child murder (in the womb)
gender- changing policies that abuse children (w/o the parents' consent, I have heard)
unnatural acts (homosexual acts/marriage)
leaving American soldiers in a foreign, hostile country, men and women who fought for their country
allowing an invasion that is designed to destroy the country and is against the laws on the books...

and I could go on and on.

How can unholy beings get into a perfectly holy place where God himself dwells? The Book of Revelation says that "no unclean thing will enter" Heaven
I deny there is or could be a hell. I deny that God is unjust.
If I’m wrong, then maybe I should fear the afterlife. But for now, I still don’t view God as a vengeful cruel omnipowerful entity. Frankly, I consider that view of God to be a denigration of the Creator.
I put some info in post 38.

Care to deal with those quotes?

If I’m wrong, then maybe I should fear the afterlife. But for now, I still don’t view God as a vengeful cruel omnipowerful entity. Frankly, I consider that view of God to be a denigration of the Creator.
God is just, perfectly just. He will not tolerate malice, vindictiveness (esp over petty things), adultery.. abortion.. forever

it is human beings who are unjust and vengeful and etc... etc.. people go to the place where they belong (is all)
This raises some interesting points on how humans judge based on actions and that we measure time.

Two things to wonder about:
  • Is time the same in the afterlife as it is here?
  • Judgement is different as God judges not by the actions, but by the heart. We may dismiss the theft of a candy bar as not a huge deal as a single act. What if that act comes from the heart. Is judgement different for a thieving heart? Is the thieving heart of the person stealing candy bars any different from the thieving heart of Sam Bankman-Fried who stole millions?
This is merely a 'What if', something to ponder, not how it will be.
I suspect that time is different but I am incapable of understanding how that works.

As for a standard of pure justice, I doubt mere mortals can achieve it. But that does not mean we need to reject what we have already gleaned. And eternal punishment for offense during a mere human lifetime seems unjust.
Deny them the ability to unleash their Earthly behaviors. Heck. Maybe, if human mental illness isn’t accomplished via death itself, maybe those sick spirits can be segregated. But it doesn’t have to be a consignment to a burning fire pit.
Psychopaths have no capacity for empathy because of a brain inadequacy however, they can emulate it to blend in to society. There is no hope for their 'spirits' to be segragated, they have a physical brain structure problem. Sociopaths DO have the capacity for empathy but, for one reason or another (early childhood abuse, etc.) cannot feel it. There may be a chance that their 'sick spirits' might be separated by mental health professionals.
I don't think so.

One of those is to kill all apostates for wrong thinking.

That kind of shit creates inquisitions and jihads. Yuk.

Are we talking of the same thing? Can I have a couple of examples from you?

You asked the question as to which god one will be judged by. That implies a set of objective morals, otherwise, there is no 'standard' from which one is to be judged because morality can never be relative.

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