Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

How many times are you going to repeat this idiocy?
It bears repeating. Just a reminder how foolish MAGA’s are.
“Climate change is a Chinese Hoax “epitomizes“ what buffoons you are, then claiming the entire world of climate research is some how claimed mistaken by whom, Tucker ?

It’s like claiming the world is flat, a valid view only if you live under a rock.
How many times are you going to repeat this idiocy?
Nothing exemplifies the stupidity of the MAGA crowd more then the denial of AGW climate change. Mainly, because nothing in recent history has ever had the unified support of every nation and science and corporate entities throughout the world. Denial of that alone makes the MAGA crowd certifiable and totally imbecilic. You need to rethink who the idiot is….look in the mirror.
Nothing exemplifies the stupidity of the MAGA crowd more then the denial of AGW climate change. Mainly, because nothing in recent history has ever had the unified support of every nation and science and corporate entities throughout the world. Denial of that alone makes the MAGA crowd certifiable and totally imbecilic. You need to rethink who the idiot is….look in the mirror.

We'vs seen teh doomsaying panic mongers for our entire lives. The population bomb, oil running out, the coming ice age, blah, blah, blah.

That you managed to gin up a good stampede, is not science.
We'vs seen teh doomsaying panic mongers for our entire lives. The population bomb, oil running out, the coming ice age, blah, blah, blah.

That you managed to gin up a good stampede, is not science.
Babble…but let’s just take NASA. They are all about the science used by the airline industry and the FAA. You trust their information every-time you fly but somehow think they make up shit about climate change. What idiots the MAGA crowd is.
Babble…but let’s just take NASA. They are all about the science used by the airline industry and the FAA. You trust their information every-time you fly but somehow think they make up shit about climate change. What idiots the MAGA crowd is.

Years ago, under Obama, the head of NASA said his primary goal was diversity.

so, don't try to cite them as "science" untouched by leftard politics.
Years ago, under Obama, the head of NASA said his primary goal was diversity.

so, don't try to cite them as "science" untouched by leftard politics.
Wow, you’re smarter then NASA about the climate. Moscow Mitch is now a left tard ?
Wow, you’re smarter then NASA about the climate. Moscow Mitch is now a left tard ?

I'm not corrupted by leftard politics. My goal is not some bullshit shit like "diversity".

That gives my words infinitely more credibility than the inane gibberings of someone who IS.
I'm not corrupted by leftard politics. My goal is not some bullshit shit like "diversity".

That gives my words infinitely more credibility than the inane gibberings of someone who IS.
Yup, you’re filled with cred. Tucker would be proud.
MAGA is a fine term. But t is deliberately misconstrued by the leftards. They want the world to associate it with “Nazi.” But it is actually more akin to “freedom.”
Yup, you’re filled with cred. Tucker would be proud.

Correct. You have not heard me say something retarded like, "MY GOAL IS DIVERSITY" and then still try to pretend to be "Science"

That puts me head and shoulders above them. I am at least, not fucking retarded.
Biden isn't the law, shit for brains. He's an aspiring dictator.

Your post is nothing more than a collection of Dim talking points - lies, in other words.

Sadly for you, they're not talking points, it's called reality, something a cultist would be severely deficient in since they only exist in their own little bubble. Thank you for proving my point.
You think you’re smarter then all 3400 universities and research facility. That makes you a buffoon.
Some of the stupidiest people that I know are college professors and people that went to college. Colleges can not and do not make one intelligent either they are before they go into college or they never are.

Hence why so many nitwitted college students past and present need the government to pay off their debt that they took out for a degree that either doesn't allow them to pay off the debt or live or that they are so dumb and inept with moeny that they can not figure how to pay their debt even with higher pay.
Sadly for you, they're not talking points, it's called reality, something a cultist would be severely deficient in since they only exist in their own little bubble. Thank you for proving my point.

Remember when you people were talking shit about Trump starting a nuclear war?

Did any of you even notice that that shit talk never even came close to happening?

Isn't it odd that you can be so afraid of something and not even notice when you get by it safely?

Almost as though on some level, you knew it was bullshit, when you first spouted it.
Some of the stupidiest people that I know are college professors and people that went to college.
Ha ha
All your doctors, engineers, scientists come from universities dufus. There are a fking lot more stupid people from the uneducated crowd then not. It’s not even close. Look in the mirror. You dint even believe in climate change AGW. You’re hilarious. You’re proud if being ignorant. The MAGA crowd makes post after post taking pride in ignorance. Amazing bunch of buffoons.
Hence why so many nitwitted college students past and present need the government to pay off their debt that they took out for a degree that either doesn't allow them to pay off the debt or live or that they are so dumb and inept with moeny that they can not figure how to pay their debt even with higher pay.
Ridiculously uninformed. I bet your taxes payed for your elementary and HS education dufus. YOU could not afford it otherwise. College Ed has become as necessary as HS used to be. That’s why it to needs to be public funded…..
You’re crowd of Neanderthals are just too ignorant to make decisions for others.
Sadly for you, they're not talking points, it's called reality, something a cultist would be severely deficient in since they only exist in their own little bubble. Thank you for proving my point.
You have never posted anything about reality.
Correct. You have not heard me say something retarded like, "MY GOAL IS DIVERSITY" and then still try to pretend to be "Science"

That puts me head and shoulders above them. I am at least, not fucking retarded.
You’re all over the place with unrelated BS. Your posts are incriminating enough. Just being a Fix News advocate makes anyone delusional .

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