Do You Believe This Article? Or Do You Smell Fear? GOP, Got Your BS-Meter Tuned Up?

I actually believe most people are in favor of men using women's restrooms & showers etc.

  • Bull + Crap = BULLCRAP

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Yes, though Ginsburg is opposed to it, I still believe Americans to the right of her are OK with it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not sure: I have baby brains.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
The kind of discrimination your kind wants is illegal.

You really did miss the point. I'm not surprised considering your lack of IQ points.
Your point is you are a child who doesn't like being told what to do or others being equal to you.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
The kind of discrimination your kind wants is illegal.

You really did miss the point. I'm not surprised considering your lack of IQ points.
Your point is you are a child who doesn't like being told what to do or others being equal to you.

I guess it is kind of true I don't like being told what to do by other people but I also like freedom to do as I want. I don't mind agreeing to certain things such as enacting laws that a majority of other FREE people also think should exist. We can enact them and retract them based on what the people want in this country. I call that freedom. I think assholes like you would be happier in a dictatorship where you can be told what to do all you want. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
i think a thousand years from now, the natural selection of botched operations results in the evolution of some freaks, better just start giving the subspecies it's own shitbox or whatever kind of thing it needs, three sea shells maybe.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
The kind of discrimination your kind wants is illegal.

You really did miss the point. I'm not surprised considering your lack of IQ points.
Your point is you are a child who doesn't like being told what to do or others being equal to you.

I guess it is kind of true I don't like being told what to do by other people but I also like freedom to do as I want. I don't mind agreeing to certain things such as enacting laws that a majority of other FREE people also think should exist. We can enact them and retract them based on what the people want in this country. I call that freedom. I think assholes like you would be happier in a dictatorship where you can be told what to do all you want. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
We are not a democracy. What you think doesn't matter a damn. The rights of others are not controlled by the voters.
We are not a democracy. What you think doesn't matter a damn. The rights of others are not controlled by the voters.

We agree. The rights of women rape victims means that deranged men cannot use the courts to force their way into female intimate facilities marked "women" above the door. Or don't you believe women have rights?
What's funny is that none of those other issues got 1.2 million signatures on one of the biggest official boycotts in retail history. But deranged men using women's restrooms got THAT BIG of a visceral response. I guess the voters have spoken with their signature on that boycott. For every one signature of 1.2 million, there's statistically between 10-100 people who didn't sign but approve of the boycott.
Your point is you are a child who doesn't like being told what to do or others being equal to you.

Oh latest LGBT troll, do you think the article in the OP is telling the truth saying the bathroom issue at least "isn't a problem for most people" given what happened to Target Stores and the largest official boycott retail's ever seen in memory?
The fact remains the vast majority of Americas oppose these "bathroom bills"....ask Target how wise it is to support it

If you're really afraid of men wearing dresses, you should be opposing priests being left alone with children.
What the hell does that have to do with deranged men using women's restrooms, showers, locker rooms etc. at will? Please try to stay on topic. The topic is: The article in the OP is lying because the Target Boycott is a physical manifestation of the opposite of what it claims.
The fact remains the vast majority of Americas oppose these "bathroom bills"....ask Target how wise it is to support it

If you're really afraid of men wearing dresses, you should be opposing priests being left alone with children.

not at all it was proven that pedophiles come from all walks of lives, teachers, proffessionals, doctors etc. we had a doctor at our school who was sued for inappropriate behaviour towards the girls, we had a teacher who went to prison for having sex with a student
not at all it was proven that pedophiles come from all walks of lives, teachers, proffessionals, doctors etc. we had a doctor at our school who was sued for inappropriate behaviour towards the girls, we had a teacher who went to prison for having sex with a student
Well there will be a lot more of that if males can waltz into female's locker rooms, showers or restrooms at will by merely claiming they feel "like a woman trapped in a man's body".
not at all it was proven that pedophiles come from all walks of lives, teachers, proffessionals, doctors etc. we had a doctor at our school who was sued for inappropriate behaviour towards the girls, we had a teacher who went to prison for having sex with a student
Well there will be a lot more of that if males can waltz into female's locker rooms, showers or restrooms at will by merely claiming they feel "like a woman trapped in a man's body".

I agree, Im against LGBTQ+ culture and special rights
I agree, Im against LGBTQ+ culture and special rights
How do you feel about the article in the OP claiming most people support deranged men using women's restrooms etc.? Think that article is telling the truth? And if "a majority of people are OK with transgender men using the women's room", can we trust them when they also say "a majority of people support gay marriage? etc. etc.? Kind of sheds a new light on their claims "a majority of people support....".. Doesn't it?
I agree, Im against LGBTQ+ culture and special rights
How do you feel about the article in the OP claiming most people support deranged men using women's restrooms etc.? Think that article is telling the truth? And if "a majority of people are OK with transgender men using the women's room", can we trust them when they also say "a majority of people support gay marriage? etc. etc.? Kind of sheds a new light on their claims "a majority of people support....".. Doesn't it?

I agree. I think its undemocratic and tyrannic even. They force us to that. My first post was "bullcrap" and I voted "bullcrap"

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