do you care about lance armstrong or manti te'o ?

do you care about armstrong or te'o story ??

  • yeah, i care

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • i follow it a little

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • no

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • who ??

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
I think its sad for our children to see so much deception in a sports. In a culture where cheating becomes the norm, it will very difficult not only to parent but to trust any success without question!
Having just got off my bike and sweating my butt off, I thought about what Armstrong represented to so many people...HOPE in overcoming what could have been a fatal illness, CHARACTER in spite of many odds he had against him he, believed in himself and persevered, a ROLE MODEL that our youth could look to when needing inspiration.

Today is he just another fallen sports star, no more than a footnote, who belongs with the Chicago Black Sox, Micheal Vick, Pete Rose and many others.

Sports stars are put on pedestals and held in high esteem in our society to the detriment of children. In some cases they stand in the "shoes" of a father who should be the primary role model. Currently, my son is too young to be effected in such a manner or I simply do not speak of these people with such adulation. Indeed, I have been fortunate enough to have some NFLers as clients some time ago and the respect I have for these fine men was due to their conduct OFF the field. Those who have been blessed with the talent to get paid to play a sport are as human as anyone else and subject to the frailties, temptations and defects of characters we all have.
I would've liked to see Barry Bonds come clean, but the guy definitely has no class at all.
With all the newsworthy topics available to them the fact that mainstream American media focuses on this irrelevant nonsense is clear evidence of its controlled status. These news stories are evidence of the controlled status of the media -- and of the stupidity of a significant percentage of the viewing public.

Two good alternatives for news are the BBC and RT (Russia Today).
I think its sad for our children to see so much deception in a sports. In a culture where cheating becomes the norm, it will very difficult not only to parent but to trust any success without question!

i agree, why should a role model in any endeavor of their success have to reinvent themselves ? my neighbors are russian, they have seperate dishes for satellites. three or so
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I think Lance Armstrong sucks for doping, I think we're gonna find out that most athletes do it though. We know it's common practice in football and baseball, I don't think Armstrong should be punished one inch more than the other cheating assholes have been punished. He cheated, he should pay the money back to his sponsors and then disappear.
Armstrong does not deserve the attention the media is affording him. All the hoopla may have been suitable for the National Enquirer but the coverage and gloating by the TV media just proves there is a dumbing down of society. Armstrong is a lier, cheat, and a thief nd as such is not deserving of the attention he is getting not the compassion and foregiveness he is seeking. Every award and every dollar he earned in conjuction with the 'tour' should be taken away. He should be relegated to the liers club for deceitful sports figures and rendered homeless.
Armstrong does not deserve the attention the media is affording him. All the hoopla may have been suitable for the National Enquirer but the coverage and gloating by the TV media just proves there is a dumbing down of society. Armstrong is a lier, cheat, and a thief nd as such is not deserving of the attention he is getting not the compassion and foregiveness he is seeking. Every award and every dollar he earned in conjuction with the 'tour' should be taken away. He should be relegated to the liers club for deceitful sports figures and rendered homeless.

don't be a hypocrite, hollywood stars set themselves up to be role models and probably 95% of them do heavy drugs. should we take away all the fucking oscars?
Armstrong does not deserve the attention the media is affording him. All the hoopla may have been suitable for the National Enquirer but the coverage and gloating by the TV media just proves there is a dumbing down of society. Armstrong is a lier, cheat, and a thief nd as such is not deserving of the attention he is getting not the compassion and foregiveness he is seeking. Every award and every dollar he earned in conjuction with the 'tour' should be taken away. He should be relegated to the liers club for deceitful sports figures and rendered homeless.

don't be a hypocrite, hollywood stars set themselves up to be role models and probably 95% of them do heavy drugs. should we take away all the fucking oscars?

i think you are right WillowTree, buttttt Lance sure did keep up the denial game for a very long time meanwhile still profiting...and maintaining his inspirational figure status

i am thinking lance deserves some extra scrutiny.
Armstrong does not deserve the attention the media is affording him. All the hoopla may have been suitable for the National Enquirer but the coverage and gloating by the TV media just proves there is a dumbing down of society. Armstrong is a lier, cheat, and a thief nd as such is not deserving of the attention he is getting not the compassion and foregiveness he is seeking. Every award and every dollar he earned in conjuction with the 'tour' should be taken away. He should be relegated to the liers club for deceitful sports figures and rendered homeless.

don't be a hypocrite, hollywood stars set themselves up to be role models and probably 95% of them do heavy drugs. should we take away all the fucking oscars?

i think you are right WillowTree, buttttt Lance sure did keep up the denial game for a very long time meanwhile still profiting...

i am thinking lance deserves some extra scrutiny.

Hell, look what Whitney Houston did and they flew the flag at half mast for her. case closed.
don't be a hypocrite, hollywood stars set themselves up to be role models and probably 95% of them do heavy drugs. should we take away all the fucking oscars?

i think you are right WillowTree, buttttt Lance sure did keep up the denial game for a very long time meanwhile still profiting...

i am thinking lance deserves some extra scrutiny.

Hell, look what Whitney Houston did and they flew the flag at half mast for her. case closed.

No, the case is not closed. i do not know who they is and i do not understand the comparison of a acknowledging a death (however strange it is) to years of international investigation, disruption, lies, government resources and money.
Is there anybody who isn't a fake out there?

Biden says he heard gunshots while playing golf in 2006. He claims he was half a mile from a school massacre back then. Turns out the golf club has no record of him being there.

Hillary claimed she dodged sniper fire, Obama had a composite gf, it seems every way you turn there's some famous figure getting caught in a lie.

Biden's claim of brush with gun massacre questioned - Washington Times
i think you are right WillowTree, buttttt Lance sure did keep up the denial game for a very long time meanwhile still profiting...

i am thinking lance deserves some extra scrutiny.

Hell, look what Whitney Houston did and they flew the flag at half mast for her. case closed.

No, the case is not closed. i do not know who they is and i do not understand the comparison of a acknowledging a death (however strange it is) to years of international investigation, disruption, lies, government resources and money.

They being the state of New Jersey. She died because she was doping. She probably lied about doping.
i'm curious. it's either a slow news week or our values are slipping ??
I do not care about either one some guy and his online fantasy girlfriend or whatever that is supposed to be please as for Armstrong from what little I know about cycling doping is pretty common probably 90% or more of the people he raced against doped to everyone is just pissed because he did it better. I can't help but notice the Tour De France and the pro cycling community did not seem to care about this when Armstrong was racing and people were tuning in to watch something they usually ignored it only became a concern to them after he retired.
Who are these people and why would anyone care was my question. Armstrong did come back to mind a little bit, but the other one? Still no clue.

It is a little bit amusing that someone believes they can "take" victories away from the person who won some kind of bike races. The man won. End of story. That a bunch of pedants want to revise history isn't going to change who won the race.

As I read some of the posts what came into my mind was some kind of government policy requiring everyone to turn in their pictures of the day so the dude's face could be removed like the Russians used to do.

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