Do you carry a knife for self defense?

Are they known or unknown who was the murderer?

Think about how stupid your question is and answer it yourself

If the person killed was known by the murderer they would say so unknown means they did not know the person.
How ever dead is dead and you should be armed at all times even at home, if I was to use your argument that most people are killed by someone they knew.


Unknown means they don't know who did it or if there was any relationship
Think about how stupid your question is and answer it yourself

If the person killed was known by the murderer they would say so unknown means they did not know the person.
How ever dead is dead and you should be armed at all times even at home, if I was to use your argument that most people are killed by someone they knew.


Unknown means they don't know who did it or if there was any relationship

And? it doesn't mean the person knew them either but you would negate the numbers wouldn't you?

But sticking with your argument you should also carry at home because your murderer will more than likely be someone you knew.
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.

An unarmed man is at the mercy of anyone who is either stronger than he is, or who is armed. Given today's environment, I do not think this is a position that intelligent people put themselves in.

I carry a knife and know how to use it. Of course, I would never display it until such time as I really needed it to defend myself.

I do not put myself into a position of danger, and I would rather run away than be in a situation where I would have to injure another person to avoid injury to myself. But when I am truly threatened and cannot escape, the knife comes out and all hell breaks loose.

Carrying a knife does not escalate a fight. The knife comes out only when the fight has already escalated to the point where it is either your life or the other guy's.
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.

An unarmed man is at the mercy of anyone who is either stronger than he is, or who is armed. Given today's environment, I do not think this is a position that intelligent people put themselves in.

I carry a knife and know how to use it. Of course, I would never display it until such time as I really needed it to defend myself.

I do not put myself into a position of danger, and I would rather run away than be in a situation where I would have to injure another person to avoid injury to myself. But when I am truly threatened and cannot escape, the knife comes out and all hell breaks loose.

Carrying a knife does not escalate a fight. The knife comes out only when the fight has already escalated to the point where it is either your life or the other guy's.

How can you know what's going to be a physical beating, and what's going to be your life though? If you mistake one for the other, you've just escalated it by pulling out your knife. In the heat of the moment, you may not be able to react as calmly as you mention on the forums when it comes to what option you'd take.

The people who are really going to kill you... they're not going to show you their knife either until you're already dying. From what I've read, it doesn't happen like in the movies. The bad guy doesn't corner you in an alley and draw his knife at a good fifty paces and slowly creep up on you while tossing the knife from hand to hand.

So what's the way you know "how to use a knife"? Because it's probably seriously flawed.

Lies about knife fighting

The only reason I reference this site is this guy is very well known in the law enforcement community(and trains them). He's what Mr Nick wishes he was, except not full of that completely ridiculous notion that he can handle anything that comes at him.

He really does have some fantastic stuff on his website about knives for self defense, and criminal psychology in general that can help you out and let you know how wrong you might be in your assessment of the criminal mind for your own self defense.
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.

An unarmed man is at the mercy of anyone who is either stronger than he is, or who is armed. Given today's environment, I do not think this is a position that intelligent people put themselves in.

I carry a knife and know how to use it. Of course, I would never display it until such time as I really needed it to defend myself.

I do not put myself into a position of danger, and I would rather run away than be in a situation where I would have to injure another person to avoid injury to myself. But when I am truly threatened and cannot escape, the knife comes out and all hell breaks loose.

Carrying a knife does not escalate a fight. The knife comes out only when the fight has already escalated to the point where it is either your life or the other guy's.

You forgot to add "one who is trained" as well. I know several martial artists, all of whom are really decent guys, who can disarm just about anyone if they're within a 10 ft. radius of them.

Knives and guns are only as good as how well you practice with them. Most people don't participate in knife training, and a lot of people who actually DO have guns don't spend that much time at the range with them, meaning they may have bad aim.

Training and experience is the best thing to bring to a fight.
in Russia it's impossible - here nobody can carry any weapon for self defence... so that's why russians are so angry and terrible - we are needed to kill the enemy only by arms and legs :)
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.

I would love to carry a knife for self defense, but carrying a knife is illegal in my state of Victoria. Imagine, we are unable to defend ourselves from harm. Its a ridiculous law, but one that will get you fined $1000 if you are caught carrying a prohibited weapon.
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.

I would love to carry a knife for self defense, but carrying a knife is illegal in my state of Victoria. Imagine, we are unable to defend ourselves from harm. Its a ridiculous law, but one that will get you fined $1000 if you are caught carrying a prohibited weapon.
I'll never live in a country where I can't be armed.You can run away from a snake or even a bear. You can not escape humans with the intent of doing harm (especially murkins).
I walk around with a P38. my Olympus Tough camera, a tape measure and a Buck Alpha on a 2 inch belt at all times. Without it the locals would consider me naked.....including immigration between here and Nicaragua.
That's freedom....:cool:
I wonder if Swallow, little nicky, and Wrongwinger ever had their cage match? Some tough SOBs right there you bet uh-huh.
Do you carry a knife for self defense?

I like a chain saw.

I prefer to kill with my bare hands...more personal

You've never so much as caused a bruise with your delicate little bare hands, tough guy. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?

Who is the bigger bad ass?

Someone who walks our streets unarmed and unafraid or someone who is afraid to leave the house without their Glock?
I prefer to kill with my bare hands...more personal

You've never so much as caused a bruise with your delicate little bare hands, tough guy. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?

Who is the bigger bad ass?

Someone who walks our streets unarmed and unafraid or someone who is afraid to leave the house without their Glock?

You've really convinced yourself that you're a badass, haven't you? I hope you get to hold on to that dangerous delusion for as long as possible.
You've never so much as caused a bruise with your delicate little bare hands, tough guy. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?

Who is the bigger bad ass?

Someone who walks our streets unarmed and unafraid or someone who is afraid to leave the house without their Glock?

You've really convinced yourself that you're a badass, haven't you? I hope you get to hold on to that dangerous delusion for as long as possible.

A person who needs to be armed to function in our society is not a badass. The correct term is fucking pussy
You never answered the question as to what makes you think you're such a badass. Surely a tough guy like you wouldn't be afraid to answer...
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

I think carrying a weapon of any sort is a bit daft.
Assuming the cowboy films are wrong and the good guy loses, you've just given your knife or gun to the bad guy to use in his next crime.
Add the offender will almost certainly have his weapon at the ready while you have to get yours out so your pretty sure to get robbed anyway.

I carry a Swiss army knife but it's not for any silly idea of defence.
It's great for doing little jobs like opening a Coke bottle, bearing a wire for soldering and a million other things but it'd be worse than useless in a fight.

Still, John Wayne may have it right.
I don't carry a weapon. Neither do I have cause to do so. But I wouldn't object to law-abiding folk carrying a weapon that's rendered safe in public if they choose to. Though suspect the reason some parts of society object to carrying weapons in public is because they refuse to acknowledge that our society now leans more towards appeasing the kind of people who have no respect for others and will use a weapon in anger for the most trivial of reasons. When I was growing up attacking someone with a knife carried a harsh penalty, regardless of whether you injured them or not. Thus people didn't really object to others carrying a knife, as everyone was aware of the punishment that was always enforced upon the guilty party. These days it isn't uncommon for someone to walk out of court with a suspended sentence after being convicted for assault with a weapon.
You never answered the question as to what makes you think you're such a badass. Surely a tough guy like you wouldn't be afraid to answer...

Easy...what makes me a badass is I go about my life unafraid of evil lurking behind every corner, not having to arm myself to the teeth to function in society, not worried that I will someday have to take up arms against my own government

Doesn't get more badass than that

What makes you a badass?

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