Do You Believe The Inflation Rates The Gov't Is Reporting?

Do you believe that inflation is higher than the Government is reporting?

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If you can't read clearly, LTC, have some SP4 proof your written work.

Oh look at Fakey trying to pretend he can relate to us military folks and our ranks. LOL

He fails to understand that as a LTC I had a lowly 2LT doing my proof reading, why waste the talents of a SP4?:D

LMFAO. Yes way back when I was a butter bar my LTC did that to me, LOL. Except I can't even remember the Air Force's acronym of Lt Col. I think that was it, LOL.

My last aide was actually a 2LT who thought he as GI Joe. I swear to God this guy ..... How he ever became an officer is beyond me.
Part of the problem with the inflation stats is because the housing numbers skewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww them.
huh...weren't you just praising Reagan for lowering the inflation rate, which was partly done by changing how the housing prices were calculated? The change to owner-equivalent rent was in 1983.
Part of the problem with the inflation stats is because the housing numbers skewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww them.
huh...weren't you just praising Reagan for lowering the inflation rate, which was partly done by changing how the housing prices were calculated? The change to owner-equivalent rent was in 1983.

That change was to separate the investment side of owning a house from the cost of living aspect. Back then, nobody anticipated that the Government would enable a huge speculative bubble via the Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac enabling of liar loans.


CPI Housing Prices and the Great Stagflation Seeking Alpha
Part of the problem with the inflation stats is because the housing numbers skewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww them.
huh...weren't you just praising Reagan for lowering the inflation rate, which was partly done by changing how the housing prices were calculated? The change to owner-equivalent rent was in 1983.

That change was to separate the investment side of owning a house from the cost of living aspect. Back then, nobody anticipated that the Government would enable a huge speculative bubble via the Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac enabling of liar loans.

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CPI Housing Prices and the Great Stagflation Seeking Alpha
I know why it was done. My point was that it had a lowering effect on the inflation rate. Rightly so in this case.
“No matter how you slice it, the bureau is trying to get the most accurate number out there every month, said Paul LaPorte, a BLS economist. “Any adjustment, any change and resampling and alteration in our collection methodology is all for the good, because we feel that this outlook we are going to take is going to give us a better calculation and a better number.”

LaPorte understands the wider impact of problems with the index.
“Obviously we are well aware that even one-tenth of an index point difference is worth millions of dollars in Social Security alone,” he said. “So we really don’t have much wiggle room and we really can’t make any changes.”

Williams and Ritholtz charge that, in fact, the changes to the CPI have been designed to keep Social Security payments in check. The changes have all served to keep the index artificially low, they said, constraining cost-of-living adjustments to payments in the program.

Not your grandfather s inflation How the BLS calculates the Consumer Price Index

See changes, which they admit happen, are for our "good". How is it good for the retired, if it doesn't keep up with real inflation?
See changes, which they admit happen, are for our "good". How is it good for the retired, if it doesn't keep up with real inflation?

Who really needs all those old people living on Social Security and using up precious Health Care Services when they are probably going to die pretty soon anyway? So, if a few starve from lack of money, at this point, what difference does it make?
I've been meaning to ask, what is old for a sea nymph? Specifically the uppity ones.
"Facts are stubborn things but statistics are pliable."
~Mark Twain

The unadjusted retail sales were only 3.2% higher than last August. Considering government reported inflation of 2%, that is a pretty shitty result. But have no fear. The “ADJUSTED” retail sales for August were 5.0% higher than last August. WTF? Guess which number gets reported to the sheep?

Do you believe the inflation rates the Gov't is reporting?

They keep claiming lower CPI, aka Inflation is low, but when I go to the store the basket of goods I buy seem to be much higher than before.............

Soooooooo.......Who else believes that prices have gone up more than the BLS CPI reports...........In other words have they changed the way they calculate inflation to make it look better than it actually really is today.....

Peter Schiff doesn't think so and actually used some standard basket of goods over the years and believes they are purposely changing the basket of goods to give a false, lower, inflation rate. It's an older video but it makes the point.

What says you?

What happens to you doesnt count, only what the state tells you is real.
Me, I aint buying the bullshit. I do believe this is closer to the truth:
A must read on the topic is
Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index
It explains a lot of the concepts that are misrepresented by the likes of John Williams and Peter Schiff.

Oh I read the propaganda, thing is, Mr. Schiff's version seems a lot closer to what I'm experiencing. Couple that with the advantages of keeping reported inflation down for the government and it isn't a reach to see the numbers are cooked.
A must read on the topic is
Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index
It explains a lot of the concepts that are misrepresented by the likes of John Williams and Peter Schiff.

