Do You Believe That God Has Many Different Forms, Or Do You Only Believe In One Religion?

Tool marks. Patterns. Same thing. You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

Sounds like you are describing a soul.
No I'm not.

I am describing a physical thing. I have followed a logical chain of events based on actual scientific fact. I didn't make up some magical realm where immortal souls that cannot contract with matter bit somehow do interact with matter reside.
Apparently you do GAF because here you still are misstating my beliefs.
You mean the beliefs you can't explain at all.

You mean the contradictions you call beliefs?

Let's sum up

There is a magic realm where souls live

There is an immortal soul for everyone who has ever lived and will ever live

Souls cannot interact with matter but they somehow interact enough to exchange information with the matter that living things are made of

Souls aren't an animating force even though the religion you subscribe to and defend vehemently says otherwise and you yourself stated that a soul animates people
From the moment one is born to the moment one dies his or her story is being written. The soul records the spiritual journey and the body records the physical journey.
So I see you changed your mind.

You scoff at the idea of the body being able to be imprinted with unique patterns based on the life of the person when I say it then you say the same thing because you are unable to reconcile the contradictions you have been spouting
there is no evidence for the duration of the spiritual content beyond the life span of the associated physiological being however generational continuity and evolutionary change is evidence an overlap does exist particularly parent to offspring if only while living and both the physiology and its spiritual content demonstrate voluntary change over time.
DNA is physical not spiritual
metaphysical physiology disappears ... that it was living may not be the correct overall distinction. more a conveyance.
Earlier you said "die together" not disappears.

A conveyance from what?
No I'm not.

I am describing a physical thing. I have followed a logical chain of events based on actual scientific fact. I didn't make up some magical realm where immortal souls that cannot contract with matter bit somehow do interact with matter reside.
So since it's a physical thing it can be examined and measured, right?

What actual scientific fact are you basing it on?
So I see you changed your mind.

You scoff at the idea of the body being able to be imprinted with unique patterns based on the life of the person when I say it then you say the same thing because you are unable to reconcile the contradictions you have been spouting
No. I don't believe I did. I posted everything I have written in this thread about the soul in post #248. Can you show me using what I have written why you think I have changed my mind?
You mean the beliefs you can't explain at all.

You mean the contradictions you call beliefs?

Let's sum up

There is a magic realm where souls live

There is an immortal soul for everyone who has ever lived and will ever live

Souls cannot interact with matter but they somehow interact enough to exchange information with the matter that living things are made of

Souls aren't an animating force even though the religion you subscribe to and defend vehemently says otherwise and you yourself stated that a soul animates people
Everything I have written about the soul was summarized in post #248.
You scoff at the idea of the body being able to be imprinted with unique patterns based on the life of the person when I say it then you say the same thing because you are unable to reconcile the contradictions you have been spouting
I scoff at the idea that it is written into your atoms.
No. I don't believe I did. I posted everything I have written in this thread about the soul in post #248. Can you show me using what I have written why you think I have changed my mind?

You have been scoffing at the idea that the body can be imprinted with unique patterns for the last few pages of this thread.

So you are arguing that actual marks are left on atoms?

The same way your atoms get tool marks. Because that’s your version of a soul so you could remove God.

You purposely and repeatedly misquoted me regarding unique patterns being left on the body and its constituent parts and then you go and state that the body is impressed with the record of the physical life of that person.

That's quite the feat of mental gymnastics there but I guess there is no other way to reconcile the contradictions you have been spouting
I scoff at the idea that it is written into your atoms.
I never used the word written.

That's all you.

So now you say that a unique record of a person's physical existence is recorded in that person's physical body. And that body that is made of molecules which are made up of atoms.

But those atoms and molecules don't carry the record of that physical existence.

So what does?
God's "form" is human. I follow (and believe) Jesus.

He said HE is the ONLY way to the Father

Jesus is the only way to the Father because he taught the only right way to follow the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of abundant life and blessings on earth while living in the sanctuary of God. Unless you eat his flesh (receive his teaching), and drink his blood, (do it), you cannot have the life promised for complying with the law in you,.

If it was wrong, under penalty of death, to worship a human being when the law was given it is still wrong to worship a human being, even Jesus, and death (a curse) is still the consequense.

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Numbers 23:19

Unless you repent, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.

If you believe in Jesus you will conform to the laws demands in light of his revelation that the words are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like buried treasure lying hidden in a field; the man who found it buried it again."

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find what was buried and hidden by Jesus in the NT. Then just do it. It's easy. Your mind has been defiled and contaminated by preacher droppings. Stop being stupid. How hard is that? Purify your mind and be refined. Just do it.

Life is in the blood, in the doing.
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You have been scoffing at the idea that the body can be imprinted with unique patterns for the last few pages of this thread.
The soul isn't the body. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom; soul and body together form one unique human nature. The human person, created in the image of God (beings that know and create), is a being at once corporeal and spiritual.
You purposely and repeatedly misquoted me regarding unique patterns being left on the body and its constituent parts and then you go and state that the body is impressed with the record of the physical life of that person.
Again... Tool marks. Patterns. Same thing. You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

Sounds like you are describing a soul.
The soul isn't the body. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom; soul and body together form one unique human nature. The human person, created in the image of God (beings that know and create), is a being at once corporeal and spiritual.

There is no soul.

If there was a soul it would have to in some way interact with the matter of the human body.

And you say the spirit cannot interact with the physical even though that's not what any Christian religions say. In fact they all say that the soul directly affects the flesh.
That's quite the feat of mental gymnastics there but I guess there is no other way to reconcile the contradictions you have been spouting
Again... There are no contradictions. There is only you trying to tell me what I must believe. So the contradictions are of your making.
Again... Tool marks. Patterns. Same thing. You are arguing that information about one’s experiences are being stored on or in atoms and passed down.

Sounds like you are describing a soul.
And you wrote that the body stores a record of the physical life of the person but then you say that there are no patterns left on the body as a result of the person's life.

From the moment one is born to the moment one dies his or her story is being written. The soul records the spiritual journey and the body records the physical journey.

So tell me how does the body "record" the physical journey if no patterns are left on it?

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