Do You Believe That God Has Many Different Forms, Or Do You Only Believe In One Religion?

Again... There are no contradictions. There is only you trying to tell me what I must believe. So the contradictions are of your making.
Let's recap
The soul cannot interact with matter.
The soul is a "ledger" where information is recorded. But the soul cannot get that information from the body of a person

A person's life doesn't leave patterns on the body but the body "records" the physical life of a person.

What are these if not contradicitions?
I never used the word written.

That's all you.

So now you say that a unique record of a person's physical existence is recorded in that person's physical body. And that body that is made of molecules which are made up of atoms.

But those atoms and molecules don't carry the record of that physical existence.

So what does?
Again... You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

I am saying that our body is the physical representation of the sum of our material existence just like the soul is the spiritual representation of our spiritual experience.

So no, there is no information chain stored in our atoms. The body itself bears it's scars so to speak. At any point along the continuum the body is the sum of its physical experience.
There is no soul.

If there was a soul it would have to in some way interact with the matter of the human body.

And you say the spirit cannot interact with the physical even though that's not what any Christian religions say. In fact they all say that the soul directly affects the flesh.

In ancient times they believed that consciousness was seated in the organ of the heart. Now it is known that consciousness is seated in the organ of the brain. This clears up many misunderstandings. Whenever the heart is mentioned in scripture they are really speaking about the brain, consciousness. There is no such thing as a heart that feels or thinks anything. Everything, thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, dreams, life itself, is perceived in the brain.

In the same way soul was their word for mind. To lose your soul is to lose your mind. Simple.

Demonic possession is what we think of about people who are enslaved, brainwashed, mind controlled, by a talking serpent, the nachash, a charlatan or cult leader of any sort, political, religious or whatever. Who does not already know that people are possessed in that way?

To say that the soul does not exist is to say that the human mind does not exist.

Who needs proof that the mind does in fact interact with the body or that people lose their minds all the time. Many for life.
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Again... You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

I am saying that our body is the physical representation of the sum of our material existence just like the soul is the spiritual representation of our spiritual experience.

So no, there is no information chain stored in our atoms. The body itself bears it's scars so to speak. At any point along the continuum the body is the sum of its physical experience.
no you actually said and this is an EXACT quote

The soul records the spiritual journey and the body records the physical journey.

So how is this record manifest if not by impressions on the body itself? Let me guess there's also a separate mystical realm for that too right?
And you wrote that the body stores a record of the physical life of the person
In the aggregate. There are no memories to be extracted. There are no experiences that can be shared. It's just bones and tissue. Broken teeth, broken bones, etc are recorded but there is no information imparted to the atoms. There is no information about one’s experiences being stored in atoms and passed down.
you say that there are no patterns left on the body as a result of the person's life.
Correct. It's just a dead body. You can see broken bones, broken teeth, cracked skulls, etc. But there is no information about one's life or experiences being stored in his atoms.
Again... You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

I am saying that our body is the physical representation of the sum of our material existence just like the soul is the spiritual representation of our spiritual experience.

So no, there is no information chain stored in our atoms. The body itself bears it's scars so to speak. At any point along the continuum the body is the sum of its physical experience.
No I am saying that there are patterns left that are then incorporated into other patterns which then results in a unique pattern of the next person to incorporate those atoms.

I have given actual examples of how we can change our bodies on the cellular and molecular level but you choose to ignore these facts.

I have given actual proof that even identical twins manifest unique expressions of their genes

Both of these things are nothing but patterns imposed on the body at a cellular and molecular level. And those molecules are nothing but collections of atoms. When a person dies the atoms are then recycled into other things some of them will be life forms.
If there was a soul it would have to in some way interact with the matter of the human body.
The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to be the “form” of the body: i.e., it is because of its spiritual soul that the body made of matter becomes a living, human body; spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature.

The soul being spirit is impervious to physical examined like matter.
In the aggregate. There are no memories to be extracted. There are no experiences that can be shared. It's just bones and tissue. Broken teeth, broken bones, etc are recorded but there is no information imparted to the atoms. There is no information about one’s experiences being stored in atoms and passed down.
I never claimed there were. If you think I did then post the quote.
No I am saying that there are patterns left that are then incorporated into other patterns which then results in a unique pattern of the next person to incorporate those atoms.
An atom is an atom is an atom.
The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to be the “form” of the body: i.e., it is because of its spiritual soul that the body made of matter becomes a living, human body; spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature.

The soul being spirit is impervious to physical examined like matter.
So now the soul must interact with the body because they are unified.

But the soul cannot interact with the body because the soul is spirit and the body is matter.
Make up your mind.

This is one of those times where one must abandon reason in order to believe in a religion
I have given actual examples of how we can change our bodies on the cellular and molecular level but you choose to ignore these facts.
Yes because an atom is an atom is an atom. The atoms don't change. You want molecular to be atomic but it's not. The transference you described is at the atomic level.
I have given actual proof that even identical twins manifest unique expressions of their genes
Which has nothing to do with information about one’s experiences being stored in atoms and passed down.
Both of these things are nothing but patterns imposed on the body at a cellular and molecular level. And those molecules are nothing but collections of atoms. When a person dies the atoms are then recycled into other things some of them will be life forms.
Again... an atom is an atom is an atom. The atoms don't change. You want molecular to be atomic but it's not. The transference you described is at the atomic level.
I never claimed there were. If you think I did then post the quote.
You patterns of thought and behavior leave their marks on your constituent atoms much like water leaves its mark on stone over time.
You believe that your patterns of thought leave marks on your constituent atoms. That you are physically altering your atoms. That just is not the case.
Which has nothing to do with information about one’s experiences being stored in atoms and passed down.
I never said that.

I said a unique pattern is left. I never said that was a record of memories or experiences. This is you making shit up again
You believe that your patterns of thought leave marks on your constituent atoms. That you are physically altering your atoms. That just is not the case.
No two atoms are exactly alike.

There are many different states atoms of the same element can assume.

There are differences at the subatomic level and the quantum level.

We can change our neurons by our actions.

These neurons are all made up of the same stuff but some of them will become better and better at conducting electrical and chemical signals than others. If these neurons become physically different but are still made of the exact same stuff of other neurons there has to be some kind change in the constituent parts of that neuron that allows the better quality conduction that results in what we call muscle memory.

So if an atom is an atom is an atom where do the changes in a neuron reside?
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So now the soul must interact with the body because they are unified.

But the soul cannot interact with the body because the soul is spirit and the body is matter.
Make up your mind.

This is one of those times where one must abandon reason in order to believe in a religion
Not exactly. While physically alive they are one. We are material and spiritual beings. The body can be examined by physical processes because it is material. The soul cannot be examined by physical processes because it is not material, it is spiritual. The physical you dies at death but the spiritual you does not.

This isn't religion. You are a material and spiritual being. Most people I know believe they are more than just matter. They believe that because they feel it. They don't believe it because a religion told them to believe it.

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