Oh I read the propaganda, thing is, Mr. Schiff's version seems a lot closer to what I'm experiencing.
But BLS isn't trying to measure what YOU are experiencing. It's trying to measure the general rise in prices for the country.
And Mr. Schiff is not entirely honest. I can't view the video, but his written comments state
Another stunning example is found in health insurance costs, which is a major line item for most families. According to the BLS we can all breathe easy on that front because their "Health Insurance Index" increased a mere 4.3% (total) in the four years between 2008 and 2012. Interestingly, over the same time, the Kaiser Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance showed that the cost of family health insurance rose 24.2% (5.5 times faster).
But here's what he fails to mention:
The weights in the CPI do not include employer-paid health insurance premiums or tax-funded health care such as Medicare Part A and Medicaid. Currently, the index employs an indirect method for measuring price changes for health insurance premiums. Under this indirect method, the medical care index will not be affected by changes in policy characteristics, such as modifications to policy benefits and utilization changes. The approach implicitly assumes that the level of service from individual carriers is strictly a function of benefits paid. While other components may affect the index, such as more convenient claims handling or a 24-hour nurse line, their effects are probably small. This indirect approach factors medical insurance premiums into two parts:
  • Changes in the prices of medical care items covered by health insurance policies
  • Changes in the cost of administering policies, maintaining reserves and, as appropriate, profits.
Most expenditure for health insurance goes to the first item above, and reflects insurers' payments for medical treatments. The CPI allocates this portion to the indexes that account for medical care items (i.e. physicians' services). Thus, the weights for most of MCS indexes reflect out-of-pocket expenditures plus allocated health insurance benefit payments. (It is for this reason that providers' reimbursements from insurance companies are valid prices for the CPI.)

The price change that the CPI uses for the remaining weight, changes in the retained earnings of health insurance carriers (the second item above), is the product of two relatives of change:

  • The change in the retained earnings ratio, and
  • The change in the cost of medical items from elsewhere in CPI medical care.
Source: How BLS Measures Price Change for Medical Care Services in the Consumer Price Index
In other words, because of difficulty in collecting prices, the part of the premium used to cover medical costs is NOT included in the Health Insurance Index, but in the Medical Care Index (which increased 14.4% from 2008 to 2012. That's still far short of what Schiff is claiming, but considering that he's quoting family health insurance not total, there will be many differences in what is being measured.

But why didn't Schiff mention that he wasn't making an accurate comparison? Oh, because he has an agenda and is trying to make money.

Couple that with the advantages of keeping reported inflation down for the government and it isn't a reach to see the numbers are cooked.
Then why does MIT's Billion Prices Project match BLS' numbers so closely?
[ According to the BLS we can all breathe easy on that front because their "Health Insurance Index" increased a mere 4.3% (total) in the four years between 2008 and 2012. Interestingly, over the same time, the Kaiser Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance showed that the cost of family health insurance rose 24.2% (5.5 times faster).

Kaiser reflects my experiences. Here's an idea, since I'm a consumer make the rate reflect what I buy.
Kaiser reflects my experiences. Here's an idea, since I'm a consumer make the rate reflect what I buy.
See, thats the problem. The doctored numbers, they're real, because the government says so. Your situation, and that of the rest of us, doesn't count because it is anecdotal and being anecdotal is of no value.
[ According to the BLS we can all breathe easy on that front because their "Health Insurance Index" increased a mere 4.3% (total) in the four years between 2008 and 2012. Interestingly, over the same time, the Kaiser Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance showed that the cost of family health insurance rose 24.2% (5.5 times faster).

Kaiser reflects my experiences. Here's an idea, since I'm a consumer make the rate reflect what I buy.
Well, sure. as I showed, the health insurance index does not and is not meant to measure the full change in insurance premiums. But that's not deception or manipulation, just the realities of collection. It measures the non-health care part only

If you had read my link, you would have seen that they want to make it better reflect the consumer experience, but haven't figured out how to do that well.
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Lost IRS emails...
Global warming...
You can keep your doctor...
Inflation is low...

If the government's lips are moving it is probably a lie.
[ According to the BLS we can all breathe easy on that front because their "Health Insurance Index" increased a mere 4.3% (total) in the four years between 2008 and 2012. Interestingly, over the same time, the Kaiser Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance showed that the cost of family health insurance rose 24.2% (5.5 times faster).

Kaiser reflects my experiences. Here's an idea, since I'm a consumer make the rate reflect what I buy.
Well, sure. as I showed, the health insurance index does not and is not meant to measure the full change in insurance premiums. But that's not deception or manipulation, just the realities of collection. It measures the non-health care part only

It sure is deception and manipulation. I can't just decide to ignore a bill or skip buying food and gas for two months. Can any of us delete the health care part of our costs? Why can the government?

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